Why do Republicans overlook business greed?

Republicans are always saying private industry can do it better and they are over regulated and we should get out of their way.

It seems the GOP feels business should be allowed to "run amok". Look at explosions in Texas and the oil spill in the Gulf. The examples are endless. Business only wants to make a profit for their owners. They don't care about average Americans or the environment. It's only about money for them.

The government is run by regular people (if they vote and don't blindly follow their leaders). The oversight is the elected are fired if people don't like the job they are doing (if people bother to be aware).

Why do Republicans have this desperate need to turn over the country to business? It can't be about jobs because business is making record profits and most of the jobs they are creating are overseas. Besides, Republicans simply aren't qualified for most of the new kinds of jobs.

If I really thought you wanted to know why, I could tell you. But what you only want to do is prattle on in your ignorant way and build strawman arguments so you can convince yourself that you are right.

Pathetic really.
Except without "rightwing nutjob obstruction" you can be sure that the debt would be much higher than it is.

Sure, let's abolish all pollution laws. Is that what you're saying?

is there a left-wing nutjob capable of making a point without using a straw man?

No. I will promulgate "Rabbi's Law" right here: In any discussion with a lib there cannot be more than 2 posts that do not contain logical fallacies or factual errors.
Obama's policies: Keynesian Economics, Obamacare, increasing taxes have contributed to the lowest number of Americans participating in the job market.

A large number of Democrats in Congress up for re election are shaking in their boots.
obama has doubled the bush spending in 4 years

only to have record welfare and food stamps

$17 trillion in debt; all to be paid back by others

who's greeedy you left-wing morons?

"Food stamps" is "greed"????

Sure you aren't a "tard"?

And look at the tards agreeing with you. A circle jerk of dumbass.

Imagine, a few bucks of "food stamps" being "greed".
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obama has doubled the bush spending in 4 years

only to have record welfare and food stamps

$17 trillion in debt; all to be paid back by others

who's greeedy you left-wing morons?

"Food stamps" is "greed"????

Sure you aren't a "tard"?

And look at the tards agreeing with you. A circle jerk of dumbass.

Imagine, a few bucks of "food stamps" being "greed".

Food stamps are more than a few bucks. And look how the Dums are falling over themselves to hand out more of that shit. Poor people are obese. They dont need free food.
Business "greed?"

A business makes a product. It sells it on the open market. The price for the product is more than what it cost to produce the product. The difference between the cost of production and the selling price is called "profit." Making a "profit" is okay folks. There's nothing wrong with making a profit. If the company didn't not make a profit then it would likely go out of business and lay a bunch of people off. See how simple that is?

"Profit" does not equal "greed." If buyers like the product and believe they can afford the asking price then they will buy the product. The consumer is happy that he or she has a nice, new product that fits his or her needs and the company that produced the product is happy that they made a profit. They can now pay the rent; paychecks; utilities; and use some of the money for further research and development so that they can produce an even better product. See how simple that is?

Guess what? If an entitlement-minded progressive wants to put a few more bucks in his or her pocket he or she can also design, produce, market, and sell a product for a profit and nobody will think they're evil, greedy bastards. In fact, they may earn the respect of the real producers in society (who are generally conservatives).
holy smokes
dumbest thread yet
business greed
why don't liberals care about their greedy elected Democrats they vote for all the time?

seven out the top Democrat richest in CONGRESS, Democrats

but they worry over, Business greed

folks, these are the people you are putting in charge to run this country and your lives...when will you wake up and stop putting these idiots who ask about, business greed from running your lives and livelihoods?
Republicans are always saying private industry can do it better and they are over regulated and we should get out of their way.

It seems the GOP feels business should be allowed to "run amok". Look at explosions in Texas and the oil spill in the Gulf. The examples are endless. Business only wants to make a profit for their owners. They don't care about average Americans or the environment. It's only about money for them.

The government is run by regular people (if they vote and don't blindly follow their leaders). The oversight is the elected are fired if people don't like the job they are doing (if people bother to be aware).

Why do Republicans have this desperate need to turn over the country to business? It can't be about jobs because business is making record profits and most of the jobs they are creating are overseas. Besides, Republicans simply aren't qualified for most of the new kinds of jobs.

You are a dinosaur.

Old hat.



Old fashioned.




A NEW Conservative business paradigm has replaced the one you hold up as a straw man.

Time to put it to bed, r2dean0.

Can money make you mean?


But it can also give you meaning. Business students are increasingly coming to that "ah-ha" moment. That epiphany that profits and prosocial motivation can peacefully co-exist. What is required however, is a way to bring these two previously clashing worlds of identity together.

This Isn't Your Father's Business Person Identity--therein lies the paradigm shift.

There is a new model of business and business student afoot: The student who enters my office with a deep passion to do two things. Make money and do good. Business schools are "rebranding" themselves to welcome this new identity.

It's being called "social impact."

The identity of the student, who has realized that mindless self-investment into the false idol of material things for their sake, is an empty void--a fast track to an empty soul--is changing.

Business students are becoming much more aware, and self-reflective. Their "confessionals" to me point out that they have astutely thought about "why" they are pursuing wealth. What will their legacy be when they depart from the physical world?

These are the questions that are front and center for them. Of course, the skeptics would quickly point out that this new identity is the merely the psychological resolution of pent up guilt: a 'moral license' to not feel bad that you adorn yourself in the throes of all things luxury.

Is it 'guilt' or 'genuine' concern that underlies this paradigm shift?

I'm not sure it matters.

Money Means Nothing Without Self-Meaning*|*Americus Reed II

Unless you are a brain dead Liberal who is futilely trying to demonize Conservatives using old fashioned, outdated stereotypes!

Then it matter alot!!!

Republicans are always saying private industry can do it better and they are over regulated and we should get out of their way.

It seems the GOP feels business should be allowed to "run amok". Look at explosions in Texas and the oil spill in the Gulf. The examples are endless. Business only wants to make a profit for their owners. They don't care about average Americans or the environment. It's only about money for them.

The government is run by regular people (if they vote and don't blindly follow their leaders). The oversight is the elected are fired if people don't like the job they are doing (if people bother to be aware).

Why do Republicans have this desperate need to turn over the country to business? It can't be about jobs because business is making record profits and most of the jobs they are creating are overseas. Besides, Republicans simply aren't qualified for most of the new kinds of jobs.

You are a dinosaur.

Old hat.



Old fashioned.




A NEW Conservative business paradigm has replaced the one you hold up as a straw man.

Time to put it to bed, r2dean0.

Can money make you mean?


But it can also give you meaning. Business students are increasingly coming to that "ah-ha" moment. That epiphany that profits and prosocial motivation can peacefully co-exist. What is required however, is a way to bring these two previously clashing worlds of identity together.

This Isn't Your Father's Business Person Identity--therein lies the paradigm shift.

There is a new model of business and business student afoot: The student who enters my office with a deep passion to do two things. Make money and do good. Business schools are "rebranding" themselves to welcome this new identity.

It's being called "social impact."

The identity of the student, who has realized that mindless self-investment into the false idol of material things for their sake, is an empty void--a fast track to an empty soul--is changing.

Business students are becoming much more aware, and self-reflective. Their "confessionals" to me point out that they have astutely thought about "why" they are pursuing wealth. What will their legacy be when they depart from the physical world?

These are the questions that are front and center for them. Of course, the skeptics would quickly point out that this new identity is the merely the psychological resolution of pent up guilt: a 'moral license' to not feel bad that you adorn yourself in the throes of all things luxury.

Is it 'guilt' or 'genuine' concern that underlies this paradigm shift?

I'm not sure it matters.

Money Means Nothing Without Self-Meaning*|*Americus Reed II

Unless you are a brain dead Liberal who is futilely trying to demonize Conservatives using old fashioned, outdated stereotypes!

Then it matter alot!!!

Or a con tool who does not understand that monopoly power is a bad thing, because he never took, or never understood, basic economics.
I'm sure the op own a few businesses and runs them at a loss so he doesn't have that thing called, business greed

good grief
I'm sure the op own a few businesses and runs them at a loss so he doesn't have that thing called, business greed

good grief

I don't think anyone was talking about that.

What is being talked about are the examples of bad behavior that is motivated by greed or more kindly put the profit motive.
Enron flourished under Bill Clinton and went down during the Bush administration. With the help of Obama's current A.G. Clinton was able to pardon the most notorious corporate pirate in history while he was on the FBI 10 most wanted list. Coincidentally Marc Rich's wife happened to donate a million to Clinton's library. Former N.J. governor Jon Corzine (D) allegedly defrauded investors out of billions and democrats aren't interested in pursuing the issue. Legitimate corporations are the backbone of the American economy but democrat politicians gravitate to crooks and low information lefties aren't able to tell the difference.
These Republicans. They talk about Owning or Starting a business. Ask them what kind of business and they say a BUSINESS!
These guys are like those fat old Redneks who sit on a front porch with old Yeller and a can of beer and talk about the day their "ship will come in".
These Republicans. They talk about Owning or Starting a business. Ask them what kind of business and they say a BUSINESS!
These guys are like those fat old Redneks who sit on a front porch with old Yeller and a can of beer and talk about the day their "ship will come in".

The term "fat old rednecks" is as offensive as the democrat sponsored KKK use of the "N" word back when Jack Kennedy was too busy porking starlets to care about civil rights. Corporations ain't the enemy and greed ain't the problem unless you are some stupid socialist who is left with his tongue hanging out after his unemployment insurance runs out and Barry Hussein is too busy on the golf course and picking basketball scores to care.

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