Why do so many atheist scientists believe in aliens when there's no proof for them either?

All you did was post lies like Satan. I talked about how Satan and his angels brought evolution in post #93.

So, if you can't figure it out, then your fate on Judgment Day awaits you as it awaits for us all. One cannot escape Jesus like they cannot escape gravity..

What kind of lies does Satan post? :p

Belief in aliens which does not seem to dissuade you despite the evidence.

Ever heard of the Drake Equation ?
The Drake equation goes as follows ...

View attachment 203455

If you are incapable of following the above, you might have some difficulty comprehending the math behind it. Now granted that you may not know what the symbols are, most people wouldn't ... but at the very least try to have a comprehension of the mathematical probability of intelligent alien life.

If by some odd divine miracle the voices in your head permit you momentary comprehension of Drake, then and only then you might consider delving into The Seager equation

Here's a diagram designed for young mindsmost likely more advanced than yours] that might help

View attachment 203452

The Drake equation is not proof of anything.
It provides probabilities based on observable scientific evidence and analysis

The probability of God remains close to zero
The probability of God remains close to zero

Have you done the calculation or are you just talking out of your arse? One can use Bayes' Theorem for conditionall probabilities.

Bayes’s theorem | Definition & Example
Have you done the calculation or are you just talking out of your arse? One can use Bayes' Theorem for conditionall probabilities.

One can use Bayes' Theorem for conditionall probabilities ...

is this for the probability for your christian god you worship and are in accordance with that you pray created life on only one planet in all the universe because that would somehow validate your 4th century christian bible ... and that gives for you a feeling of accomplishment -


your going to need more than prayer to salvage your soul bond ... you better believe it, the universe is teeming with life can be the only answer for a religious person, certainly not yours.
The probability of God remains close to zero

Have you done the calculation or are you just talking out of your arse? One can use Bayes' Theorem for conditionall probabilities.

Bayes’s theorem | Definition & Example

I was being polite

The actual number IS zero

Not polite. Instead, you are practicing ignorance. The only way to convince you otherwise is the pain and suffering theory*.

* A few years ago, William Lane Craig and Professor Lawrence Krauss debated on the existence of God. One of analogies, Krauss used was if God would rearrange the stars to say, "I'm here," then Krauss said he would reassess his position. Afterwards, I read another atheist say that wasn't good enough because the people on the other side of the hemisphere would not see it. In other words, every single atheist has to be convinced that God exists. The best way to do that is through pain and suffering. The Bible mentions the lake of fire, so ergo the pain and suffering theory.
So what the hell does religion have to do with any of this? I doubt Higgs boson was mentioned in the bible, so what is the connection here? Oh yeah, you compare the abstract belief of life in the universe compares to abstract belief in a the creator from the purple beyond. What is the connection? You almost made a point, but...not.
The probability of God remains close to zero

Have you done the calculation or are you just talking out of your arse? One can use Bayes' Theorem for conditionall probabilities.

Bayes’s theorem | Definition & Example
Have you done the calculation or are you just talking out of your arse? One can use Bayes' Theorem for conditionall probabilities.

One can use Bayes' Theorem for conditionall probabilities ...

is this for the probability for your christian god you worship and are in accordance with that you pray created life on only one planet in all the universe because that would somehow validate your 4th century christian bible ... and that gives for you a feeling of accomplishment -


your going to need more than prayer to salvage your soul bond ... you better believe it, the universe is teeming with life can be the only answer for a religious person, certainly not yours.

You've been so wrong throughout the years and you are wrong again. Atheists are usually wrong. Science backs up the Bible. Not math.

It seems my arguments go in one ear and out the other. Or from the eyes to the brain where it cannot be processed correctly due to -- feces for brains.

Bayes' Theorem is math for probabilities. If one has faith, then God is 100%. If one doesn't, then the chances of existence is around 67% in the realm of believers, atheists and agnostics. This is based on one scientist's calculation.

Odds on that God exists, says scientist

Let's look at Pew Research to see if we can find a percentage estimate -- Key findings about Americans’ belief in God.

It looks like 56% believe in the Christian God in America. Lower than the percentage 67% of what Bayes' Theorem estimated, but Bayes is based on what conditions and weights are given for God's existence. The Bible itself says many will be called, but few are chosen and that the entrance to heaven is a narrow gate. Thus, even with believers, they may not be part of the spiritually living. (These are things that Christians argue among themselves.)
So what the hell does religion have to do with any of this? I doubt Higgs boson was mentioned in the bible, so what is the connection here? Oh yeah, you compare the abstract belief of life in the universe compares to abstract belief in a the creator from the purple beyond. What is the connection? You almost made a point, but...not.

Ha ha. You mention the Higgs boson, but probably do not know what it is.

Thus, how can you state it was or was not mentioned in the Bible?
It's a question that intrigues me, the fact that atheist scientists say there's no proof of God, but then declare to the world that there MUST be millions of alien civilizations in our universe.

You're conflating two entirely different issues: Yes there is "evidence" to corroborate parts of the Bible, but direct evidence of God is nothing you can hold in your hand or find on a map, it comes from within.

But there is also massive circumstantial evidence of aliens in historical records and witness accounts. More to the point, with what we know of life, of carbon smut and organic compounds in the universe, of how life tenaciously appears and holds onto the thinnest opportunities to come about and flourish, of the wide prevalence of water to appear, necessary for life as we know it, everywhere we look, of the fact that we find 200 billion stars in our galaxy alone and at least 200 billion galaxies in the viewable universe, it is simply a MATHEMATICAL IMPOSSIBILITY that life has not and is not somewhere else other than Earth.
So what the hell does religion have to do with any of this? I doubt Higgs boson was mentioned in the bible, so what is the connection here? Oh yeah, you compare the abstract belief of life in the universe compares to abstract belief in a the creator from the purple beyond. What is the connection? You almost made a point, but...not.

Ha ha. You mention the Higgs boson, but probably do not know what it is.

Thus, how can you state it was or was not mentioned in the Bible?

I just gotta ask: do you really think the Higgs Boson, postulated only a few decades ago, WAS mentioned in the Bible?

Do YOU know what a Higgs Boson is? If so, then tell me the most basic difference between a scalar and vector boson.
All you did was post lies like Satan. I talked about how Satan and his angels brought evolution in post #93.

So, if you can't figure it out, then your fate on Judgment Day awaits you as it awaits for us all. One cannot escape Jesus like they cannot escape gravity..

What kind of lies does Satan post? :p

Belief in aliens which does not seem to dissuade you despite the evidence.

Ever heard of the Drake Equation ?
The Drake equation goes as follows ...

View attachment 203455

If you are incapable of following the above, you might have some difficulty comprehending the math behind it. Now granted that you may not know what the symbols are, most people wouldn't ... but at the very least try to have a comprehension of the mathematical probability of intelligent alien life.

If by some odd divine miracle the voices in your head permit you momentary comprehension of Drake, then and only then you might consider delving into The Seager equation

Here's a diagram designed for young mindsmost likely more advanced than yours] that might help

View attachment 203452

The Drake equation is not proof of anything.

Your weak statement is not even an argument. The Drake equation is a basis for making an argument regarding the subject of this thread. Try again..

Here's an argument: show me the aliens. Where are they? What are they like? You have no proof, only speculation. Period.
The probability of God remains close to zero

Have you done the calculation or are you just talking out of your arse? One can use Bayes' Theorem for conditionall probabilities.

Bayes’s theorem | Definition & Example
Have you done the calculation or are you just talking out of your arse? One can use Bayes' Theorem for conditionall probabilities.

One can use Bayes' Theorem for conditionall probabilities ...

is this for the probability for your christian god you worship and are in accordance with that you pray created life on only one planet in all the universe because that would somehow validate your 4th century christian bible ... and that gives for you a feeling of accomplishment -


your going to need more than prayer to salvage your soul bond ... you better believe it, the universe is teeming with life can be the only answer for a religious person, certainly not yours.

You've been so wrong throughout the years and you are wrong again. Atheists are usually wrong. Science backs up the Bible. Not math.

It seems my arguments go in one ear and out the other. Or from the eyes to the brain where it cannot be processed correctly due to -- feces for brains.

Bayes' Theorem is math for probabilities. If one has faith, then God is 100%. If one doesn't, then the chances of existence is around 67% in the realm of believers, atheists and agnostics. This is based on one scientist's calculation.

Odds on that God exists, says scientist

Let's look at Pew Research to see if we can find a percentage estimate -- Key findings about Americans’ belief in God.

It looks like 56% believe in the Christian God in America. Lower than the percentage 67% of what Bayes' Theorem estimated, but Bayes is based on what conditions and weights are given for God's existence. The Bible itself says many will be called, but few are chosen and that the entrance to heaven is a narrow gate. Thus, even with believers, they may not be part of the spiritually living. (These are things that Christians argue among themselves.)
You've been so wrong throughout the years and you are wrong again. Atheists are usually wrong. Science backs up the Bible. Not math.

It seems my arguments go in one ear and out the other. Or from the eyes to the brain where it cannot be processed correctly due to -- feces for brains.

you have consistently used slander as your immature way of defending yourself.

The Bible itself says many will be called, but few are chosen and that the entrance to heaven is a narrow gate. Thus, even with believers, they may not be part of the spiritually living.

Thus, even with believers, they may not be part of the spiritually living.

the example of the spiritually dead is among us ...

the height of hypocrisy is to insist religiously there is no other life in the universe for the selfish purpose that the 4th century book you read tells you their god made only you on one planet and no other living being throughout the entire universe and you believe that is the path to the Everlasting ... the answer is you have become as pathetic as your self serving book.
It's a question that intrigues me, the fact that atheist scientists say there's no proof of God, but then declare to the world that there MUST be millions of alien civilizations in our universe.

You're conflating two entirely different issues: Yes there is "evidence" to corroborate parts of the Bible, but direct evidence of God is nothing you can hold in your hand or find on a map, it comes from within.

But there is also massive circumstantial evidence of aliens in historical records and witness accounts. More to the point, with what we know of life, of carbon smut and organic compounds in the universe, of how life tenaciously appears and holds onto the thinnest opportunities to come about and flourish, of the wide prevalence of water to appear, necessary for life as we know it, everywhere we look, of the fact that we find 200 billion stars in our galaxy alone and at least 200 billion galaxies in the viewable universe, it is simply a MATHEMATICAL IMPOSSIBILITY that life has not and is not somewhere else other than Earth.

I agree these are two different issues, but there is no mass circumstantial evidence of aliens. It is like believing in ghosts or mediums.

And what you state happens in space are just assertions. While there are the amino acids that form protein, they do not because of chilarity. Creation science has found that proteins do not occur outside the cell. Otherwise, the evos would have been able to produce life through abiogenesis.
What kind of lies does Satan post? :p

Belief in aliens which does not seem to dissuade you despite the evidence.

Ever heard of the Drake Equation ?
The Drake equation goes as follows ...

View attachment 203455

If you are incapable of following the above, you might have some difficulty comprehending the math behind it. Now granted that you may not know what the symbols are, most people wouldn't ... but at the very least try to have a comprehension of the mathematical probability of intelligent alien life.

If by some odd divine miracle the voices in your head permit you momentary comprehension of Drake, then and only then you might consider delving into The Seager equation

Here's a diagram designed for young mindsmost likely more advanced than yours] that might help

View attachment 203452

The Drake equation is not proof of anything.

Your weak statement is not even an argument. The Drake equation is a basis for making an argument regarding the subject of this thread. Try again..

Here's an argument: show me the aliens. Where are they? What are they like? You have no proof, only speculation. Period.

Ha ha. Yours is not even an argument, but questions so you do not have to provide answers. It's fallacious. I'll put you down for hellbound.

The strongest argument has already been made and backed up by probabilities and fine tuning facts.
You have no proof, only speculation.
Sort of. There is circumstantial evidence which comes in the form of two facts:

1) life formed at least once in the universe

2)the number of planets in the universe likely numbers over 200 billion billion
You have no proof, only speculation.
Sort of. There is circumstantial evidence which comes in the form of two facts:

1) life formed at least once in the universe

2)the number of planets in the universe likely numbers over 200 billion billion

#1 is wrong. I mentioned chilarity already. Besides demonstrating that abiogenesis cannot happen, it has stopped humans from cloning humans. The cloned embryo will not survive. They can clone animals, but not humans. All of this was already mentioned in the Bible. We won't know the beginning nor the end nor be able to create beyond the molecular level.
It's a question that intrigues me, the fact that atheist scientists say there's no proof of God, but then declare to the world that there MUST be millions of alien civilizations in our universe.

There is, in fact, more proof of God than there are of aliens.

Because there's NO PROOF of aliens.



While the proof of God is that there is a Bible that somehow came to be, and archaelogists have found many places identified in the Bible, like the Tomb of the Patriarchs, Herod's Temple, Peter's tomb, etc.

If aliens lived ANYWHERE we would know it by now because they would have contacted us.


It's a question that intrigues me, the fact that atheist scientists say there's no proof of God, but then declare to the world that there MUST be millions of alien civilizations in our universe.

You're conflating two entirely different issues: Yes there is "evidence" to corroborate parts of the Bible, but direct evidence of God is nothing you can hold in your hand or find on a map, it comes from within.

But there is also massive circumstantial evidence of aliens in historical records and witness accounts. More to the point, with what we know of life, of carbon smut and organic compounds in the universe, of how life tenaciously appears and holds onto the thinnest opportunities to come about and flourish, of the wide prevalence of water to appear, necessary for life as we know it, everywhere we look, of the fact that we find 200 billion stars in our galaxy alone and at least 200 billion galaxies in the viewable universe, it is simply a MATHEMATICAL IMPOSSIBILITY that life has not and is not somewhere else other than Earth.

I agree these are two different issues, but there is no mass circumstantial evidence of aliens. It is like believing in ghosts or mediums.

And what you state happens in space are just assertions. While there are the amino acids that form protein, they do not because of chilarity. Creation science has found that proteins do not occur outside the cell. Otherwise, the evos would have been able to produce life through abiogenesis.

Aliens: aside from the sheer mathematical impossibility that with organic compounds EVERYWHERE and water EVERYWHERE in an almost infinite space that life has never occurred anywhere else at any time, I have a set of books almost 18 inches thick full of accounts, witness accounts, historical evidence going back thousands of years of events. If even one of these was genuine, we have aliens. I understand your strict logic, but frankly, arguing that life isn't "out there" in some form whether microbes or super-civilization is like sitting down on your chair a hundred times then saying on the 101st try, it won't be there.

Same might be said of ghosts. I've actually had a couple paranormal experiences that were shared at the same time by both other people AND animals.

Space: Relativity was just an assertion until actually proven.

Abiogenesis: Earth had billions of years. We've had decades.

Cells: It took about 800 million years for the first prokaryotes to appear. While I understand the thinking, it is sheer arrogance, or at least stubbornness to argue that life hasn't happened beyond the Earth just because we've failed at recreating in over a few decades in a lab. The circumstantial evidence is there, but not in a positive, but rather the negative circumstantial improbability of it NOT being there and ten million million little things all being in error. The problem of science is that it is always the last to see the obvious until the evidence is so overwhelming that it has literally been hit over the head with proof, forwards, backwards and sideways until it cannot be denied any longer.
All of this was already mentioned in the Bible.

and the 4th century christian bible is recognized as an authentic, verifiable and peer reviewed scientific document - show us their findings bond ...

" The origin of this homochirality in biology is the subject of much debate.[7] Most scientists believe that Earth life's "choice" of chirality was purely random, and that if carbon-based life forms exist elsewhere in the universe, their chemistry could theoretically have opposite chirality. However, there is some suggestion that early amino acids could have formed in comet dust. In this case, circularly polarised radiation (which makes up 17% of stellar radiation) could have caused the selective destruction of one chirality of amino acids, leading to a selection bias which ultimately resulted in all life on Earth being homochiral."

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