Why do righties support civil disobedience overseas but not here?


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
Why do righties support civil disobedience overseas but not here?

Syria and China for instance - most all righties I've met (and most all liberals as well) support the civil disobedience that has occurred in those nations.

Why are righties opposed to it here? Do they think foreigners should have more rights than us?
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Most are fools. They don't know what they believe. They scream and whine they hate the Obama agenda, but when it's explained, they agree with it. It's the difference between black and white.
It is amazing isn't it. When those repressive governments crack down on the protesters with force they go bananas, "Look how they are treating their own people". When the US government cracks down on protesters with force they applaud it. What makes it even worse is that they seem happy when fellow Americans get arrested and beat by the police. To listen to FOX news you would think that the OWS people are all lazy unamerican leaches. Even the two tour Afgahnastan vet they shot in the head with a bean bag. Funny they don't talk about that.
You have the right to PROTEST..

when you turn to Civil disobedience then you Choose to take what comes with it. We have laws. too bad if you all don't like them. you are also infringing on the RIGHTS of others..

I don't SUPPORT civil disobedience where ever it's being done
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Righties are FOR personal liberties. It's the lefties that squelch dissent. Remember that nazism, socialism & communalism are ALL left wing...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_uC0wy_O90]Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia - A Poster Comparison - YouTube[/ame]

Why do righties support civil disobedience overseas but not here?

Syria and China for instance - most all righties I've met (and most all liberals as well) support the civil disobedience that has occurred in those nations.

Why are righties opposed to it here? Do they think foreigners should have more rights than us?
Why do righties support civil disobedience overseas but not here?

Syria and China for instance - most all righties I've met (and most all liberals as well) support the civil disobedience that has occurred in those nations.

Why are righties opposed to it here? Do they think foreigners should have more rights than us?

Who's opposed to civil disobedience here? Just because we don't like what the OWS morons are doing doesn't mean we don't like ANY civil disobedience.

Add another strawman to the legion.
You have the right to ask your government questions, to demand accountability from your government. If your government is lying to you, you should demand the truth.

Protesting is wonderful. Using the cover of protest to steal, destroy the property of other citizens, that is never defended.

To Demand that Mubarak show what he did with all that cash he got from the US Government, to march in the streets and demand answers... that is cool.

To make sure that other voices are not heard, to prevent people from working, that is not demanding civil liberties, that is fascism at it's worst.
For it to count as civil disobedience, people have to be able to take the consequences.

For example, they have to be willing to go pay the fines or go to jail if they're doing something illegal.

A lot of the OWS people are not willing to accept the consequences. They're complaining when the time to pay up comes.

That's not civil disobedience. That's committing crime and whining about the consequences.
Righties are FOR personal liberties. It's the lefties that squelch dissent. Remember that nazism, socialism & communalism are ALL left wing...

Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia - A Poster Comparison - YouTube

Why do righties support civil disobedience overseas but not here?

Syria and China for instance - most all righties I've met (and most all liberals as well) support the civil disobedience that has occurred in those nations.

Why are righties opposed to it here? Do they think foreigners should have more rights than us?

Wow, it's amazing just how much misinformation can be put in one post!
Most are fools. They don't know what they believe. They scream and whine they hate the Obama agenda, but when it's explained, they agree with it. It's the difference between black and white.

You better explain it to me.
For it to count as civil disobedience, people have to be able to take the consequences.

For example, they have to be willing to go pay the fines or go to jail if they're doing something illegal.

A lot of the OWS people are not willing to accept the consequences. They're complaining when the time to pay up comes.

That's not civil disobedience. That's committing crime and whining about the consequences.

It seems like not wanting to pay up is the common thread that ties all of their actions together.
What amazes me is that when it came to the tea party and the extreme right was exposed as racists, and seperatists, it was quickly dismissed as the fringe element.

Now the OWS movement starts and the only thing talked about by conservatives are the extremeists on the left.

I suppose its a tit for tat thing. Funny how cameras and microphones are quickly removed when they start talking to someone who knows what they are talking about.
What amazes me is that when it came to the tea party and the extreme right was exposed as racists, and seperatists, it was quickly dismissed as the fringe element.

Now the OWS movement starts and the only thing talked about by conservatives are the extremeists on the left.

I suppose its a tit for tat thing. Funny how cameras and microphones are quickly removed when they start talking to someone who knows what they are talking about.

Humans don't like truth.
Fascism is not left wing. It is authoritarian, right wing, anti-union, anti-democracy, and nationalistic. Not liberal, not left, not Democratic.
Why do righties support civil disobedience overseas but not here?

Syria and China for instance - most all righties I've met (and most all liberals as well) support the civil disobedience that has occurred in those nations.

Why are righties opposed to it here? Do they think foreigners should have more rights than us?

Maybe because Syria and China are oppressive, not democratic, forms of government.

Why does the left oppose protesters who are civil and then characterize them as being a violent mob?
I saw that accusation before. I have not seen the Tea Party called violent. There were incidents of intimidation-is that what you mean?
Why do righties support civil disobedience overseas but not here?

Syria and China for instance - most all righties I've met (and most all liberals as well) support the civil disobedience that has occurred in those nations.

Why are righties opposed to it here? Do they think foreigners should have more rights than us?

im opposed to marxist trash.
Why do righties support civil disobedience overseas but not here?

Syria and China for instance - most all righties I've met (and most all liberals as well) support the civil disobedience that has occurred in those nations.

Why are righties opposed to it here? Do they think foreigners should have more rights than us?

im opposed to marxist trash.

That's called eliminationist rhetoric. Comparing your ideological opponents trash, vermin, cockroaches, scum, etc. It's a way of dehumanizing your opponents, which can make violence against them more acceptable.

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