Why Do Republicans Pretend the War On Poverty was supposed to END POVERTY?

So, Why Do Republicans Pretend the War on Poverty was supposed to END POVERTY?

Well, stupid, perhaps it's because LBJ in his 1964 State of the Union address said, "Our aim is not only to relieve the symptoms of poverty, but to cure it and, above all, to prevent it."

So, why do dipshit lefties pretend the war on poverty wasn't supposed to end poverty?

If he expected it to be "cured" forever, why did he say our aim was to prevent it? If it was already cured forever, there would be no need to continue preventing it.
Ask Johnson that, moron. He's the one who said it...yet you're calling people who are simply pointing out his own words and what they would mean stupid.

He's asking you because you're saying that his we that they do not. You keep pointing back to Johnson as cover for your interpretation
"That his we that they do not"? Boy you're just totally confused at this point aren't you?

Typo. He's asking you because you're saying that is what Johnson meant. You keep pointing back to Johnson as cover for your interpretation. The interpretation is your own.
There's nothing else he could have meant going by his own words. He said cure and prevent....my point still stands.

Ask Johnson why he said something so stupid, not us. We aren't him.
There is no "MY DEFINITION" there is only THE definition. And if this ballsack doesnt know it, I'm not his teacher.
Where is there 'poverty' in America besides homeless people and some parts of the Appalachians?

Those two places you just named for starters. If this isnt a quiz how about you come with some facts and stop with this goofy shit?
When I go into the city for business, sometimes I go and visit an old co-worker who lives in the projects that fell on rough times. His rough times is a disability check, cheap housing, food stamps and welfare....is that poverty in your opinion? In those same projects, there are supposedly "impoverished minority yootz" with brand new Air Force 1 sneakers on, nice name brand clothes, gold teeth, nice blingy watches...and I am not talking about the drug dealers, these are elementary, junior, and high school kids...and none have jobs. Does that sound like how someone who is impoverished would dress?

Are we talking about Poverty in America or Poverty in Haiti?
Poverty means poverty PERIOD. And you just said that poverty means poverty, that there is no MY definition of poverty a few pages back. Now you're trying to say that it doesn't have a solid definition and it depends on whether we are talking American poverty or Haiti poverty. You can't have it both ways.

Well if thats the case then I go back to what I said about violence. There is no violence in America because there is more other places. Same thing with Poverty. America doesnt have any because other places are poorer!

Is that how this works? Things dont exist if you can point to worst instances of that thing somewhere in the world?

Alaska aint cold because Siberia....
Florida aint hot because Hell...
Americans arent poor because Africans....
If he expected it to be "cured" forever, why did he say our aim was to prevent it? If it was already cured forever, there would be no need to continue preventing it.
Ask Johnson that, moron. He's the one who said it...yet you're calling people who are simply pointing out his own words and what they would mean stupid.

He's asking you because you're saying that his we that they do not. You keep pointing back to Johnson as cover for your interpretation
"That his we that they do not"? Boy you're just totally confused at this point aren't you?

Typo. He's asking you because you're saying that is what Johnson meant. You keep pointing back to Johnson as cover for your interpretation. The interpretation is your own.
There's nothing else he could have meant going by his own words. He said cure and prevent....my point still stands.

Ask Johnson why he said something so stupid, not us. We aren't him.

To you...and thats why he asked YOU
Where is there 'poverty' in America besides homeless people and some parts of the Appalachians?

Those two places you just named for starters. If this isnt a quiz how about you come with some facts and stop with this goofy shit?
When I go into the city for business, sometimes I go and visit an old co-worker who lives in the projects that fell on rough times. His rough times is a disability check, cheap housing, food stamps and welfare....is that poverty in your opinion? In those same projects, there are supposedly "impoverished minority yootz" with brand new Air Force 1 sneakers on, nice name brand clothes, gold teeth, nice blingy watches...and I am not talking about the drug dealers, these are elementary, junior, and high school kids...and none have jobs. Does that sound like how someone who is impoverished would dress?

Are we talking about Poverty in America or Poverty in Haiti?
Poverty means poverty PERIOD. And you just said that poverty means poverty, that there is no MY definition of poverty a few pages back. Now you're trying to say that it doesn't have a solid definition and it depends on whether we are talking American poverty or Haiti poverty. You can't have it both ways.

Well if thats the case then I go back to what I said about violence. There is no violence in America because there is more other places. Same thing with Poverty. America doesnt have any because other places are poorer!

Is that how this works? Things dont exist if you can point to worst instances of that thing somewhere in the world?

Alaska aint cold because Siberia....
Florida aint hot because Hell...
Americans arent poor because Africans....
Einstein thinks violence and the arbitrary poverty line are equivilant.
Well reading and comprehension-challenged one, in your screwball lefty world curing poverty and preventing poverty doesn't mean ending poverty. Duly and hilariously noted by the class.

When does prevention ever mean the end of anything? Preventing is an attempt to stave off or avert. Did you know that? How can you cure something that isnt happening?

Maybe you should start using the words in the quotes and what they mean and stop translating the words to mean other things. Thats a start
You cure it, dumbfuck....and then you prevent it from happening again. This ain't rocket science, ya damn retard.

LOL....thought so idiot. Prevention doesnt mean it will never happen again. Learn what words mean ya dumbass
Johnson was the guy who said it could be cured and prevented, dumbfuck.

He said thats their aim, yes. The desired outcome. It doesnt say there will be no more.

If you think thats what that means thats your problem not anyone elses. Lets go 1 level, if a doctor aim is to cure Cancer does that mean there will be no more Cancer? :badgrin:

Now stop being stupid

Come on man, you and I were having a good dialogue in this thread, just admit that yes LBJ claimed that the bill would end poverty in America. That was obviously the aim.

Now , if you want to say "that was just hyperbole" that's another, legitimate, argument. But the stated goal absolutely was to end poverty in America.

Don't disappoint me by being a partisan hack now.
Ask Johnson that, moron. He's the one who said it...yet you're calling people who are simply pointing out his own words and what they would mean stupid.

He's asking you because you're saying that his we that they do not. You keep pointing back to Johnson as cover for your interpretation
"That his we that they do not"? Boy you're just totally confused at this point aren't you?

Typo. He's asking you because you're saying that is what Johnson meant. You keep pointing back to Johnson as cover for your interpretation. The interpretation is your own.
There's nothing else he could have meant going by his own words. He said cure and prevent....my point still stands.

Ask Johnson why he said something so stupid, not us. We aren't him.

To you...and thats why he asked YOU
There's no reason to ask me. Johnson said it, I along with others just repeated it and clarified what he meant. So he should go find one of those clairvoyants or whatever they're called, have them summon Johnson's spirit from Hell and ask him.
When does prevention ever mean the end of anything? Preventing is an attempt to stave off or avert. Did you know that? How can you cure something that isnt happening?

Maybe you should start using the words in the quotes and what they mean and stop translating the words to mean other things. Thats a start
You cure it, dumbfuck....and then you prevent it from happening again. This ain't rocket science, ya damn retard.

LOL....thought so idiot. Prevention doesnt mean it will never happen again. Learn what words mean ya dumbass
Johnson was the guy who said it could be cured and prevented, dumbfuck.

He said thats their aim, yes. The desired outcome. It doesnt say there will be no more.

If you think thats what that means thats your problem not anyone elses. Lets go 1 level, if a doctor aim is to cure Cancer does that mean there will be no more Cancer? :badgrin:

Now stop being stupid

Come on man, you and I were having a good dialogue in this thread, just admit that yes LBJ claimed that the bill would end poverty in America. That was obviously the aim.

Now , if you want to say "that was just hyperbole" that's another, legitimate, argument. But the stated goal absolutely was to end poverty in America.

Don't disappoint me by being a partisan hack now.

It didnt say end and since you KNOW poverty will never be ended its seems silly to believe something that is impossible is possible because you interpreted it that way.
You cure it, dumbfuck....and then you prevent it from happening again. This ain't rocket science, ya damn retard.

LOL....thought so idiot. Prevention doesnt mean it will never happen again. Learn what words mean ya dumbass
Johnson was the guy who said it could be cured and prevented, dumbfuck.

He said thats their aim, yes. The desired outcome. It doesnt say there will be no more.

If you think thats what that means thats your problem not anyone elses. Lets go 1 level, if a doctor aim is to cure Cancer does that mean there will be no more Cancer? :badgrin:

Now stop being stupid

Come on man, you and I were having a good dialogue in this thread, just admit that yes LBJ claimed that the bill would end poverty in America. That was obviously the aim.

Now , if you want to say "that was just hyperbole" that's another, legitimate, argument. But the stated goal absolutely was to end poverty in America.

Don't disappoint me by being a partisan hack now.

It didnt say end and since you KNOW poverty will never be ended its seems silly to believe something that is impossible is possible because you interpreted it that way.
Then all the Democrat voters who heard Johnson say he would do the impossible and believed him were dumbasses obviously. And anyone who still fawns over the war on poverty line is a dumbass too. Equality is another impossibility you goofballs believe in.
You cure it, dumbfuck....and then you prevent it from happening again. This ain't rocket science, ya damn retard.

LOL....thought so idiot. Prevention doesnt mean it will never happen again. Learn what words mean ya dumbass
Johnson was the guy who said it could be cured and prevented, dumbfuck.

He said thats their aim, yes. The desired outcome. It doesnt say there will be no more.

If you think thats what that means thats your problem not anyone elses. Lets go 1 level, if a doctor aim is to cure Cancer does that mean there will be no more Cancer? :badgrin:

Now stop being stupid

Come on man, you and I were having a good dialogue in this thread, just admit that yes LBJ claimed that the bill would end poverty in America. That was obviously the aim.

Now , if you want to say "that was just hyperbole" that's another, legitimate, argument. But the stated goal absolutely was to end poverty in America.

Don't disappoint me by being a partisan hack now.

It didnt say end and since you KNOW poverty will never be ended its seems silly to believe something that is impossible is possible because you interpreted it that way.

It is silly to believe anything would end poverty. That's why what LBJ said was obviously hyperbole, but he DID say it. That's kind of the whole point. He made a claim that even he knew he couldn't back up.

Now that we've agreed to that point, AND we've agreed that nothing will end poverty in this nation, at what point do you say "okay we've spent enough money with little to no results, let's try something else"
The people who suffer the most are those in states like West Virginia and Kentucky where a fifth to a quarter of the people live in poverty. And the states are 91 and 96% white so Republicans can't blame it on minorities. But they vote race. And that's why the GOP has them in the pocket.
US Poverty Rate By State
Notice that two of the 5 poorest are the two whitest? Thanks for showing us that.

Why is everything about race with you dumb shit?
The people who suffer the most are those in states like West Virginia and Kentucky where a fifth to a quarter of the people live in poverty. And the states are 91 and 96% white so Republicans can't blame it on minorities. But they vote race. And that's why the GOP has them in the pocket.
US Poverty Rate By State
Notice that two of the 5 poorest are the two whitest? Thanks for showing us that.
Why? You think it's funny or something?
The people who suffer the most are those in states like West Virginia and Kentucky where a fifth to a quarter of the people live in poverty. And the states are 91 and 96% white so Republicans can't blame it on minorities. But they vote race. And that's why the GOP has them in the pocket.
US Poverty Rate By State
Notice that two of the 5 poorest are the two whitest? Thanks for showing us that.

Why is everything about race with you dumb shit?
Because he is a piece of shit.
The people who suffer the most are those in states like West Virginia and Kentucky where a fifth to a quarter of the people live in poverty. And the states are 91 and 96% white so Republicans can't blame it on minorities. But they vote race. And that's why the GOP has them in the pocket.
US Poverty Rate By State
Notice that two of the 5 poorest are the two whitest? Thanks for showing us that.
Why? You think it's funny or something?
The people who suffer the most are those in states like West Virginia and Kentucky where a fifth to a quarter of the people live in poverty. And the states are 91 and 96% white so Republicans can't blame it on minorities. But they vote race. And that's why the GOP has them in the pocket.
US Poverty Rate By State
Notice that two of the 5 poorest are the two whitest? Thanks for showing us that.

Why is everything about race with you dumb shit?
Because he is a piece of shit.

And an idiot to boot. I notice he's one of those "Republicans hate science by the way you must support the notion that people can change their gender" morons LOL
There is no poverty in America.
The left have twisted the definition of poverty into meaning you only have an iPhone 4 and your DVD doesn't play Blu Ray.

This is poverty.
View attachment 75282

By that measure there isnt any violence in America :banana::badgrin::banana::badgrin:
You get dumber by the nanosecond.

There is no rape in America because there is more rape other places! Huurr Duurrrr :badgrin::banana::banana:
OK Einstein, enough of your moronic analogies. Define poverty.

Why? You dont have google or is this an English Quiz?

Because they're going to trot out the "Being 'poor' in America is not the same as being poor in Africa" speech.

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