Why do republicans want war with Iran instead of a peaceful solution?

Why do you want more war,more young American men and women killed,THOUSANDS if not Hundreds of Thousands injured some beyond repair...why are you so interested in having a war when we can peacefully solve this problem? I just can't see what would make someone WANT war. So explain it please.
The only people pushing that is ones like yourself,repeating falsehoods over and over no matter how many times,it will never make them true.
Why do you want more war,more young American men and women killed,THOUSANDS if not Hundreds of Thousands injured some beyond repair...why are you so interested in having a war when we can peacefully solve this problem? I just can't see what would make someone WANT war. So explain it please.
The only people pushing that is ones like yourself,repeating falsehoods over and over no matter how many times,it will never make them true.

they have to take the heat away from Obama. so they picked this lie that we want war with Iran to do it.

it's just pathetic. Party over country for them
Republican scum trash traitors called out in headlines

Why do you want more war,more young American men and women killed,THOUSANDS if not Hundreds of Thousands injured some beyond repair...why are you so interested in having a war when we can peacefully solve this problem? I just can't see what would make someone WANT war. So explain it please.
The only people pushing that is ones like yourself,repeating falsehoods over and over no matter how many times,it will never make them true.
It will never be true that we had a real reason to invade Iraq...it was all criminal lies by scum43 and his Mafia ....
Why do you want more war,more young American men and women killed,THOUSANDS if not Hundreds of Thousands injured some beyond repair...why are you so interested in having a war when we can peacefully solve this problem? I just can't see what would make someone WANT war. So explain it please.
The only people pushing that is ones like yourself,repeating falsehoods over and over no matter how many times,it will never make them true.
It will never be true that we had a real reason to invade Iraq...it was all criminal lies by scum43 and his Mafia ....
This is another lie,who taught you to lie like you do? nice defection by the way,in short ya got nothing
Why do you want more war,more young American men and women killed,THOUSANDS if not Hundreds of Thousands injured some beyond repair...why are you so interested in having a war when we can peacefully solve this problem? I just can't see what would make someone WANT war. So explain it please.
The only people pushing that is ones like yourself,repeating falsehoods over and over no matter how many times,it will never make them true.
It will never be true that we had a real reason to invade Iraq...it was all criminal lies by scum43 and his Mafia ....
This is another lie,who taught you to lie like you do? nice defection by the way,in short ya got nothing
If anyone is lying is you wing nut du Jour ...Bush lied and hundreds of thousands died...for profits ...
Why do you want more war,more young American men and women killed,THOUSANDS if not Hundreds of Thousands injured some beyond repair...why are you so interested in having a war when we can peacefully solve this problem? I just can't see what would make someone WANT war. So explain it please.
The only people pushing that is ones like yourself,repeating falsehoods over and over no matter how many times,it will never make them true.
It will never be true that we had a real reason to invade Iraq...it was all criminal lies by scum43 and his Mafia ....
This is another lie,who taught you to lie like you do? nice defection by the way,in short ya got nothing
If anyone is lying is you wing nut du Jour ...Bush lied and hundreds of thousands died...for profits ...
The Dems proved your post is a lies,keep saying it,it will never be true.
Why do you want more war,more young American men and women killed,THOUSANDS if not Hundreds of Thousands injured some beyond repair...why are you so interested in having a war when we can peacefully solve this problem? I just can't see what would make someone WANT war. So explain it please.
Isn't this the same lame attitude that Neville Chamberlain had? Let's APPEASE the Iranians, and let history repeat itself. Why does Iran NEED nukes anyway? Peaceful purposes? They are sitting on all those energy reserves, Iran NEEDS atomic energy like an eskimo needs ice-cream. What they really want is a BIG bomb, and in case you haven't noticed, Muslims are a tad unhinged and a bit dangerous with conventional weapons.
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The Dems proved your post is a lies,keep saying it,it will never be true.
What will never be true is that there was a reason to attack Iraq
what will never be true is that Republicans are Patriots...they are no Patriots in any way shape or form...
Bush lied and hundreds of thousands died needlessly for profits....
The mistake is in imagining that a country that has a national slogan Death to America is peaceful. The country that has vowed that the islamic flag will fly over the white house isn't peaceful.

The peaceful intent of Iran exists only in the minds of democrats. Last week this peaceful country was practicing on how to sink an American aircraft carrier.

The Dems proved your post is a lies,keep saying it,it will never be true.
What will never be true is that there was a reason to attack Iraq
what will never be true is that Republicans are Patriots...they are no Patriots in any way shape or form...
Bush lied and hundreds of thousands died needlessly for profits....
Repeating your self,isn't gaining a thing,try and address the real issue,The Dems,determined to get Bush searched and search for that smoking gun,but found nothing,you on the other hand still live in a makde up reality.
The good thing,people like yourself,are not in charge.
The horrible and abominable thing is that this is far from the first act of Treason by entitled white men in the GOP

The Lyndon Johnson tapes: Richard Nixon's 'treason'
Declassified tapes of President Lyndon Johnson's telephone calls provide a fresh insight into his world. Among the revelations - he planned a dramatic entry into the 1968 Democratic Convention to re-join the presidential race. And he caught Richard Nixon sabotaging the Vietnam peace talks... but said nothing.
The horrible and abominable thing is that this is far from the first act of Treason by entitled white men in the GOP

Without Reagan s Treason Iran Would Not Be a Problem

Just ask Jimmy Carter.

In 1980 Carter thought he had reached a deal with newly-elected Iranian President Abdolhassan Bani-Sadr over the release of the fifty-two hostages held by radical students at the American Embassy in Tehran.

Bani-Sadr was a moderate and, as heexplained in an editorial for The Christian Science Monitorearlier this year, had successfully run for President on the popular position of releasing the hostages:

"I openly opposed the hostage-taking throughout the election campaign.... I won the election with over 76 percent of the vote.... Other candidates also were openly against hostage-taking, and overall, 96 percent of votes in that election were given to candidates who were against it [hostage-taking]."

Carter was confident that with Bani-Sadr's help, he could end the embarrassing hostage crisis that had been a thorn in his political side ever since it began in November of 1979.
But Carter underestimated the lengths his opponent in the 1980 Presidential election, California Governor Ronald Reagan, would go to screw him over.

Behind Carter's back, the Reagan campaignworked out a dealwith the leader of Iran's radical faction - Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini - to keep the hostages in captivity until after the 1980 Presidential election.
Why have libs wasted 10 yrs lying to the people about Iran's intentions leaving much less time for a solution other than war.

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