Why do republicans pretend they are "true Christians"?

View attachment 120455

I suppose they worship their own version of Jesus. Republican Jesus!
Can you point t the sermon Jesus had about government being thee ones to take care of the poor, the sick and how we should let law breakers come to our country?

I'll wait.
Well, see true Christians would expect their government to do it. Do you think Jesus likely expected anyone within their power to feed the widespread hungry? Government is the best way to do it. Jesus would agree!
I believe Jesus would say for people to get off their lazy ass and find a job. Then they can eat and feed their family.
Who is advocating for people not having jobs?
View attachment 120455

I suppose they worship their own version of Jesus. Republican Jesus!
Can you point t the sermon Jesus had about government being thee ones to take care of the poor, the sick and how we should let law breakers come to our country?

I'll wait.
Well, see true Christians would expect their government to do it. Do you think Jesus likely expected anyone within their power to feed the widespread hungry? Government is the best way to do it. Jesus would agree!
Why would we expect the government to do it? Have you ever been to a church? We have fund raisers, donation goals, sign up sheet's to go help someone. Nowhere in a church is there any program asking for the government to do something. It's always just the church members.
View attachment 120455

I suppose they worship their own version of Jesus. Republican Jesus!
As long as you're open to the teaching of the Bible----
Leviticus 18:22 ► King James Version
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

View attachment 120457
lol and yet Jesus himself said nothing about homosexuality. Hmm why is that?

Jesus followed God's law, God's law, the Bible, states numerous times homosexuality is a sin
Lol so if it was so important, why didn't Jesus say SOMETHING about it? Maybe because he wasn't a bigot like you?
Maybe he was one of "THEM."
View attachment 120455

I suppose they worship their own version of Jesus. Republican Jesus!
As long as you're open to the teaching of the Bible----
Leviticus 18:22 ► King James Version
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

View attachment 120457
You got to watch out when the bible is full of churchy hypocrite bs...
The bible is full of churchy things? Surely you jest.
View attachment 120455

I suppose they worship their own version of Jesus. Republican Jesus!
Can you point t the sermon Jesus had about government being thee ones to take care of the poor, the sick and how we should let law breakers come to our country?

I'll wait.
Well, see true Christians would expect their government to do it. Do you think Jesus likely expected anyone within their power to feed the widespread hungry? Government is the best way to do it. Jesus would agree!
Why would we expect the government to do it? Have you ever been to a church? We have fund raisers, donation goals, sign up sheet's to go help someone. Nowhere in a church is there any program asking for the government to do something. It's always just the church members.
Except that the most effective way to feed the poor is tax payer funded programs like food stamps. Would you really think Jesus would expect the government to cut food stamps funding?
View attachment 120455

I suppose they worship their own version of Jesus. Republican Jesus!
As long as you're open to the teaching of the Bible----
Leviticus 18:22 ► King James Version
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

View attachment 120457
You got to watch out when the bible is full of churchy hypocrite bs...
The bible is full of churchy things? Surely you jest.
Organized church RW GOP BS. Jesus never said anything like it...
View attachment 120455

I suppose they worship their own version of Jesus. Republican Jesus!
As long as you're open to the teaching of the Bible----
Leviticus 18:22 ► King James Version
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

View attachment 120457
lol and yet Jesus himself said nothing about homosexuality. Hmm why is that?

Jesus followed God's law, God's law, the Bible, states numerous times homosexuality is a sin
Lol so if it was so important, why didn't Jesus say SOMETHING about it? Maybe because he wasn't a bigot like you?

He never mentioned pedophiles either, think he was OK with them? Dumbass
View attachment 120455

I suppose they worship their own version of Jesus. Republican Jesus!
As long as you're open to the teaching of the Bible----
Leviticus 18:22 ► King James Version
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

View attachment 120457
You got to watch out when the bible is full of churchy hypocrite bs...
The bible is full of churchy things? Surely you jest.
Organized church RW GOP BS. Jesus never said anything like it...

Jesus told Peter he would build his Church upon him. Try again
View attachment 120455

I suppose they worship their own version of Jesus. Republican Jesus!
As long as you're open to the teaching of the Bible----
Leviticus 18:22 ► King James Version
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

View attachment 120457
lol and yet Jesus himself said nothing about homosexuality. Hmm why is that?

Jesus followed God's law, God's law, the Bible, states numerous times homosexuality is a sin
Lol so if it was so important, why didn't Jesus say SOMETHING about it? Maybe because he wasn't a bigot like you?

He never mentioned pedophiles either, think he was OK with them? Dumbass
I'm not the one claiming to be Christian and liking anything Jesus taught. You're just someone who never matured past junior high. The rest of us are adults who don't give a shit what other people choose to do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
All Christians who are hypocrites come from various political wings and systems.

It is just now the alt right and far right Christians are extremely hypocritical.
View attachment 120455

I suppose they worship their own version of Jesus. Republican Jesus!
As long as you're open to the teaching of the Bible----
Leviticus 18:22 ► King James Version
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

View attachment 120457
You got to watch out when the bible is full of churchy hypocrite bs...
The bible is full of churchy things? Surely you jest.
Organized church RW GOP BS. Jesus never said anything like it...

Jesus told Peter he would build his Church upon him. Try again
Never said anything about gays...duh.
It's always so edgy when an anti-Christian posts a funny picture like they have any clue what Christianity is.
So...you tell us. What is christianity?
It's not big government. It's you the individual. You don't get any special favor from God for voting that other people get their money taken from them to help the poor or the sick. It's what you as an individual has done. Being a good person loses all of it's meaning if you aren't the one actually doing anything. Simply voting for someone else to do the job benefits you in no way.
So...it's how you personally treat your fellow human beings? How should you treat them as a real christian?
View attachment 120455

I suppose they worship their own version of Jesus. Republican Jesus!
Can you point t the sermon Jesus had about government being thee ones to take care of the poor, the sick and how we should let law breakers come to our country?

I'll wait.
Well, see true Christians would expect their government to do it. Do you think Jesus likely expected anyone within their power to feed the widespread hungry? Government is the best way to do it. Jesus would agree!
Why would we expect the government to do it? Have you ever been to a church? We have fund raisers, donation goals, sign up sheet's to go help someone. Nowhere in a church is there any program asking for the government to do something. It's always just the church members.
Except that the most effective way to feed the poor is tax payer funded programs like food stamps. Would you really think Jesus would expect the government to cut food stamps funding?
How is it more efficient? Paying people a hundred grand a year while handing out little cards for who the hell knows what isn't efficient. You getting off your ass and going to take someone dinner is efficient. You getting off your ass and helping a poor person go to a doctor's appointment is efficient. You giving a poor person some cash for doing a job around your house is efficient. Government is the least efficient way to do anything.
All Christians who are hypocrites come from various political wings and systems.

It is just now the alt right and far right Christians are extremely hypocritical.
Always has been the lying cheating stealing racist intolerant hypocrite conservatives... and their minions and dupes...
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As long as you're open to the teaching of the Bible----
Leviticus 18:22 ► King James Version
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

View attachment 120457
lol and yet Jesus himself said nothing about homosexuality. Hmm why is that?

Jesus followed God's law, God's law, the Bible, states numerous times homosexuality is a sin
Lol so if it was so important, why didn't Jesus say SOMETHING about it? Maybe because he wasn't a bigot like you?

He never mentioned pedophiles either, think he was OK with them? Dumbass
I'm not the one claiming to be Christian and liking anything Jesus taught. You're just someone who never matured past junior high. The rest of us are adults who don't give a shit what other people choose to do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.

You're stumped and it's noticed, next time don't go up a Christian, they'll shellac you every time
View attachment 120455

I suppose they worship their own version of Jesus. Republican Jesus!
As long as you're open to the teaching of the Bible----
Leviticus 18:22 ► King James Version
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

View attachment 120457
lol and yet Jesus himself said nothing about homosexuality. Hmm why is that?

Jesus followed God's law, God's law, the Bible, states numerous times homosexuality is a sin
Lol so if it was so important, why didn't Jesus say SOMETHING about it? Maybe because he wasn't a bigot like you?

He never mentioned pedophiles either, think he was OK with them? Dumbass
So...using your logic, if Jesus didn't mention them, he's not OK with them....he must not like airline pilots either. He never mentioned them.
As long as you're open to the teaching of the Bible----
Leviticus 18:22 ► King James Version
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

View attachment 120457
You got to watch out when the bible is full of churchy hypocrite bs...
The bible is full of churchy things? Surely you jest.
Organized church RW GOP BS. Jesus never said anything like it...

Jesus told Peter he would build his Church upon him. Try again
Never said anything about gays...duh.

I've already addressed that...duh.

You're weak
As long as you're open to the teaching of the Bible----
Leviticus 18:22 ► King James Version
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

View attachment 120457
lol and yet Jesus himself said nothing about homosexuality. Hmm why is that?

Jesus followed God's law, God's law, the Bible, states numerous times homosexuality is a sin
Lol so if it was so important, why didn't Jesus say SOMETHING about it? Maybe because he wasn't a bigot like you?

He never mentioned pedophiles either, think he was OK with them? Dumbass
So...using your logic, if Jesus didn't mention them, he's not OK with them....he must not like airline pilots either. He never mentioned them.

You should be directing that at the OP, he's the one claiming Jesus never mentioned someone, stupid bitch
It's always so edgy when an anti-Christian posts a funny picture like they have any clue what Christianity is.
So...you tell us. What is christianity?
It's not big government. It's you the individual. You don't get any special favor from God for voting that other people get their money taken from them to help the poor or the sick. It's what you as an individual has done. Being a good person loses all of it's meaning if you aren't the one actually doing anything. Simply voting for someone else to do the job benefits you in no way.
So...it's how you personally treat your fellow human beings? How should you treat them as a real christian?
It's easy. You volunteer. Do they need a ride to a job interview? Can you do it? Volunteer. Do they need a tie for the interview? You have one? Loan it to them. The kids need book bags with school supplies and the church wants to put together 50 of them? Sign up to provide five packs of pencils of the needed 50 if you can afford to do that. If you can't maybe donate one pack. The old lady's house needs the front porch steps fixed. Can you fix steps? Volunteer to help her out.

Being a Christian is helping people. Not being a Christian is voting to hand all of this over to the government in the form of taxes you will never have to worry about paying.

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