Why do the God-haters persist?

'God-hater' strikes me as an inaccurate term. I do not believe in gods, but I can't hate gods if I don't believe they exist. But for me at least it's more I hate people who demand I do their bidding because their unproven god says whatever. It's not the god or the religion I hate but the followers.

You post against God whom you claim doesn't exist even though you don't hate him but you don't respond to me so I guess maybe you do hate the followers.
It makes more sense to hate dummies that follow a 2000 year old book that is absolute fiction than hate modern day oponents that have scientists that have up to date weapons and can turn them on you.

If I gotta choose I'm definitely gonna hate the stupid fuckers with the two millenium old game plan.

It makes more sense to hate dummies that follow a 2000 year old book that is absolute fiction than hate modern day oponents that have scientists that have up to date weapons and can turn them on you.

If I gotta choose I'm definitely gonna hate the stupid fuckers with the two millenium old game plan.


You can't blame the bible for you sucking dick . That was ether a genetic defect of mental instability none of which was caused by the bible

tapatalk post
It makes more sense to hate dummies that follow a 2000 year old book that is absolute fiction than hate modern day oponents that have scientists that have up to date weapons and can turn them on you.

If I gotta choose I'm definitely gonna hate the stupid fuckers with the two millenium old game plan.


You can't blame the bible for you sucking dick . That was ether a genetic defect of mental instability none of which was caused by the bible

tapatalk post


Adding a homo twist to the conversation.

Don't follow your posts much.. Guess I didn't miss anything..

The admins are really missing an opportunity for volume by not having a dick sucking forum for peeps like you to rage in.

You should bitch for your right to equal status.

Seriously! When fags can't have their own forum on USMB.. are we REALLY FREE ????
It makes more sense to hate dummies that follow a 2000 year old book that is absolute fiction than hate modern day oponents that have scientists that have up to date weapons and can turn them on you.

If I gotta choose I'm definitely gonna hate the stupid fuckers with the two millenium old game plan.


You can't blame the bible for you sucking dick . That was ether a genetic defect of mental instability none of which was caused by the bible

tapatalk post


Adding a homo twist to the conversation.

Don't follow your posts much.. Guess I didn't miss anything..

The admins are really missing an opportunity for volume by not having a dick sucking forum for peeps like you to rage in.

You should bitch for your right to equal status.

Seriously! When fags can't have their own forum on USMB.. are we REALLY FREE ????

Why direct you anger at being a homosexual at me? I didn't make you like that.

tapatalk post
Oh, I understand you don't give a fuck... that's the crux of the problem here. You've gotten way too big for your britches. You think America is a place you own and control because you've managed to win a few elections. You believe you can make your own rules for society and disregard what others want. It's always been the danger with liberals, they don't believe in democratic government, they believe in authoritative fascist totalitarianism. Give them a little power and suddenly they are little Mussolinis. Cramming their liberalism down our throat and telling us they don't give a fuck what we think about it.

I don't hate gay people. I am highly offended by that allegation. My personal position on CUs comes from a gay couple that I've known for 30 years. Do you think they are homophobes? Like them, I am opposed to Government determining what is or isn't legitimate sexual behavior. Marriage is the union of a man and woman, not two homosexuals, not a woman and her german shepherd, not a man and his harem. Now my gay friends had a wedding in the backwoods of 'ignorant redneck knuckledraggin' Alabama, in 1986! In their eyes, they are as "married" as any traditional married couple on the planet. They are fine with the State of Alabama not recognizing their marriage, it hasn't bothered them one bit.

Yes boss you are exactly right. Way too many of us here in America want seperation of church and state and the only laws we have on the books that you don't like are the laws that go against christianity, jews or the muslim religions. Example, abortion and gay marriage.

There is nothing in the Constitution about "separation of church and state." It only says that Congress can't make laws establishing religion. I don't think that has ever come up in Congress. The phrase "separation of church and state" comes from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to Danbury Baptists, assuring them that the federal government would not interfere with their religious customs.... like marriage, for instance.

The only ones who push these issues are Democrat liberals, and they do it in order to divide people so they can win elections on emotion. It hasn't pushed anyone away from religion, it's pushing people away from politics. However, a few more cycles of insane liberal policy, and people will again become involved in politics. The pendulum has always swung back and forth, and it will again.

I've said myself, I don't favor a total ban or outlawing of abortion entirely. I think most people agree to sensible criteria where the procedure is allowable under certain circumstances. The problem is, instead of us working together to reform the insanity, it has only become more perverse and insane. We are literally birthing babies and killing them as they are being born. That is infanticide and it's wrong. Obummer voted for a bill in Illinois to allow doctors to murder children born accidentally in botched partial birth cases. It did not matter that the child had been born, it was the intent to abort that took priority. That's wrong. I don't give a shit about choices or rights... that's wrong. I don't care about liberal or conservative... that's wrong. I don't care if you believe in God or not... that's wrong. I will not stand for it, I will not tolerate it. I don't care what names you call me, I don't care how much you scream about rights, I am not going to support that. EVER!

Again, you don't get to decide by yourself what we teach as society. No one gave you that authority. We all have equal rights to speak our opinions and be politically active on the issues we feel passionate about, and you don't get to take that away from anyone.

I'd rather gays be happy too! I want to come together as a society and agree that government shouldn't be deciding what individuals call "marriage" or defining it according to sexuality. That's why I am a big supporter of Civil Unions, and a plan that would resolve this issue forever. It is the activists who don't want this. You'd rather have the issue dividing us so you can win elections on emotion, as opposed to helping gays be happy.

They already have equal rights. No gay person has ever been denied a license to marry a person of the opposite sex, which is what marriage is. What you want is to pervert marriage in order to legitimize sexual behavior, and I am opposed to that. I don't think that is the government's business. As for "benefits" how about we abolish the IRS and do away with income taxes? Then there are no federal "benefits" to being married. If we have to require some identifier to distinguish between single persons and couples, it should be something generic that doesn't have anything to do with sexuality. Civil Unions could be used in any number of situations... a daughter and her aging mother, for example. Two spinster sisters... platonic friends that are bffs and roomies... whatever. Any two legal age adults could obtain a CU and this would suffice as a 'domestic partnership' under the law, with the same ramifications as traditional marriage currently carries. I honestly can't say how many people "on my side" agree with that, I don't care, really. That is MY solution.

Nope. They found that most of those things can be worked around and the ones that can't, don't really matter to them. They don't believe gay couples should be allowed to adopt because children are better off in a traditional mother-father family. Their families accept they are gay, most of them were at their wedding. All their property is jointly owned. Not sure about their insurance, I think they have individual policies. They are concerned about SS benefits but that's why they support CU reform. But the main thing is, they don't want the government defining their relationship, they don't need that. Never have.

Again... they held a wedding ceremony in rural Alabama back in 1986. No hick sheriff was there to tell them they couldn't do that. No redneck church folk were there protesting. They had a photographer, a wedding cake, full ceremony with a Rastafarian priest... it was beautiful. They feel they are as "married" as anyone. They are both fairly wealthy people in their own right, and they have wills which are clear on disbursement of assets should they die. They both have life insurance policies naming the other as beneficiary. There is no law that says you have to be straight to do that. Again, these are false myths perpetrated by activists who are pushing an emotive agenda.

Anyways, what you have said is an ignorant ignorant thing. Just because your one hick gay friends don't care, doesn't mean a lot of gays don't. They do. And you will ignore everything I just said. You will ignore that a gay man's family can come to the hospital and throw his partner out of the hospital because "they aren't married". I saw this happen with a straight uncle of mine and his girlfriend. The kids let her hang around until he died then they were changing the locks and not returning her phone calls anymore. She was tossed aside. And that is what happens to gay people.

Well but, no... it's not what happens. I'm giving you a real life example of two gay people who wanted to share their life together and didn't care about the obstacles. They made that happen. They are happy together... about to celebrate their 30th anniversary. I'm sorry for your straight uncle and his straight girlfriend, but it has nothing to do with this.

Anyways, you are pretty much wrong about everything you believe. Gays, abortion god.

Oh, and thank you for letting me know you live in a red neck hick state. I should have known. Please go tell your neighbors you don't believe in Jesus or do you keep that a secret? Because you just know they all think you're going to hell. So do I only for other reasons. LOL. Actually you know I don't believe in hell.

But you don't get to decide what I believe. That's the thing. You seem to think this is your right and it's not. You have the right to think I am wrong, and I have the right to be wrong. You have to TOLERATE that in a civil society. And I have to TOLERATE you. That's how this works.

As for me telling my neighbors things, I don't care what my neighbors think. This somehow seems to be a really big deal with liberals, they want to be liked and admired by others. So they concoct these emotive social issues so they can pretend they are standing up for rights and being good people, and they think this makes them look good to others. What I find more time than not is, it's a compensation for their true bigoted shortcomings. They don't believe we are all equal, they believe some of us are different and entitled to special consideration because of that. They don't believe in tolerance, they believe society should conform to their liberal ideals and if they don't get their way, they call people racist and ignorant. They don't believe in a free society where we all have an equal voice, they believe their voice is superior and opposition must be silenced. They aren't interested in finding ways to compromise and get along, they want to continue dividing us and tearing us apart so they can advance their agenda.

Let me first say if my wife gives birth to a retarded baby, kill it. But that’s just the Spartan in me. After reading what you said about abortion here is my translation of what you said. Only in cases of rape or incest. Can’t have an abortion just because you made a mistake. Sorry, disagree.

And I know I don’t get to make the decision alone. But here is what makes me mad. The GOP are pushing shit no one agreed to. No one knew in Michigan they’d come in and make us right to work or limit abortion rights. The gop are slipping in this shit when they don’t have the mandate. And this ignorant religious society won’t stand up hell they don’t even realize it’s happening. Their country is being taken over and they don’t even get it. Great job liberal media, NOT. But I’m sure you think the media is liberal too when 7 mega corporations own them all you fool.

You can speak your opinion? Go outside and yell the N word in a mall in front of everyone. Yell I hate faggots in the mall. Go protest with them Boss. But don’t get all upset if one day we show up to protest you.
Marriage is a law. Fuck what your religion thinks it is. That only affects you and the other idiots in your cult. If you want to talk about when 2 people enter into an agreement that they are partners, the gays and I like to call it marriage. You can call it civil unions. You are free to do that if you want but we are free to call it marriage. Deal with it.
You guys focusing on the term “marriage” is just one of your many bad arguments you make, then move on to another bad reason why it should only be one man and one woman, then every time we debunk one of your bad justifications, you just move on to another one. You can never pin down a bigot.

I know many gay republicans. No matter how much bookaki the GOP throw at them, they don't care. For some reason they really like the republican party despite the party saying they're going to hell. The must like the fiscal responsibility and low tax talk I don't know.

And I don't know what to say about your gay friends. I would have to take your word for it and assume they aren't pulling your leg. Or maybe they just don't want to get into an argument with you so they tell you what you want to hear. But you are their bigoted asshole republican friend no doubt.

So they don't care about the tax breaks and they have enough money to go make wills. Good for them. Proof that you don't have to be straight, white, christian or a man to be an asshole. You said they are rich or are well off so that puts them in a different category. They are possibly wealthy enough to consider themselves republicans so...

I don't know. All I know is your one gay, jewish or muslim friends don't prove you right.
you want to marry your dog?? your little sister???? "All that we care about is that they can legally marry and enjoy all the benefits that straight married couples get. ". REALLY?????? Marrage is between men and women!!! DUH!!

We don't allow fist cousins or siblings to get married because of birth defects. It is illegal to fuck your sister no matter how bad you want to.

We also don't allow people to marry other animals.

We also don't allow adults to marry children.

Can you show me any organizations or movements that want to do these things and show me how much of the population support them?

So neither the citizens or the courts or the churches would approve. But, as far as gays go, the courts and citizens approve so FUCK YOUR CHURCHES. They don't have to marry gay people so what do they care? What do you care? And don't say because it's ruining the sanctity of marriage because you straight breeders are doing that on your own with over 50% of you saying I DO GOD and then going and getting a divorce.

You should focus on straight divorces and fix that and leave the gays alone.

until the new America says so......


back to the God hating part.....

All I can say is look around you at society. This is what thousands of years of christianity has produced. In fact god fucked up with adam, then he wiped the slate clearn with noah all to re populate the earth with new assholes who would kill the messiah and now look at christian society. Even they admit that end times are coming :cuckoo: and that society is corrupt.

And now the new age christians like yourself are advocating fucking dogs and kids. Jesus, hurry the fuck up and take these "chrstians" home hurry!!!!
'God-hater' strikes me as an inaccurate term. I do not believe in gods, but I can't hate gods if I don't believe they exist. But for me at least it's more I hate people who demand I do their bidding because their unproven god says whatever. It's not the god or the religion I hate but the followers.

You post against God whom you claim doesn't exist even though you don't hate him but you don't respond to me so I guess maybe you do hate the followers.

How hard is it to fool people/voters/citizens who believe in an invisible fucking man without any proof?
We don't allow fist cousins or siblings to get married because of birth defects. It is illegal to fuck your sister no matter how bad you want to.

We also don't allow people to marry other animals.

We also don't allow adults to marry children.

Can you show me any organizations or movements that want to do these things and show me how much of the population support them?

So neither the citizens or the courts or the churches would approve. But, as far as gays go, the courts and citizens approve so FUCK YOUR CHURCHES. They don't have to marry gay people so what do they care? What do you care? And don't say because it's ruining the sanctity of marriage because you straight breeders are doing that on your own with over 50% of you saying I DO GOD and then going and getting a divorce.

You should focus on straight divorces and fix that and leave the gays alone.

until the new America says so......


back to the God hating part.....

All I can say is look around you at society. This is what thousands of years of christianity has produced. In fact god fucked up with adam, then he wiped the slate clearn with noah all to re populate the earth with new assholes who would kill the messiah and now look at christian society. Even they admit that end times are coming :cuckoo: and that society is corrupt.

And now the new age christians like yourself are advocating fucking dogs and kids. Jesus, hurry the fuck up and take these "chrstians" home hurry!!!!

until the new America says so......

back to the God hating part.....

All I can say is look around you at society. This is what thousands of years of christianity has produced. In fact god fucked up with adam, then he wiped the slate clearn with noah all to re populate the earth with new assholes who would kill the messiah and now look at christian society. Even they admit that end times are coming :cuckoo: and that society is corrupt.

And now the new age christians like yourself are advocating fucking dogs and kids. Jesus, hurry the fuck up and take these "chrstians" home hurry!!!!


I'm not out there raping and murdering. The prisons are full of christians my man. Ask any bully in school do you believe in god and he will say yes. Your god is a failure. Come to the other side. Deny him. He doesn't exist. Save 10% of your wages and sleep in on Sunday's and fuck hot women for a change or at least masturbate thinking about women you'll never get. It's fun. :eek:

P.S. That's exactly what the christian priest said to me when I said no to his sexual advances. He said, "You choose to reject gods love? Then he said it was my fault and to ask for forgiveness for my poor evil choice when I said ok to his advances. you chose to reject GOD'S LOVE AND FORGIVNESS THEN YOU TRY TO BLAME GOD FOR THE RESULTS OF YOUR POOR,EVIL CHOICE! It was impossible to say no to such a hard sell.
All I can say is look around you at society. This is what thousands of years of christianity has produced. In fact god fucked up with adam, then he wiped the slate clearn with noah all to re populate the earth with new assholes who would kill the messiah and now look at christian society. Even they admit that end times are coming :cuckoo: and that society is corrupt.

And now the new age christians like yourself are advocating fucking dogs and kids. Jesus, hurry the fuck up and take these "chrstians" home hurry!!!!


I'm not out there raping and murdering. The prisons are full of christians my man. Ask any bully in school do you believe in god and he will say yes. Your god is a failure. Come to the other side. Deny him. He doesn't exist. Save 10% of your wages and sleep in on Sunday's and fuck hot women for a change or at least masturbate thinking about women you'll never get. It's fun. :eek:

P.S. That's exactly what the christian priest said to me when I said no to his sexual advances. He said, "You choose to reject gods love? Then he said it was my fault and to ask for forgiveness for my poor evil choice when I said ok to his advances. you chose to reject GOD'S LOVE AND FORGIVNESS THEN YOU TRY TO BLAME GOD FOR THE RESULTS OF YOUR POOR,EVIL CHOICE! It was impossible to say no to such a hard sell.

We don't allow fist cousins or siblings to get married because of birth defects. It is illegal to fuck your sister no matter how bad you want to.

We also don't allow people to marry other animals.

We also don't allow adults to marry children.

Can you show me any organizations or movements that want to do these things and show me how much of the population support them?

So neither the citizens or the courts or the churches would approve. But, as far as gays go, the courts and citizens approve so FUCK YOUR CHURCHES. They don't have to marry gay people so what do they care? What do you care? And don't say because it's ruining the sanctity of marriage because you straight breeders are doing that on your own with over 50% of you saying I DO GOD and then going and getting a divorce.

You should focus on straight divorces and fix that and leave the gays alone.

until the new America says so......


back to the God hating part.....

All I can say is look around you at society. This is what thousands of years of christianity has produced. In fact god fucked up with adam, then he wiped the slate clearn with noah all to re populate the earth with new assholes who would kill the messiah and now look at christian society. Even they admit that end times are coming :cuckoo: and that society is corrupt.

And now the new age christians like yourself are advocating fucking dogs and kids. Jesus, hurry the fuck up and take these "chrstians" home hurry!!!!

oh dear.....when I look at society I see what liberals have done to fuck it up in the last fifty.....I mean seriously, we have adult liberals who are so fucking stupid that they think Christians are advocating fucking dogs and children.... what's next......Hillary for president?......
until the new America says so......

back to the God hating part.....

All I can say is look around you at society. This is what thousands of years of christianity has produced. In fact god fucked up with adam, then he wiped the slate clearn with noah all to re populate the earth with new assholes who would kill the messiah and now look at christian society. Even they admit that end times are coming :cuckoo: and that society is corrupt.

And now the new age christians like yourself are advocating fucking dogs and kids. Jesus, hurry the fuck up and take these "chrstians" home hurry!!!!

oh dear.....when I look at society I see what liberals have done to fuck it up in the last fifty.....I mean seriously, we have adult liberals who are so fucking stupid that they think Christians are advocating fucking dogs and children.... what's next......Hillary for president?......

Look how bush lied you christians into war with muslims. Look at how catholics say raping children is a sin but not a crime.

The fact that you could say such a thing after you god damn morons voted Bush in twice makes you a joke.

What's next Jeb for president?

The only and I mean ONLY reason America had such a big huge fat never been seen before in the history of the world middle class is because of liberals. The Reagans, Bush's, Corporations use religion to keep the masses under control and you are a perfect example of even though it is they who fucked you over, you think it was the libs.

They got you worrying about gays having sex and abortions meanwhile they sent all our jobs overseas and the rich are pulling a complete take over of our government. If they win this midterm and they probably will because the American people are dumb, that'll be it. At least we will take back what you win this November in 2016. Yes, Hillary 2016.

Certainly not Jeb, Christy, Ryan, Huckabee, Newt, Cain, Bachmann. Do you really suggest any of these people are good? And I love it how after 8 years of bush and then a total colllapse you religious people have never once taken any of the blame. You and Bush did nothing wrong. Fucking liars. God will send you to hell for lying and if you are just dumb he probably doesn't reward stupidity.
until the new America says so......

back to the God hating part.....

All I can say is look around you at society. This is what thousands of years of christianity has produced. In fact god fucked up with adam, then he wiped the slate clearn with noah all to re populate the earth with new assholes who would kill the messiah and now look at christian society. Even they admit that end times are coming :cuckoo: and that society is corrupt.

And now the new age christians like yourself are advocating fucking dogs and kids. Jesus, hurry the fuck up and take these "chrstians" home hurry!!!!

oh dear.....when I look at society I see what liberals have done to fuck it up in the last fifty.....I mean seriously, we have adult liberals who are so fucking stupid that they think Christians are advocating fucking dogs and children.... what's next......Hillary for president?......

Oh and by the way, I said Boss wants to fuck dogs and kids because HE used it as an example of things you guys would want to do if you didn't believe in god. His words not mine. And this isn't a "belief" of mine. Like I don't have any faith in it.

But you do have faith there is an imaginary man in the sky who cares about you but sends others to hell who don't agree with you. How narcisistic and pathetic.

I have explained in great detail how the rich and powerful, if they can convince you there is an imaginary man in the sky, they can pretty much convince you anything they want. This of course is not good for a society. If the masses can be manipulated by 1 bullshit lie, made up imaginary story, this can't possibly bode well for that society.

But explain it to me how us believing you want to screw dogs and kids is fucking up society? So you have yet to even give a real example of how liberals are ruining anything. Got any better examples? And more importantly, atheist liberals. What harm are we causing by waking up people to the fact their being lied to and manipulated through that lie.

And I love it how god never fails. If he loses members it's societies fault. Really? Maybe it is god's fault. Maybe if he sold a more believable product. Maybe if he showed up every once in awhile. Its beginning to feel like a cult.

Lets look at God's interaction with man

4000 bc he created the universe, right? :cuckoo:

Then he flooded the planet, caused plagues, let men walk on water. Today what does he do? His image appears on toast. :lol:
All I can say is look around you at society. This is what thousands of years of christianity has produced. In fact god fucked up with adam, then he wiped the slate clearn with noah all to re populate the earth with new assholes who would kill the messiah and now look at christian society. Even they admit that end times are coming :cuckoo: and that society is corrupt.

And now the new age christians like yourself are advocating fucking dogs and kids. Jesus, hurry the fuck up and take these "chrstians" home hurry!!!!

oh dear.....when I look at society I see what liberals have done to fuck it up in the last fifty.....I mean seriously, we have adult liberals who are so fucking stupid that they think Christians are advocating fucking dogs and children.... what's next......Hillary for president?......

Oh and by the way, I said Boss wants to fuck dogs and kids because HE used it as an example of things you guys would want to do if you didn't believe in god. His words not mine. And this isn't a "belief" of mine. Like I don't have any faith in it.

But you do have faith there is an imaginary man in the sky who cares about you but sends others to hell who don't agree with you. How narcisistic and pathetic.

I have explained in great detail how the rich and powerful, if they can convince you there is an imaginary man in the sky, they can pretty much convince you anything they want. This of course is not good for a society. If the masses can be manipulated by 1 bullshit lie, made up imaginary story, this can't possibly bode well for that society.

But explain it to me how us believing you want to screw dogs and kids is fucking up society? So you have yet to even give a real example of how liberals are ruining anything. Got any better examples? And more importantly, atheist liberals. What harm are we causing by waking up people to the fact their being lied to and manipulated through that lie.

And I love it how god never fails. If he loses members it's societies fault. Really? Maybe it is god's fault. Maybe if he sold a more believable product. Maybe if he showed up every once in awhile. Its beginning to feel like a cult.

Lets look at God's interaction with man

4000 bc he created the universe, right? :cuckoo:

Then he flooded the planet, caused plagues, let men walk on water. Today what does he do? His image appears on toast. :lol:

LOL!!! silly little tard trying to argue and fight against ALMIGHTY GOD!!! wonder who will win!!!
Let me first say if my wife gives birth to a retarded baby, kill it. But that’s just the Spartan in me. After reading what you said about abortion here is my translation of what you said. Only in cases of rape or incest. Can’t have an abortion just because you made a mistake. Sorry, disagree.

Well, but that's not what I said. I don't believe it is right or moral to kill innocent people who have done no harm to anyone else. A fetus is a human being, I don't care what kind of pretend caveats you wish to apply, that is science and biology and it can't be refuted. I have no problem with this country having an honest debate about when it is appropriate to terminate a human life, but that's what needs to be debated here.

I understand people make mistakes, and not everyone shares my moral view on life. Our boundaries for civil society should revolve around what the people of a state or community have gone to the ballot box and supported with their vote. What is your problem with that?

If someone makes a mistake, I don't think it should be compounded by making an even bigger mistake. I know of too many women who had abortions because society told them it was okay, only to suffer terrible life-long consequences of guilt and depression for what they did. No one warned them it would be like that, it was never mentioned. I think, aside from rape or incest, anyone getting an abortion should have to undergo mandatory counseling to discuss how this may effect them. Maybe have some women who have experienced this speak to them first, to let them know it's not as simple as it sounds.

Furthermore, I think you should be allowed one "mistake" and if you come in for a second abortion, you also get a free tube tying. Abortion should not be used as a replacement for birth control. Also, no federal dollars! Our taxes should not go to fund abortions. If you and your liberal friends think poor women need help paying for abortions, form a charity organization and help them.

And I know I don’t get to make the decision alone. But here is what makes me mad. The GOP are pushing shit no one agreed to. No one knew in Michigan they’d come in and make us right to work or limit abortion rights. The gop are slipping in this shit when they don’t have the mandate. And this ignorant religious society won’t stand up hell they don’t even realize it’s happening. Their country is being taken over and they don’t even get it. Great job liberal media, NOT. But I’m sure you think the media is liberal too when 7 mega corporations own them all you fool.

Here again you are attributing views and policies to me and I've not even commented on them. After Obamacare, I don't want to hear anything about mandates... and what the hell does state government have to do with national politics? In case you haven't noticed, the GOP is currently devouring itself. Half of them want to be like the Democrats and cater to special interests. I might not ever vote Republican again!

But let's get back to you here... Read the paragraph you reeled off. You start by claiming no one knew, they're passing stuff without anyone having a say, without a mandate... by the end, you've decided that people don't care and aren't paying attention and the news media isn't getting the word out. It's not the media's job to advocate for your liberal policies or push your liberal agenda. Most of the state and local politicians I know are following their constituency. Any politician who doesn't is going to have a short political career. Sounds like the religious folk have your side outnumbered and you are trying to find ways to blame the system instead of being tolerant of democracy.

You can speak your opinion? Go outside and yell the N word in a mall in front of everyone. Yell I hate faggots in the mall. Go protest with them Boss. But don’t get all upset if one day we show up to protest you.

Why do I want to go outside and yell bigoted and prejudiced hatred? I'm not bigoted or prejudiced, and I don't hate people. IF I ever do that, you are welcome to come protest me. I think everyone should have the right to state their opinions and if you don't like them, you have the right to protest. However, this goes for religious folk as well, they also have the right to protest your opinion. That's America!

Marriage is a law. Fuck what your religion thinks it is. That only affects you and the other idiots in your cult. If you want to talk about when 2 people enter into an agreement that they are partners, the gays and I like to call it marriage. You can call it civil unions. You are free to do that if you want but we are free to call it marriage. Deal with it.
You guys focusing on the term “marriage” is just one of your many bad arguments you make, then move on to another bad reason why it should only be one man and one woman, then every time we debunk one of your bad justifications, you just move on to another one. You can never pin down a bigot.

Marriage is NOT a law. There is no law that says you are entitled to marry or mandates you have to be married. I don't have a problem with you calling it whatever you please, I don't want GOVERNMENT calling it anything. It's not the government's business what I define as marriage, or what YOU define as marriage for that matter. And no... I'm not going to "deal with" you manipulating government to legitimize a sexual behavior. I'm not focused on the term "marriage" I'm focused on the term "GAY marriage" because I don't think sexuality should define marriage. I'm not for that, I don't support that. If it's an issue that government is in the marriage business, then get the government out of the marriage business. Leave that to churches and individuals and let the government find another way to identify domestic relationships. Problem solved. Issue settled.

I know many gay republicans. No matter how much bookaki the GOP throw at them, they don't care. For some reason they really like the republican party despite the party saying they're going to hell. The must like the fiscal responsibility and low tax talk I don't know.

And I don't know what to say about your gay friends. I would have to take your word for it and assume they aren't pulling your leg. Or maybe they just don't want to get into an argument with you so they tell you what you want to hear. But you are their bigoted asshole republican friend no doubt.

I've never seen or heard a Republican politician say gay people are going to hell. NEVER. I've also never heard homosexuals mentioned in any party platform or in any national political speech by any Republican candidate. Where are you getting this from? Opposition to "gay marriage" is not based on hatred of gay people. It is the protection of traditional marriage and there are numerous and varied reasons for that viewpoint. You've decided, in your head, that all those who oppose gay marriage must be bigoted assholes.

No, my friends aren't just telling me stuff to avoid argument. I have had lengthy conversations with them about this. Like I said, it's where I got my viewpoint from on Civil Unions. I assumed they supported gay marriage and we got to talking one night about it, and much to my surprise, they didn't. Once they explained their position it made so much sense to me that I adopted it as my own.

So they don't care about the tax breaks and they have enough money to go make wills. Good for them. Proof that you don't have to be straight, white, christian or a man to be an asshole. You said they are rich or are well off so that puts them in a different category. They are possibly wealthy enough to consider themselves republicans so...

I don't know. All I know is your one gay, jewish or muslim friends don't prove you right.

Again we see an example of you assuming things about people you don't know. This is a common trend with you, as it is with anyone who doesn't have a God. You see, you have to appoint yourself as God the Judge of All, and this is where you get to decide things about people based on stereotypes and prejudice. My friends are very libertarian, I don't know how they vote for president, but I know they don't like Obama. They don't believe there should be tax breaks for married people, they don't think we should have income tax at all. It doesn't take a rich person to make a will, I think it costs about $115, last I checked. Of course, under Obama, that's probably more like $500 now... but I digress.

I'm not trying to "prove myself right" here, just sharing my opinion. We could ostensibly END the entire "gay marriage" debate forever with simple Civil Unions legislation. Churches and religious folks could keep their sanctity of traditional marriages intact, gay couples could qualify for any 'marital' benefit, the government wouldn't be in a position of condoning or legitimizing a sexual behavior, and there is the added bonus of being able to help out other domestic relationship arrangements as well. It's a win-win-win-win! So what's the problem? Well, the problem is, activist nitwits like you who don't want to reach a compromise because that would take away one of your precious social wedge issues and you wouldn't be able to divide us and lob hateful accusations at people you don't know anymore.
oh dear.....when I look at society I see what liberals have done to fuck it up in the last fifty.....I mean seriously, we have adult liberals who are so fucking stupid that they think Christians are advocating fucking dogs and children.... what's next......Hillary for president?......

Oh and by the way, I said Boss wants to fuck dogs and kids because HE used it as an example of things you guys would want to do if you didn't believe in god. His words not mine. And this isn't a "belief" of mine. Like I don't have any faith in it.

But you do have faith there is an imaginary man in the sky who cares about you but sends others to hell who don't agree with you. How narcisistic and pathetic.

I have explained in great detail how the rich and powerful, if they can convince you there is an imaginary man in the sky, they can pretty much convince you anything they want. This of course is not good for a society. If the masses can be manipulated by 1 bullshit lie, made up imaginary story, this can't possibly bode well for that society.

But explain it to me how us believing you want to screw dogs and kids is fucking up society? So you have yet to even give a real example of how liberals are ruining anything. Got any better examples? And more importantly, atheist liberals. What harm are we causing by waking up people to the fact their being lied to and manipulated through that lie.

And I love it how god never fails. If he loses members it's societies fault. Really? Maybe it is god's fault. Maybe if he sold a more believable product. Maybe if he showed up every once in awhile. Its beginning to feel like a cult.

Lets look at God's interaction with man

4000 bc he created the universe, right? :cuckoo:

Then he flooded the planet, caused plagues, let men walk on water. Today what does he do? His image appears on toast. :lol:

LOL!!! silly little tard trying to argue and fight against ALMIGHTY GOD!!! wonder who will win!!!

In this corner Sealybobo. In the other corner, it's fucking empty. Sealybobo wins.

Ok stupid. I challenge your god to a debate. Tell him to meet me on USMB at 6pm in this thread. If/When he doesn't show up, I win and you lose. There is no god. Do you think your god will show up? Do you really think he'll show up if you are dying? He won't. You'll die just like every other animal on earth. And when you die that is it. But no big deal.

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” - Mark Twain
god is great because god made all the ingredients for this

Let me first say if my wife gives birth to a retarded baby, kill it. But that’s just the Spartan in me. After reading what you said about abortion here is my translation of what you said. Only in cases of rape or incest. Can’t have an abortion just because you made a mistake. Sorry, disagree.

Well, but that's not what I said. I don't believe it is right or moral to kill innocent people who have done no harm to anyone else. A fetus is a human being, I don't care what kind of pretend caveats you wish to apply, that is science and biology and it can't be refuted. I have no problem with this country having an honest debate about when it is appropriate to terminate a human life, but that's what needs to be debated here.

I understand people make mistakes, and not everyone shares my moral view on life. Our boundaries for civil society should revolve around what the people of a state or community have gone to the ballot box and supported with their vote. What is your problem with that?

If someone makes a mistake, I don't think it should be compounded by making an even bigger mistake. I know of too many women who had abortions because society told them it was okay, only to suffer terrible life-long consequences of guilt and depression for what they did. No one warned them it would be like that, it was never mentioned. I think, aside from rape or incest, anyone getting an abortion should have to undergo mandatory counseling to discuss how this may effect them. Maybe have some women who have experienced this speak to them first, to let them know it's not as simple as it sounds.

Furthermore, I think you should be allowed one "mistake" and if you come in for a second abortion, you also get a free tube tying. Abortion should not be used as a replacement for birth control. Also, no federal dollars! Our taxes should not go to fund abortions. If you and your liberal friends think poor women need help paying for abortions, form a charity organization and help them.

And I know I don’t get to make the decision alone. But here is what makes me mad. The GOP are pushing shit no one agreed to. No one knew in Michigan they’d come in and make us right to work or limit abortion rights. The gop are slipping in this shit when they don’t have the mandate. And this ignorant religious society won’t stand up hell they don’t even realize it’s happening. Their country is being taken over and they don’t even get it. Great job liberal media, NOT. But I’m sure you think the media is liberal too when 7 mega corporations own them all you fool.

Here again you are attributing views and policies to me and I've not even commented on them. After Obamacare, I don't want to hear anything about mandates... and what the hell does state government have to do with national politics? In case you haven't noticed, the GOP is currently devouring itself. Half of them want to be like the Democrats and cater to special interests. I might not ever vote Republican again!

But let's get back to you here... Read the paragraph you reeled off. You start by claiming no one knew, they're passing stuff without anyone having a say, without a mandate... by the end, you've decided that people don't care and aren't paying attention and the news media isn't getting the word out. It's not the media's job to advocate for your liberal policies or push your liberal agenda. Most of the state and local politicians I know are following their constituency. Any politician who doesn't is going to have a short political career. Sounds like the religious folk have your side outnumbered and you are trying to find ways to blame the system instead of being tolerant of democracy.

Why do I want to go outside and yell bigoted and prejudiced hatred? I'm not bigoted or prejudiced, and I don't hate people. IF I ever do that, you are welcome to come protest me. I think everyone should have the right to state their opinions and if you don't like them, you have the right to protest. However, this goes for religious folk as well, they also have the right to protest your opinion. That's America!

Marriage is NOT a law. There is no law that says you are entitled to marry or mandates you have to be married. I don't have a problem with you calling it whatever you please, I don't want GOVERNMENT calling it anything. It's not the government's business what I define as marriage, or what YOU define as marriage for that matter. And no... I'm not going to "deal with" you manipulating government to legitimize a sexual behavior. I'm not focused on the term "marriage" I'm focused on the term "GAY marriage" because I don't think sexuality should define marriage. I'm not for that, I don't support that. If it's an issue that government is in the marriage business, then get the government out of the marriage business. Leave that to churches and individuals and let the government find another way to identify domestic relationships. Problem solved. Issue settled.

I know many gay republicans. No matter how much bookaki the GOP throw at them, they don't care. For some reason they really like the republican party despite the party saying they're going to hell. The must like the fiscal responsibility and low tax talk I don't know.

And I don't know what to say about your gay friends. I would have to take your word for it and assume they aren't pulling your leg. Or maybe they just don't want to get into an argument with you so they tell you what you want to hear. But you are their bigoted asshole republican friend no doubt.

I've never seen or heard a Republican politician say gay people are going to hell. NEVER. I've also never heard homosexuals mentioned in any party platform or in any national political speech by any Republican candidate. Where are you getting this from? Opposition to "gay marriage" is not based on hatred of gay people. It is the protection of traditional marriage and there are numerous and varied reasons for that viewpoint. You've decided, in your head, that all those who oppose gay marriage must be bigoted assholes.

No, my friends aren't just telling me stuff to avoid argument. I have had lengthy conversations with them about this. Like I said, it's where I got my viewpoint from on Civil Unions. I assumed they supported gay marriage and we got to talking one night about it, and much to my surprise, they didn't. Once they explained their position it made so much sense to me that I adopted it as my own.

So they don't care about the tax breaks and they have enough money to go make wills. Good for them. Proof that you don't have to be straight, white, christian or a man to be an asshole. You said they are rich or are well off so that puts them in a different category. They are possibly wealthy enough to consider themselves republicans so...

I don't know. All I know is your one gay, jewish or muslim friends don't prove you right.

Again we see an example of you assuming things about people you don't know. This is a common trend with you, as it is with anyone who doesn't have a God. You see, you have to appoint yourself as God the Judge of All, and this is where you get to decide things about people based on stereotypes and prejudice. My friends are very libertarian, I don't know how they vote for president, but I know they don't like Obama. They don't believe there should be tax breaks for married people, they don't think we should have income tax at all. It doesn't take a rich person to make a will, I think it costs about $115, last I checked. Of course, under Obama, that's probably more like $500 now... but I digress.

I'm not trying to "prove myself right" here, just sharing my opinion. We could ostensibly END the entire "gay marriage" debate forever with simple Civil Unions legislation. Churches and religious folks could keep their sanctity of traditional marriages intact, gay couples could qualify for any 'marital' benefit, the government wouldn't be in a position of condoning or legitimizing a sexual behavior, and there is the added bonus of being able to help out other domestic relationship arrangements as well. It's a win-win-win-win! So what's the problem? Well, the problem is, activist nitwits like you who don't want to reach a compromise because that would take away one of your precious social wedge issues and you wouldn't be able to divide us and lob hateful accusations at people you don't know anymore.

There is no arguing with you. Perhaps we should split up the 50 states and you guys should start your own country. In some ways I wish we would have split up after the civil war instead of insisting your dead weight remain part of the USA.
until the new America says so......

back to the God hating part.....

All I can say is look around you at society. This is what thousands of years of christianity has produced. In fact god fucked up with adam, then he wiped the slate clearn with noah all to re populate the earth with new assholes who would kill the messiah and now look at christian society. Even they admit that end times are coming :cuckoo: and that society is corrupt.

And now the new age christians like yourself are advocating fucking dogs and kids. Jesus, hurry the fuck up and take these "chrstians" home hurry!!!!

What love, show it to me. Oh wait I feel something....

nvm it was just gas.:badgrin:

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