Why do republicans think there is no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion just because...

Because there is zero evidence Trump colluded with the Russians. Now, if you have some, do tell!
Why is the FBI investigating it?

Good question.... if there is evidence, then where are the indictments? And on what grounds? How exactly did "the Russians" affect the outcome of the election?
Why are you pretending investigations like this are so timely? Don't be dumb. You people went ape shit over the slightest rumor about Hillary's investigations.

Oh Billy triple naught (Apt nick for you, btw. Billy triple nothing fits)... The difference is that with you goddess, there was evidence presented that she committed crimes. Just because Loretta "000" (Another triple nothing) Lynch refused to prosecute doesn't mean that Hillary was innocent.

As for Benghazi, Hillary was guilty of not identifying right off the bat that it was a terrorist attack (Evidence has shown she knew it was) and presented a false narrative in order to protect your Messiah, because he stated before the 2012 election that Al Qaeda was defeated and the War on Terror was over. Also, Hillary and her cronies failed 4 brave men by not not sending reinforcement to the CIA contractors protecting America property. And afterwards she attempted to minimize the loss of American lives with the now infamous statement "What difference does it make?" Just for that I give "Hillary 00000's.

I wouldn't give Hillary the sweat off my balls if she was lost in the desert and dying of thirst. Why, you ask? Well, what difference does it make?
Wait hold on. Are you Rabbi?
All republicans care about is their party and couldn't give a single damn about this country or enforcing the law.

Sadly, republicans would whether a criminal rule them then do what is right.
]All republicans care about is their party and couldn't give a single damn about this country or enforcing the law.
i cant believe you said that.....hold on to your seat matt.....your party is the same dam way....yea i know i was shocked too....
OK........I'm a Republican, and I confess: "Russia influenced me to vote for Trump".

When I entered the voting booth. Some sort of commie mind wave signal that I can't explain, forced me to vote for Trump.

True story........ :cool:
It's amazing to me how you people miss the point as always.
the only point you see billy is the point the democrats show you.....
Why do liberals keep asking the same ol' questions, in trying to argue their false claim, while continuing to argue the facts?

- The NSA and FBI Directors testified there NEVER was any evidence of crime or collusion.
- The FBI has said there was no collusion 3 times.
- Ex-Obama Director of National Intelligence testified there was / is no collusion
- The Intel Committee Chairman said there is no collusion
- Committee member D-Feinstein said there is no evidence.
- NO evidence has been presented after 10 months of multiple investigations
Why is it that you can't explain why the FBI is currently investigating Trump's ties to Russia?

Also, 6 Intel chiefs to testify there was Russia meddling in the election:

Trump's intel bosses reiterate: Russia meddled in election

Because the republican party lives in another universe that doesn't deal with evidence and hates anyone with any experience. It is sad and on top of this they're like a gang that support each other no matter what.
is that kind of like how you support your far left buddies....no matter what?....

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