Why do the God-haters persist?

Thankfully fairy believers (yes there are some who do believe in them) are not trying to force their beliefs onto others or are getting tax breaks or condemn others for not believing in fairies for if they did, I would argue their insanity with purpose. It still is ridiculous.

Well I hate to tell you this but people are always going to force their beliefs on you in any civilized democratic society. We don't live in some Utopian fantasy world where everyone gets to do as they please. That's not civil society, that's anarchy, and believe me, you don't want it.

No one is forcing you to adopt a religious belief. That has NEVER happened in America. You know where that DOES happen? In countries where they don't have a self-governing representative republic, where all men are created equal and have an equal voice.

What you are opposed to is TOLERANCE. As ironic as that is, it's your problem. You are an intolerant anti-social bigot who doesn't want to get along with others. You've made your mind up that we're all going to follow your rules and live the way you want, and we're getting no peace until we agree. Well people don't agree with you, they don't want the society you want. So what you're going to need to do is pick up arms and declare a war. That's the only way to get people to stop forcing their beliefs on you. Take over the country and install some tin-horn dictator who promises you the Utopian world you want, then you'll be happy!
Um common sense actually. It's pretty simple really. If it doesn't hurt you, anything you own, or anyone/anything else for that matter. THEN I HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO IT. Period. And our laws should reflect this fact. For example, if two gay men or two lesbians wish to marry. Then how the fuck does that even begin to affect you, me or anyone but the two of them? I can see where the issues arises in the case of abortion because we can't all agree on whether or not a fetus is a person and if it is then abortion would definitely be classified on doing harm to another person so I'm willing to talk about that one. But gay rights? C'mon. Let's just let them get married and move on. Same with the whole contraception thing. Employers don't want to pay for birth control (a form of contraception) but are cool paying for vasectomies (another form of contraception) it's bullshit and we all know it.

PS. I'm talking measurable physical or psychological harm here not whether or not it makes other people butthurt. Get over it. Gays are people too and people have the right to get married.

if they get married do I have the right to pay no attention to them?.....or do I have to bake them wedding cakes and take their wedding pictures in order to stay in business?.....

Can you tell a black man and white woman you won't bake them a cake because you don't like white women fucking N**#rs? I'm sure 50 years ago your grandfather asked that very same question.
???....must have been your grandfather, not mine.....be that as it may there is a similarity......the law had to redefine marriage to keep whites from marrying blacks, just as the law had to redefine marriage to allow men to marry men......one small segment of society forcing its definitions on everyone in both cases.....
Like Hobby Lobby. I bet they won't be around in 10 years. Meanwhile they are just trying to cut costs so they want to stop paying for birth control. Good. Now they can pay for maternaty leave.

so you admit that forcing your beliefs on others makes you feel good?......
If you don't understand how invading someone's privacy harms someone, maybe you aren't smart enough to be on USMB. Maybe you should be on USduMB.

maybe this has passed your notice, but we aren't talking about what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom......we are talking about what they are doing in the courthouse to require everyone to take notice of their "privacy"........
If you don't understand how invading someone's privacy harms someone, maybe you aren't smart enough to be on USMB. Maybe you should be on USduMB.

maybe this has passed your notice, but we aren't talking about what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom......we are talking about what they are doing in the courthouse to require everyone to take notice of their "privacy"........

They are butt fucking in the courthouses???? Well !!! I never !!!

And Boss is spankin his monkey thinking about it ?????

This thread has takin a turn for the worse...
'God-hater' strikes me as an inaccurate term. I do not believe in gods, but I can't hate gods if I don't believe they exist. But for me at least it's more I hate people who demand I do their bidding because their unproven god says whatever. It's not the god or the religion I hate but the followers.
'God-hater' strikes me as an inaccurate term. I do not believe in gods, but I can't hate gods if I don't believe they exist. But for me at least it's more I hate people who demand I do their bidding because their unproven god says whatever. It's not the god or the religion I hate but the followers.

I don't even hate the followers, at least the ones who just believe in whatever while leaving me alone. I'm willing to hate those that want to force me to live by their believe system or die/be imprisoned/be a second class citizen/subvert science, but someone who just goes to church and tries to be a good person and has a live and let live attitude is fine with me. That doesn't mean I don't pity them for believing in bronze age fairy tales as an adult, but if that belief somehow translates into their being happy or a better person for it, I can look the other way.
'God-hater' strikes me as an inaccurate term. I do not believe in gods, but I can't hate gods if I don't believe they exist. But for me at least it's more I hate people who demand I do their bidding because their unproven god says whatever. It's not the god or the religion I hate but the followers.

I don't even hate the followers, at least the ones who just believe in whatever while leaving me alone. I'm willing to hate those that want to force me to live by their believe system or die/be imprisoned/be a second class citizen/subvert science, but someone who just goes to church and tries to be a good person and has a live and let live attitude is fine with me. That doesn't mean I don't pity them for believing in bronze age fairy tales as an adult, but if that belief somehow translates into their being happy or a better person for it, I can look the other way.

You are so stupid. We don't give a fuck what a fuckin retard like you thinks is ok. Ignorance of the fucking law is no excuse. And if you need a imaginary god to tell you not to be a pervert, I don't know what that says about you Boss. Maybe your parents didn't raise you properly.

If you don't understand how invading someone's privacy harms someone, maybe you aren't smart enough to be on USMB. Maybe you should be on USduMB.

And no one cares what you call gay marriage. You can call it civil union or two guys butt fucking while you jack off thinking about it. Whatever you want to call it is cool with me. I'm going to call it marriage. AND, they are going to get all the same benefits straight married couples get.

Are you going to cry if I call them husband and husband? Are you going to DEMAND the marriage license doesn't say Marriage on it? Because you care why?

Oh, I understand you don't give a fuck... that's the crux of the problem here. You've gotten way too big for your britches. You think America is a place you own and control because you've managed to win a few elections. You believe you can make your own rules for society and disregard what others want. It's always been the danger with liberals, they don't believe in democratic government, they believe in authoritative fascist totalitarianism. Give them a little power and suddenly they are little Mussolinis. Cramming their liberalism down our throat and telling us they don't give a fuck what we think about it.

I don't hate gay people. I am highly offended by that allegation. My personal position on CUs comes from a gay couple that I've known for 30 years. Do you think they are homophobes? Like them, I am opposed to Government determining what is or isn't legitimate sexual behavior. Marriage is the union of a man and woman, not two homosexuals, not a woman and her german shepherd, not a man and his harem. Now my gay friends had a wedding in the backwoods of 'ignorant redneck knuckledraggin' Alabama, in 1986! In their eyes, they are as "married" as any traditional married couple on the planet. They are fine with the State of Alabama not recognizing their marriage, it hasn't bothered them one bit.

Yes boss you are exactly right. Way too many of us here in America want seperation of church and state and the only laws we have on the books that you don't like are the laws that go against christianity, jews or the muslim religions. Example, abortion and gay marriage.

I thank you guys for pushing these issues because I think you all have done more to turn people away from religion in the last 40 years than I could have ever done in a lifetime. It is issues like abortion, stem cell, birth control and gay marriage that is going to make people understand why we need seperation of church and state.

Most people understand the need for abortions. Even anti abortion hypocrites as soon as it happens to them at the wrong time will go seek out an abortion. So we should probably keep them safe and legal seeing as how even the people who are anti abortion are customers too.

If they want to feel guilty about it and think they're going to go to hell for it, that's great. But we don't want to be teaching that as a society. Another great example is gays. I'd rather them be happy who they are rather than commit suicide because your bogus religions tell them it's immoral.

It is you who's focusing on gays sexual behaviors you fucking creep. I'm focusing on giving them equal rights that straight married couples have. And if you are suggesting you'd be ok with giving them all those benefits that come with being married, just as long as they call it civil unions, I'll suggest that's a fucking lie because no way you guys are that hung up on the fact that they want to call it marriage.

It hasn't bothered your gay friends one bit? They didn't mind not being able to share health insurance like straight couples? They don't mind not being able to adopt? The one who dies last won't mind when his husbands family tells him to get out of the hospital room when he's dying because he can't make life choices for his partner like a married couple can do? Instead his old family will decide and not only that they will take everything he owns because if you aren't married you don't get to keep your partners shit. Or they won't mind that they don't get the ss benefits that straight couples do?

I don't blame your gay friends for not wanting to get married. I think its a stupid thing to do. Would you agree to give someone else half your wealth if at any time it isn't working out? Not if you have any wealth you wouldn't.

Anyways, what you have said is an ignorant ignorant thing. Just because your one hick gay friends don't care, doesn't mean a lot of gays don't. They do. And you will ignore everything I just said. You will ignore that a gay man's family can come to the hospital and throw his partner out of the hospital because "they aren't married". I saw this happen with a straight uncle of mine and his girlfriend. The kids let her hang around until he died then they were changing the locks and not returning her phone calls anymore. She was tossed aside. And that is what happens to gay people.

Anyways, you are pretty much wrong about everything you believe. Gays, abortion god.

Oh, and thank you for letting me know you live in a red neck hick state. I should have known. Please go tell your neighbors you don't believe in Jesus or do you keep that a secret? Because you just know they all think you're going to hell. So do I only for other reasons. LOL. Actually you know I don't believe in hell.
if they get married do I have the right to pay no attention to them?.....or do I have to bake them wedding cakes and take their wedding pictures in order to stay in business?.....

Can you tell a black man and white woman you won't bake them a cake because you don't like white women fucking N**#rs? I'm sure 50 years ago your grandfather asked that very same question.
???....must have been your grandfather, not mine.....be that as it may there is a similarity......the law had to redefine marriage to keep whites from marrying blacks, just as the law had to redefine marriage to allow men to marry men......one small segment of society forcing its definitions on everyone in both cases.....

No it was your grandfather because you sound just like those racists back then, only today you hate gays not blacks. You've evolved a little but not much.

Whites may have tried to redefine the law so it said marriage is between one white man and one white woman, but they failed. Your side failed.

Oh, and maybe you just have to be open to re defining what marriage is. Because it is no longer just for straight men and women. Not here in America anyways. Maybe in Russia and Iran so maybe you should move there.

Marriage is a socially recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights, benefits and obligations between them.

Just because the old America only allowed straights to marry, doesn't mean that's how its going to be in the new America. Just like old America didn't like black men marrying white women, eventually they will get over it.

So SO WHAT marriage up until now has been between a man and a women. That's old and out dated. Today it's simply a socially recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them.
'God-hater' strikes me as an inaccurate term. I do not believe in gods, but I can't hate gods if I don't believe they exist. But for me at least it's more I hate people who demand I do their bidding because their unproven god says whatever. It's not the god or the religion I hate but the followers.

I don't even hate the followers, at least the ones who just believe in whatever while leaving me alone. I'm willing to hate those that want to force me to live by their believe system or die/be imprisoned/be a second class citizen/subvert science, but someone who just goes to church and tries to be a good person and has a live and let live attitude is fine with me. That doesn't mean I don't pity them for believing in bronze age fairy tales as an adult, but if that belief somehow translates into their being happy or a better person for it, I can look the other way.

I agree. But I also do think religion is either bad for them or unnecessary. A lie is still a lie no matter how good it makes them feel.

I do hope religion goes away in the future but I agree that I don't want to burst anyone's bubble if they need religion and it makes them a better person and makes them feel good.
'God-hater' strikes me as an inaccurate term. I do not believe in gods, but I can't hate gods if I don't believe they exist. But for me at least it's more I hate people who demand I do their bidding because their unproven god says whatever. It's not the god or the religion I hate but the followers.

I don't even hate the followers, at least the ones who just believe in whatever while leaving me alone. I'm willing to hate those that want to force me to live by their believe system or die/be imprisoned/be a second class citizen/subvert science, but someone who just goes to church and tries to be a good person and has a live and let live attitude is fine with me. That doesn't mean I don't pity them for believing in bronze age fairy tales as an adult, but if that belief somehow translates into their being happy or a better person for it, I can look the other way.

I agree. But I also do think religion is either bad for them or unnecessary. A lie is still a lie no matter how good it makes them feel.

I do hope religion goes away in the future but I agree that I don't want to burst anyone's bubble if they need religion and it makes them a better person and makes them feel good.

LOL!!And why do you think you are brought back here each day???? GOD is giving another chance to wise up!!!Don't waste it,it could be your last!!!
AND, they are going to get all the same benefits straight married couples get.

if this were about benefits, why aren't you demanding equal benefits for unmarried heterosexual couples?........

They can get married if they want the benefits of being married.

Good point though. It did make me think for a second. But if they want the benefits, they got to get married. We here in America don't give boyfriends and girlfriends marriage benefits. Do you think we should? Then advocate for it. Maybe you'll convince enough of us that all you have to be in a "couple" and you can share insurance, get tax breaks, etc.
I don't even hate the followers, at least the ones who just believe in whatever while leaving me alone. I'm willing to hate those that want to force me to live by their believe system or die/be imprisoned/be a second class citizen/subvert science, but someone who just goes to church and tries to be a good person and has a live and let live attitude is fine with me. That doesn't mean I don't pity them for believing in bronze age fairy tales as an adult, but if that belief somehow translates into their being happy or a better person for it, I can look the other way.

I agree. But I also do think religion is either bad for them or unnecessary. A lie is still a lie no matter how good it makes them feel.

I do hope religion goes away in the future but I agree that I don't want to burst anyone's bubble if they need religion and it makes them a better person and makes them feel good.

LOL!!And why do you think you are brought back here each day???? GOD is giving another chance to wise up!!!Don't waste it,it could be your last!!!

Are you kidding I watch religious shows for entertainment and they spin me up and I come running here to talk about how insane those people are. If anything they/you are making me more sure agnostic atheism is the most rational position.

You run more people away from god than anyone I know.
If you don't understand how invading someone's privacy harms someone, maybe you aren't smart enough to be on USMB. Maybe you should be on USduMB.

maybe this has passed your notice, but we aren't talking about what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom......we are talking about what they are doing in the courthouse to require everyone to take notice of their "privacy"........

As a straight couple, do you know if me and my wife give each other oral? Do we find out in the court house if you fuck your wife in the ass?

Do you know which gay man in the relationship is the pitcher and which is the catcher?

You creeps need to get off what they are doing in the privacy of their homes. All that we care about is that they can legally marry and enjoy all the benefits that straight married couples get. Anything beyond that is you being a fucking closet fag who can't stop thinking about a big cock in your ass or mouth.
If you don't understand how invading someone's privacy harms someone, maybe you aren't smart enough to be on USMB. Maybe you should be on USduMB.

maybe this has passed your notice, but we aren't talking about what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom......we are talking about what they are doing in the courthouse to require everyone to take notice of their "privacy"........

As a straight couple, do you know if me and my wife give each other oral? Do we find out in the court house if you fuck your wife in the ass?

Do you know which gay man in the relationship is the pitcher and which is the catcher?

You creeps need to get off what they are doing in the privacy of their homes. All that we care about is that they can legally marry and enjoy all the benefits that straight married couples get. Anything beyond that is you being a fucking closet fag who can't stop thinking about a big cock in your ass or mouth.

you want to marry your dog?? your little sister???? "All that we care about is that they can legally marry and enjoy all the benefits that straight married couples get. ". REALLY?????? Marrage is between men and women!!! DUH!!
I don't even hate the followers, at least the ones who just believe in whatever while leaving me alone. I'm willing to hate those that want to force me to live by their believe system or die/be imprisoned/be a second class citizen/subvert science, but someone who just goes to church and tries to be a good person and has a live and let live attitude is fine with me. That doesn't mean I don't pity them for believing in bronze age fairy tales as an adult, but if that belief somehow translates into their being happy or a better person for it, I can look the other way.

I agree. But I also do think religion is either bad for them or unnecessary. A lie is still a lie no matter how good it makes them feel.

I do hope religion goes away in the future but I agree that I don't want to burst anyone's bubble if they need religion and it makes them a better person and makes them feel good.

LOL!!And why do you think you are brought back here each day???? GOD is giving another chance to wise up!!!Don't waste it,it could be your last!!!

So I can tell you what a moron God says you are, ever night.
maybe this has passed your notice, but we aren't talking about what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom......we are talking about what they are doing in the courthouse to require everyone to take notice of their "privacy"........

As a straight couple, do you know if me and my wife give each other oral? Do we find out in the court house if you fuck your wife in the ass?

Do you know which gay man in the relationship is the pitcher and which is the catcher?

You creeps need to get off what they are doing in the privacy of their homes. All that we care about is that they can legally marry and enjoy all the benefits that straight married couples get. Anything beyond that is you being a fucking closet fag who can't stop thinking about a big cock in your ass or mouth.

you want to marry your dog?? your little sister???? "All that we care about is that they can legally marry and enjoy all the benefits that straight married couples get. ". REALLY?????? Marrage is between men and women!!! DUH!!

We don't allow fist cousins or siblings to get married because of birth defects. It is illegal to fuck your sister no matter how bad you want to.

We also don't allow people to marry other animals.

We also don't allow adults to marry children.

Can you show me any organizations or movements that want to do these things and show me how much of the population support them?

So neither the citizens or the courts or the churches would approve. But, as far as gays go, the courts and citizens approve so FUCK YOUR CHURCHES. They don't have to marry gay people so what do they care? What do you care? And don't say because it's ruining the sanctity of marriage because you straight breeders are doing that on your own with over 50% of you saying I DO GOD and then going and getting a divorce.

You should focus on straight divorces and fix that and leave the gays alone.
maybe this has passed your notice, but we aren't talking about what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom......we are talking about what they are doing in the courthouse to require everyone to take notice of their "privacy"........

As a straight couple, do you know if me and my wife give each other oral? Do we find out in the court house if you fuck your wife in the ass?

Do you know which gay man in the relationship is the pitcher and which is the catcher?

You creeps need to get off what they are doing in the privacy of their homes. All that we care about is that they can legally marry and enjoy all the benefits that straight married couples get. Anything beyond that is you being a fucking closet fag who can't stop thinking about a big cock in your ass or mouth.

you want to marry your dog?? your little sister???? "All that we care about is that they can legally marry and enjoy all the benefits that straight married couples get. ". REALLY?????? Marrage is between men and women!!! DUH!!

I kiss my dogs. There I've said it. It's true !!! Does that make me a bad person ???

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