Why do so many atheist scientists believe in aliens when there's no proof for them either?

The mountain of circumstantial evidence that abiogenesis has happened at least one other time in the universe is a shred of evidence for the existence of Gods
It is not. Being able to use it as a premise for an argument or hypothesis rife with magical bullshit and subjective premises does not make it evidence.

The point was that if there is advanced intelligent extraterrestrial life and the earth was visited in the ancient past they would have been called gods in the same way that primitive tribes when discovered in the recent past have thought of modern humans as gods with magical powers because of their advanced knowledge and technology.
Or they were just repeated misrepresentations of things that actually exist
I invite you to apply this same logic to the "sky people" in your previous post. Start with birds, clouds, meteorites, stars, galaxies, nebulae...

Of course. I have. People long ago would have heard thunder and might have thought that it was evidence of celestial beings. Their explanation for thunder might have been wrong but they actually heard something.

putting all of that aside, I am merely suggesting that if you can accept the possibility of alien life forms then you should also accept the possibility that what we think of and some people have reported as being encounters with aliens might be the exact same thing that ancient people saw and called a divine encounter with angels and gods.

Thats about as logical as logical gets.

No magical bullshit, suspension of disbelief, or acceptance of the supernatural required.
Louis Pasteur debunked it as contamination.
Shameless lie that, really, makes no sense on any level whatsoever.

Wrong again and lying again in your case. LP proved it experimentally. Just admit you subscribe to Satan's science and the atheist religion.

At least, show us evidence of aliens when the believers have shown much evidence of no aliens throughout this thread. You claim to have mountains of evidence and facts, but do no state any except empty assertions. Those could be called lies.

The non-believers and the fake science people are running out of time.

Signs of Alien Life Will Be Found by 2025, NASA's Chief Scientist Predicts
At least, show us evidence of aliens
Pasteur did no such thing...just a shameless lie by you on a topic you don't even understand, regarding material you don't understand and have never studied. In fact, you parroted (plagiarized is also accurate) that talking point from this idiot blog: Abiogenesis - creation.com

Furthermore, I only have circumstantial evidence that dictates that abiogenesis has likely occured at least one other time in the universe. I have already "shown" it in this thread a few times. Charlatans like you think that ignoring what is said to you then demanding it be said again is somehow a tactic that supports your own, hilariously ridculous lies. It clearly does not work,as your goofy ideas are nothing but a joke to the global scientific community. That's why your heroes are writing idiot blogs and are producing no science.
when the believers have shown much evidence of no aliens

Charlatans like you think that ignoring what is said to you then demanding it be said again is somehow a tactic that supports your own, hilariously ridculous lies.

bond in a nut shell ...

Why do so many atheist scientists believe in aliens when there's no proof for them either?

- when there's no proof for them either ...

in physiological terms all life on Earth is alien as no such existence was native to the planet in its primordial beginning and will only exist under certain conditions as its criteria proven by its evolution and would exist throughout the universe under those conditions.

physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears when the spiritual life is removed from its presence. metaphysical life is its engine and the origin for our physical existence.

Louis Pasteur debunked it as contamination.
Shameless lie that, really, makes no sense on any level whatsoever.

Wrong again and lying again in your case. LP proved it experimentally. Just admit you subscribe to Satan's science and the atheist religion.

At least, show us evidence of aliens when the believers have shown much evidence of no aliens throughout this thread. You claim to have mountains of evidence and facts, but do no state any except empty assertions. Those could be called lies.

The non-believers and the fake science people are running out of time.

Signs of Alien Life Will Be Found by 2025, NASA's Chief Scientist Predicts
Just asking questions here. How does one have evidence of no aliens? The world is a really big and deep place. And also isn't that rather like trying to prove a negative?
" Nature Versus Nurture "

* To Those Insistent Some Consistent Anthology Means All Coincident Conjectures Are Made Literal Truths *
It's a question that intrigues me, the fact that atheist scientists say there's no proof of God, but then declare to the world that there MUST be millions of alien civilizations in our universe.
There is, in fact, more proof of God than there are of aliens.
Because there's NO PROOF of aliens. NONE. NADA.
While the proof of God is that there is a Bible that somehow came to be, and archaelogists have found many places identified in the Bible, like the Tomb of the Patriarchs, Herod's Temple, Peter's tomb, etc.
If aliens lived ANYWHERE we would know it by now because they would have contacted us.
There are two articles being contested as arguments : creation in full form ; versus , natural development of introspection .

Supposing that nature includes a probability of bias for evolving a physical capacity for introspection , then extra terrestrial existence of a universal gardener seems to be more a plausible answer to a theist challenge that proof of physical artifacts are insufficient to prove evolution of creatures evident .

From the " absence of physical artifacts " , theists proceed to sustain creation in full form as an abstract justification for instantiating its social norm edicts .

It is doubtful that an extraterrestrial universal gardener would expect that it were to be ascribed the characteristics of an immutable gawd .
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At least, show us evidence of aliens
Pasteur did no such thing...just a shameless lie by you on a topic you don't even understand, regarding material you don't understand and have never studied. In fact, you parroted (plagiarized is also accurate) that talking point from this idiot blog: Abiogenesis - creation.com

Furthermore, I only have circumstantial evidence that dictates that abiogenesis has likely occured at least one other time in the universe. I have already "shown" it in this thread a few times. Charlatans like you think that ignoring what is said to you then demanding it be said again is somehow a tactic that supports your own, hilariously ridculous lies. It clearly does not work,as your goofy ideas are nothing but a joke to the global scientific community. That's why your heroes are writing idiot blogs and are producing no science.

Yet, no mountain of evidence. Abiogenesis occurred just like aliens occurred. Better to try and expound the aliens and panspermia myth than abiogenesis. Or is it abiogenesis myth over aliens. The fine tuning facts present an insurmountable obstacle for either case.
when the believers have shown much evidence of no aliens

Charlatans like you think that ignoring what is said to you then demanding it be said again is somehow a tactic that supports your own, hilariously ridculous lies.

bond in a nut shell ...

Why do so many atheist scientists believe in aliens when there's no proof for them either?

- when there's no proof for them either ...

in physiological terms all life on Earth is alien as no such existence was native to the planet in its primordial beginning and will only exist under certain conditions as its criteria proven by its evolution and would exist throughout the universe under those conditions.

physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears when the spiritual life is removed from its presence. metaphysical life is its engine and the origin for our physical existence.

It's called faith. Believers have faith in God and have creation science or real science. Non-believers have faith in abiogenesis, aliens and atheist science aka fake science. It's two different worldviews.
Louis Pasteur debunked it as contamination.
Shameless lie that, really, makes no sense on any level whatsoever.

Wrong again and lying again in your case. LP proved it experimentally. Just admit you subscribe to Satan's science and the atheist religion.

At least, show us evidence of aliens when the believers have shown much evidence of no aliens throughout this thread. You claim to have mountains of evidence and facts, but do no state any except empty assertions. Those could be called lies.

The non-believers and the fake science people are running out of time.

Signs of Alien Life Will Be Found by 2025, NASA's Chief Scientist Predicts
Just asking questions here. How does one have evidence of no aliens? The world is a really big and deep place. And also isn't that rather like trying to prove a negative?

No aliens evidence comes from SETI, Elon Musk, fine tuning facts and Fermi Paradox. Both SETI and Musk confirm that intelligent aliens would have had more than enough time to visit earth already. Fine tuning facts show that life is rare. Fermi paradox argues where are the aliens. We would've found them or they would've found us based on Drake equation.
when the believers have shown much evidence of no aliens

Charlatans like you think that ignoring what is said to you then demanding it be said again is somehow a tactic that supports your own, hilariously ridculous lies.

bond in a nut shell ...

Why do so many atheist scientists believe in aliens when there's no proof for them either?

- when there's no proof for them either ...

in physiological terms all life on Earth is alien as no such existence was native to the planet in its primordial beginning and will only exist under certain conditions as its criteria proven by its evolution and would exist throughout the universe under those conditions.

physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears when the spiritual life is removed from its presence. metaphysical life is its engine and the origin for our physical existence.

It's called faith. Believers have faith in God and have creation science or real science. Non-believers have faith in abiogenesis, aliens and atheist science aka fake science. It's two different worldviews.
It's called faith. Believers have faith in God and have creation science or real science. Non-believers have faith in abiogenesis, aliens and atheist science aka fake science. It's two different worldviews.

It's called faith ... It's two different worldviews.

if the above is not an oxymoron ... then it is faith that is differential and must be realized or discarded over time as being untenable for a worldview that is not verified.

christianity, creation science can not rely on faith but must prove the reason for their faith exists or their faith is invalid. they must change their worldview to what is real, they must rewrite their 4th century document to find the truth - Jesus is not a christ, people must redeem themselves and faith in the correct path will lead them to their goal or that new faith as the old was nothing more than a false hope.
when the believers have shown much evidence of no aliens

Charlatans like you think that ignoring what is said to you then demanding it be said again is somehow a tactic that supports your own, hilariously ridculous lies.

bond in a nut shell ...

Why do so many atheist scientists believe in aliens when there's no proof for them either?

- when there's no proof for them either ...

in physiological terms all life on Earth is alien as no such existence was native to the planet in its primordial beginning and will only exist under certain conditions as its criteria proven by its evolution and would exist throughout the universe under those conditions.

physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears when the spiritual life is removed from its presence. metaphysical life is its engine and the origin for our physical existence.

It's called faith. Believers have faith in God and have creation science or real science. Non-believers have faith in abiogenesis, aliens and atheist science aka fake science. It's two different worldviews.

How about there is science, and then there are those who make claims outside the bounds of the scientific method?

I am confident that there are those who believe in god yet also believe in aliens. I am also confident that there are those who believe in god yet do not accept "creation science."
It's a question that intrigues me, the fact that atheist scientists say there's no proof of God, but then declare to the world that there MUST be millions of alien civilizations in our universe.

There is, in fact, more proof of God than there are of aliens.

Because there's NO PROOF of aliens.



While the proof of God is that there is a Bible that somehow came to be, and archaelogists have found many places identified in the Bible, like the Tomb of the Patriarchs, Herod's Temple, Peter's tomb, etc.

If aliens lived ANYWHERE we would know it by now because they would have contacted us.

"There is, in fact, more proof of God than there are of aliens."

no, there isn't.

if you want to say that there is EQUALLY NO PROOF for either I wouldn't bother to argue with you.

But there is NO PROOF of god at all!


as for those scientists who "believe in" or "assume the existence of" aliens.....MOSTLY it has little to do with physical evidence and more to do with logic and reason; in a universe as big and as old as ours the probability of aliens elsewhere in the universe is a rational concept.

Then, of course, we have all the POLICE, MILITARY, PILOTS and ASTRONAUTS who claim to have "seen things"...

are you saying they are all liars?

are you calling policemen who make these reports "liars"?
Then, of course, we have all the POLICE, MILITARY, PILOTS and ASTRONAUTS who claim to have "seen things"...

are you saying they are all liars?
There are many ways for humans to believe false things. Delusion, hallucinations, false memories, optical illusion...and yes, lying. Some even come to believe their own lies, after time. Humans are notoriously susceptible to being fooled into believing things that are not true and seeing things that aren't there or aren't what they think they see, and for remembering things that simply did not happen. Those people you mention are all humans.

By your own,flawed logic, the existence and accounts of the countless millions who claim to have seen or talked to gods are therefore evidence that gods exist,and it represents much stronger evidence than you presented for the existence of aliens (the numbers dwarf your numbers). So, you have completely undercut your own argument.
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At least, show us evidence of aliens
Pasteur did no such thing...just a shameless lie by you on a topic you don't even understand, regarding material you don't understand and have never studied. In fact, you parroted (plagiarized is also accurate) that talking point from this idiot blog: Abiogenesis - creation.com

Furthermore, I only have circumstantial evidence that dictates that abiogenesis has likely occured at least one other time in the universe. I have already "shown" it in this thread a few times. Charlatans like you think that ignoring what is said to you then demanding it be said again is somehow a tactic that supports your own, hilariously ridculous lies. It clearly does not work,as your goofy ideas are nothing but a joke to the global scientific community. That's why your heroes are writing idiot blogs and are producing no science.

When is circumstantial evidence called observational science ha ha? Not only do you not understand science, you do not understand the words you use like "mountains of evidence," "evolution is fact," "abiogenesis has likely occured (sic) at least one other time in the universe," "shamelss lie," and everything you utter. I had to help you with your "mountain of evidence" and then proceeded to debunk it myself.

Furthermore, I've already provided evidence against spontaneous generation that has been rendered pseudoscience, then atheist scientists came up with abiogenesis which has been rendered pseudoscience, as well. We continue to see that atheist scientists continue to make up their fake hypothesis such as multiverses and

It behooves you to understand the following:
"Were real scientific processes involved? Evidence-based interventions generally go through many steps of a scientific process before they come into common use. Going through these steps includes performing basic research using tests in cells and in animals, clinical research with patients/volunteers in several heavily regulated phases, peer-review at each step of the way, and a trail of published research papers. Is there evidence that the product or intervention on offer has been tested scientifically, with results published in scientific journals? Or is it just sciencey-ness espoused by people without benefit of expert review of any kind?"

If any of your claims were true, then it would have been peer reviewed as atheist scientists peer review each other. Creation scientists have to peer review each other as their hypothesis will not be peer reviewed by atheist scientists. Just where does circumstantial evidence fall in the above hahahahahaha?

It shows that you are getting more desperate as Satan continues to pull you continuously into the abyss..
when the believers have shown much evidence of no aliens

Charlatans like you think that ignoring what is said to you then demanding it be said again is somehow a tactic that supports your own, hilariously ridculous lies.

bond in a nut shell ...

Why do so many atheist scientists believe in aliens when there's no proof for them either?

- when there's no proof for them either ...

in physiological terms all life on Earth is alien as no such existence was native to the planet in its primordial beginning and will only exist under certain conditions as its criteria proven by its evolution and would exist throughout the universe under those conditions.

physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears when the spiritual life is removed from its presence. metaphysical life is its engine and the origin for our physical existence.

It's called faith. Believers have faith in God and have creation science or real science. Non-believers have faith in abiogenesis, aliens and atheist science aka fake science. It's two different worldviews.

How about there is science, and then there are those who make claims outside the bounds of the scientific method?

I am confident that there are those who believe in god yet also believe in aliens. I am also confident that there are those who believe in god yet do not accept "creation science."

How about the modern scientific method was created by a scientist who believed in God, Sir Francis Bacon? He wanted to honor how great God's work was.

We are discussing aliens and the creation scientists do not believe they exist and have presented several arguments already mentioned. The most damning are the fine tuning facts discovered by atheist scientists. Time is running out for discovering aliens. I would think the NASA chief proclaiming aliens would be discovered by 2025 has sealed her own ridicule and possible expulsion. She is going against the evidence provided by all the probes humans have sent. Her claims are based on the advanced technology and self-proclaimed, "We know where to look and we know hot to look." The truth is we've explored outer space more than we have explored what is under our oceans..
Because leftist religion presumes one thing...humans cannot be anything special. Their superstitions about aliens reassure them that humanity is small and dumb and parochial.
Like everything on that side it is a diabolical reversal of truth. In the end the leftists believe aliens will swoop from the sky and redeem humanity.
Plus they are just incredibly stupid.
when the believers have shown much evidence of no aliens

Charlatans like you think that ignoring what is said to you then demanding it be said again is somehow a tactic that supports your own, hilariously ridculous lies.

bond in a nut shell ...

Why do so many atheist scientists believe in aliens when there's no proof for them either?

- when there's no proof for them either ...

in physiological terms all life on Earth is alien as no such existence was native to the planet in its primordial beginning and will only exist under certain conditions as its criteria proven by its evolution and would exist throughout the universe under those conditions.

physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears when the spiritual life is removed from its presence. metaphysical life is its engine and the origin for our physical existence.

It's called faith. Believers have faith in God and have creation science or real science. Non-believers have faith in abiogenesis, aliens and atheist science aka fake science. It's two different worldviews.

How about there is science, and then there are those who make claims outside the bounds of the scientific method?

I am confident that there are those who believe in god yet also believe in aliens. I am also confident that there are those who believe in god yet do not accept "creation science."

How about the modern scientific method was created by a scientist who believed in God, Sir Francis Bacon? He wanted to honor how great God's work was.

We are discussing aliens and the creation scientists do not believe they exist and have presented several arguments already mentioned. The most damning are the fine tuning facts discovered by atheist scientists. Time is running out for discovering aliens. I would think the NASA chief proclaiming aliens would be discovered by 2025 has sealed her own ridicule and possible expulsion. She is going against the evidence provided by all the probes humans have sent. Her claims are based on the advanced technology and self-proclaimed, "We know where to look and we know hot to look." The truth is we've explored outer space more than we have explored what is under our oceans..

Why is there a time limit on discovering alien life? :lol:

If a NASA chief believes that aliens will be discovered by 2025, that is her opinion. So what? It neither confirms nor refutes the existence of alien life. It's one person's opinion.

What evidence discovered by human probes discounts the idea of alien life elsewhere in the universe?

Why are you so fixated on grouping scientists into either atheist scientists or creation scientists?

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