Why do republicans pretend they are "true Christians"?

Dear Billy000
the role of the church is different from the role of the state.

The role of the state is not to hand out charity, like community nonprofits provide,
because the govt cannot counsel and manage people's personal lives and relationships
as ministerial volunteers are called to do which is best done through VOLUNTARY local groups,
NOT federal govt that has to follow standard procedures and process.

Individuals in need of charity require ONE on ONE attention and care
that meets their PERSONAL needs. Federal Govt is not designed to do that from DC.

The charity through the church is given FREELY.

The programs through the state are based on mandatory taxes paid by legal requirement.

Those are TOTALLY different contexts and programs.

When a military or police officer is ENFORCING the laws,
they use CIVIL and CONSTITUTIONAL laws and process.

Billy000 to answer your question with a question
why do LIBERALS scream about "separation of church and state"
and argue they don't want govt enforcing religious policies; but then turn around
and ask "why don't Republicans enforce Christian practices through govt?"

I'm not suggesting Christian policies be in our government. Jesus and I just happen to agree on food stamps.
And where in the Bible does Jesus state an opinion of food stamps?
Ay caramba...you're dumb.
It doesn't look like you're in any position to question anyone's intelligence. You claim to be a teacher. Do some research and post something to support your opinion. Or are you afraid if you really looked into Christianity it would destroy your entire perspective?
He said to give to Caesar what was Caesar's, and then the Romans helped the poor and built infrastructure. That's called good gov't, unlike the New BS GOP gov't of the last 35 YEARS, dupe.
That's not why he said that. You need to do some more research. He never expected the Roman's to help the poor. That's kind of why he was doing it himself. They never did it before and much like our government today what little they do is of no help. His life would have been a lot easier if his preaching was just to give Caesar all your money don't you think? I'm pretty sure the Roman's wouldn't have killed him for that stance. You don't end up on a cross for supporting the government and telling people to just give their money to them.
I always find it hilarious when loons try and judge someones christian beliefs based on their political views.
This is about judging your political views based on your christian beliefs. You and the New BS GOP fail abysmally.
Jesus did't use taxes to feed the poor.

Jesus didn't care about the money, FEEDING THE POOR was the point.

But The New Conservative Bible calls on all believers to reject Christ and step on the poor. If churches helped the poor enough the government wouldn't have to. Tell us when that day will arrive as we've waited 240 years and so far zippo.
Actually, the reason churches can't do more is because the government told them they can't. They said they would fix all of this. They're doing a fine job aren't they?
Churches NEVER did the job, just made selfish a-holes feel better...The gov't is doing a good job in all modern countries BUT pander to the rich dupy New bs GOP America.

Read the facts:After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
How can you be a selfish a-hole while donating your time and money directly to the people that need it through your church? How is that possible? It's your own time and money. Point out the greed and selfishness here.
It's always so edgy when an anti-Christian posts a funny picture like they have any clue what Christianity is.
So...you tell us. What is christianity?
It's not big government. It's you the individual. You don't get any special favor from God for voting that other people get their money taken from them to help the poor or the sick. It's what you as an individual has done. Being a good person loses all of it's meaning if you aren't the one actually doing anything. Simply voting for someone else to do the job benefits you in no way.

Being a good person involves being good in all aspects of your life, including politically. It means not voting for things which will actively harm those who are less fortunate than yourself, because YOU personally might have to pay into it.

It is doing for others what you would like them to do for you.

Jesus said that which you have done to the least of my people, you have done to me. So your feeling that your taxes shouldn't go to put food on the tables of the poor is noted.

The hatred of conservatives to those who have been most used and most exploited, while heaping praise and all honours on those who exploit the poor, is really unfathomable. You worship the rich who are bleeding the middle class white, while wanting the kick the poor while they're down.

Very, very Christian of you. Worshipping at the God of money while decrying the sloth of the poor.
I'm not suggesting Christian policies be in our government. Jesus and I just happen to agree on food stamps.
And where in the Bible does Jesus state an opinion of food stamps?
Ay caramba...you're dumb.
It doesn't look like you're in any position to question anyone's intelligence. You claim to be a teacher. Do some research and post something to support your opinion. Or are you afraid if you really looked into Christianity it would destroy your entire perspective?
He said to give to Caesar what was Caesar's, and then the Romans helped the poor and built infrastructure. That's called good gov't, unlike the New BS GOP gov't of the last 35 YEARS, dupe.
That's not why he said that. You need to do some more research. He never expected the Roman's to help the poor. That's kind of why he was doing it himself. They never did it before and much like our government today what little they do is of no help. His life would have been a lot easier if his preaching was just to give Caesar all your money don't you think? I'm pretty sure the Roman's wouldn't have killed him for that stance. You don't end up on a cross for supporting the government and telling people to just give their money to them.
The Romans were great gov't compared to the New BS GOP.
What have the Romans ever done for us? LOL
I remember that ebenezer scrooge's excuse for not giving to help the poor was that he was already paying taxes which go for that.
I always find it hilarious when loons try and judge someones christian beliefs based on their political views.
This is about judging your political views based on your christian beliefs. You and the New BS GOP fail abysmally.
Can we then say your political views are based on your not so Christian beliefs? It would explain a lot. Your stance on government over God, abortion isn't really killing a child. I suppose we can say the two parties divide like this according to your posts and I'm sure you won't disagree.

Republican's- God's party
Democrats- Satan's party
Dear Billy000
the role of the church is different from the role of the state.

The role of the state is not to hand out charity, like community nonprofits provide,
because the govt cannot counsel and manage people's personal lives and relationships
as ministerial volunteers are called to do which is best done through VOLUNTARY local groups,
NOT federal govt that has to follow standard procedures and process.

Individuals in need of charity require ONE on ONE attention and care
that meets their PERSONAL needs. Federal Govt is not designed to do that from DC.

The charity through the church is given FREELY.

The programs through the state are based on mandatory taxes paid by legal requirement.

Those are TOTALLY different contexts and programs.

When a military or police officer is ENFORCING the laws,
they use CIVIL and CONSTITUTIONAL laws and process.

Billy000 to answer your question with a question
why do LIBERALS scream about "separation of church and state"
and argue they don't want govt enforcing religious policies; but then turn around
and ask "why don't Republicans enforce Christian practices through govt?"

I'm not suggesting Christian policies be in our government. Jesus and I just happen to agree on food stamps.
And where in the Bible does Jesus state an opinion of food stamps?
Ay caramba...you're dumb.
It doesn't look like you're in any position to question anyone's intelligence. You claim to be a teacher. Do some research and post something to support your opinion. Or are you afraid if you really looked into Christianity it would destroy your entire perspective?
He said to give to Caesar what was Caesar's, and then the Romans helped the poor and built infrastructure. That's called good gov't, unlike the New BS GOP gov't of the last 35 YEARS, dupe.[/QUOt
Jesus did't use taxes to feed the poor.

Jesus didn't care about the money, FEEDING THE POOR was the point.

But The New Conservative Bible calls on all believers to reject Christ and step on the poor. If churches helped the poor enough the government wouldn't have to. Tell us when that day will arrive as we've waited 240 years and so far zippo.

Jesus cared about the poor and told his children to help one another...Government is a far better way to do this and would be all for it...Somehow the 18th century assholes that want us to live the farm life hate living within civilization that requires investment and working with your follow citizen.

Jesus also said the poor would always be among us.
Jesus did't use taxes to feed the poor.

Jesus didn't care about the money, FEEDING THE POOR was the point.

But The New Conservative Bible calls on all believers to reject Christ and step on the poor. If churches helped the poor enough the government wouldn't have to. Tell us when that day will arrive as we've waited 240 years and so far zippo.
Actually, the reason churches can't do more is because the government told them they can't. They said they would fix all of this. They're doing a fine job aren't they?
Churches NEVER did the job, just made selfish a-holes feel better...The gov't is doing a good job in all modern countries BUT pander to the rich dupy New bs GOP America.

Read the facts:After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
How can you be a selfish a-hole while donating your time and money directly to the people that need it through your church? How is that possible? It's your own time and money. Point out the greed and selfishness here.
Charity doesn't work. Dries up when needed, huge waste.
It's always so edgy when an anti-Christian posts a funny picture like they have any clue what Christianity is.
So...you tell us. What is christianity?
It's not big government. It's you the individual. You don't get any special favor from God for voting that other people get their money taken from them to help the poor or the sick. It's what you as an individual has done. Being a good person loses all of it's meaning if you aren't the one actually doing anything. Simply voting for someone else to do the job benefits you in no way.

Being a good person involves being good in all aspects of your life, including politically. It means not voting for things which will actively harm those who are less fortunate than yourself, because YOU personally might have to pay into it.

It is doing for others what you would like them to do for you.

Jesus said that which you have done to the least of my people, you have done to me. So your feeling that your taxes shouldn't go to put food on the tables of the poor is noted.

The hatred of conservatives to those who have been most used and most exploited, while heaping praise and all honours on those who exploit the poor, is really unfathomable. You worship the rich who are bleeding the middle class white, while wanting the kick the poor while they're down.

Very, very Christian of you. Worshipping at the God of money while decrying the sloth of the poor.
Since when do you leftists give a shit about the poor? You clowns spout this sewage on the prefix of gaining more power over the unfortunate. There's a fine line between being poor and being lazy, unmotivated society suckers.
Get off your couch, look out your window, and have a look at what's really going on.
I always find it hilarious when loons try and judge someones christian beliefs based on their political views.
This is about judging your political views based on your christian beliefs. You and the New BS GOP fail abysmally.
Can we then say your political views are based on your not so Christian beliefs? It would explain a lot. Your stance on government over God, abortion isn't really killing a child. I suppose we can say the two parties divide like this according to your posts and I'm sure you won't disagree.

Republican's- God's party
Democrats- Satan's party
The SC says 3 months not a child. How bout taking good care of children then?- liar about me. The gov't GOD WANTS, dupe. Not this disgraceful GOP pander to the rich mess, dupe.
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I suppose they worship their own version of Jesus. Republican Jesus!

This is precisely why far left Progressives should ever attempt to use Christianity in a vile attempt to denigrate Christians.

Holy Bible / New Testament / Thessalonians / 3

3:1 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:

3:2 And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.

3:3 But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.

3:4 And we have confidence in the Lord touching you, that ye both do and will do the things which we command you.

3:5 And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.

3:6 Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.

3:7 For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you;

3:8 Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you:

3:9 Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.

3:10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

3:11 For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.

3:12 Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.

3:13 But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

3:14 And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.

3:15 Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.
It's always so edgy when an anti-Christian posts a funny picture like they have any clue what Christianity is.
So...you tell us. What is christianity?
It's not big government. It's you the individual. You don't get any special favor from God for voting that other people get their money taken from them to help the poor or the sick. It's what you as an individual has done. Being a good person loses all of it's meaning if you aren't the one actually doing anything. Simply voting for someone else to do the job benefits you in no way.

Being a good person involves being good in all aspects of your life, including politically. It means not voting for things which will actively harm those who are less fortunate than yourself, because YOU personally might have to pay into it.

It is doing for others what you would like them to do for you.

Jesus said that which you have done to the least of my people, you have done to me. So your feeling that your taxes shouldn't go to put food on the tables of the poor is noted.

The hatred of conservatives to those who have been most used and most exploited, while heaping praise and all honours on those who exploit the poor, is really unfathomable. You worship the rich who are bleeding the middle class white, while wanting the kick the poor while they're down.

Very, very Christian of you. Worshipping at the God of money while decrying the sloth of the poor.
Since when do you leftists give a shit about the poor? You clowns spout this sewage on the prefix of gaining more power over the unfortunate. There's a fine line between being poor and being lazy, unmotivated society suckers.
Get off your couch, look out your window, and have a look at what's really going on.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
It's always so edgy when an anti-Christian posts a funny picture like they have any clue what Christianity is.
So...you tell us. What is christianity?
It's not big government. It's you the individual. You don't get any special favor from God for voting that other people get their money taken from them to help the poor or the sick. It's what you as an individual has done. Being a good person loses all of it's meaning if you aren't the one actually doing anything. Simply voting for someone else to do the job benefits you in no way.

Being a good person involves being good in all aspects of your life, including politically. It means not voting for things which will actively harm those who are less fortunate than yourself, because YOU personally might have to pay into it.

It is doing for others what you would like them to do for you.

Jesus said that which you have done to the least of my people, you have done to me. So your feeling that your taxes shouldn't go to put food on the tables of the poor is noted.

The hatred of conservatives to those who have been most used and most exploited, while heaping praise and all honours on those who exploit the poor, is really unfathomable. You worship the rich who are bleeding the middle class white, while wanting the kick the poor while they're down.

Very, very Christian of you. Worshipping at the God of money while decrying the sloth of the poor.
Since when do you leftists give a shit about the poor? You clowns spout this sewage on the prefix of gaining more power over the unfortunate. There's a fine line between being poor and being lazy, unmotivated society suckers.
Get off your couch, look out your window, and have a look at what's really going on.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Must be society's fault. I could have been poor. I'm glad I decided otherwise.
It's always so edgy when an anti-Christian posts a funny picture like they have any clue what Christianity is.
So...you tell us. What is christianity?
It's not big government. It's you the individual. You don't get any special favor from God for voting that other people get their money taken from them to help the poor or the sick. It's what you as an individual has done. Being a good person loses all of it's meaning if you aren't the one actually doing anything. Simply voting for someone else to do the job benefits you in no way.

Being a good person involves being good in all aspects of your life, including politically. It means not voting for things which will actively harm those who are less fortunate than yourself, because YOU personally might have to pay into it.

It is doing for others what you would like them to do for you.

Jesus said that which you have done to the least of my people, you have done to me. So your feeling that your taxes shouldn't go to put food on the tables of the poor is noted.

The hatred of conservatives to those who have been most used and most exploited, while heaping praise and all honours on those who exploit the poor, is really unfathomable. You worship the rich who are bleeding the middle class white, while wanting the kick the poor while they're down.

Very, very Christian of you. Worshipping at the God of money while decrying the sloth of the poor.
Really? You seem kind of like a half ass Christian looking to foist your responsability on others. Like paying taxes is good enough for you. Are you sure your interview with the Lord is going to go very easy if your answer to the question if you helped the poor is you paid your taxes? I'm sure you could follow that answer up with well the Republican's voted against those taxes. That sounds like a winning line right there. Good luck with that.
Jesus did't use taxes to feed the poor.

Jesus didn't care about the money, FEEDING THE POOR was the point.

But The New Conservative Bible calls on all believers to reject Christ and step on the poor. If churches helped the poor enough the government wouldn't have to. Tell us when that day will arrive as we've waited 240 years and so far zippo.
Actually, the reason churches can't do more is because the government told them they can't. They said they would fix all of this. They're doing a fine job aren't they?
Churches NEVER did the job, just made selfish a-holes feel better...The gov't is doing a good job in all modern countries BUT pander to the rich dupy New bs GOP America.

Read the facts:After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
How can you be a selfish a-hole while donating your time and money directly to the people that need it through your church? How is that possible? It's your own time and money. Point out the greed and selfishness here.
Charity doesn't work. Dries up when needed, huge waste.
Taxes don't? You may want to check out our debt clock.
Since when do you leftists give a shit about the poor? You clowns spout this sewage on the prefix of gaining more power over the unfortunate. There's a fine line between being poor and being lazy, unmotivated society suckers.
Get off your couch, look out your window, and have a look at what's really going on.

Well, that's not fair.

Progressives care immensely about the poor! Every election cycle! Why Hillary Clinton has proven that she cares so much that she not only carries hot sauce in her purse but also can speak Southern.

I always find it hilarious when loons try and judge someones christian beliefs based on their political views.
This is about judging your political views based on your christian beliefs. You and the New BS GOP fail abysmally.
Can we then say your political views are based on your not so Christian beliefs? It would explain a lot. Your stance on government over God, abortion isn't really killing a child. I suppose we can say the two parties divide like this according to your posts and I'm sure you won't disagree.

Republican's- God's party
Democrats- Satan's party
The SC says 3 months not a child. How bout taking good care of children then?- liar about me. The gov't GOD WANTS, dupe. Not this disgraceful GOP pander to the rich mess, dupe.
Many who are arguing for government involvement in taking care of the poor because it's the Christian thing to do would love to see the end of Christianity and let the Government replace God.
I always find it hilarious when loons try and judge someones christian beliefs based on their political views.
This is about judging your political views based on your christian beliefs. You and the New BS GOP fail abysmally.
Can we then say your political views are based on your not so Christian beliefs? It would explain a lot. Your stance on government over God, abortion isn't really killing a child. I suppose we can say the two parties divide like this according to your posts and I'm sure you won't disagree.

Republican's- God's party
Democrats- Satan's party
The SC says 3 months not a child. How bout taking good care of children then?- liar about me. The gov't GOD WANTS, dupe. Not this disgraceful GOP pander to the rich mess, dupe.
You let me know when the 9 SC justices can over ride God. That should prove to be an interesting day.
I always find it hilarious when loons try and judge someones christian beliefs based on their political views.
This is about judging your political views based on your christian beliefs. You and the New BS GOP fail abysmally.
Can we then say your political views are based on your not so Christian beliefs? It would explain a lot. Your stance on government over God, abortion isn't really killing a child. I suppose we can say the two parties divide like this according to your posts and I'm sure you won't disagree.

Republican's- God's party
Democrats- Satan's party
The SC says 3 months not a child. How bout taking good care of children then?- liar about me. The gov't GOD WANTS, dupe. Not this disgraceful GOP pander to the rich mess, dupe.
Many who are arguing for government involvement in ta king care of the poor because it's the Christian thing to do would love to see the end of Christianity and let the Government replace God.
Is there any doubt Franco worships at the alter of democrat politicians?

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