Why do so many atheist scientists believe in aliens when there's no proof for them either?

People who believe in UFOs are weird-ohs. I love sci-fi, but we would have much corroborated evidence such as multiple reports confirming the same event.

Both evos and creation scientists give little support for ETH (extraterrestrial hypothesis).

Extraterrestrial hypothesis - Wikipedia
You have no proof, only speculation.
Sort of. There is circumstantial evidence which comes in the form of two facts:

1) life formed at least once in the universe

2)the number of planets in the universe likely numbers over 200 billion billion

Number one has nothing to do with number two. So what if there are billions of planets? You have no proof of life elsewhere at all, let alone intelligent life.
You have no proof, only speculation.
Sort of. There is circumstantial evidence which comes in the form of two facts:

1) life formed at least once in the universe

2)the number of planets in the universe likely numbers over 200 billion billion

Number one has nothing to do with number two. So what if there are billions of planets? You have no proof of life elsewhere at all, let alone intelligent life.
Number one has nothing to do with number two. So what if there are billions of planets? You have no proof of life elsewhere at all, let alone intelligent life.

You have no proof of life elsewhere ...

life is not native to Earth from its primordial beginning -

That is not true, all life on planet Earth came from elsewhere which is likely all life on Earth began after millions of years of trial and error to emerge as a singular functioning template a sabbath from which the varying life's on earth evolved.

The weird-ohs continue to come out of the woodwork. She believes that communicating with aliens borders between communications and language. She belongs to a group called METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence) even though there is no evidence of aliens.

"So SETI is the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The idea of METI is that if you're going to have a conversation, there are two people who can say hello. SETI is mostly for them [aliens] to say “hello,” and METI is Earth saying “hello.” So it is the idea that to join the conversation, you have to say something."

The message she says she would send as "Hello" is "1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 (listing prime numbers)."

What 'Arrival' got right about communicating with space aliens
What ‘Arrival’ got right about communicating with space aliens

My take is it's harmless as long as you don't take it seriously.

Is there a hidden science of earth's moon? Evolutionary thinking leads few secular scientists to wildly hypothesize aliens colonized the moon. It helps explains the mysteries of the moon such as it's just in the right orbit and its size away from the earth and sun to make life habitable on earth. It is the right size and distance to form a perfect solar eclipse. Our moon is fairly large compared to moons of other planets in our solar system.

Donald Trump seems to think humans can generate economic benefits from partially colonizing the moon while Obama declared we already been there. Is there enough mystery on the moon and inside the moon to explore its geology if minerals such as rustproof iron particles, titanium and other metals really are found there. Is the core hollow? Can we export supplies to the moon so humans can colonize part of it? Will there be any economic benefits for the first colonizers?

Don't get your hopes up high. A lot could be BS like the moon being hollow ha ha.

Hollow Moon - Wikipedia
Number one has nothing to do with number two
Of course it does, in that the sheer size of the universe would make it improbable that abiogenesis occurred exactly one time.

And I already said I didn't have proof, no need to repeat my words back to me.
It's a question that intrigues me, the fact that atheist scientists say there's no proof of God, but then declare to the world that there MUST be millions of alien civilizations in our universe.

There is, in fact, more proof of God than there are of aliens.

Because there's NO PROOF of aliens.



While the proof of God is that there is a Bible that somehow came to be, and archaelogists have found many places identified in the Bible, like the Tomb of the Patriarchs, Herod's Temple, Peter's tomb, etc.

If aliens lived ANYWHERE we would know it by now because they would have contacted us.

Who are "atheist scientists"?

Moreover, there are millions of miles in our universe alone.

Atheists who think they are scientists.

This sort....

"In 2007, a number of scientists gathered at a conference titled Beyond Belief: Science, Religion, Reason, and Survival in order to attack religious thought and congratulate one another on their fearlessness in so doing

In his address, Nobel winning physicist Steven Weinberg declared that Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion In speaking thus, Weinberg was warmly applauded,...

....not one member of his audience asking the question one might have thought pertinent: Just who has imposed on the suffering human race poison gas, barbed wire, high explosives, experiments in eugenics, the formula for Zyklon B, heavy artillery, pseudo-scientific justifications for mass murder, cluster bombs, attack submarines, napalm, intercontinental ballistic missiles, military space platforms, and nuclear weapons? If memory serves, it was not the Vatican."
David Berlinski, "The Devil's Delusion."
PoliticalChic said:
"In 2007, a number of scientists gathered at a conference titled Beyond Belief: Science, Religion, Reason, and Survival in order to attack religious thought and congratulate one another on their fearlessness in so doing
No Leftist Position On Anything Or Anyone
Is Ever 'Fearless' Or 'Courageous'
Not A Single One...Ever
Atheists need to prove that everything has a natural cause and that there are no eternal ramifications for anything that they may do or they are doomed!
It's a question that intrigues me, the fact that atheist scientists say there's no proof of God, but then declare to the world that there MUST be millions of alien civilizations in our universe.

There is, in fact, more proof of God than there are of aliens.

Because there's NO PROOF of aliens.



While the proof of God is that there is a Bible that somehow came to be, and archaelogists have found many places identified in the Bible, like the Tomb of the Patriarchs, Herod's Temple, Peter's tomb, etc.

If aliens lived ANYWHERE we would know it by now because they would have contacted us.

1. Who are the scientists that declare there must be millions of alien civilizations in the universe? Carl Sagan said it while alive. Even sent a time capsule. SETI scientists.
2. How do you know they are atheists? God didn't create aliens, so aliens would be evidence against God.
3. You would need to define god before showing proof of god. There often seems to be some disagreement about what constitutes god. No aliens = evidence for God.
4. You should probably be saying evidence rather than proof. You believe the Bible is evidence of god. I'm not sure what the statement "a Bible that somehow came to be" means; it came to be when it was written? You seem to imply that it couldn't have been written but had to be created by god. Don't be so dumb as to be influenced by Satan. It's God. god is considered Satan aka god of the world in the Bible.
5. That places written about in the Bible exist seems like pretty scant evidence of god. Places written in most Stephen King books exist, but that doesn't mean I should start believing in monsters. :) You're entitled to your worldview even though it's wrong, wrong, wrong.
6. Why would you assume that if aliens existed, they would have contacted us? The universe is vast, almost beyond human comprehension. There could be tons of alien civilizations out there without they or us ever noticing each other. Besides, it's also possible aliens have attempted to contact us and we did not realize it. It isn't as if aliens are likely to be sending messages out in human language over devices compatible with human technology. This is ignorant. NASA, SETI, Elon Musk all think we have been contacted even thought there is no evidence. Read about the Ferdi Paradox. [/QUOTE]
1. Who are the scientists that declare there must be millions of alien civilizations in the universe? Carl Sagan said it while alive. Even sent a time capsule. SETI scientists.
2. How do you know they are atheists? God didn't create aliens, so aliens would be evidence against God.
3. You would need to define god before showing proof of god. There often seems to be some disagreement about what constitutes god. No aliens = evidence for God.
4. You should probably be saying evidence rather than proof. You believe the Bible is evidence of god. I'm not sure what the statement "a Bible that somehow came to be" means; it came to be when it was written? You seem to imply that it couldn't have been written but had to be created by god. Don't be so dumb as to be influenced by Satan. It's God. god is considered Satan aka god of the world in the Bible.
5. That places written about in the Bible exist seems like pretty scant evidence of god. Places written in most Stephen King books exist, but that doesn't mean I should start believing in monsters. :) You're entitled to your worldview even though it's wrong, wrong, wrong.
6. Why would you assume that if aliens existed, they would have contacted us? The universe is vast, almost beyond human comprehension. There could be tons of alien civilizations out there without they or us ever noticing each other. Besides, it's also possible aliens have attempted to contact us and we did not realize it. It isn't as if aliens are likely to be sending messages out in human language over devices compatible with human technology. This is ignorant. NASA, SETI, Elon Musk all think we have been contacted even thought there is no evidence. Read about the Ferdi Paradox.

1. If Sagan said there must be millions of alien civilizations, I disagree with him. I'm unaware of his having said so, but I don't know all that much of what he said during his life, so he may well have believed that.
2. You may not believe that god created aliens, but that doesn't mean everyone agrees with you.
3. Saying that no aliens is evidence for god does not define god.
4. God is considered Satan in the Bible? What?
5. I didn't profess a world view. I merely pointed out the fact that just because there are real places in a book does not mean the book is factual.
6. It's the Fermi Paradox, not Ferdi, and I've discussed it on this site on more than one occasion, including in this thread. Put simply, the Fermi Paradox is not fact. It is, at best, a hypothesis, and one I consider flawed. I have in fact already brought this up in reply to you in this thread.
I'm not sure why you bring up NASA, SETI, and Elon Musk. Those organizations and that man may all believe alien life has contacted us; I am still ambivalent about it. I accept the possibility, but do not consider it an inevitability.

I'd also like to point out that if god created the universe and everything in it, and alien life exists, god would have created it. I'm not sure why you think alien life is evidence against god, unless you are arguing that the Bible would have mentioned other life if god had created it.
The idea that the human race is all alone in such a massive universe is absurd to both those of faith and atheists.

So for those not of faith, the only other alternative is alien life.

Question is, why are they so adamant about alien life existing while being adamant that God does not exist?

How is alien life and the concept of God so different?
The idea that the human race is all alone in such a massive universe is absurd to both those of faith and atheists.

So for those not of faith, the only other alternative is alien life.

Question is, why are they so adamant about alien life existing while being adamant that God does not exist?

How is alien life and the concept of God so different?

There is a generally accepted definition for life, and numerous examples of life all around us all the time. God is defined in different ways by different people. There are also no clear, objective examples of a god around us.

I'm not trying to disparage belief in god, or say there is no evidence of any god. Instead, I'm saying there is nothing that someone can point to and say, "Look, that is god" which is generally accepted.

Alien life is just life on another planet. God is something that we cannot directly see or touch, in most definitions of god I'm aware of.

That's my off-the-cuff answer to why the concepts are different. :)
How is alien life and the concept of God so different?
There's a mountain of circumstantial evidence that abiogenesis has happened at least one other time in the universe.

There is not a shred of evidence for the existence of Gods.

So, that's a pretty big difference.
How is alien life and the concept of God so different?
There's a mountain of circumstantial evidence that abiogenesis has happened at least one other time in the universe.

There is not a shred of evidence for the existence of Gods.

So, that's a pretty big difference.

The mountain of circumstantial evidence that abiogenesis has happened at least one other time in the universe is a shred of evidence for the existence of Gods.

Many religions worldwide are based on stories about gods coming down from the sky. If you came down from the sky in a balloon in ancient Mesopotamia with an iphone and a bic lighter you would have been a god.

If there was no intelligent life elsewhere in the universe there would be no such stories about people being visited by gods from the sky in the past but there is a mountain of evidence of the belief in sky deities from the ancient past that arose independently.
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The mountain of circumstantial evidence that abiogenesis has happened at least one other time in the universe is a shred of evidence for the existence of Gods
It is not. Being able to use it as a premise for an argument or hypothesis rife with magical bullshit and subjective premises does not make it evidence.
If there was no intelligent life elsewhere in the universe there would be no such stories about people being visited by gods from the sky in the past
Utterly false. What an absurd thing to say. By your unlogic, unicorns and mermaids must also exist.
If there was no intelligent life elsewhere in the universe there would be no such stories about people being visited by gods from the sky in the past
Utterly false. What an absurd thing to say. By your unlogic, unicorns and mermaids must also exist.

Or they were just repeated misrepresentations of things that actually exist and someone actually saw but did not comprehend or have words for because they never saw or heard of anything like it before.

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