Why do RWs make no effort in defending the GOP while they are demonizing democrats?

When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?

Why do Democrats pretend to support the MIDDLE CLASS when they pursue policies that erode the Middle Class? Higher Taxes have no impact on the wealthy and reward the poor. The Middle Class gets hurt the most. Democrats pursue egregious regulatory policies and mandates that chase businesses out and keep cash investment on the sideline......who does that hurt? The Middle Class.

So, to your point, I am not going to convince you why everyone should vote GOP. If you are poor and expect to be cared for cradle to grave by the state, vote Democrat. If you are wealthy elite that believe in a true 1%, vote Democrat. If you are Middle Class that believe in opportunity and not being dis-incentivized for your economic pursuits and rewards for the risks and sacrifices you make, DON'T VOTE DEMOCRAT. Clearly, it is not in your interest.
isn't the leader so far in repub party part of this wealthy elite 1%

Yes......but the policies he is pushing do not lock in a true 1%. Wealthy Elites who support a true 1% tend to be Liberal. A true 1% is one that locks out upward mobility. The Liberal Elites don't push policies that help small business entrepreneurs.
Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
So again, you make no mention of actual republican policies you like.

Rescinding Obamacare.
Abolishing the EPA
Abolishing the Dept of Education
Supporting the 2nd Amendment
Cutting spending
Cutting taxes
Following the Constitution.
Lol 3 of those are just "no" policies rather than real alternatives for something. You would also have to be a moron to think any democrat in office wants to abolish the 2nd amendment. Lol what real spending cuts have republicans made exactly? They have no problem blowing up our defense budget. The only taxes they cut are for the top earners and corporations. Doesn't that bother you?

I don't want an alternative to the EPA, the Dept of Education or Obamacare.

And nothing could be more obvious than the fact that the democrat party wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment. They make that clear every time they post on the subject. Like I said in another post, Republican politicians are a collection of jellyfish who are a great disappointment to rank and file party members.
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable[/QUOTE]
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Since I know that you lack the intellect to respond in any kind of way that wouldn't make you come across as the clueless moron that you are ( evidence by the fact that you always ignore what I write because it is too far over your head) this response is for the folks here, left and right that have the ability to think.

Raising the minimum wage- Under the current debt slavery system where the more fiat money dumped into the system, the more it lessens the value of the currency, we have to change the banking system and that means kicking out the central bankers. Everyone should be paid a living wage if they work 40 hours a week....you may not have much but you at least have the bare necessities and that isn't happening. Raising minimum wage is only putting a band-aid on a fatal wound. USA.INC is sitting in 145 TRILLION dollars in assets not only here but in foreign markets as well. Composite government has enough funds to eliminate all taxes plus give every American a dividend check. The unfair trade agreements that have allowed USA.INC to make such a tidy sum of money is why decent paying jobs have gone overseas. They need to be repealed and a tariff placed on goods made by cheap labor.

Expanding over time pay: If you are not a salary employee, anything over 40 hours is to be paid at a time and a half. If this is not happening, take it up with the labor board or get an attorney. I assure you that remedy is easy and is used all the time.

Investing infrastructure: USA.INC definitely has the money and they are hoarding the technology to get us off of the electrical grid. Tesla technology is being used in the 139 plus deep underground military bases but since USA.INC owns the utility corporations, they have no incentive to improve our energy consumption because #1 It makes them money, #2 It perpetuates the myth that man's consumption of energy is what is causing climate change when it is actually USA.INC that is sucking off the energy (our labor) for hard assets while paying us with worthless paper.

Investing in education: You mean programs like Common Core that tell kids what to think instead of how to think? Two plus two = five if you can explain how your group reached that consensus???? Teaching children how to read, how to write, how to add, multiply and subtract doesn't require state of the art equipment. Back when they had one room school houses, the graduates came out with a better understanding of how the world works than the ones that graduate today....guaran-fucking-tee you on that one. Higher education raised their rates because they stood to gain from easy tuition payments via student loans that leaves the student 50k to 100K in debt starting out...btw, guess who is in charge of managing said student loans? That's right, USA.INC......

Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners: USA.INC is the majority shareholder in every Fortune 500 company as well as their subsidiaries and their dividends are tax free because they are "da gubermint"....you don't REALLY believe that this corporate entity has any interest in taxing it's self since it would only end back up in their hands anyway. The top earners are "gubermint" connected and they are in the "good ol boys club"...you can swing your little purse at them and demand that they trickle down the wealth to your little flock of ne'er-do wells but that ain't gonna happen. They have a vested interest in consilidating power and wealth into fewer and fewer hands.

Addressing Wall Street crime: THat would indict USA.INC that controls 70 percwent of the trading on Wall Street and the bankers that own USA.INC also own Wall Street...again, you strike out.

Strengthening the EPA and FDA: The EPA and FDA are also incorporated and they make money for USA.INC by coming down hard on small comapnies while giving a free pass to the massive corporations that USA.INC has a major stake in......it will never happen. The FDA, also a corporate entity has no interest in public health but pushing through big pharma medication of which (yes, USA.INC is the majority stockholders in) makes a huge amount of money while suppressing cures for diseases that involve hemp because they wouldn't be able to control it or profit from it. Please take not of the deaths of 32 holistic doctors that last two years that have pointed out the benefits of hemp and how vaccines are causing autism

Making healthcare more affordable: USA.INC has no incentive on insuring the health of their slaves because they own the major shares in the insurance companies and big pharma. USA.INC owes benefits to retirees.... money of which has been paid into the system that they siphoned off for investment purposes...what better way to get rid of our creditors than for them to die off before the can collect? You don't see the big picture...you don't know what I do. I have put the pieces of the puzzle in place and it is plain as day to me. We have been nothing but a resource for a 100 years and now we have a diminishing return so they are going to start "downsizing". The power elite want to return Mother Earth to a proper balance so they have decided that they will have to make some "God like" decisions on whom will bring more to the table than what they take. Your utopian view of how things should be don't even play into the equation.....I know more than you...FACT.
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
I vote Democratic to cancel out your vote.
If you have an economy that is barly creating jobs raising the minimum wage does nothing. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime how would that be exanpded? I guess getting the money for more infrastructure and education will come form taxing the rich which seems to be the lefts standard answer to pay for all that. Why hasn't Obama already closed those loopholes you think it might be because he and the Democrats get as much money from them as Republicans? You have a Justice Departement and courts to address crime which includes those by Wall Street and have had them for a very long time. What power should the EPA and FDA have that they don't already? Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable it hasn't.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.

ObamaCare, yeah it's great that now people have to pay more for health care... That's affordability!

Talk for yourself, I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply. Government regulation is garbage anyway... right now Greece debt obligations are considered tier one risk-less capital by regulators, because regulators obviously know best what is best for safety (and would never regulate anything based on political purpose, ever).
I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply.
do you have your own well?.....just askin....

When I was a kid a private water company supplied our house until the county took it over. The day that happened they tripled the price my parents had to pay for water.
i was looking at regulations as making sure someone does not dump shit into the river supplying water to an area...but i guess the price can factor into that....

There are other ways to handle that, like sell off all the water to individuals and then let them sue if anyone pollutes their water.
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
I vote Democratic to cancel out your vote.

Which just shows what a nightmare democracy is.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.

ObamaCare, yeah it's great that now people have to pay more for health care... That's affordability!

Talk for yourself, I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply. Government regulation is garbage anyway... right now Greece debt obligations are considered tier one risk-less capital by regulators, because regulators obviously know best what is best for safety (and would never regulate anything based on political purpose, ever).
I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply.
do you have your own well?.....just askin....

When I was a kid a private water company supplied our house until the county took it over. The day that happened they tripled the price my parents had to pay for water.
i was looking at regulations as making sure someone does not dump shit into the river supplying water to an area...but i guess the price can factor into that....

Dude, it's already illegal to dump waste on other people's property. You should check the law some time.

The problem with water is that in most cases no one owns it.
If you have an economy that is barly creating jobs raising the minimum wage does nothing. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime how would that be exanpded? I guess getting the money for more infrastructure and education will come form taxing the rich which seems to be the lefts standard answer to pay for all that. Why hasn't Obama already closed those loopholes you think it might be because he and the Democrats get as much money from them as Republicans? You have a Justice Departement and courts to address crime which includes those by Wall Street and have had them for a very long time. What power should the EPA and FDA have that they don't already? Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable it hasn't.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.

ObamaCare, yeah it's great that now people have to pay more for health care... That's affordability!

Talk for yourself, I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply. Government regulation is garbage anyway... right now Greece debt obligations are considered tier one risk-less capital by regulators, because regulators obviously know best what is best for safety (and would never regulate anything based on political purpose, ever).
I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply.
do you have your own well?.....just askin....
I have my own well.
tests out much cleaner than the county/state supplied sludge they provide.
i hear ya i buy bottled myself....
mine comes from the well, goes through a conditioner to remove iron and other trace metals, radium also if its there, then It has a chemical injection that can correct ph, I don't need that but I do add a trace of sodium hypochlorite to kill any odor (sulfur) an most bacteria, then through an ultra violet light to kill any remaining bacteria. For the kitchen, sink and Ice maker It then goes through a reverse osmosis system. I actually test lower in TDS than most bottled water at the kitchen.
and Im way cleaner than city water. Plus I don't have poisons like fluoride added.
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable
If you have an economy that is barly creating jobs raising the minimum wage does nothing. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime how would that be exanpded? I guess getting the money for more infrastructure and education will come form taxing the rich which seems to be the lefts standard answer to pay for all that. Why hasn't Obama already closed those loopholes you think it might be because he and the Democrats get as much money from them as Republicans? You have a Justice Departement and courts to address crime which includes those by Wall Street and have had them for a very long time. What power should the EPA and FDA have that they don't already? Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable it hasn't.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.
WE have had economic growth of about 2% give or take throughout Obamas Presidency and that is with the Fed keeping interest rates near zero your not creating strong well paying jobs under that.

And yet much like the rest of Obama's EO no real positive impact.

So the rich are suppossed to pay for all the current government programs all the new ones and the ones the left want to expand along with paying off a 19 trillion dollar national debt. Despite what the left likes to think the rich do not have an inexhaustible supply of money you might stop to consider what happens when the government taps them out.

There are many people outside of Wall Street that should be in jail as well but arent unless you want to change the justice system to gulity until proven innocent you will always have some who go free that shouldn't.

Yes regulations do serve a purpose over regulation does not while Flint is a major fuck it is also the exception not the rule.

Those affordable plans through Obamacare are also the ones that have deductibles ranging from 6000 to 8000 dollars so if you don't hit that in the calander year your paying out of pocket those plans make the number of people insured look good on paper but the reality is on paper is the only place they have insurance not in any practical way.
Lol stop pretending all this job growth doesn't mean anything. Of course it does. As for the GDP, what do you think the GDP was when Obama started office?

We don't have adequate revenue because of loopholes. Some corporations don't pay jack shit in federal taxes. The economy loses out on 100 billion per year because of tax havens and loopholes. Obviously that's a problem. And yeah, let's cut spending. Defense defending.
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
I vote Democratic to cancel out your vote.

Which just shows what a nightmare democracy is.
Ain't that the truth?
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
I vote Democratic to cancel out your vote.

Which just shows what a nightmare democracy is.
Ain't that the truth?
in my opinion america would run far better without the republican party around to fk everything up
When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?
Because they are not intellectual. They don't want George Bush at their convention, they feel he failed. But they don't know why.
When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?
Because they are not intellectual. They don't want George Bush at their convention, they feel he failed. But they don't know why.
oh I think they know BUT they're afraid to give all the reasons,,,,afraid to show a sign of their weakness
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable

Isn't that what they promised 8 years ago?
Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
I vote Democratic to cancel out your vote.

Which just shows what a nightmare democracy is.
Ain't that the truth?
in my opinion america would run far better without the republican party around to fk everything up

Democracy is rule by the dumbest 51% of the people. That means you.
When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?
ya black folk and the middle class poor have made great strides under obama.
And tell exactly how many more people are kyou going to put on the goveernment dole
what 49% isn't enough.
No, enough is enough. Go out and get a higher paying job.
Draw you own silly conclusions But the country has reached it's limits. SillyBilly000
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
I vote Democratic to cancel out your vote.

Which just shows what a nightmare democracy is.
Ain't that the truth?
in my opinion america would run far better without the republican party around to fk everything up

Democracy is rule by the dumbest 51% of the people. That means you.
We're not a democracy, we're a democratic-republic.
You aren't the feds, we elect feds to represent us.
When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?
Because they are not intellectual. They don't want George Bush at their convention, they feel he failed. But they don't know why.

So let me get this straight: you believe you're an intellectual?

I vote Democratic to cancel out your vote.

Which just shows what a nightmare democracy is.
Ain't that the truth?
in my opinion america would run far better without the republican party around to fk everything up

Democracy is rule by the dumbest 51% of the people. That means you.
We're not a democracy, we're a democratic-republic.
You aren't the feds, we elect feds to represent us.

The distinction is undetectable.
When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?
ya black folk and the middle class poor have made great strides under obama.
And tell exactly how many more people are kyou going to put on the goveernment dole
what 49% isn't enough.
No, enough is enough. Go out and get a higher paying job.
Draw you own silly conclusions But the country has reached it's limits. SillyBilly000
Actually, considering how the GOP left the country, they have made strides. Could have made more if Republicans didn't hate America.

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