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Why do some want to make us a socialist County?

If we stop calling it "democratic socialism" and start calling it "compassionate capitalism" will you accept it?

In some ways yes. The capitalism not socialism part. Work for it. Elect persons that don't just talk about infrastructure (Obama) but does something about it. Education is important. I worked for mine and it's paid for. Look at this and no argument. Buy your kid his/her first car, they don't take care of it and wreck it. Yet if they work for it, they appreciate it much more.

The 3 countries are NOT what people think they are. Sweden? You can't even go outside without no go zones, rape. Taxes are out the roof in all, 60% or more. Auto are twice the import cost, Gas is outrageous. You could not get me to live in any of them.
How the fuck is taking what I earned and giving it to someone who didn't earn it "compassionate"?

Ask the people like "anyname" who think they are the best 3 countries in the world. I don't believe in it and would never live in any of them. Read my posts, work for what you want, then you will appreciate it and HAVE IT TOO!
If we stop calling it "democratic socialism" and start calling it "compassionate capitalism" will you accept it?

In some ways yes. The capitalism not socialism part. Work for it. Elect persons that don't just talk about infrastructure (Obama) but does something about it. Education is important. I worked for mine and it's paid for. Look at this and no argument. Buy your kid his/her first car, they don't take care of it and wreck it. Yet if they work for it, they appreciate it much more.

The 3 countries are NOT what people think they are. Sweden? You can't even go outside without no go zones, rape. Taxes are out the roof in all, 60% or more. Auto are twice the import cost, Gas is outrageous. You could not get me to live in any of them.

if those 3 countries are so bad why do they claim to be the happiest?

do people who claim to be happy lie?

conservatives claim to be HAPPIER than liberals....
are they lying?

for happy people they sure like to talk about civil war and killing liberals...

is that what makes them happy? killing?
If we stop calling it "democratic socialism" and start calling it "compassionate capitalism" will you accept it?

In some ways yes. The capitalism not socialism part. Work for it. Elect persons that don't just talk about infrastructure (Obama) but does something about it. Education is important. I worked for mine and it's paid for. Look at this and no argument. Buy your kid his/her first car, they don't take care of it and wreck it. Yet if they work for it, they appreciate it much more.

The 3 countries are NOT what people think they are. Sweden? You can't even go outside without no go zones, rape. Taxes are out the roof in all, 60% or more. Auto are twice the import cost, Gas is outrageous. You could not get me to live in any of them.

if those 3 countries are so bad why do they claim to be the happiest?

do people who claim to be happy lie?

conservatives claim to be HAPPIER than liberals....
are they lying?

for happy people they sure like to talk about civil war and killing liberals...

is that what makes them happy? killing?

Conservatives ARE happier than liberals. Liberals can't help but self-loathe, that's why they're liberals... and misery loves company.

I mean look at you fucking people... It's 2020 and you're still in hysterics over a system of forced labor that ended 150 goddamn years ago, that neither you nor anyone alive today ever witnessed or even knew a single person involved, but somehow it's all our goddamn fault and we need to be punished and penalized for it. What kind of nutcase thinks this way?
Please, those who do, why and has any socialist country been successful?

I don't want a SOCIALIST country but if you are a typical deranged conservative you would accuse me of being one simply because I believe in

AFFORDABLE (please look that word up) healthcare
AFFORDABLE education

Has ANY socialist country worked?

Have you heard of China?


Norway, Denmark, Finland......all socialist/democracies .....

Now....you should ignore all of that and focus on Venezuela and Cuba

China. Their late success can be credited only to opening their economy and markets. Would you agree to live in country where you can't vote to select your leaders that are dictators for life, where you can't have free speech, make your own choices? If you'd like that, pack your bags...

To get where they are today, they had to kill millions who had different ideas, nationalized everything, central planning... have you heard of China's "four pest campaign"? Find it on Wikipeda, idiocy like that can just come from government. While you're at it, read about "backyard furnaces", that will really make you happy.

Nordic countries are not socialist countries. They embrace private property, they're very business friendly, and have strong social programs that are easy to establish in homogeneous communities. You could've know that, but I assume you're one of those educated in our government schools that teach you that bullshit.

Don't let me discourage you, you're doing great. ;)
If Democrats can't get the first woman president, they'll happily settle for the first gay president.

Identity is all.
Actually, it is highly likely, that we've already had our first gay president, James Buchanan (Democrat), in office from 1857 to 1861. It has been speculated that his vice president, John Breckinridge was his lover, even though Breckinridge was married and had a son. Some surviving letters from Buchanan to his friend and vice president, hinted in that direction. Buchanan, a bachelor had his niece, Harriet Johnston, act in the capacity as First Lady. If the speculations are true, his sexual proclivity had no impact on his ability to perform the duties of president, however, times being what they were, there was no way he could have as they say, "come out of the closet."
If we stop calling it "democratic socialism" and start calling it "compassionate capitalism" will you accept it?

In some ways yes. The capitalism not socialism part. Work for it. Elect persons that don't just talk about infrastructure (Obama) but does something about it. Education is important. I worked for mine and it's paid for. Look at this and no argument. Buy your kid his/her first car, they don't take care of it and wreck it. Yet if they work for it, they appreciate it much more.

The 3 countries are NOT what people think they are. Sweden? You can't even go outside without no go zones, rape. Taxes are out the roof in all, 60% or more. Auto are twice the import cost, Gas is outrageous. You could not get me to live in any of them.

if those 3 countries are so bad why do they claim to be the happiest?

do people who claim to be happy lie?

conservatives claim to be HAPPIER than liberals....
are they lying?

for happy people they sure like to talk about civil war and killing liberals...

is that what makes them happy? killing?

First, off they don't claim to be the happiest. Other people, making up a bunch of subjective statistics, claim they are the happiest.

When you see those research papers, do you really... think about this seriously.... do you really truly believe that they are walking all over Sweden to every town and village and asking every adult "are you happy?".

Do you really believe that? Of course of course of course, no one is doing that.

So where are they getting these statistics from? It's magic. I can prove it to you. Give me whatever ranking you wish to use, to claim they are happier. Show it to me.

Now that said, I'm going to contradict myself.

While I am certain that the happiness index is crap.... and it is...

I actually do in fact believe that over all, that most of those countries are in fact happier. But the problem is, the left-wing wishes to make it about how socialized they are.

In order for that to be true, you have to look at their happiness levels before they had all these socialized system. Reality is, most were generally a happy people before they ever had government run stuff, and welfare benefits.

So why were they happy? I'd suggest it is because they have a very homogeneous society. They don't have much immigration. They have a national religious affiliation. These things that make up community, make people generally happy.

The problem with left-wing thinking, is that it is the bonkers idea that having the same system here, would result in us being happy. Not true. Living a lower standard of living, like they do in those countries, will not make people happy. Having more burdens of taxes, will not make people happy. Having smaller homes, smaller cheaper cars, living on less money, and so on... does not make people happy.

What makes people happy... in part... is having a community with a similar culture. Having cultural values that are shared. Have a religious beliefs that are understood, instead of belittled by those around you. Feeling included, instead of being called deploreables for example. Having people on national TV, not mock you for the way you talk, and not claiming you don't read, and don't know geography.

Things like this, generally don't happen anywhere in the Nordic countries, and they wouldn't happen with or without socialized health care.

Our country could be much happier if people would simply start treating each other with respect, even if they disagreed. There would be no need for any socialism at all, to achieve happiness.
Since we have zero traces of socialism in America you can relax. Capitalism is doing just fine. Same old stuff.
To be Honest -
Most of the Pro-Socialist People, do not know what it is.

Usually them cite "socialist examples" of Police and Fire Departments, Playgrounds and what not.

They think that taxes collected through capitalist success and then used for Public Works - is what socialism is.

Actually it is Conservatives claiming that anything the government does to help the people is socialist

Actually it's Bernie Sanders claiming to be socialist
I can see that you are beyond reason.

we all pay for public schools....agreed?

are those schools SERVICES or SOCIALISM?

since we all agree to pay taxes for SERVICES like PUBLIC SCHOOLS (for 12 years) let's just extend those services by 2-4 more years!

I'm sure that every SOCIALIST program that you support you refuse to refer to as SOCIALISM and just call it "service"

well it would be a great SERVICE to America if we had AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE
I'm sorry you don't understand. Citizens of a school district vote to tax themselves if they so choose to support those schools in such a way.

No city or state government can come down on these people and take their money away and give it to those same schools because they think the schools are being underfunded.

That is what socialism does. Government decides to spend trillions of dollars on universal health care.
Once someone like Bernie Sanders is elected (God forbid) and he says now we will have single payer universal health care. Deal with it!

Maybe now you understand things a bit better.
To be Honest -
Most of the Pro-Socialist People, do not know what it is.

Usually them cite "socialist examples" of Police and Fire Departments, Playgrounds and what not.

They think that taxes collected through capitalist success and then used for Public Works - is what socialism is.

Actually it is Conservatives claiming that anything the government does to help the people is socialist

Actually it's Bernie Sanders claiming to be socialist
democratic socialist

Big difference
To be Honest -
Most of the Pro-Socialist People, do not know what it is.

Usually them cite "socialist examples" of Police and Fire Departments, Playgrounds and what not.

They think that taxes collected through capitalist success and then used for Public Works - is what socialism is.

Actually it is Conservatives claiming that anything the government does to help the people is socialist

Actually it's Bernie Sanders claiming to be socialist
democratic socialist

Big difference

Socialism: Government steals your money.
Democratic Socialism: Other people vote to steal your money and give it to the government.

Yeah... big difference. :rolleyes:
Another post showing how stupid Trumpers are.....I suppose we should get use to it the more a Sanders nomination becomes evident....

Describe how you think it shows that.
Waiting for any one of you morons to talk about policies...because all I hear from you are feelings.....I don't care about your feelings....

So lets talk about policies...and lets talk about why you Trumpers never talk about them

throw a policy at us

What do you feel is one of the most popular policies/programs in US history?

I know you won't like to admit that it's Social Security or Medicare....so let's skip that...

How about public education, public roads, fire department, police department, nah, that isn't socialism to you folks because you like having those things...except maybe public education.....or education period....

What about Overtime Pay, Family Medical Leave....are those popular??

Oh I got one....how about farm subsidies, oil subsidies, you like that kind of socialism?? Of course you do....

Tell you what....name a Trump policy that is more popular with the American public than the ones I just named...….

who is "you people" -----Have I EVER suggested that socialism is not part and
parcel of ALL SOCIETIES? -------the issue is not really "socialism"------it is really
If we stop calling it "democratic socialism" and start calling it "compassionate capitalism" will you accept it?

In some ways yes. The capitalism not socialism part. Work for it. Elect persons that don't just talk about infrastructure (Obama) but does something about it. Education is important. I worked for mine and it's paid for. Look at this and no argument. Buy your kid his/her first car, they don't take care of it and wreck it. Yet if they work for it, they appreciate it much more.

The 3 countries are NOT what people think they are. Sweden? You can't even go outside without no go zones, rape. Taxes are out the roof in all, 60% or more. Auto are twice the import cost, Gas is outrageous. You could not get me to live in any of them.

if those 3 countries are so bad why do they claim to be the happiest?

do people who claim to be happy lie?

conservatives claim to be HAPPIER than liberals....
are they lying?

for happy people they sure like to talk about civil war and killing liberals...

is that what makes them happy? killing?

. It's 2020 and you're still in hysterics over a system of forced labor that ended 150 goddamn years ago, that neither you nor anyone alive today ever witnessed or even knew a single person involved, but somehow it's all our goddamn fault and we need to be punished and penalized for it.
The Real Duopoly Is the Entire Left and the Entire Right Against the Other 99% of White People

Slavery was punishment. People who act like wild and vicious jungle animals need to be tamed. Conservatives who virtue-signal to their Liberal prep-school classmates by not answering, "What's wrong with 'racism'? It's actually realism" prove that they, too, are mortal enemies of Populism.

Slavery saved Blackists from savagery and starvation. In 400 years here, they have never been treated worse than they deserved.

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