Why do republicans want war with Iran instead of a peaceful solution?

they really think Iran will be PEACEFUL. Lets go all the way back to Jimmy Carter.

Just like under Clinton he wanted to find peaceful and then when he left office. NINE months later we had 9/11

these people are going to get us killed, AGAIN. Hopefully it won't be more than 3000 the next time
Oh so now Iran had a hand in 9/11, I thought Bush said it was Iraq? Either way they are both lies.
The mistake is in imagining that a country that has a national slogan Death to America is peaceful. The country that has vowed that the islamic flag will fly over the white house isn't peaceful.

The peaceful intent of Iran exists only in the minds of democrats. Last week this peaceful country was practicing on how to sink an American aircraft carrier.
I say leave everyone be until there is a real threat to worry about.Stopping their nuke program stops any threat you republicans think exists.
So its about saving Israel who has nukes,an elite military and IQ service etc...that's what I figured. Shed American blood to save Israeli blood.Some sick bastards.

So it doesn't bother you that Iran is in the process of taking over 4 other muslim countries, and has eyes on ME domination.... you must be a terrorist muslim supporter!
You mean helping Assad in trying to stabilize Syria,Helping Iraqi forces defeat ISIS. That's all I can think of...no different from the US invading Iraq,giving support to "rebels" in Syria who then turned into ISIS,destabilized Libya where ISIS is now at as well BTW.
The UN-armed person does NOT set the rules of peace. The ARMED person does.
You mean the bully says do this or I will invade you...well not any longer. :) Fortunately we have a president smart enough to NOT allow American blood to be spilled in another republican christian zionist crusade against those EEEEVVVVVILLLLL MOOOOSSSSLIMMMMSSS...
Why do you want more war,more young American men and women killed,THOUSANDS if not Hundreds of Thousands injured some beyond repair...why are you so interested in having a war when we can peacefully solve this problem? I just can't see what would make someone WANT war. So explain it please.
First explain how you expect Iran wants a peaceful solution
Why do democrats want nuclear war worldwide with Iran as the flashpoint?
You do realize 1. Iran has no Nukes. 2. It would take YEARS to get Nukes 3. Israel,Pakistan,India ALL have nukes are ALL either in the ME or close enough to the ME to spark a nuclear war. Pakistan and India have fought 3 major wars since 1947 when's last time Iran started a war?
Who has suggested going to war with Iran? Not wanting to make a bad deal is not the same as wanting to go to war despite this liberal talking point these are not the only options.
What bad deal? How is the deal on the table from what we know a bad deal? It stops their nuclear activities and makes them stay open to inspections something we CAN'T say about Israel's Nukes. They could be in danger of going off and as fanatical as Israel is it wouldn't surprise me if they used Samson Option if Iran and the US AND several other nations agreed to a deal.
If the deal is as good as we're being told why haven't we been shown any of the details on it? That's like someone trying to sell you a used car without letting you take it for a test drive?
Why do democrats want nuclear war worldwide with Iran as the flashpoint?
You do realize 1. Iran has no Nukes. 2. It would take YEARS to get Nukes 3. Israel,Pakistan,India ALL have nukes are ALL either in the ME or close enough to the ME to spark a nuclear war. Pakistan and India have fought 3 major wars since 1947 when's last time Iran started a war?
Who has suggested going to war with Iran? Not wanting to make a bad deal is not the same as wanting to go to war despite this liberal talking point these are not the only options.
What bad deal? How is the deal on the table from what we know a bad deal? It stops their nuclear activities and makes them stay open to inspections something we CAN'T say about Israel's Nukes. They could be in danger of going off and as fanatical as Israel is it wouldn't surprise me if they used Samson Option if Iran and the US AND several other nations agreed to a deal.
If the deal is as good as we're being told why haven't we been shown any of the details on it? That's like someone trying to sell you a used car without letting you take it for a test drive?
Who gave you the deluded notion that you were at all, in any fucking way, worthy of kicking the tires?
they really think Iran will be PEACEFUL. Lets go all the way back to Jimmy Carter.

Just like under Clinton he wanted to find peaceful and then when he left office. NINE months later we had 9/11

these people are going to get us killed, AGAIN. Hopefully it won't be more than 3000 the next time
Oh so now Iran had a hand in 9/11, I thought Bush said it was Iraq? Either way they are both lies.
The mistake is in imagining that a country that has a national slogan Death to America is peaceful. The country that has vowed that the islamic flag will fly over the white house isn't peaceful.

The peaceful intent of Iran exists only in the minds of democrats. Last week this peaceful country was practicing on how to sink an American aircraft carrier.
I say leave everyone be until there is a real threat to worry about.Stopping their nuke program stops any threat you republicans think exists.
So its about saving Israel who has nukes,an elite military and IQ service etc...that's what I figured. Shed American blood to save Israeli blood.Some sick bastards.

So it doesn't bother you that Iran is in the process of taking over 4 other muslim countries, and has eyes on ME domination.... you must be a terrorist muslim supporter!
You mean helping Assad in trying to stabilize Syria,Helping Iraqi forces defeat ISIS. That's all I can think of...no different from the US invading Iraq,giving support to "rebels" in Syria who then turned into ISIS,destabilized Libya where ISIS is now at as well BTW.

stop babbling. if you can't comprehend something better to just stay quiet. You people worry over our military men and women dying... but don't care when we are attacked by people who hates us and wipes out 3000 lives in one day.

you're phonies.
Why do you want more war,more young American men and women killed,THOUSANDS if not Hundreds of Thousands injured some beyond repair...why are you so interested in having a war when we can peacefully solve this problem? I just can't see what would make someone WANT war. So explain it please.

Repugnants take their orders from their Supreme leader : Bibi

Repugnants love wasting gazillions to please their major constituents Bibi, war profiteers, warmongers

Fascist governments love spending money on welfare and warfare.

they really think Iran will be PEACEFUL. Lets go all the way back to Jimmy Carter.

Just like under Clinton he wanted to find peaceful and then when he left office. NINE months later we had 9/11

these people are going to get us killed, AGAIN. Hopefully it won't be more than 3000 the next time
Oh so now Iran had a hand in 9/11, I thought Bush said it was Iraq? Either way they are both lies.
The mistake is in imagining that a country that has a national slogan Death to America is peaceful. The country that has vowed that the islamic flag will fly over the white house isn't peaceful.

The peaceful intent of Iran exists only in the minds of democrats. Last week this peaceful country was practicing on how to sink an American aircraft carrier.
I say leave everyone be until there is a real threat to worry about.Stopping their nuke program stops any threat you republicans think exists.
So its about saving Israel who has nukes,an elite military and IQ service etc...that's what I figured. Shed American blood to save Israeli blood.Some sick bastards.

So it doesn't bother you that Iran is in the process of taking over 4 other muslim countries, and has eyes on ME domination.... you must be a terrorist muslim supporter!
You mean helping Assad in trying to stabilize Syria,Helping Iraqi forces defeat ISIS. That's all I can think of...no different from the US invading Iraq,giving support to "rebels" in Syria who then turned into ISIS,destabilized Libya where ISIS is now at as well BTW.

stop babbling. if you can't comprehend something better to just stay quiet. You people worry over our military men and women dying... but don't care when we are attacked by people who hates us and wipes out 3000 lives in one day.

you're phonies.
That wasn't Iran Sweetcheeks. It's the place we overthrew to install our puppet, the Shah.
they really think Iran will be PEACEFUL. Lets go all the way back to Jimmy Carter.

Just like under Clinton he wanted to find peaceful and then when he left office. NINE months later we had 9/11

these people are going to get us killed, AGAIN. Hopefully it won't be more than 3000 the next time
Oh so now Iran had a hand in 9/11, I thought Bush said it was Iraq? Either way they are both lies.
The mistake is in imagining that a country that has a national slogan Death to America is peaceful. The country that has vowed that the islamic flag will fly over the white house isn't peaceful.

The peaceful intent of Iran exists only in the minds of democrats. Last week this peaceful country was practicing on how to sink an American aircraft carrier.
I say leave everyone be until there is a real threat to worry about.Stopping their nuke program stops any threat you republicans think exists.
So its about saving Israel who has nukes,an elite military and IQ service etc...that's what I figured. Shed American blood to save Israeli blood.Some sick bastards.

So it doesn't bother you that Iran is in the process of taking over 4 other muslim countries, and has eyes on ME domination.... you must be a terrorist muslim supporter!
You mean helping Assad in trying to stabilize Syria,Helping Iraqi forces defeat ISIS. That's all I can think of...no different from the US invading Iraq,giving support to "rebels" in Syria who then turned into ISIS,destabilized Libya where ISIS is now at as well BTW.

stop babbling. if you can't comprehend something better to just stay quiet. You people worry over our military men and women dying... but don't care when we are attacked by people who hates us and wipes out 3000 lives in one day.

you're phonies.
No they are the reason lunatic liberal is a redundancy. It's also why they call realists insane? Realpolitick means we must bomb Iran back to the stoneage over the embassy seizure, something Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot never tried.
You notice they don't worry over how many of our military men and women has died under Obama's reign of terror. so they accuse us of wanting to go to war instead.

they really think Iran will be PEACEFUL. Lets go all the way back to Jimmy Carter.

Just like under Clinton he wanted to find peaceful and then when he left office. NINE months later we had 9/11

these people are going to get us killed, AGAIN. Hopefully it won't be more than 3000 the next time
Oh so now Iran had a hand in 9/11, I thought Bush said it was Iraq? Either way they are both lies.
The mistake is in imagining that a country that has a national slogan Death to America is peaceful. The country that has vowed that the islamic flag will fly over the white house isn't peaceful.

The peaceful intent of Iran exists only in the minds of democrats. Last week this peaceful country was practicing on how to sink an American aircraft carrier.
I say leave everyone be until there is a real threat to worry about.Stopping their nuke program stops any threat you republicans think exists.
So its about saving Israel who has nukes,an elite military and IQ service etc...that's what I figured. Shed American blood to save Israeli blood.Some sick bastards.

So it doesn't bother you that Iran is in the process of taking over 4 other muslim countries, and has eyes on ME domination.... you must be a terrorist muslim supporter!
You mean helping Assad in trying to stabilize Syria,Helping Iraqi forces defeat ISIS. That's all I can think of...no different from the US invading Iraq,giving support to "rebels" in Syria who then turned into ISIS,destabilized Libya where ISIS is now at as well BTW.

Wasn't it Assad that the obomanation drew a RED LINE over, and they walked all over him, making him the laughing stock of the world?...Taking over control of the Iraq army, putting in Iranian puppets in Yemen, and let Gadhafi fall and Libya become a stronghold for ISIS!...Yes, the Manchurian did good....for Iran, and ISIS!

Why do democrats want nuclear war worldwide with Iran as the flashpoint?
You do realize 1. Iran has no Nukes. 2. It would take YEARS to get Nukes 3. Israel,Pakistan,India ALL have nukes are ALL either in the ME or close enough to the ME to spark a nuclear war. Pakistan and India have fought 3 major wars since 1947 when's last time Iran started a war?
Who has suggested going to war with Iran? Not wanting to make a bad deal is not the same as wanting to go to war despite this liberal talking point these are not the only options.
What bad deal? How is the deal on the table from what we know a bad deal? It stops their nuclear activities and makes them stay open to inspections something we CAN'T say about Israel's Nukes. They could be in danger of going off and as fanatical as Israel is it wouldn't surprise me if they used Samson Option if Iran and the US AND several other nations agreed to a deal.
If the deal is as good as we're being told why haven't we been shown any of the details on it? That's like someone trying to sell you a used car without letting you take it for a test drive?
Its not up to US to like it. Its up to the US and Iran diplomats who we have elected etc to get this fixed.
they really think Iran will be PEACEFUL. Lets go all the way back to Jimmy Carter.

Just like under Clinton he wanted to find peaceful and then when he left office. NINE months later we had 9/11

these people are going to get us killed, AGAIN. Hopefully it won't be more than 3000 the next time
Oh so now Iran had a hand in 9/11, I thought Bush said it was Iraq? Either way they are both lies.
The mistake is in imagining that a country that has a national slogan Death to America is peaceful. The country that has vowed that the islamic flag will fly over the white house isn't peaceful.

The peaceful intent of Iran exists only in the minds of democrats. Last week this peaceful country was practicing on how to sink an American aircraft carrier.
I say leave everyone be until there is a real threat to worry about.Stopping their nuke program stops any threat you republicans think exists.
So its about saving Israel who has nukes,an elite military and IQ service etc...that's what I figured. Shed American blood to save Israeli blood.Some sick bastards.

So it doesn't bother you that Iran is in the process of taking over 4 other muslim countries, and has eyes on ME domination.... you must be a terrorist muslim supporter!
You mean helping Assad in trying to stabilize Syria,Helping Iraqi forces defeat ISIS. That's all I can think of...no different from the US invading Iraq,giving support to "rebels" in Syria who then turned into ISIS,destabilized Libya where ISIS is now at as well BTW.

stop babbling. if you can't comprehend something better to just stay quiet. You people worry over our military men and women dying... but don't care when we are attacked by people who hates us and wipes out 3000 lives in one day.

you're phonies.
You darling are the only one who doesn't understand something. IRAN did not attack the US on 9/11 SAUDI ARABIAN citizens for the most part did. Get it right for fucks sakes. You want to go to war with Iran over your ignorant excuse that they attacked the US on 9/11. Man some people are scary stupid.
Wasn't it Assad that the obomanation drew a RED LINE over, and they walked all over him, making him the laughing stock of the world?...Taking over control of the Iraq army, putting in Iranian puppets in Yemen, and let Gadhafi fall and Libya become a stronghold for ISIS!...Yes, the Manchut=rian did good....for

Vigilante , Spanish for :"likes to suck Bibi's dick"

Listen Dingle Berry , wasn't ISIS known in Syria as the RESISTANCE?

Didn't Obama supply them with arms and made them millionaires trying too please you stupid Zionist motherfuckers?!?!?!?!?!?!

Wasn't it Assad that the obomanation drew a RED LINE over, and they walked all over him, making him the laughing stock of the world?...Taking over control of the Iraq army, putting in Iranian puppets in Yemen, and let Gadhafi fall and Libya become a stronghold for ISIS!...Yes, the Manchut=rian did good....for

Vigilante , Spanish for :"likes to suck Bibi's dick"

Listen Dingle Berry , wasn't ISIS known in Syria as the RESISTANCE?

Didn't Obama supply them with arms and made them millionaires trying too please you stupid Zionist motherfuckers?!?!?!?!?!?!


He did all that alright, for his muslim masters.... I'm a agnostic, that realizes they would cut off your head, just to use it for soccer.... Good idea!

The UN-armed person does NOT set the rules of peace. The ARMED person does.
You mean the bully says do this or I will invade you...well not any longer. :) Fortunately we have a president smart enough to NOT allow American blood to be spilled in another republican christian zionist crusade against those EEEEVVVVVILLLLL MOOOOSSSSLIMMMMSSS...
Less then two years and America gets to fight back. And nukes ARE an option.
Republicans are so stupid with their passive-aggressive Chickenhawk war talk. They have no alternative to what Obama is currently doing. It's just that they don't like the fact that Obama doesn't go on t.v. and act like a fucking yahoo and make vague professional wrestling type threats to foreign nations we have disagreements with.

Some of them think sanctions are the only option, which is stupid. You have to have a deal regarding inspectors being allowed there frequently or there's no deal, and Obama has admitted as much.

There isn't one thing Republicans have offered that is ANY different than what Obama's doing. They're just a bunch of warmongering ninnies who I believe should be handed parachutes, guns, and a free plane ride if they want their stupid forever wars so badly.
Republicans are so stupid with their passive-aggressive Chickenhawk war talk. They have no alternative to what Obama is currently doing. It's just that they don't like the fact that Obama doesn't go on t.v. and act like a fucking yahoo and make vague professional wrestling type threats to foreign nations we have disagreements with.

Some of them think sanctions are the only option, which is stupid. You have to have a deal regarding inspectors being allowed there frequently or there's no deal, and Obama has admitted as much.

There isn't one thing Republicans have offered that is ANY different than what Obama's doing. They're just a bunch of warmongering ninnies who I believe should be handed parachutes, guns, and a free plane ride if they want their stupid forever wars so badly.

they don't have to offer anything. You should be pissed at your President getting ready to sell us out again
Why do you want more war,more young American men and women killed,THOUSANDS if not Hundreds of Thousands injured some beyond repair...why are you so interested in having a war when we can peacefully solve this problem? I just can't see what would make someone WANT war. So explain it please.

I'm not sure they do so much as their financial donors who're actually in charge want it. Wars benefit the corporations who manufacture everythign used in a war. From Q-tips to aircraft carriers. No war means no business restocking everything used.

Intelligence assessments for the last 30 or so years have unanimously concluded a military option wont work. There's no one here, in Israel, or anywhere else who says a military strike could work (among those who actually know wtf they're talking about anyway.)

I think instead that the sabre-rattling is simply one more tool being used to compel Iran to negotiate. "Agree to dismantle or there's always option B." Without those threats of military force there'd be less incentive for Iran to capitulate. "Abandon our nuclear program? Ya? Or what?" :)
Wasn't it Assad that the obomanation drew a RED LINE over, and they walked all over him, making him the laughing stock of the world?...Taking over control of the Iraq army, putting in Iranian puppets in Yemen, and let Gadhafi fall and Libya become a stronghold for ISIS!...Yes, the Manchut=rian did good....for

Vigilante , Spanish for :"likes to suck Bibi's dick"

Listen Dingle Berry , wasn't ISIS known in Syria as the RESISTANCE?

Didn't Obama supply them with arms and made them millionaires trying too please you stupid Zionist motherfuckers?!?!?!?!?!?!


He did all that alright, for his muslim masters.... I'm a agnostic, that realizes they would cut off your head, just to use it for soccer.... Good idea!


Vigilante , Spanish for :"likes to suck Bibi's dick"

Listen Dingle Berry , wasn't ISIS known in Syria as the RESISTANCE?

Didn't Obama supply them with arms and made them millionaires trying too please you stupid Zionist motherfuckers?!?!?!?!?!?!


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