Why do republicans pretend they are "true Christians"?

Bottom line: There are people trying to use Jesus as a reason to promote expanding government that are most likely not Christians and who don't have a clue about who Jesus is or represents.

Bottom line, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust does corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.

And yet there you are saying the government is stealing that which you, as a Christian, should not cherish so much anyway.
Sure he did. He made a collection of fish and bread and then distributed it to the multitude. You might note that he only collected from those that had it to give. He didn't demand that the poor either come up with something or starve.
First of all, taxes are not voluntary. Giving into a collection is voluntary. Second, Jesus took the gift of one boy, two fish and five loaves of bread and preformed a miracle and fed thousands.

Which fish fry are you talking about? There were two.
You need to stop drinking now. You, with you question are the first to mention a fish fry.

So I made a silly remark about eating fish. You'll live through it.

Dear BULLDOG on a serious note
there are two significant references to fishing that might apply here:
1. as mentioned previously, the fish and loaves used to feed the multitude
was an act of sharing, charity and grace. It was not forced by law.
God loves a cheerful giver. If we are going to learn to give for lovesake,
charity for its own reward, THEN IT CAN'T BE FORCED OR REQUIRED BY LAW

2. The concept of giving someone a fish and they are fed for a day.
But teach them to fish for themselves, and they become liberated.

Jesus said he came to make fishers of men.

So this speaks to learning and teaching to be productive
and self-reliant, as well as producing to serve others not just ourselves.

Again it is not forced as a govt requirement or it's not in the spirit
of giving and sharing out of love for neighbor.

The point is learning to do this voluntarily, where we do all things with LOVE.

3. NOTE: The civil and constitutional principles of govt are a separate realm
that serve a different purpose. If you bog down govt by saddling it
with social programs and services that charities and nonprofits can
do, then the bureaucracy obstructs govt from focusing on and managing
security and policing issues that only govt has authority to handle.

So it makes sense to let charities do the work they do best with the
freedom to work individually with each person, where they are not required
to implement the same uniform policy for everyone. And let govt handle
law enforcement, safety and security issues, including criminal justice
that the churches and charities do not have authority to decide or mandate.

That's just common sense!

Actually, there were to separate incidents of mass feedings with just a few fish and a little bread. The accounts are described so different till they couldn't have been both describing the same incident, especially by men who claim to have participated in the events.
Canada, recently ranked #1 country. Here, a gd pander to the rich GOP/dupe mess. Great job!

Bottom line, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

This is one I LOVE from ignorant Progressives like yourself.

Why do Heathens believe they can con Christians with the Holy Bible by taking talking points from The Nation, DailyKOS or the DemocratUnderground. Keep up the good work, you're really easy!

Matthew 19:21-26
New International Version (NIV)

21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.

23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.

24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”

26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Canada, recently ranked #1 country. Here, a gd pander to the rich GOP/dupe mess. Great job!

GD idiot.
Canada ranked #1 country in the world for Quality of Life in 2017 ...
Mar 7, 2017 - DH Vancouver Staff Mar 17, 2017. ... In 2017, Canada beat out Sweden, Denmark, Australia, and Norway who all finished in the Quality of Life top 5. ... Here are the 25 best countries for Quality of Life in 2017.
Jesus did't use taxes to feed the poor.

Jesus didn't care about the money, FEEDING THE POOR was the point.

But The New Conservative Bible calls on all believers to reject Christ and step on the poor. If churches helped the poor enough the government wouldn't have to. Tell us when that day will arrive as we've waited 240 years and so far zippo.
I'm the financial clerk for my church and you're so full of crap.
Your counter factual thinking is amazing.

Just based on observation. 98% of people claiming to be Christian aren't. They call themselves that, but they ignore all of Christ's teaching.

I don't remember the passage where Jesus called his children crap though. Can you illuminate?
In my Church there is approxiamately 125 regular attendees at Church
There's at least $1k non tithe money donated each week.
I'll say it again. You're so full of CRAP

Come now, it's great that your church does that if it does. The comment was regarding 'the church' in general.

It seems evangelicals whine the loudest about 'the poor getting a free ride' and 'government this blah blah', but they haven't stepped up and filled the gap. So tell me, do you support then stopping government assistance and letting these people live on the street or go hungry? I don't see Jesus doing that. Ever.
Jesus did't use taxes to feed the poor.

Jesus didn't care about the money, FEEDING THE POOR was the point.

But The New Conservative Bible calls on all believers to reject Christ and step on the poor. If churches helped the poor enough the government wouldn't have to. Tell us when that day will arrive as we've waited 240 years and so far zippo.
Actually, the reason churches can't do more is because the government told them they can't. They said they would fix all of this. They're doing a fine job aren't they?

You make absolutely no sense.

You are saying all churches have a limit on what they can spend to help the poor? Hmm yeah that's a new one.

If true then why exactly are all these megachurch preachers millionaires?
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I suppose they worship their own version of Jesus. Republican Jesus!
Can you point t the sermon Jesus had about government being thee ones to take care of the poor, the sick and how we should let law breakers come to our country?

I'll wait.
Well, see true Christians would expect their government to do it. Do you think Jesus likely expected anyone within their power to feed the widespread hungry? Government is the best way to do it. Jesus would agree!
I believe Jesus would say for people to get off their lazy ass and find a job. Then they can eat and feed their family.
The Book of Proverb addresses laziness and so did Jesus
Lol so if it was so important, why didn't Jesus say SOMETHING about it? Maybe because he wasn't a bigot like you?

He never mentioned pedophiles either, think he was OK with them? Dumbass
I'm not the one claiming to be Christian and liking anything Jesus taught. You're just someone who never matured past junior high. The rest of us are adults who don't give a shit what other people choose to do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.

You're stumped and it's noticed, next time don't go up a Christian, they'll shellac you every time
I'm stumped because the mythical Jesus didn't mention pedophilia? Lol. Maybe mythical Jesus was fine with pedophilia. Who knows? He apparently didn't give a shit about something insignificant as what consenting adults did with their genitalia. You're just a child who pretends it's heinous for some reason.

Dude you're fcking ignorant
Also, why didn't the rest of the Bible mention pedophilia? Hmmm
Jesus did't use taxes to feed the poor.

Jesus didn't care about the money, FEEDING THE POOR was the point.

But The New Conservative Bible calls on all believers to reject Christ and step on the poor. If churches helped the poor enough the government wouldn't have to. Tell us when that day will arrive as we've waited 240 years and so far zippo.
I'm the financial clerk for my church and you're so full of crap.
Your counter factual thinking is amazing.

Just based on observation. 98% of people claiming to be Christian aren't. They call themselves that, but they ignore all of Christ's teaching.

I don't remember the passage where Jesus called his children crap though. Can you illuminate?
In my Church there is approxiamately 125 regular attendees at Church
There's at least $1k non tithe money donated each week.
I'll say it again. You're so full of CRAP

Come now, it's great that your church does that if it does. The comment was regarding 'the church' in general.

It seems evangelicals whine the loudest about 'the poor getting a free ride' and 'government this blah blah', but they haven't stepped up and filled the gap. So tell me, do you support then stopping government assistance and letting these people live on the street or go hungry? I don't see Jesus doing that. Ever.
Do you ever read material that wouldn't support your claims?
Apparently not.
The Mormon Church gave 5 million to the refugee program a couple of weeks ago. I bet you didn't read that did you. You're so closed minded you're not the least bit interested in stories that don't support your pre-conceived notions.
btw: In my church a person receiving help/welfare from the government is not entitled with help from the church. Double dipper so to speak.
I think you base to much of your opinion on TV evangelism. Which is some pretty hokey stuff even by a mainline Christians standards
View attachment 120455

I suppose they worship their own version of Jesus. Republican Jesus!
Can you point t the sermon Jesus had about government being thee ones to take care of the poor, the sick and how we should let law breakers come to our country?

I'll wait.
Well, see true Christians would expect their government to do it. Do you think Jesus likely expected anyone within their power to feed the widespread hungry? Government is the best way to do it. Jesus would agree!
The bible says the opposite so no, you have no clue what christianity is. The real question is why do the clueless pretend to be experts? Your works are worthless unless they come from the heart. That doesn't sound like any government I've ever heard of.
Jesus followed God's law, God's law, the Bible, states numerous times homosexuality is a sin
Lol so if it was so important, why didn't Jesus say SOMETHING about it? Maybe because he wasn't a bigot like you?

He never mentioned pedophiles either, think he was OK with them? Dumbass
I'm not the one claiming to be Christian and liking anything Jesus taught. You're just someone who never matured past junior high. The rest of us are adults who don't give a shit what other people choose to do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.

You're stumped and it's noticed, next time don't go up a Christian, they'll shellac you every time
I'm stumped because the mythical Jesus didn't mention pedophilia? Lol. Maybe mythical Jesus was fine with pedophilia. Who knows? He apparently didn't give a shit about something insignificant as what consenting adults did with their genitalia. You're just a child who pretends it's heinous for some reason.
Christians have this thing called the bible. Ever heard of it?
He never mentioned pedophiles either, think he was OK with them? Dumbass
I'm not the one claiming to be Christian and liking anything Jesus taught. You're just someone who never matured past junior high. The rest of us are adults who don't give a shit what other people choose to do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.

You're stumped and it's noticed, next time don't go up a Christian, they'll shellac you every time
I'm stumped because the mythical Jesus didn't mention pedophilia? Lol. Maybe mythical Jesus was fine with pedophilia. Who knows? He apparently didn't give a shit about something insignificant as what consenting adults did with their genitalia. You're just a child who pretends it's heinous for some reason.

Dude you're fcking ignorant
Also, why didn't the rest of the Bible mention pedophilia? Hmmm

Because it's a given somethings are just wrong? Are you now going to say pedophile is OK because the Bible doesn't mention it?

I'd be careful going that route if I were you.

It's obvious you have no idea what A Christian is not do you understand the Bible. You started a thread to harp on Christians, that's it
I'm not the one claiming to be Christian and liking anything Jesus taught. You're just someone who never matured past junior high. The rest of us are adults who don't give a shit what other people choose to do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.

You're stumped and it's noticed, next time don't go up a Christian, they'll shellac you every time
I'm stumped because the mythical Jesus didn't mention pedophilia? Lol. Maybe mythical Jesus was fine with pedophilia. Who knows? He apparently didn't give a shit about something insignificant as what consenting adults did with their genitalia. You're just a child who pretends it's heinous for some reason.

Dude you're fcking ignorant
Also, why didn't the rest of the Bible mention pedophilia? Hmmm

Because it's a given somethings are just wrong? Are you now going to say pedophile is OK because the Bible doesn't mention it?

I'd be careful going that route if I were you.

It's obvious you have no idea what A Christian is not do you understand the Bible. You started a thread to harp on Christians, that's it
Seeing that he has refered to Jesus as being "mythical", the OP is not to be taken seriously.

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