Why do republicans pretend they are "true Christians"?

Do you ever read material that wouldn't support your claims?
Apparently not.

You are more accurate than you might even know.

People Choose News That Fits Their Views

Such readers may prefer blogs over mainstream media sources because they suspect bias in the latter, said Richard Davis, a political scientist at Brigham Young University in Utah.

"They're clearly disenchanted with traditional media," Davis said.

"That's why they read blogs in the first place - in their view, they see blogs as more accurate."

Davis worked with several independent firms to conduct nationally representative public opinion surveys of both political blog readers and journalists for his book, "Typing Politics" (Oxford University Press, 2009). He also focused on seven of the top political blogs, which at the time included Daily Kos on the left and Michelle Malkin on the right.

Such political blogs are up front with their political views, and typically "echo" the news reported by traditional journalists while adding their own spin or analysis.
But among the hardcore political junkies, 30 percent told the survey that blogs are more accurate, whereas only 8 percent said traditional media was more accurate. About 40 percent gave equal marks to both.

This trust in blogs over traditional media does not carry over to general readers, Davis cautioned. Less frequent blog readers usually give equal weight to blogs and traditional media. And overall, general readers still put more faith in traditional media.

Conservatives buck the trend.

Some findings from both researchers suggest that individual confidence and certainty play a role in what people choose to read.

People with stronger party affiliation, conservative political views, and greater interest in politics proved more likely to click on articles with opposing views, according to the Ohio State study.

"It appears that people with these characteristics are more confident in their views and so they're more inclined to at least take a quick look at the counterarguments," Knobloch-Westerwick noted.

It's always so edgy when an anti-Christian posts a funny picture like they have any clue what Christianity is.
So...you tell us. What is christianity?
It's not big government. It's you the individual. You don't get any special favor from God for voting that other people get their money taken from them to help the poor or the sick. It's what you as an individual has done. Being a good person loses all of it's meaning if you aren't the one actually doing anything. Simply voting for someone else to do the job benefits you in no way.

Being a good person involves being good in all aspects of your life, including politically. It means not voting for things which will actively harm those who are less fortunate than yourself, because YOU personally might have to pay into it.

It is doing for others what you would like them to do for you.

Jesus said that which you have done to the least of my people, you have done to me. So your feeling that your taxes shouldn't go to put food on the tables of the poor is noted.

The hatred of conservatives to those who have been most used and most exploited, while heaping praise and all honours on those who exploit the poor, is really unfathomable. You worship the rich who are bleeding the middle class white, while wanting the kick the poor while they're down.

Very, very Christian of you. Worshipping at the God of money while decrying the sloth of the poor.
Really? You seem kind of like a half ass Christian looking to foist your responsability on others. Like paying taxes is good enough for you. Are you sure your interview with the Lord is going to go very easy if your answer to the question if you helped the poor is you paid your taxes? I'm sure you could follow that answer up with well the Republican's voted against those taxes. That sounds like a winning line right there. Good luck with that.

And as usual MIke, you would be wrong. We took a homeless pregnant girl into our home and had her stay with us until her baby was born and placed for adoption, and she could get on her feet and get a job. In fact, a friend only agreed to become my roommate on the condition that I was not allowed to "take in strays", because my history and reputation is one of kindess and generosity. I agreed to the condition, only to have my roommate bring home a friend who had nowhere to go. In the early years of our marriage, we helped out neighbours and members of our community whenever possible. We fostered a young victim of child abuse and kept her from being placed in an institution.

One summer we took four children aged 8 - 10 to our cottage in the Muskokas. One one of the kids was ours. The other three were being raised by single mothers in the neighbourhood, and would otherwise have not had an opportunity to get out of the city.

Throughout my daughter's high school years, it was not unusual to a friend of hers staying with us until things were sorted out at home.

That's in addition to serving as an Elder at my church, and working full time. Christianity and Christian are not something I talk about a lot, but Christianity is a way of life, not just a religion. Doing unto others as I would like them to do for me isn't just nice notion. It's a personal choice.

My political choices reflect both my beliefs and my life. I believe I am my brother's keeper, and that every human being on this earth is my brother. I support the government doing what it can, because I can't do it all, and they have far more resources and reach than I do, and our people should always come first.
How commendable. You consider yourself your brother's keeper. Good for you. It's when you tell me that I am my brother's keeper that we run into a problem. I am not my brother's keeper. My brother's self destructive decisions are none of my business.
Bottom line: There are people trying to use Jesus as a reason to promote expanding government that are most likely not Christians and who don't have a clue about who Jesus is or represents.

Bottom line, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust does corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.

And yet there you are saying the government is stealing that which you, as a Christian, should not cherish so much anyway.
That does not give the government the right to steal. This is really the essence of the criminal mind. They have a right to steal whatever property you have no right to have in the first place.
Canada ranked #1 country in the world for Quality of Life in 2017 ...

If you will check, and I've not looked at your source, their criteria are tailored to a highly taxed, semi-Socialist country.[/QUOTE
Canada ranked #1 country in the world for Quality of Life in 2017 ...

If you will check, and I've not looked at your source, their criteria are tailored to a highly taxed, semi-Socialist country.
Perhaps because socialist countries have the best quality of life. SOCIALIST (fair, democratic capitalism with a good safety net), not communist, dupe.
Canada ranked #1 country in the world for Quality of Life in 2017 ...

If you will check, and I've not looked at your source, their criteria are tailored to a highly taxed, semi-Socialist country.[/QUOTE
Canada ranked #1 country in the world for Quality of Life in 2017 ...

If you will check, and I've not looked at your source, their criteria are tailored to a highly taxed, semi-Socialist country.
Perhaps because socialist countries have the best quality of life. SOCIALIST (fair, democratic capitalism with a good safety net), not communist, dupe.
Venezuela comes to mind.
Canada ranked #1 country in the world for Quality of Life in 2017 ...

If you will check, and I've not looked at your source, their criteria are tailored to a highly taxed, semi-Socialist country.[/QUOTE
Canada ranked #1 country in the world for Quality of Life in 2017 ...

If you will check, and I've not looked at your source, their criteria are tailored to a highly taxed, semi-Socialist country.
Perhaps because socialist countries have the best quality of life. SOCIALIST (fair, democratic capitalism with a good safety net), not communist, dupe.
Venezuela comes to mind.
Brainwashed dupe comes to mind...That's a 3rd world country ruined by oil price collapse.
Canada ranked #1 country in the world for Quality of Life in 2017 ...

If you will check, and I've not looked at your source, their criteria are tailored to a highly taxed, semi-Socialist country.[/QUOTE
Canada ranked #1 country in the world for Quality of Life in 2017 ...

If you will check, and I've not looked at your source, their criteria are tailored to a highly taxed, semi-Socialist country.
Perhaps because socialist countries have the best quality of life. SOCIALIST (fair, democratic capitalism with a good safety net), not communist, dupe.
Venezuela comes to mind.
Brainwashed dupe comes to mind...That's a 3rd world country ruined by oil price collapse.
Your complete refusal to learn from history is amazing to watch.
Jesus didn't care about the money, FEEDING THE POOR was the point.

But The New Conservative Bible calls on all believers to reject Christ and step on the poor. If churches helped the poor enough the government wouldn't have to. Tell us when that day will arrive as we've waited 240 years and so far zippo.
I'm the financial clerk for my church and you're so full of crap.
Your counter factual thinking is amazing.

Just based on observation. 98% of people claiming to be Christian aren't. They call themselves that, but they ignore all of Christ's teaching.

I don't remember the passage where Jesus called his children crap though. Can you illuminate?
In my Church there is approxiamately 125 regular attendees at Church
There's at least $1k non tithe money donated each week.
I'll say it again. You're so full of CRAP

Come now, it's great that your church does that if it does. The comment was regarding 'the church' in general.

It seems evangelicals whine the loudest about 'the poor getting a free ride' and 'government this blah blah', but they haven't stepped up and filled the gap. So tell me, do you support then stopping government assistance and letting these people live on the street or go hungry? I don't see Jesus doing that. Ever.
Do you ever read material that wouldn't support your claims?
Apparently not.
The Mormon Church gave 5 million to the refugee program a couple of weeks ago. I bet you didn't read that did you. You're so closed minded you're not the least bit interested in stories that don't support your pre-conceived notions.
btw: In my church a person receiving help/welfare from the government is not entitled with help from the church. Double dipper so to speak.
I think you base to much of your opinion on TV evangelism. Which is some pretty hokey stuff even by a mainline Christians standards

If you are a Christian you are one angry Christian. Where's the charity of Jesus in your heart brother?

You could list many instances of churches raising money and doing various good deeds, I think many churches do that. Good for them and for your church, helping the less fortunate is always commendable.

We are talking about the people that don't get helped. I asked you already, what do you propose doing with them? Ignoring them? "Sorry you'll have to starve and die on the street, we don't want the government helping feed you or house you.

Answer that.
Canada ranked #1 country in the world for Quality of Life in 2017 ...

If you will check, and I've not looked at your source, their criteria are tailored to a highly taxed, semi-Socialist country.[/QUOTE
If you will check, and I've not looked at your source, their criteria are tailored to a highly taxed, semi-Socialist country.
Perhaps because socialist countries have the best quality of life. SOCIALIST (fair, democratic capitalism with a good safety net), not communist, dupe.
Venezuela comes to mind.
Brainwashed dupe comes to mind...That's a 3rd world country ruined by oil price collapse.
Your complete refusal to learn from history is amazing to watch.
History tells us one thing, dupe- that socialism is the final solution and best gov't/economy possible (always democratic FAIR capitalism with a good safety net) and that brainwashed GOP dupes can't get what it is.

"We're all socialists now!" Finland PM when ACA passed.

The US is socialist, just a pander to the rich dishonest GOP mess, but is on probation and can lose its status if the GOP cancels ACA. see sig.
So...you tell us. What is christianity?
It's not big government. It's you the individual. You don't get any special favor from God for voting that other people get their money taken from them to help the poor or the sick. It's what you as an individual has done. Being a good person loses all of it's meaning if you aren't the one actually doing anything. Simply voting for someone else to do the job benefits you in no way.

Being a good person involves being good in all aspects of your life, including politically. It means not voting for things which will actively harm those who are less fortunate than yourself, because YOU personally might have to pay into it.

It is doing for others what you would like them to do for you.

Jesus said that which you have done to the least of my people, you have done to me. So your feeling that your taxes shouldn't go to put food on the tables of the poor is noted.

The hatred of conservatives to those who have been most used and most exploited, while heaping praise and all honours on those who exploit the poor, is really unfathomable. You worship the rich who are bleeding the middle class white, while wanting the kick the poor while they're down.

Very, very Christian of you. Worshipping at the God of money while decrying the sloth of the poor.
Really? You seem kind of like a half ass Christian looking to foist your responsability on others. Like paying taxes is good enough for you. Are you sure your interview with the Lord is going to go very easy if your answer to the question if you helped the poor is you paid your taxes? I'm sure you could follow that answer up with well the Republican's voted against those taxes. That sounds like a winning line right there. Good luck with that.

And as usual MIke, you would be wrong. We took a homeless pregnant girl into our home and had her stay with us until her baby was born and placed for adoption, and she could get on her feet and get a job. In fact, a friend only agreed to become my roommate on the condition that I was not allowed to "take in strays", because my history and reputation is one of kindess and generosity. I agreed to the condition, only to have my roommate bring home a friend who had nowhere to go. In the early years of our marriage, we helped out neighbours and members of our community whenever possible. We fostered a young victim of child abuse and kept her from being placed in an institution.

One summer we took four children aged 8 - 10 to our cottage in the Muskokas. One one of the kids was ours. The other three were being raised by single mothers in the neighbourhood, and would otherwise have not had an opportunity to get out of the city.

Throughout my daughter's high school years, it was not unusual to a friend of hers staying with us until things were sorted out at home.

That's in addition to serving as an Elder at my church, and working full time. Christianity and Christian are not something I talk about a lot, but Christianity is a way of life, not just a religion. Doing unto others as I would like them to do for me isn't just nice notion. It's a personal choice.

My political choices reflect both my beliefs and my life. I believe I am my brother's keeper, and that every human being on this earth is my brother. I support the government doing what it can, because I can't do it all, and they have far more resources and reach than I do, and our people should always come first.
How commendable. You consider yourself your brother's keeper. Good for you. It's when you tell me that I am my brother's keeper that we run into a problem. I am not my brother's keeper. My brother's self destructive decisions are none of my business.
You are duped by big brother GOP if you believe being poor is the poor man's fault after the GOP has been wrecking opportunity for 35 years, dupe. see sig THEY LIE and brainwash. Change the channel or radio or internet.
Luke 14:12-14 He said also to the one who had invited him, “When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
Luke 14:12-14 He said also to the one who had invited him, “When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”

Conservatives absolutely HATE when the bible fully contradicts their worldview. They HATE it.
Canada ranked #1 country in the world for Quality of Life in 2017 ...

If you will check, and I've not looked at your source, their criteria are tailored to a highly taxed, semi-Socialist country.[/QUOTE
Canada ranked #1 country in the world for Quality of Life in 2017 ...

If you will check, and I've not looked at your source, their criteria are tailored to a highly taxed, semi-Socialist country.
Perhaps because socialist countries have the best quality of life. SOCIALIST (fair, democratic capitalism with a good safety net), not communist, dupe.
Venezuela comes to mind.

Of course you pick the worst possible example. Venezuel is a country which has whip-sawed from near communism, to right-wing authoritarianism and back to liberalism. The economy has been similarly jerked around to the point where the country is a total mess, highly dependant on oil exports. The bottoming out for the price of crude oil has completely devasted the Argentine economy.

Canada has the fastest growing middle class in the world. We have safe cities, clean air, and cradle to the grave social programs. We make corporations pay their workers a living wage and they do it.

It's amazing, companies that would go out of business in the US if they have to pay $10 an hour to their workers, manage to pay their workers in Canada than $11 an hour, and that's with full-on health care 100% coverage - no co-pays or deductibles.

Walmart pays Canadian wages, Canadian taxes, and still manages to be one of the most profitable companies in Canada. The same can be said of McDonalds.

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