Why Do So Many People Who Worked for Trump Think He's Unfit to be President?

Always? Debatable. In my entire lifetime? Super affirmative.

It depends on what you define as "the size of government".

If you define it as government spending, every administration has spent more than the last because the population increases drive spending increases in programs and services. While the size of the budget does indicate the "size of government" in regards to what percentage of GDP does it take to run the country, it doesn't accurate reflect the impact of governmental structures on people's lives.


But if you look at how many goverenment workers there are under each president, that's is how you gauge the "size of government". This is from 2020.........................

"President Barack Obama entered office with the Great Recession raging and the true size of the federal workforce at about 10 million civil servants, postal workers, active duty military, contractors, and grantees. He raised the total with billions in economic stimulus to 11.3 million, then backed it down to about 9 million before leaving office. With the economy in full-throated rebound, Obama gave Donald Trump the rare opportunity to rebalance the federal government’s blended workforce.

Despite campaign promises to the contrary, Trump opened the contract and grant spigots instead, adding more than 2 million jobs to the blended federal workforce, including 1 million in the Departments of Defense, Transportation, and Health and Human Services alone."

Scroll down the page to the graph, and you will size that the size of government workforce declined under Clinton and Obama, and went up under every Republican Administration, including Trump's.

Trump loved the government contracts. He handed out over 200 of them to members of his east coast golf clubs, and corporations who booked events at his Washington Hotels. The ten camps holding the refugee claimants were built and run by for profit prison companies who donated heavily to his Inauguration Fund. $100 million in donations which were never accounted for.
“Your gut is the one thing that doesn’t lie to you. Your gut only has your interest in mind. It is not trying to sell you a product, or convince you to vote for it,” he said. - Tucker Carlson

“If you feel like you’re being lied to, you’re 100 percent right — you are being lied to. And if you feel like something very intense in history is about to happen, don’t ignore it. Don’t panic. There’s not profit in that, you can’t control it — you’re not in charge of history,” Carlson added, highlighting that there is “similar volatility” in politics happening across the world, especially in the West. -Tucker Carlson

There are dozens. So many who worked in the first Trump administration say he has no business being anywhere near the Oval Office. Here's one.

But when you lead a cult, the cult will defend their dear leader to the death because precious snowflake feelingz!

You convinced me! I'm voting for the competent candidate -- Joe Biden!
He may be severely mentally ill but he's one hell of a lot better choice than Biden, who has already raised the risk to the brink of nuclear war in two different areas of the world.
There are dozens. So many who worked in the first Trump administration say he has no business being anywhere near the Oval Office. Here's one.

But when you lead a cult, the cult will defend their dear leader to the death because precious snowflake feelingz!

Selling out to the Democrats pays well. Next question?
They are pretty close and back each other, thinbread.
They are twins.

Yet they are still different people.... But if you think attacking his brother means something, then by all means....continue.... :rolleyes:
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They are twins.

Boy, are you knowledgeable. /s :cool:

But they are still different people.... But if you think attacking his brother means something, then by all means....continue.... :rolleyes:

But they still back each other and both know what's going on, even if you don't.


Why do so many MORE people who voted for Biden think he's unfit to be president?

Wait for it...OH SNAP!

You also believe the world is flat and the moon is made of green cheese, cultist

Wait for it...OH SNAP!
You also believe the world is flat and the moon is made of green cheese, cultist

Wait for it...OH SNAP!
Nobody likes you people, understand? How does it feel to be the most loathed among the human species?
“Your gut is the one thing that doesn’t lie to you. Your gut only has your interest in mind. It is not trying to sell you a product, or convince you to vote for it,” he said. - Tucker Carlson

“If you feel like you’re being lied to, you’re 100 percent right — you are being lied to. And if you feel like something very intense in history is about to happen, don’t ignore it. Don’t panic. There’s not profit in that, you can’t control it — you’re not in charge of history,” Carlson added, highlighting that there is “similar volatility” in politics happening across the world, especially in the West. -Tucker Carlson

Quoting Tucker Carlson just demonstrates that you are a low-IQ rube

Nobody likes you people, understand? How does it feel to be the most loathed among the human species?
He does like fully supporting the indoctrination of kindergarten children... with adult sexual coupling alternative options.
Nobody likes you people, understand? How does it feel to be the most loathed among the human species?

That's funny. I have lots of friends, a great family and an awesome life. Even the blue collar people I hire like me because I pay them well and respect them personally and professionally.

So keep clinging to the lies you need to tell yourself, BluesLoser.
Quoting Tucker Carlson just demonstrates that you are a low-IQ rube

This coming from the guy who advised going long long long on oil around a year and a half ago, when it was ~120US bbl WTI.

If anyone listened to you, they would have bought then.


WTI 75.94USD bbl
It depends on what you define as "the size of government".

If you define it as government spending, every administration has spent more than the last because the population increases drive spending increases in programs and services. While the size of the budget does indicate the "size of government" in regards to what percentage of GDP does it take to run the country, it doesn't accurate reflect the impact of governmental structures on people's lives.

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But if you look at how many goverenment workers there are under each president, that's is how you gauge the "size of government". This is from 2020.........................

"President Barack Obama entered office with the Great Recession raging and the true size of the federal workforce at about 10 million civil servants, postal workers, active duty military, contractors, and grantees. He raised the total with billions in economic stimulus to 11.3 million, then backed it down to about 9 million before leaving office. With the economy in full-throated rebound, Obama gave Donald Trump the rare opportunity to rebalance the federal government’s blended workforce.

Despite campaign promises to the contrary, Trump opened the contract and grant spigots instead, adding more than 2 million jobs to the blended federal workforce, including 1 million in the Departments of Defense, Transportation, and Health and Human Services alone."

Scroll down the page to the graph, and you will size that the size of government workforce declined under Clinton and Obama, and went up under every Republican Administration, including Trump's.

Trump loved the government contracts. He handed out over 200 of them to members of his east coast golf clubs, and corporations who booked events at his Washington Hotels. The ten camps holding the refugee claimants were built and run by for profit prison companies who donated heavily to his Inauguration Fund. $100 million in donations which were never accounted for.
All good points, and it's not that I don't understand the above. I do. It's that Democrats tend to create legislation that tends to increase the reach of government, which can in turn increase the size. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

In my experience, It's more recent that Republican administrations are taking the 'hold my beer' approach in increasing government. And spending. And authoritarian 'culture war' tactics to boot. The fiscal conservative part of the party was taken out back and murdered a long time ago.

Today, I believe they mirror the far regressive left in so many ways it's becoming indistinguishable.

Either way, nowhere to go with any of that. :dunno:

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