Why do so many men online hate women?

The vast majority of Men, online and in real life, feel great affection for women. It's Feminists that we loathe. Feminists being women who can not or will not accept and embrace their proper place in the world.

Unfortunately, many men feel that the way to "tame" women (and pets/animals) is by force and discipline. That only causes submission, fear and resentment. Firmness with love works, but, that requires discipline on the man's part, and, most are just not willing to take the time to do it right.
I usually get a really dark tan, and work out a lot, when I want to play out my dominance fantasies, with women.
It's safe here Daniel, let it all out, tell us everything you hate about women.

She eggs him on, even.


You think so? :)

You ready for erotic massage with G-spot focus work to help him practice?


guys wouldn't hesitate for a free full body massage with happy ending, why do women?

Depends on the guy.

And, as a reminder, equality does not mean women act like men.
guys wouldn't hesitate for a free full body massage with happy ending, why do women?

You really want to know?
sorry baby, this is politics.

So I'd noticed.:gay:
nothing but deflection?

where can I find nice girls who enjoy helping their friends get really really good at full body massage with happy ending and g spot focus work?

In other words, where do you find women with self-esteem low enough that they will submit to anything in order to have a friend?
This is why you don't appear to know much. You've never interacted with anyone not identical to yourself.

Nor will I. Best way to keep the ideology Pure.

Upshot: get out more. See the world. Learn something.

Everything I need to know I've already learned.

Question: Why is it that you people can never say the words "woman" and "women"? They signify adulthood. It's always "gals," or "chicks," or some insincere term of endearment like "honey" or "sweetie," and in your case, "females."

I come from a place and mentality with a different lexicon. Female is a specific sex with a genetic fingerprint. Adult females fall into two groups: feminists and women. To be a woman a female must understand, accept, and embrace her proper place in the world. A Feminist is an adult female who cannot be classified as a woman.
This is why you don't appear to know much. You've never interacted with anyone not identical to yourself.

Nor will I. Best way to keep the ideology Pure.

Upshot: get out more. See the world. Learn something.

Everything I need to know I've already learned.

Question: Why is it that you people can never say the words "woman" and "women"? They signify adulthood. It's always "gals," or "chicks," or some insincere term of endearment like "honey" or "sweetie," and in your case, "females."

I come from a place and mentality with a different lexicon. Female is a specific sex with a genetic fingerprint. Adult females fall into two groups: feminists and women. To be a woman a female must understand, accept, and embrace her proper place in the world. A Feminist is an adult female who cannot be classified as a woman.

So, in your mind, a woman will do what she is told and a feminist will not?

Okey dokey. I'll take the feminists any day.
Pity. The women you are avoiding are the best.

No they're not. I went on literally hundreds of first dates with women like that. Most of those dates ended up being cut short and almost none resulted in second dates because the females in question jyst weren't whst I would consider relationship material.
Men in general don't like repression and attempts at silencing our freedom of speech or ability to live the way we wish.

Women want to silence us and put under their boot heal. That's not going to work as men are very good at getting out from under the heal of other men that are far more violent and capable.

Why do women want to silence you? What should be done with women?
I dunno. I treat women with respect. Listen to their gripes and aches and pains. Tell them they look nice. Never talk behind their back. They'll be faithfully eating from your hand thereafter.
Ohhhh my Lord I forgot the most important.

When a woman is, "in season", let her be.....Let Her Be.
When she is in a menopausal fit, take a 30 min walk
Post menopausal women are the easiest.

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