Why do republicans think there is no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion just because...

...it hasn't been shown to the media? Are they really that dense? The FBI is building the case for a reason.

My god did republicans have this level of skepticism when Hillary was being investigated for Benghazi and her emails? No, of course not. They clung to the slightest rumors unsubstantiated or not.

We saw batches of emails coming out that were in fact classified AT THE TIME that were on her unprotected server, AFTER she lied to us about not sending or receiving classified information on that server. We had emails from her telling subordinates to remove the classified markings on classified documents and send them as unclassified. We found out she deliberately beached her server so that any incriminating evidence was removed, knowing full well it was under a subpoena. It may or may not have been enough proof to convict her in a federal court, but that is called EVIDENCE. Of which there is none as far as any collusion between Trump and the Russians are concerned regarding the DNC hacking. And there is no way on God's green earth that if such evidence exists after an entire year of investigation that it wouldn't have been leaked by now. To suggest otherwise is to stretch the bounds of credulity far beyond reason.
Why do liberals keep asking the same ol' questions, in trying to argue their false claim, while continuing to argue the facts?

- The NSA and FBI Directors testified there NEVER was any evidence of crime or collusion.
- The FBI has said there was no collusion 3 times.
- Ex-Obama Director of National Intelligence testified there was / is no collusion
- The Intel Committee Chairman said there is no collusion
- Committee member D-Feinstein said there is no evidence.
- NO evidence has been presented after 10 months of multiple investigations
...it hasn't been shown to the media? Are they really that dense? The FBI is building the case for a reason.

My god did republicans have this level of skepticism when Hillary was being investigated for Benghazi and her emails? No, of course not. They clung to the slightest rumors unsubstantiated or not.

We saw batches of emails coming out that were in fact classified AT THE TIME that were on her unprotected server, AFTER she lied to us about not sending or receiving classified information on that server. We had emails from her telling subordinates to remove the classified markings on classified documents and send them as unclassified. We found out she deliberately beached her server so that any incriminating evidence was removed, knowing full well it was under a subpoena. It may or may not have been enough proof to convict her in a federal court, but that is called EVIDENCE. Of which there is none as far as any collusion between Trump and the Russians are concerned regarding the DNC hacking. And there is no way on God's green earth that if such evidence exists after an entire year of investigation that it wouldn't have been leaked by now. To suggest otherwise is to stretch the bounds of credulity far beyond reason.
Comey testified before congress that Hillary broke laws and that he protected her from prosecution. Snowflakes don't care. 'Nothing to see here.'
...it hasn't been shown to the media? Are they really that dense? The FBI is building the case for a reason.

My god did republicans have this level of skepticism when Hillary was being investigated for Benghazi and her emails? No, of course not. They clung to the slightest rumors unsubstantiated or not.

What point are you trying to make.

That you have a crystal ball (that seems to fail all the time) ?
...it hasn't been shown to the media? Are they really that dense? The FBI is building the case for a reason.

My god did republicans have this level of skepticism when Hillary was being investigated for Benghazi and her emails? No, of course not. They clung to the slightest rumors unsubstantiated or not.
The FBI can't be building a case because after three Congressional investigations and a year long FBI investigation there is not a single piece of evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government according to two Democratic senators who get deep briefings from the FBI and intelligence services, Diane Feinstein and Joe Manchin, and according to Obama's Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper.

....and Maxine "Congressional Village Idiot" Waters as well, she admitted that she's seen no evidence of collusion during her classified briefings to CNN.
Why do liberals keep asking the same ol' questions, in trying to argue their false claim, while continuing to argue the facts?

- The NSA and FBI Directors testified there NEVER was any evidence of crime or collusion.
- The FBI has said there was no collusion 3 times.
- Ex-Obama Director of National Intelligence testified there was / is no collusion
- The Intel Committee Chairman said there is no collusion
- Committee member D-Feinstein said there is no evidence.
- NO evidence has been presented after 10 months of multiple investigations

They want to discredit Trump and his administration as much as possible, and to delay or disrupt his agenda. Whether it is in our best interests or not.
so....where's the H. Clinton indictments?

Not enough proof in the form of admissable evidence in a federal court. Suggest reading another thread entitled "How long does this continue", where I answered your question in some detail.

Also in the "Hillary back in the Jackpot thread".
All republicans care about is their party and couldn't give a single damn about this country or enforcing the law.

Sadly, republicans would whether a criminal rule them then do what is right.

Sadly the same holds true for the Democratic Party, neither party puts America first.
so....where's the H. Clinton indictments?
Be patient, grasshopper. The FBI is short one Director because his team proved she broke the law, and he protected her.
I suspect Comey was bullied by Lynch into protecting Clinton. His first press conference on the subject sounded like he was going to pursue legal action, but in his next press conference he tried to justify not pursuing it.
All republicans care about is their party and couldn't give a single damn about this country or enforcing the law. Sadly, republicans would whether a criminal rule them then do what is right.
Sadly the same holds true for the Democratic Party, neither party puts America first.
And that's why we are where we are.
Why do liberals keep asking the same ol' questions, in trying to argue their false claim, while continuing to argue the facts?

- The NSA and FBI Directors testified there NEVER was any evidence of crime or collusion.
- The FBI has said there was no collusion 3 times.
- Ex-Obama Director of National Intelligence testified there was / is no collusion
- The Intel Committee Chairman said there is no collusion
- Committee member D-Feinstein said there is no evidence.
- NO evidence has been presented after 10 months of multiple investigations
Why is it that you can't explain why the FBI is currently investigating Trump's ties to Russia?

Also, 6 Intel chiefs to testify there was Russia meddling in the election:

Trump's intel bosses reiterate: Russia meddled in election
Why do liberals keep asking the same ol' questions, in trying to argue their false claim, while continuing to argue the facts?

- The NSA and FBI Directors testified there NEVER was any evidence of crime or collusion.
- The FBI has said there was no collusion 3 times.
- Ex-Obama Director of National Intelligence testified there was / is no collusion
- The Intel Committee Chairman said there is no collusion
- Committee member D-Feinstein said there is no evidence.
- NO evidence has been presented after 10 months of multiple investigations
Why is it that you can't explain why the FBI is currently investigating Trump's ties to Russia?

They said they are, what makes you think they are not?
Why do liberals keep asking the same ol' questions, in trying to argue their false claim, while continuing to argue the facts?

- The NSA and FBI Directors testified there NEVER was any evidence of crime or collusion.
- The FBI has said there was no collusion 3 times.
- Ex-Obama Director of National Intelligence testified there was / is no collusion
- The Intel Committee Chairman said there is no collusion
- Committee member D-Feinstein said there is no evidence.
- NO evidence has been presented after 10 months of multiple investigations
Why is it that you can't explain why the FBI is currently investigating Trump's ties to Russia?

Also, 6 Intel chiefs to testify there was Russia meddling in the election:

Trump's intel bosses reiterate: Russia meddled in election

Because the republican party lives in another universe that doesn't deal with evidence and hates anyone with any experience. It is sad and on top of this they're like a gang that support each other no matter what.
Why is it that you can't explain why the FBI is currently investigating Trump's ties to Russia?
Oh I can explain it - FAKE SNOWFLAKE CLAIMS.

Because the republican party lives in another universe that doesn't deal with evidence and hates anyone with any experience.

The NSA, FBI, DIA, and Intel Committee all say there never was evidence of crimes and / or collusion and is none now. Here's your chance to prove 'em wrong, matt. Present us with the evidence.

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