Why do RWs make no effort in defending the GOP while they are demonizing democrats?

Yup, right wingers don't promise to steal money from others to "help" the poor. I don't have any problems with this what so ever.. Thankfully the lefty regressives are always just as charitable with their money as other people's... oh wait.

Besides this, you take the garbage out first, before starting any type of rational discussion. No PC police allowed in any rational discussions I am having.
Funny reading that from someone supporting Trump, whose going to do exactly what you're crying about.

Indeed, he is going to throw the PC people out of his way. Finally someone with balls. No one is perfect of course...
All the while pushing for Amnesty (yes, read his recent paper, it was 1.5 pages long and is basically silly nonsense that ends with "letting them all back in)
He'll do that with gun bans, cause he's a banner.
He'll do that with more government programs, control, taxes and regulations.
He'll do that by finding ways to expand the Kelo decision abuse of Imminent Domain, screwing private citizens of property in favor developers.

But at least he'll be a crude arse about it the whole time! That's the ticket!

The cult of personality following Trump is scary.
When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?
maybe because there are lots of conservatives who dont consider themselves republicans,or like many others they are fed up with the party and its constant bullshit......
Yeah and NO ONE makes an effort to defend the party. That's my point.
well then maybe you should find a republican and ask them....
There's plenty on this board. What are they waiting for?
if you know one billy ask him/her....
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable
If you have an economy that is barly creating jobs raising the minimum wage does nothing. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime how would that be exanpded? I guess getting the money for more infrastructure and education will come form taxing the rich which seems to be the lefts standard answer to pay for all that. Why hasn't Obama already closed those loopholes you think it might be because he and the Democrats get as much money from them as Republicans? You have a Justice Departement and courts to address crime which includes those by Wall Street and have had them for a very long time. What power should the EPA and FDA have that they don't already? Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable it hasn't.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.

ObamaCare, yeah it's great that now people have to pay more for health care... That's affordability!

Talk for yourself, I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply. Government regulation is garbage anyway... right now Greece debt obligations are considered tier one risk-less capital by regulators, because regulators obviously know best what is best for safety (and would never regulate anything based on political purpose, ever).
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable

Almost all of those are boondoggles that I want stopped at any cost. Any party that says simply "we won't allow that" will get my vote.
which ones do consider boondoggles bri?....
Yup, right wingers don't promise to steal money from others to "help" the poor. I don't have any problems with this what so ever.. Thankfully the lefty regressives are always just as charitable with their money as other people's... oh wait.

Besides this, you take the garbage out first, before starting any type of rational discussion. No PC police allowed in any rational discussions I am having.
Funny reading that from someone supporting Trump, whose going to do exactly what you're crying about.

Indeed, he is going to throw the PC people out of his way. Finally someone with balls. No one is perfect of course...
All the while pushing for Amnesty (yes, read his recent paper, it was 1.5 pages long and is basically silly nonsense that ends with "letting them all back in)
He'll do that with gun bans, cause he's a banner.
He'll do that with more government programs, control, taxes and regulations.
He'll do that by finding ways to expand the Kelo decision abuse of Imminent Domain, screwing private citizens of property in favor developers.

But at least he'll be a crude arse about it the whole time! That's the ticket!

The cult of personality following Trump is scary.

Still better than Rhinos or Democrats... Besides, at least he will end political correctness.

Also, you really need some sources or other arguments to support what you are saying.
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable

Almost all of those are boondoggles that I want stopped at any cost. Any party that says simply "we won't allow that" will get my vote.
which ones do consider boondoggles bri?....

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordabl
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable
If you have an economy that is barly creating jobs raising the minimum wage does nothing. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime how would that be exanpded? I guess getting the money for more infrastructure and education will come form taxing the rich which seems to be the lefts standard answer to pay for all that. Why hasn't Obama already closed those loopholes you think it might be because he and the Democrats get as much money from them as Republicans? You have a Justice Departement and courts to address crime which includes those by Wall Street and have had them for a very long time. What power should the EPA and FDA have that they don't already? Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable it hasn't.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.

ObamaCare, yeah it's great that now people have to pay more for health care... That's affordability!

Talk for yourself, I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply. Government regulation is garbage anyway... right now Greece debt obligations are considered tier one risk-less capital by regulators, because regulators obviously know best what is best for safety (and would never regulate anything based on political purpose, ever).
I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply.
do you have your own well?.....just askin....
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable
If you have an economy that is barly creating jobs raising the minimum wage does nothing. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime how would that be exanpded? I guess getting the money for more infrastructure and education will come form taxing the rich which seems to be the lefts standard answer to pay for all that. Why hasn't Obama already closed those loopholes you think it might be because he and the Democrats get as much money from them as Republicans? You have a Justice Departement and courts to address crime which includes those by Wall Street and have had them for a very long time. What power should the EPA and FDA have that they don't already? Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable it hasn't.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.

This has been a terrible recovery, we're sliding back into recession and Obama's actions have not once done anything to help jobs.

Government is the PROBLEM 90% of the time. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you'll start to get it.
Lol we lost 8 million jobs in the Great Recession under Bush. 6 months into Obama's presidency the recession ended and we regained almost twice the amount we lost!
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable
If you have an economy that is barly creating jobs raising the minimum wage does nothing. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime how would that be exanpded? I guess getting the money for more infrastructure and education will come form taxing the rich which seems to be the lefts standard answer to pay for all that. Why hasn't Obama already closed those loopholes you think it might be because he and the Democrats get as much money from them as Republicans? You have a Justice Departement and courts to address crime which includes those by Wall Street and have had them for a very long time. What power should the EPA and FDA have that they don't already? Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable it hasn't.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.

ObamaCare, yeah it's great that now people have to pay more for health care... That's affordability!

Talk for yourself, I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply. Government regulation is garbage anyway... right now Greece debt obligations are considered tier one risk-less capital by regulators, because regulators obviously know best what is best for safety (and would never regulate anything based on political purpose, ever).
I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply.
do you have your own well?.....just askin....

When I was a kid a private water company supplied our house until the county took it over. The day that happened they tripled the price my parents had to pay for water.
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable
If you have an economy that is barly creating jobs raising the minimum wage does nothing. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime how would that be exanpded? I guess getting the money for more infrastructure and education will come form taxing the rich which seems to be the lefts standard answer to pay for all that. Why hasn't Obama already closed those loopholes you think it might be because he and the Democrats get as much money from them as Republicans? You have a Justice Departement and courts to address crime which includes those by Wall Street and have had them for a very long time. What power should the EPA and FDA have that they don't already? Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable it hasn't.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.

Well Im 55 years old and have been insured all of my life...... that was until this big-eared dope came out with Commie Care.

Now I and millions like myself are no longer insured. As for those that are, only a fool would celebrate more government dependents in this country; according to the White House, 14 million more government dependents.

As for the people that lost their employer plan and are now slaves to our federal government, they have to use after-tax money to pay for their insurance. That takes a nice chunk of money out of circulation in our economy, and then people wonder why this is the worst recovery in history.
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable

Almost all of those are boondoggles that I want stopped at any cost. Any party that says simply "we won't allow that" will get my vote.
which ones do consider boondoggles bri?....

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordabl
thats all of them....you said ALMOST all of those are boondoggles....did you change your mind since that post?....
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable
the first two chase business out and create higher unemployment.
we already invest in infrastructure and education, maybe what needs to be done is for those funds to be left alone and used for their intended purpose instead of raiding them for welfare and giveaways.
tax loopholes for corporations and top earners? hell, they both still pay millions more in tax that most of us earn in a lifetime.
Wall street crime? right.
Make healthcare more affordable and strengthen the FDA? you do realize that the FDA regulations are one of the major reasons that healthcare is so expensive to start with right? why would you want to make it worse.

just admit it. democrats vote democrats because the want free stuff.
what are you going to do if your dream of equal wealth ever comes true. Equal wealth has to come with equal contribution. that means you have to get a job, and there will be no begging for an increase in pay.
idiots. will destroy a country all for the promise of a free cell phone.
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable
If you have an economy that is barly creating jobs raising the minimum wage does nothing. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime how would that be exanpded? I guess getting the money for more infrastructure and education will come form taxing the rich which seems to be the lefts standard answer to pay for all that. Why hasn't Obama already closed those loopholes you think it might be because he and the Democrats get as much money from them as Republicans? You have a Justice Departement and courts to address crime which includes those by Wall Street and have had them for a very long time. What power should the EPA and FDA have that they don't already? Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable it hasn't.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.

ObamaCare, yeah it's great that now people have to pay more for health care... That's affordability!

Talk for yourself, I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply. Government regulation is garbage anyway... right now Greece debt obligations are considered tier one risk-less capital by regulators, because regulators obviously know best what is best for safety (and would never regulate anything based on political purpose, ever).
I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply.
do you have your own well?.....just askin....

Yes I do. And guess what the government is doing? Trying to shut it down, cause "everyone has to use government water". Even though it was proven that the water is free of defects (which government regulators don't even measure very well, leaving out the most important deterrents - naturally I had to still pay for their incompetence as government is not voluntary). But hey, let's have more of the nonsense!
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable
If you have an economy that is barly creating jobs raising the minimum wage does nothing. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime how would that be exanpded? I guess getting the money for more infrastructure and education will come form taxing the rich which seems to be the lefts standard answer to pay for all that. Why hasn't Obama already closed those loopholes you think it might be because he and the Democrats get as much money from them as Republicans? You have a Justice Departement and courts to address crime which includes those by Wall Street and have had them for a very long time. What power should the EPA and FDA have that they don't already? Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable it hasn't.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.

ObamaCare, yeah it's great that now people have to pay more for health care... That's affordability!

Talk for yourself, I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply. Government regulation is garbage anyway... right now Greece debt obligations are considered tier one risk-less capital by regulators, because regulators obviously know best what is best for safety (and would never regulate anything based on political purpose, ever).
I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply.
do you have your own well?.....just askin....

When I was a kid a private water company supplied our house until the county took it over. The day that happened they tripled the price my parents had to pay for water.
i was looking at regulations as making sure someone does not dump shit into the river supplying water to an area...but i guess the price can factor into that....
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable
If you have an economy that is barly creating jobs raising the minimum wage does nothing. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime how would that be exanpded? I guess getting the money for more infrastructure and education will come form taxing the rich which seems to be the lefts standard answer to pay for all that. Why hasn't Obama already closed those loopholes you think it might be because he and the Democrats get as much money from them as Republicans? You have a Justice Departement and courts to address crime which includes those by Wall Street and have had them for a very long time. What power should the EPA and FDA have that they don't already? Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable it hasn't.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.

ObamaCare, yeah it's great that now people have to pay more for health care... That's affordability!

Talk for yourself, I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply. Government regulation is garbage anyway... right now Greece debt obligations are considered tier one risk-less capital by regulators, because regulators obviously know best what is best for safety (and would never regulate anything based on political purpose, ever).
I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply.
do you have your own well?.....just askin....
I have my own well.
tests out much cleaner than the county/state supplied sludge they provide.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable
If you have an economy that is barly creating jobs raising the minimum wage does nothing. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime how would that be exanpded? I guess getting the money for more infrastructure and education will come form taxing the rich which seems to be the lefts standard answer to pay for all that. Why hasn't Obama already closed those loopholes you think it might be because he and the Democrats get as much money from them as Republicans? You have a Justice Departement and courts to address crime which includes those by Wall Street and have had them for a very long time. What power should the EPA and FDA have that they don't already? Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable it hasn't.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.

ObamaCare, yeah it's great that now people have to pay more for health care... That's affordability!

Talk for yourself, I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply. Government regulation is garbage anyway... right now Greece debt obligations are considered tier one risk-less capital by regulators, because regulators obviously know best what is best for safety (and would never regulate anything based on political purpose, ever).
I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply.
do you have your own well?.....just askin....

Yes I do. And guess what the government is doing? Trying to shut it down, cause "everyone has to use government water". Even though it was proven that the water is free of defects (which government regulators don't even measure very well, leaving out the most important deterrents - naturally I had to still pay for their incompetence as government is not voluntary). But hey, let's have more of the nonsense!
well that is fucked up....good luck with this....
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable
If you have an economy that is barly creating jobs raising the minimum wage does nothing. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime how would that be exanpded? I guess getting the money for more infrastructure and education will come form taxing the rich which seems to be the lefts standard answer to pay for all that. Why hasn't Obama already closed those loopholes you think it might be because he and the Democrats get as much money from them as Republicans? You have a Justice Departement and courts to address crime which includes those by Wall Street and have had them for a very long time. What power should the EPA and FDA have that they don't already? Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable it hasn't.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.

ObamaCare, yeah it's great that now people have to pay more for health care... That's affordability!

Talk for yourself, I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply. Government regulation is garbage anyway... right now Greece debt obligations are considered tier one risk-less capital by regulators, because regulators obviously know best what is best for safety (and would never regulate anything based on political purpose, ever).
I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply.
do you have your own well?.....just askin....
I have my own well.
tests out much cleaner than the county/state supplied sludge they provide.
i hear ya i buy bottled myself....
If you have an economy that is barly creating jobs raising the minimum wage does nothing. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime how would that be exanpded? I guess getting the money for more infrastructure and education will come form taxing the rich which seems to be the lefts standard answer to pay for all that. Why hasn't Obama already closed those loopholes you think it might be because he and the Democrats get as much money from them as Republicans? You have a Justice Departement and courts to address crime which includes those by Wall Street and have had them for a very long time. What power should the EPA and FDA have that they don't already? Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable it hasn't.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.

ObamaCare, yeah it's great that now people have to pay more for health care... That's affordability!

Talk for yourself, I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply. Government regulation is garbage anyway... right now Greece debt obligations are considered tier one risk-less capital by regulators, because regulators obviously know best what is best for safety (and would never regulate anything based on political purpose, ever).
I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply.
do you have your own well?.....just askin....

When I was a kid a private water company supplied our house until the county took it over. The day that happened they tripled the price my parents had to pay for water.
i was looking at regulations as making sure someone does not dump shit into the river supplying water to an area...but i guess the price can factor into that....

Dude, it's already illegal to dump waste on other people's property. You should check the law some time.
Did anyone else notice the Op made no effort to defend the Democratic party or it's policies they simply demonized Republicans? It's always funny when people do in their post exactly what they accuse others of doing.
I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable
If you have an economy that is barly creating jobs raising the minimum wage does nothing. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime how would that be exanpded? I guess getting the money for more infrastructure and education will come form taxing the rich which seems to be the lefts standard answer to pay for all that. Why hasn't Obama already closed those loopholes you think it might be because he and the Democrats get as much money from them as Republicans? You have a Justice Departement and courts to address crime which includes those by Wall Street and have had them for a very long time. What power should the EPA and FDA have that they don't already? Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable it hasn't.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.
WE have had economic growth of about 2% give or take throughout Obamas Presidency and that is with the Fed keeping interest rates near zero your not creating strong well paying jobs under that.

And yet much like the rest of Obama's EO no real positive impact.

So the rich are suppossed to pay for all the current government programs all the new ones and the ones the left want to expand along with paying off a 19 trillion dollar national debt. Despite what the left likes to think the rich do not have an inexhaustible supply of money you might stop to consider what happens when the government taps them out.

There are many people outside of Wall Street that should be in jail as well but arent unless you want to change the justice system to gulity until proven innocent you will always have some who go free that shouldn't.

Yes regulations do serve a purpose over regulation does not while Flint is a major fuck it is also the exception not the rule.

Those affordable plans through Obamacare are also the ones that have deductibles ranging from 6000 to 8000 dollars so if you don't hit that in the calander year your paying out of pocket those plans make the number of people insured look good on paper but the reality is on paper is the only place they have insurance not in any practical way.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.

ObamaCare, yeah it's great that now people have to pay more for health care... That's affordability!

Talk for yourself, I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply. Government regulation is garbage anyway... right now Greece debt obligations are considered tier one risk-less capital by regulators, because regulators obviously know best what is best for safety (and would never regulate anything based on political purpose, ever).
I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply.
do you have your own well?.....just askin....

When I was a kid a private water company supplied our house until the county took it over. The day that happened they tripled the price my parents had to pay for water.
i was looking at regulations as making sure someone does not dump shit into the river supplying water to an area...but i guess the price can factor into that....

Dude, it's already illegal to dump waste on other people's property. You should check the law some time.
who made the law?.....

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