Why do the God-haters persist?

That's all you got? :eusa_silenced: Cat got your tongue? Don't know where to start? Must be because you know your thoughts are bullshit and you know I'll tear anything you have to say apart. Just don't make it too long. Lets get to the nitty gritty. Who are you anyways? What do you do for a living? How much do you make? What state do you live in? How old?

no, its just that you're obviously a fanatic and totally disinterested in fact.....not much to be gained in pointing you in the direction of truth, as you obviously have decided to ignore it.....as I would have to correct errors in every sentence (sometimes two at a time) it would simply take more time than you're worth.....

Atheists are most often called ‘militant’ when they passionately defend reason and advocate critical thinking.
/shrugs.....I only say it when you pretend the stupid things you say are "rational".....
They are abject failures, whose only joy in life is to attack people who are able to squeeze a modicom of happiness out of life.

They don't approve of happiness. That's why they want to kill babies, euthanise teh elderly, make everybody poor, and turn our health system into crap.

Why do we persist? Here are some reasons:

1. Religion has been, and continues to be, responsible for countless horrors throughout human history. Religiously motivated animosity, violence, oppression and discrimination.

2. For all the problems we face as a society, many theists choose not only to do nothing to help, but actually engage in sabotage by actively preventing solutions from being instigated, usually by supporting irrational political positions e.g. stem-cell research, contraception, women’s rights, sexual equality and even global warming.

3. Because belief in a god taps into mankind’s natural tendency to defer moral decision making to authority figures (including priests, prophets, holy books, popes, ayatollahs and imams and BUSH). Acting out ‘God’s plan’ or ‘God’s will’ is a sure-fire way to absolve one’s-self of responsibility for one’s actions.

4. Because as a functional member of society it benefits everyone if your decision making process is founded on evidence and reason, not on superstition. Faith isn’t a virtue; it is the glorification of voluntary ignorance.

5. Because religious superstition erects an absolute monarchy in a person’s mind. It teaches them to be satisfied with not understanding the world and represents a surrendering to ignorance under the pretension of ‘devine knowledge’. Many of the greatest thinkers in human history have been repressed, sometimes forcefully, by those with faith. It is not skeptics or explorers but fanatics and ideologues who menace decency and progress. Examples are Hypatia, Galileo Galilei, Giordano Bruno,

five examples of you saying stupid things that you claim are rational.....
for example.....you hang your accusation against Christianity on events which happened during the Dark Ages, when everyone was engaging in countless horrors......it was not caused by religion....it was caused by ignorance...and the ignorant included both the religious and the irreligious......
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They are abject failures, whose only joy in life is to attack people who are able to squeeze a modicom of happiness out of life.

They don't approve of happiness. That's why they want to kill babies, euthanise teh elderly, make everybody poor, and turn our health system into crap.

Why do we persist? Here are some reasons:

1. Religion has been, and continues to be, responsible for countless horrors throughout human history. Religiously motivated animosity, violence, oppression and discrimination.

2. For all the problems we face as a society, many theists choose not only to do nothing to help, but actually engage in sabotage by actively preventing solutions from being instigated, usually by supporting irrational political positions e.g. stem-cell research, contraception, women’s rights, sexual equality and even global warming.

3. Because belief in a god taps into mankind’s natural tendency to defer moral decision making to authority figures (including priests, prophets, holy books, popes, ayatollahs and imams and BUSH). Acting out ‘God’s plan’ or ‘God’s will’ is a sure-fire way to absolve one’s-self of responsibility for one’s actions.

4. Because as a functional member of society it benefits everyone if your decision making process is founded on evidence and reason, not on superstition. Faith isn’t a virtue; it is the glorification of voluntary ignorance.

5. Because religious superstition erects an absolute monarchy in a person’s mind. It teaches them to be satisfied with not understanding the world and represents a surrendering to ignorance under the pretension of ‘devine knowledge’. Many of the greatest thinkers in human history have been repressed, sometimes forcefully, by those with faith. It is not skeptics or explorers but fanatics and ideologues who menace decency and progress. Examples are Hypatia, Galileo Galilei, Giordano Bruno,

five examples of you saying stupid things that you claim are rational.....
for example.....you hang your accusation against Christianity on events which happened during the Dark Ages, when everyone was engaging in countless horrors......it was not caused by religion....it was caused by ignorance...and the ignorant included both the religious and the irreligious......

Nonsense. What about what young christian Americans did to indians and black people?

And if it weren't for the cover christians gave Bush, he might not have been able to lie us into Iraq. Remember what you religious people did to the Dixie Chicks when they spoke up? That is a great example of how the rulers of society have used religion to manipulate/control the masses for as long as we've had religion. The pharoah's used it. The kings proclaimed their divine rights and the Catholic church has been cleaning up off those dopes for how many thousands of years? They came up with a better product than the jews. Then the Muslims came up with their own brand/product and look how well that nonsense has done. Do you think your stories are any better? Fucking joke. :lol: Good night dummy.
They are abject failures, whose only joy in life is to attack people who are able to squeeze a modicom of happiness out of life.

They don't approve of happiness. That's why they want to kill babies, euthanise teh elderly, make everybody poor, and turn our health system into crap.

Why do we persist? Here are some reasons:

1. Religion has been, and continues to be, responsible for countless horrors throughout human history. Religiously motivated animosity, violence, oppression and discrimination.

2. For all the problems we face as a society, many theists choose not only to do nothing to help, but actually engage in sabotage by actively preventing solutions from being instigated, usually by supporting irrational political positions e.g. stem-cell research, contraception, women’s rights, sexual equality and even global warming.

3. Because belief in a god taps into mankind’s natural tendency to defer moral decision making to authority figures (including priests, prophets, holy books, popes, ayatollahs and imams and BUSH). Acting out ‘God’s plan’ or ‘God’s will’ is a sure-fire way to absolve one’s-self of responsibility for one’s actions.

4. Because as a functional member of society it benefits everyone if your decision making process is founded on evidence and reason, not on superstition. Faith isn’t a virtue; it is the glorification of voluntary ignorance.

5. Because religious superstition erects an absolute monarchy in a person’s mind. It teaches them to be satisfied with not understanding the world and represents a surrendering to ignorance under the pretension of ‘devine knowledge’. Many of the greatest thinkers in human history have been repressed, sometimes forcefully, by those with faith. It is not skeptics or explorers but fanatics and ideologues who menace decency and progress. Examples are Hypatia, Galileo Galilei, Giordano Bruno,

five examples of you saying stupid things that you claim are rational.....
for example.....you hang your accusation against Christianity on events which happened during the Dark Ages, when everyone was engaging in countless horrors......it was not caused by religion....it was caused by ignorance...and the ignorant included both the religious and the irreligious......


1. Christians slowed down research because stem cells are life. My mom has Alzheimers you cock sucker.

2. Christians don't think global warming or pollution will destroy the planet because that wasn't proficized. Religion makes too many people ignorant. Now I don't know what level of ignorant you are but I don't like any ignorance, not even a little.

So fuck the past. Christians suck today. There is no god you fools. And if there is, be a better god damn citizen. Believing in him when he's hiding can't possibly be more important than how you treat this planet. What's the more logical test? See if you destroy the planet or instead throw away the fairy tales and start cleaning up the fucking mess we've already made. Religion makes people stupid. Look at all those muslim women in afganistan praying 5 times a day. We should give them guns to hide under those burkas.
Nonsense. What about what young christian Americans did to indians and black people?

oh.....did the non-Christians immigrate to this country AFTER the 1870s?......religion had nothing to do with Indian wars or slavery.....

And if it weren't for the cover christians gave Bush, he might not have been able to lie us into Iraq.

lol.....I get it....you think that all Christians are Republicans!.......

remember when I said I had laughed at you four times today?......make it five.....
Why do we persist? Here are some reasons:

1. Religion has been, and continues to be, responsible for countless horrors throughout human history. Religiously motivated animosity, violence, oppression and discrimination.

2. For all the problems we face as a society, many theists choose not only to do nothing to help, but actually engage in sabotage by actively preventing solutions from being instigated, usually by supporting irrational political positions e.g. stem-cell research, contraception, women’s rights, sexual equality and even global warming.

3. Because belief in a god taps into mankind’s natural tendency to defer moral decision making to authority figures (including priests, prophets, holy books, popes, ayatollahs and imams and BUSH). Acting out ‘God’s plan’ or ‘God’s will’ is a sure-fire way to absolve one’s-self of responsibility for one’s actions.

4. Because as a functional member of society it benefits everyone if your decision making process is founded on evidence and reason, not on superstition. Faith isn’t a virtue; it is the glorification of voluntary ignorance.

5. Because religious superstition erects an absolute monarchy in a person’s mind. It teaches them to be satisfied with not understanding the world and represents a surrendering to ignorance under the pretension of ‘devine knowledge’. Many of the greatest thinkers in human history have been repressed, sometimes forcefully, by those with faith. It is not skeptics or explorers but fanatics and ideologues who menace decency and progress. Examples are Hypatia, Galileo Galilei, Giordano Bruno,

five examples of you saying stupid things that you claim are rational.....
for example.....you hang your accusation against Christianity on events which happened during the Dark Ages, when everyone was engaging in countless horrors......it was not caused by religion....it was caused by ignorance...and the ignorant included both the religious and the irreligious......

1. Christians slowed down research because stem cells are life. My mom has Alzheimers you cock sucker.
so, you felt it necessary to kill unborn children to rescue her?.....(not to mention using homosexuality as an insult in a fit of intolerance).......

2. Christians don't think global warming or pollution will destroy the planet because that wasn't proficized. Religion makes too many people ignorant. Now I don't know what level of ignorant you are but I don't like any ignorance, not even a little.

liberals believed mankind caused the current global warming cycle which began 150k years ago.....one of the reasons I don't consider liberals very intelligent......however, it has nothing to do with religion....
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Nonsense. What about what young christian Americans did to indians and black people?

Uhm... excuse me, but it was Quaker ministers who BEGAN the abolitionist movement which ultimately ended slavery. It was the great Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who, along with numerous other black (and white) ministers, led the Civil Rights movement. Southern pastors and church organizations vehemently protested Jackson's Indian Removal policy.

And if it weren't for the cover christians gave Bush, he might not have been able to lie us into Iraq.

You mean were we liberated 25 million people from a tyrant SECULAR dictator?

Remember what you religious people did to the Dixie Chicks when they spoke up? That is a great example of how the rulers of society have used religion to manipulate/control the masses for as long as we've had religion.

No one in political power did ANYTHING to the Dixie Chicks. One of them made a disparaging comment about the president and their fan base boycotted them. That's how it works in a free democratic society. You have the right to say whatever you please, and the consumer has a right to boycott your ass for it. Costco learned that lesson just this week.

The pharoah's used it. The kings proclaimed their divine rights and the Catholic church has been cleaning up off those dopes for how many thousands of years? They came up with a better product than the jews. Then the Muslims came up with their own brand/product and look how well that nonsense has done. Do you think your stories are any better? Fucking joke. :lol: Good night dummy.

The pharaohs enslaved the Jews and killed Christians. Kings and governments have often tried to control religion as a means to control the masses. That's exactly why we came here and started a new country, dingbat. So a bunch of you god-haters take over religion and pervert it to perpetrate evil and you want to blame the religion for that?

You're the only joke here, bud. :cuckoo:
Nonsense. What about what young christian Americans did to indians and black people?

Uhm... excuse me, but it was Quaker ministers who BEGAN the abolitionist movement which ultimately ended slavery. It was the great Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who, along with numerous other black (and white) ministers, led the Civil Rights movement. Southern pastors and church organizations vehemently protested Jackson's Indian Removal policy.

And if it weren't for the cover christians gave Bush, he might not have been able to lie us into Iraq.

You mean were we liberated 25 million people from a tyrant SECULAR dictator?

Remember what you religious people did to the Dixie Chicks when they spoke up? That is a great example of how the rulers of society have used religion to manipulate/control the masses for as long as we've had religion.

No one in political power did ANYTHING to the Dixie Chicks. One of them made a disparaging comment about the president and their fan base boycotted them. That's how it works in a free democratic society. You have the right to say whatever you please, and the consumer has a right to boycott your ass for it. Costco learned that lesson just this week.

The pharoah's used it. The kings proclaimed their divine rights and the Catholic church has been cleaning up off those dopes for how many thousands of years? They came up with a better product than the jews. Then the Muslims came up with their own brand/product and look how well that nonsense has done. Do you think your stories are any better? Fucking joke. :lol: Good night dummy.

The pharaohs enslaved the Jews and killed Christians. Kings and governments have often tried to control religion as a means to control the masses. That's exactly why we came here and started a new country, dingbat. So a bunch of you god-haters take over religion and pervert it to perpetrate evil and you want to blame the religion for that?

You're the only joke here, bud. :cuckoo:

Did you really just try and say that Sadam, the leader of a Muslim nation was an atheist? Were you fucking born yesterday or something? Do I have to explain to you how impossible it would be for a secular individual to rise to power in the Middle East? For fuck sake there are states in the South that have laws on the books prohibiting atheists from running for public office and that's in America! Why is it that every time a tyrant rises to power and does fucked up shit, people like you claim he was some kind of "Evil Atheist"??? For fucks sake, use your brain.
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Do I have to explain to you how impossible it would be for a secular individual to rise to power in the Middle East.

you DO understand what "dictator" means, right?.....

You Do understand what "assassinated" means right? sigh*
Seriously a secular/atheist being the leader of a Middle Eastern country? Richard Simmons has a better chance of becoming Pope.
I don't see where I said Saddam was an atheist.

Your problem is, you don't know how to read plain English, apparently.
Nonsense. What about what young christian Americans did to indians and black people?

oh.....did the non-Christians immigrate to this country AFTER the 1870s?......religion had nothing to do with Indian wars or slavery.....

And if it weren't for the cover christians gave Bush, he might not have been able to lie us into Iraq.

lol.....I get it....you think that all Christians are Republicans!.......

remember when I said I had laughed at you four times today?......make it five.....

Christianity/Religion had EVERYTHING to do with slavery and what we were capable of doing to the indians. Savage & barbaric & unevolved greedy/selfish ignorant people are religious. It is why they flock to the GOP.

Not all christians. I know a gay black girl who's a chrstian. She's a Democrat.
Nonsense. What about what young christian Americans did to indians and black people?

Uhm... excuse me, but it was Quaker ministers who BEGAN the abolitionist movement which ultimately ended slavery. It was the great Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who, along with numerous other black (and white) ministers, led the Civil Rights movement. Southern pastors and church organizations vehemently protested Jackson's Indian Removal policy.

And if it weren't for the cover christians gave Bush, he might not have been able to lie us into Iraq.

You mean were we liberated 25 million people from a tyrant SECULAR dictator?

Remember what you religious people did to the Dixie Chicks when they spoke up? That is a great example of how the rulers of society have used religion to manipulate/control the masses for as long as we've had religion.

No one in political power did ANYTHING to the Dixie Chicks. One of them made a disparaging comment about the president and their fan base boycotted them. That's how it works in a free democratic society. You have the right to say whatever you please, and the consumer has a right to boycott your ass for it. Costco learned that lesson just this week.

The pharoah's used it. The kings proclaimed their divine rights and the Catholic church has been cleaning up off those dopes for how many thousands of years? They came up with a better product than the jews. Then the Muslims came up with their own brand/product and look how well that nonsense has done. Do you think your stories are any better? Fucking joke. :lol: Good night dummy.

The pharaohs enslaved the Jews and killed Christians. Kings and governments have often tried to control religion as a means to control the masses. That's exactly why we came here and started a new country, dingbat. So a bunch of you god-haters take over religion and pervert it to perpetrate evil and you want to blame the religion for that?

You're the only joke here, bud. :cuckoo:

We also left England because of economic oppression but like religion, it seems it followed us over from England. The churches still have a lot of power/influence over the masses. Not as much as back in the day but still it has a lot of sway with the naive.
Nonsense. What about what young christian Americans did to indians and black people?

oh.....did the non-Christians immigrate to this country AFTER the 1870s?......religion had nothing to do with Indian wars or slavery.....

And if it weren't for the cover christians gave Bush, he might not have been able to lie us into Iraq.

lol.....I get it....you think that all Christians are Republicans!.......

remember when I said I had laughed at you four times today?......make it five.....

Christianity/Religion had EVERYTHING to do with slavery

lol.....the ignorant can be so funny sometimes.....okay, bobo, tell us how slavery is the product of Christianity.....in doing so, please keep in mind that slavery existed even prior to Abraham.....
oh.....did the non-Christians immigrate to this country AFTER the 1870s?......religion had nothing to do with Indian wars or slavery.....

lol.....I get it....you think that all Christians are Republicans!.......

remember when I said I had laughed at you four times today?......make it five.....

Christianity/Religion had EVERYTHING to do with slavery

lol.....the ignorant can be so funny sometimes.....okay, bobo, tell us how slavery is the product of Christianity.....in doing so, please keep in mind that slavery existed even prior to Abraham.....

And according to Boss, man has believed in god since man could first stand on two feet. He says man has always believed in God and that is his proof god exists.

How come god didn't speak out against slavery?

I forget if you are one of the fools who takes the bible literally. If you do, isn't it funny how god didn't speak out against slavery? OR, is it more likely that the men who invented/wrote/made up the bible were slave owners so to them owning slaves was no big deal. Proof religion is man made.

So, how is it that these believers in god(s) could enslave people? How did those southern slave owners dare walk into a church on Sunday mornings after whipping and raping their slaves all week? The answer is they did it with no problem because people are selective about what they believe and everyone believes something different. That is because they are all making it up. Cherry picking.

Think about it. If there is a god, not one southern slave owner christian from back then could possibly be in heaven right now. THey'd all be burning in hell, right?

Unfortunately there is no hell. Hopefully those people just lived miserable lives despite having enough money to own slaves and hopefully they died a slow horrible death. But after that, they're just worm dirt like all the other animals that have died on this earth in the billion years we've been here. Either that or dinosaurs are in heaven too. Do you believe that? Oh yea, only humans go to heaven, right? Talk about an arrogant premise. More proof religion was made up by man, who is so full of himself.
oh.....did the non-Christians immigrate to this country AFTER the 1870s?......religion had nothing to do with Indian wars or slavery.....

lol.....I get it....you think that all Christians are Republicans!.......

remember when I said I had laughed at you four times today?......make it five.....

Christianity/Religion had EVERYTHING to do with slavery

lol.....the ignorant can be so funny sometimes.....okay, bobo, tell us how slavery is the product of Christianity.....in doing so, please keep in mind that slavery existed even prior to Abraham.....

Slavery and religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We also left England because of economic oppression but like religion, it seems it followed us over from England. The churches still have a lot of power/influence over the masses. Not as much as back in the day but still it has a lot of sway with the naive.

Well, let's see... You've failed at science and math already, and now it appears you fail history as well. This explains a lot of what is wrong with you.

Did you never learn about the Puritans and Plymouth Rock? You see, they were the first settlers. They came here to escape religious persecution in England. It wasn't because of their LACK of religion. They got along fine with the Native Americans, in fact, they established the tradition we know today as Thanksgiving. Most of us learned about this in 2nd grade, but apparently you were in the special ed class and missed it.

Yes, the "masses" are mostly religious. You've acknowledged this several times. The vast minority are non-religious idiots like you. In fact, your type represent less than two out of ten people. You are very much a societal outcast and you always will be.
Christianity/Religion had EVERYTHING to do with slavery

lol.....the ignorant can be so funny sometimes.....okay, bobo, tell us how slavery is the product of Christianity.....in doing so, please keep in mind that slavery existed even prior to Abraham.....

And according to Boss, man has believed in god since man could first stand on two feet. He says man has always believed in God and that is his proof god exists.

How come god didn't speak out against slavery?

I forget if you are one of the fools who takes the bible literally. If you do, isn't it funny how god didn't speak out against slavery? OR, is it more likely that the men who invented/wrote/made up the bible were slave owners so to them owning slaves was no big deal. Proof religion is man made.

So, how is it that these believers in god(s) could enslave people? How did those southern slave owners dare walk into a church on Sunday mornings after whipping and raping their slaves all week? The answer is they did it with no problem because people are selective about what they believe and everyone believes something different. That is because they are all making it up. Cherry picking.

Think about it. If there is a god, not one southern slave owner christian from back then could possibly be in heaven right now. THey'd all be burning in hell, right?

Unfortunately there is no hell. Hopefully those people just lived miserable lives despite having enough money to own slaves and hopefully they died a slow horrible death. But after that, they're just worm dirt like all the other animals that have died on this earth in the billion years we've been here. Either that or dinosaurs are in heaven too. Do you believe that? Oh yea, only humans go to heaven, right? Talk about an arrogant premise. More proof religion was made up by man, who is so full of himself.

well, I recall Paul admonishing the owner of a run away slave to treat him as a brother (Philemon 1:16).....I doubt that referred to either whipping or raping....be that as it may, the question I asked was whether you could back up your statement that Christianity had everything to do with slavery.....now, though I understand why you may wish to avoid answering that question, I have no intention of letting you slide past it without doing so.....
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We also left England because of economic oppression but like religion, it seems it followed us over from England. The churches still have a lot of power/influence over the masses. Not as much as back in the day but still it has a lot of sway with the naive.

Well, let's see... You've failed at science and math already, and now it appears you fail history as well. This explains a lot of what is wrong with you.

Did you never learn about the Puritans and Plymouth Rock? You see, they were the first settlers. They came here to escape religious persecution in England. It wasn't because of their LACK of religion. They got along fine with the Native Americans, in fact, they established the tradition we know today as Thanksgiving. Most of us learned about this in 2nd grade, but apparently you were in the special ed class and missed it.

Yes, the "masses" are mostly religious. You've acknowledged this several times. The vast minority are non-religious idiots like you. In fact, your type represent less than two out of ten people. You are very much a societal outcast and you always will be.

Yes, the original settlers wanted the freedom to practice their own religions, not be forced into a state run religion.

However, haven't you said more than once that you are not religious, Boss? Wouldn't that make you also a societal outcast, and perhaps also the vast minority of non-religious idiots? :eusa_shhh:
Christianity/Religion had EVERYTHING to do with slavery

lol.....the ignorant can be so funny sometimes.....okay, bobo, tell us how slavery is the product of Christianity.....in doing so, please keep in mind that slavery existed even prior to Abraham.....

Slavery and religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

can you point me to the specific part you believes demonstrates that "Christianity had everything to do with slavery"......your argument is a bit vague.....

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