Why do the God-haters persist?

'God-hater' strikes me as an inaccurate term. I do not believe in gods, but I can't hate gods if I don't believe they exist. But for me at least it's more I hate people who demand I do their bidding because their unproven god says whatever. It's not the god or the religion I hate but the followers.

So it's really not "God" you hate as much as it's representative democracy?

Glad you could clear that up for us! :eusa_shifty:
'God-hater' strikes me as an inaccurate term. I do not believe in gods, but I can't hate gods if I don't believe they exist. But for me at least it's more I hate people who demand I do their bidding because their unproven god says whatever. It's not the god or the religion I hate but the followers.

I don't even hate the followers, at least the ones who just believe in whatever while leaving me alone. I'm willing to hate those that want to force me to live by their believe system or die/be imprisoned/be a second class citizen/subvert science, but someone who just goes to church and tries to be a good person and has a live and let live attitude is fine with me. That doesn't mean I don't pity them for believing in bronze age fairy tales as an adult, but if that belief somehow translates into their being happy or a better person for it, I can look the other way.

Ahh... so now there's two of you who hate that we live in a representative democracy. Now we're getting somewhere! I'm starting to understand! :doubt:
Oh, I understand you don't give a fuck... that's the crux of the problem here. You've gotten way too big for your britches. You think America is a place you own and control because you've managed to win a few elections. You believe you can make your own rules for society and disregard what others want. It's always been the danger with liberals, they don't believe in democratic government, they believe in authoritative fascist totalitarianism. Give them a little power and suddenly they are little Mussolinis. Cramming their liberalism down our throat and telling us they don't give a fuck what we think about it.

I don't hate gay people. I am highly offended by that allegation. My personal position on CUs comes from a gay couple that I've known for 30 years. Do you think they are homophobes? Like them, I am opposed to Government determining what is or isn't legitimate sexual behavior. Marriage is the union of a man and woman, not two homosexuals, not a woman and her german shepherd, not a man and his harem. Now my gay friends had a wedding in the backwoods of 'ignorant redneck knuckledraggin' Alabama, in 1986! In their eyes, they are as "married" as any traditional married couple on the planet. They are fine with the State of Alabama not recognizing their marriage, it hasn't bothered them one bit.

Yes boss you are exactly right. Way too many of us here in America want seperation of church and state and the only laws we have on the books that you don't like are the laws that go against christianity, jews or the muslim religions. Example, abortion and gay marriage.

There is nothing in the Constitution about "separation of church and state." It only says that Congress can't make laws establishing religion. I don't think that has ever come up in Congress. The phrase "separation of church and state" comes from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to Danbury Baptists, assuring them that the federal government would not interfere with their religious customs.... like marriage, for instance.

I thank you guys for pushing these issues because I think you all have done more to turn people away from religion in the last 40 years than I could have ever done in a lifetime. It is issues like abortion, stem cell, birth control and gay marriage that is going to make people understand why we need seperation of church and state.

The only ones who push these issues are Democrat liberals, and they do it in order to divide people so they can win elections on emotion. It hasn't pushed anyone away from religion, it's pushing people away from politics. However, a few more cycles of insane liberal policy, and people will again become involved in politics. The pendulum has always swung back and forth, and it will again.

Most people understand the need for abortions. Even anti abortion hypocrites as soon as it happens to them at the wrong time will go seek out an abortion. So we should probably keep them safe and legal seeing as how even the people who are anti abortion are customers too.

I've said myself, I don't favor a total ban or outlawing of abortion entirely. I think most people agree to sensible criteria where the procedure is allowable under certain circumstances. The problem is, instead of us working together to reform the insanity, it has only become more perverse and insane. We are literally birthing babies and killing them as they are being born. That is infanticide and it's wrong. Obummer voted for a bill in Illinois to allow doctors to murder children born accidentally in botched partial birth cases. It did not matter that the child had been born, it was the intent to abort that took priority. That's wrong. I don't give a shit about choices or rights... that's wrong. I don't care about liberal or conservative... that's wrong. I don't care if you believe in God or not... that's wrong. I will not stand for it, I will not tolerate it. I don't care what names you call me, I don't care how much you scream about rights, I am not going to support that. EVER!

If they want to feel guilty about it and think they're going to go to hell for it, that's great. But we don't want to be teaching that as a society. Another great example is gays. I'd rather them be happy who they are rather than commit suicide because your bogus religions tell them it's immoral.

Again, you don't get to decide by yourself what we teach as society. No one gave you that authority. We all have equal rights to speak our opinions and be politically active on the issues we feel passionate about, and you don't get to take that away from anyone.

I'd rather gays be happy too! I want to come together as a society and agree that government shouldn't be deciding what individuals call "marriage" or defining it according to sexuality. That's why I am a big supporter of Civil Unions, and a plan that would resolve this issue forever. It is the activists who don't want this. You'd rather have the issue dividing us so you can win elections on emotion, as opposed to helping gays be happy.

It is you who's focusing on gays sexual behaviors you fucking creep. I'm focusing on giving them equal rights that straight married couples have. And if you are suggesting you'd be ok with giving them all those benefits that come with being married, just as long as they call it civil unions, I'll suggest that's a fucking lie because no way you guys are that hung up on the fact that they want to call it marriage.

They already have equal rights. No gay person has ever been denied a license to marry a person of the opposite sex, which is what marriage is. What you want is to pervert marriage in order to legitimize sexual behavior, and I am opposed to that. I don't think that is the government's business. As for "benefits" how about we abolish the IRS and do away with income taxes? Then there are no federal "benefits" to being married. If we have to require some identifier to distinguish between single persons and couples, it should be something generic that doesn't have anything to do with sexuality. Civil Unions could be used in any number of situations... a daughter and her aging mother, for example. Two spinster sisters... platonic friends that are bffs and roomies... whatever. Any two legal age adults could obtain a CU and this would suffice as a 'domestic partnership' under the law, with the same ramifications as traditional marriage currently carries. I honestly can't say how many people "on my side" agree with that, I don't care, really. That is MY solution.

It hasn't bothered your gay friends one bit? They didn't mind not being able to share health insurance like straight couples? They don't mind not being able to adopt? The one who dies last won't mind when his husbands family tells him to get out of the hospital room when he's dying because he can't make life choices for his partner like a married couple can do? Instead his old family will decide and not only that they will take everything he owns because if you aren't married you don't get to keep your partners shit. Or they won't mind that they don't get the ss benefits that straight couples do?

Nope. They found that most of those things can be worked around and the ones that can't, don't really matter to them. They don't believe gay couples should be allowed to adopt because children are better off in a traditional mother-father family. Their families accept they are gay, most of them were at their wedding. All their property is jointly owned. Not sure about their insurance, I think they have individual policies. They are concerned about SS benefits but that's why they support CU reform. But the main thing is, they don't want the government defining their relationship, they don't need that. Never have.

I don't blame your gay friends for not wanting to get married. I think its a stupid thing to do. Would you agree to give someone else half your wealth if at any time it isn't working out? Not if you have any wealth you wouldn't.

Again... they held a wedding ceremony in rural Alabama back in 1986. No hick sheriff was there to tell them they couldn't do that. No redneck church folk were there protesting. They had a photographer, a wedding cake, full ceremony with a Rastafarian priest... it was beautiful. They feel they are as "married" as anyone. They are both fairly wealthy people in their own right, and they have wills which are clear on disbursement of assets should they die. They both have life insurance policies naming the other as beneficiary. There is no law that says you have to be straight to do that. Again, these are false myths perpetrated by activists who are pushing an emotive agenda.

Anyways, what you have said is an ignorant ignorant thing. Just because your one hick gay friends don't care, doesn't mean a lot of gays don't. They do. And you will ignore everything I just said. You will ignore that a gay man's family can come to the hospital and throw his partner out of the hospital because "they aren't married". I saw this happen with a straight uncle of mine and his girlfriend. The kids let her hang around until he died then they were changing the locks and not returning her phone calls anymore. She was tossed aside. And that is what happens to gay people.

Well but, no... it's not what happens. I'm giving you a real life example of two gay people who wanted to share their life together and didn't care about the obstacles. They made that happen. They are happy together... about to celebrate their 30th anniversary. I'm sorry for your straight uncle and his straight girlfriend, but it has nothing to do with this.

Anyways, you are pretty much wrong about everything you believe. Gays, abortion god.

Oh, and thank you for letting me know you live in a red neck hick state. I should have known. Please go tell your neighbors you don't believe in Jesus or do you keep that a secret? Because you just know they all think you're going to hell. So do I only for other reasons. LOL. Actually you know I don't believe in hell.

But you don't get to decide what I believe. That's the thing. You seem to think this is your right and it's not. You have the right to think I am wrong, and I have the right to be wrong. You have to TOLERATE that in a civil society. And I have to TOLERATE you. That's how this works.

As for me telling my neighbors things, I don't care what my neighbors think. This somehow seems to be a really big deal with liberals, they want to be liked and admired by others. So they concoct these emotive social issues so they can pretend they are standing up for rights and being good people, and they think this makes them look good to others. What I find more time than not is, it's a compensation for their true bigoted shortcomings. They don't believe we are all equal, they believe some of us are different and entitled to special consideration because of that. They don't believe in tolerance, they believe society should conform to their liberal ideals and if they don't get their way, they call people racist and ignorant. They don't believe in a free society where we all have an equal voice, they believe their voice is superior and opposition must be silenced. They aren't interested in finding ways to compromise and get along, they want to continue dividing us and tearing us apart so they can advance their agenda.
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'God-hater' strikes me as an inaccurate term. I do not believe in gods, but I can't hate gods if I don't believe they exist. But for me at least it's more I hate people who demand I do their bidding because their unproven god says whatever. It's not the god or the religion I hate but the followers.

List ten individuals who "demand that you do their bidding." What a ridiculous statement!

If anyone "demands" that you do their bidding -- just say NO if you don't feel like it. That way you can remove the "hate" from your heart because that won't hurt anyone but you.
'God-hater' strikes me as an inaccurate term. I do not believe in gods, but I can't hate gods if I don't believe they exist. But for me at least it's more I hate people who demand I do their bidding because their unproven god says whatever. It's not the god or the religion I hate but the followers.

List ten individuals who "demand that you do their bidding." What a ridiculous statement!

If anyone "demands" that you do their bidding -- just say NO if you don't feel like it. That way you can remove the "hate" from your heart because that won't hurt anyone but you.

GOD IS NOT WILLING THAT ANY PERISH But you are free to reject GOD'S love and forgivness and choose death and hell===but why do that??? THINK!!!
Thankfully fairy believers (yes there are some who do believe in them) are not trying to force their beliefs onto others or are getting tax breaks or condemn others for not believing in fairies for if they did, I would argue their insanity with purpose. It still is ridiculous.

Well I hate to tell you this but people are always going to force their beliefs on you in any civilized democratic society.
People will try and force their beliefs under any and all societies.

We don't live in some Utopian fantasy world where everyone gets to do as they please.
We should as long as what they are doing doesn't harm anyone else.

That's not civil society, that's anarchy, and believe me, you don't want it.
I don't remember any atheists here asking for anarchy. There are many socities where the overwhemong majority are atheists. Guess what. No anarchy.

No one is forcing you to adopt a religious belief. That has NEVER happened in America.
Force, maybe not but what ever happened to separation of church and state? Religions and religious symbols have definitely been legislated illegally in the US. If you don't believe me then think how you and all your other christians buddies would react if they were forced to participate in a Muslim prayer every day.

You know where that DOES happen? In countries where they don't have a self-governing representative republic, where all men are created equal and have an equal voice.
Wrong again. In the US all men are not created equal. Just ask blacks, gays and other minorities.

What you are opposed to is TOLERANCE. As ironic as that is, it's your problem.
The real irony is, is that Christians are a lot more intolerant than atheists, by far.

You are an intolerant anti-social bigot who doesn't want to get along with others.
I'm very social and I tolerate just about everyone. I have many christian friends. I don't care what religion, race or sexual prefernce the person has. Not everyone here can say that.

You've made your mind up that we're all going to follow your rules and live the way you want, and we're getting no peace until we agree.
I don't want everyone to live the way I want. When did I say this?

Well people don't agree with you, they don't want the society you want.
And exactly what is this society I want? I don't remember projecting anything of the sort.
So what you're going to need to do is pick up arms and declare a war. That's the only way to get people to stop forcing their beliefs on you.
You just said the US doesn't force beliefs on anyone and now you say the only way to do it is by violence. I think you're losing your marbles.

Take over the country and install some tin-horn dictator who promises you the Utopian world you want, then you'll be happy!
I don't remember describing any kind of Utopian that I want and why would I want a dictator even though I know your government has supported so many in the recent past.
'God-hater' strikes me as an inaccurate term. I do not believe in gods, but I can't hate gods if I don't believe they exist. But for me at least it's more I hate people who demand I do their bidding because their unproven god says whatever. It's not the god or the religion I hate but the followers.

“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you." (John 15:18)

"Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us." (Psalms 2:1-3)

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" (Romans 3:23)

"As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:" (Romans 3:10)
'God-hater' strikes me as an inaccurate term. I do not believe in gods, but I can't hate gods if I don't believe they exist. But for me at least it's more I hate people who demand I do their bidding because their unproven god says whatever. It's not the god or the religion I hate but the followers.

So it's really not "God" you hate as much as it's representative democracy?

Glad you could clear that up for us! :eusa_shifty:

You define a representative democracy as 'people demanding you do their bidding'? :dunno:
We should as long as what they are doing doesn't harm anyone else.

What is considered harm? and who determines it?

Wrong again. In the US all men are not created equal. Just ask blacks, gays and other minorities.

Which blacks should I ask? The ones that are oppressed, or the ones oppressing the ones that are oppressed (i.e. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters ...etc).

Equality stems from a Creator, but the creator has been rejected in the US these days.

The real irony is, is that Christians are a lot more intolerant than atheists, by far.

And what is tolerance?

I'm very social and I tolerate just about everyone. I have many christian friends. I don't care what religion, race or sexual prefernce the person has. Not everyone here can say that.

I too tolerate everyone but those who I don't tolerate.:eusa_whistle:
'God-hater' strikes me as an inaccurate term. I do not believe in gods, but I can't hate gods if I don't believe they exist. But for me at least it's more I hate people who demand I do their bidding because their unproven god says whatever. It's not the god or the religion I hate but the followers.

List ten individuals who "demand that you do their bidding." What a ridiculous statement!

If anyone "demands" that you do their bidding -- just say NO if you don't feel like it. That way you can remove the "hate" from your heart because that won't hurt anyone but you.

GOD IS NOT WILLING THAT ANY PERISH But you are free to reject GOD'S love and forgivness and choose death and hell===but why do that??? THINK!!!

Sorry but your post has ZERO to relevance in respect to what I posted. Please "think" about what you post and try to make sure it pertains to the topic at hand. Thank you sir.
Thankfully fairy believers (yes there are some who do believe in them) are not trying to force their beliefs onto others or are getting tax breaks or condemn others for not believing in fairies for if they did, I would argue their insanity with purpose. It still is ridiculous.

Well I hate to tell you this but people are always going to force their beliefs on you in any civilized democratic society.
People will try and force their beliefs under any and all societies.

This may be, but in a representative democracy we all have a say in what those beliefs will be through our elected representatives. In the "Utopian fantasy" you want, those beliefs are dictated by the Authority and if you dissent they execute you.

We should as long as what they are doing doesn't harm anyone else.

You don't get to decide on your own what harms other people. You may have an opinion and I may differ. I may have an opinion and you may differ. The problem is, someone didn't pop your ass enough when you were little, and you think that you own the world.

I don't remember any atheists here asking for anarchy. There are many socities where the overwhemong majority are atheists. Guess what. No anarchy.

You cannot name ONE society that is majority Atheist on the entire planet, in ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY! There is not one now, nor has there EVER been one. NADDA!!

Force, maybe not but what ever happened to separation of church and state? Religions and religious symbols have definitely been legislated illegally in the US. If you don't believe me then think how you and all your other christians buddies would react if they were forced to participate in a Muslim prayer every day.

Separation of church and state is not in the Constitution. It was in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to Danbury Baptists, assuring them the new government would not interfere with their religious customs... like marriage ceremonies. The letter ended with a prayer from the President of the United States.

At NO TIME in US history has anyone ever been FORCED to participate in a prayer of any kind. There is no law on the books, nor has there ever been a law, stating you had to participate in prayer of any kind. No one has ever proposed such a law... EVER!

And I don't have "Christian buddies" ...most Christians call me an Atheist.

Wrong again. In the US all men are not created equal. Just ask blacks, gays and other minorities.

And this is the root of the problem with liberal idiots. You honestly believe this shit.

Yes... All men ARE created equal, and we have numerous anti-discrimination laws to protect people from being discriminated against on the basis of race, creed and religion. No law in any state of the US singles out homosexuals to discriminate against them.

The real irony is, is that Christians are a lot more intolerant than atheists, by far.

No, as we can see here, they are not.

I'm very social and I tolerate just about everyone. I have many christian friends. I don't care what religion, race or sexual prefernce the person has. Not everyone here can say that.

No, you have shown complete disrespect and intolerance for those who have religious beliefs. You have a bigoted and opinionated view of others, and you seek to impose your will on society without regard for what anyone else thinks about it.

I don't want everyone to live the way I want. When did I say this?

When you were ranting earlier about things being legal as long as they don't harm others. Not everyone wants to live that way, they don't want that kind of society. We have the right to establish our own laws and boundaries for societal morality. No one put YOU in charge of that. No one gave YOU that authority.

And exactly what is this society I want? I don't remember projecting anything of the sort.
So what you're going to need to do is pick up arms and declare a war. That's the only way to get people to stop forcing their beliefs on you.
You just said the US doesn't force beliefs on anyone and now you say the only way to do it is by violence. I think you're losing your marbles.

No, I said if YOU want that, it's what you need to do. America doesn't work that way. We have a system of representative democracy, where our various ideas are hashed out by our elected representatives and our laws are established. If you don't like that process and wish to impose YOUR view of how society should behave, then you need to declare war and overthrow the current system. Otherwise, you have to work within the framework of the system, which means reaching reasonable compromises and tolerating some things you may not like. There is no world where everyone gets what they want. That world is never going to exist. It is like Pleasure Island of Pinocchio. Again... your problem is a lack of ass-busting when you were little. Had your parents disciplined you like they should have, you would have learned that you don't always get what you want. Sometimes life isn't fair. Sometimes you have to put up with things you may not like.

I don't remember describing any kind of Utopian that I want and why would I want a dictator even though I know your government has supported so many in the recent past.

What do you mean by "your country" here? Are you not from the US? If not, why the hell are you even commenting on our society and what we do? It's not any of your business.

And YES... you DO want a dictator. You want someone to tell the religious people to sit down and shut up. You want someone to take control of the laws and establish them in the way you think is appropriate. You want your values and set of rules enforced and those who disagree with you silenced. Now maybe you don't realize that's what you want, but that's what you're asking for... a dictator.
As a straight couple, do you know if me and my wife give each other oral? Do we find out in the court house if you fuck your wife in the ass?

Do you know which gay man in the relationship is the pitcher and which is the catcher?

You creeps need to get off what they are doing in the privacy of their homes. All that we care about is that they can legally marry and enjoy all the benefits that straight married couples get. Anything beyond that is you being a fucking closet fag who can't stop thinking about a big cock in your ass or mouth.

you want to marry your dog?? your little sister???? "All that we care about is that they can legally marry and enjoy all the benefits that straight married couples get. ". REALLY?????? Marrage is between men and women!!! DUH!!

I kiss my dogs. There I've said it. It's true !!! Does that make me a bad person ???
Before or after they lick themselves?
'God-hater' strikes me as an inaccurate term. I do not believe in gods, but I can't hate gods if I don't believe they exist. But for me at least it's more I hate people who demand I do their bidding because their unproven god says whatever. It's not the god or the religion I hate but the followers.

List ten individuals who "demand that you do their bidding." What a ridiculous statement!

If anyone "demands" that you do their bidding -- just say NO if you don't feel like it. That way you can remove the "hate" from your heart because that won't hurt anyone but you.

Making it illegal to buy alcohol on Sunday is one example of forcing us to abide by their christian laws. attempting to outlaw porn is another.
Well I hate to tell you this but people are always going to force their beliefs on you in any civilized democratic society.
People will try and force their beliefs under any and all societies.

This may be, but in a representative democracy we all have a say in what those beliefs will be through our elected representatives. In the "Utopian fantasy" you want, those beliefs are dictated by the Authority and if you dissent they execute you.
There you go again with this Utopian Fantasy which I haven't mentioned. Enough of the strawman. You also state that "beliefs will be through our elected representatives". How can anyone's belief system change just because of who was elected?
You don't get to decide on your own what harms other people.
I didn't say I was deciding this on my own. You are a very dishonest debater as I've cleary shown your lies.
You may have an opinion and I may differ. I may have an opinion and you may differ.
Opinions on what may be harmful. Let's see. I think shooting you or anyone else in the kneecap unprovoked is harmful, would you agree?
The problem is, someone didn't pop your ass enough when you were little, and you think that you own the world.
What does that even mean?

You cannot name ONE society that is majority Atheist on the entire planet, in ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY! There is not one now, nor has there EVER been one. NADDA!!
Thanks for coming out ...
At NO TIME in US history has anyone ever been FORCED to participate in a prayer of any kind.
Not even before 1962.
When the Court Took on Prayer and the Bible in Public Schools | Religion & Politics

Again, you are down and out.

And this is the root of the problem with liberal idiots. You honestly believe this shit.

Yes... All men ARE created equal, and we have numerous anti-discrimination laws to protect people from being discriminated against on the basis of race, creed and religion. No law in any state of the US singles out homosexuals to discriminate against them.
You really should stop while you're behind. Same-sex marriage is currently legal in 19 states. Can you say the same for man-woman marriages?
You may have anti-discrimination laws but it doesn't mean your country is rampant with racism. Racism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Racial Identity and Racial Treatment of Mexican Americans | Vilma Ortiz - Academia.edu
Important lawsuit alleging discrimination against Muslim Americans moves forward | The Electronic Intifada
When you were ranting earlier about things being legal as long as they don't harm others. Not everyone wants to live that way, they don't want that kind of society.
So you are saying people want a society where thay can be harmed or are you saying people should let the government interfere with their lives especially non harmful issues.
We have the right to establish our own laws and boundaries for societal morality.
Yes you do, but laws and boundaries are always changing. Do you not believe in freedom of speech for people to voice their opinions on those laws and boudaries?
No one put YOU in charge of that. No one gave YOU that authority.
Who said I had that authority, again with the dishonesty.

You are done. Too many lies, too many dishonest tactics. Too many logical fallacies. Too many fails.
If you don't understand how invading someone's privacy harms someone, maybe you aren't smart enough to be on USMB. Maybe you should be on USduMB.

maybe this has passed your notice, but we aren't talking about what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom......we are talking about what they are doing in the courthouse to require everyone to take notice of their "privacy"........

They are butt fucking in the courthouses???? Well !!! I never !!!

And Boss is spankin his monkey thinking about it ?????

This thread has takin a turn for the worse...

no, they are suing people who don't want to bake them cakes....
Can you tell a black man and white woman you won't bake them a cake because you don't like white women fucking N**#rs? I'm sure 50 years ago your grandfather asked that very same question.
???....must have been your grandfather, not mine.....be that as it may there is a similarity......the law had to redefine marriage to keep whites from marrying blacks, just as the law had to redefine marriage to allow men to marry men......one small segment of society forcing its definitions on everyone in both cases.....

No it was your grandfather because you sound just like those racists back then, only today you hate gays not blacks.
well actually no....though that won't stop some liberal dimwit from pretending I do.....what I do hate is said liberal dimwit thinking he can force his beliefs on the rest of society......

Whites may have tried to redefine the law so it said marriage is between one white man and one white woman, but they failed. Your side failed.

actually, it was your side.....and now you're trying it again....

Oh, and maybe you just have to be open to re defining what marriage is.

so I should just accept what you are forcing on us?....

Marriage is a socially recognized union
you realize of course that if you go with what's been socially recognized, you're screwed.....

the new America
so, what else do you folks have planned for this "new America"?.....
'God-hater' strikes me as an inaccurate term. I do not believe in gods, but I can't hate gods if I don't believe they exist. But for me at least it's more I hate people who demand I do their bidding because their unproven god says whatever. It's not the god or the religion I hate but the followers.

I don't even hate the followers, at least the ones who just believe in whatever while leaving me alone. I'm willing to hate those that want to force me to live by their believe system or die/be imprisoned/be a second class citizen/subvert science, but someone who just goes to church and tries to be a good person and has a live and let live attitude is fine with me. That doesn't mean I don't pity them for believing in bronze age fairy tales as an adult, but if that belief somehow translates into their being happy or a better person for it, I can look the other way.

Ahh... so now there's two of you who hate that we live in a representative democracy. Now we're getting somewhere! I'm starting to understand! :doubt:

If you don't understand how invading someone's privacy harms someone, maybe you aren't smart enough to be on USMB. Maybe you should be on USduMB.

maybe this has passed your notice, but we aren't talking about what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom......we are talking about what they are doing in the courthouse to require everyone to take notice of their "privacy"........

As a straight couple, do you know if me and my wife give each other oral?

no, because you keep it in your home.....you don't file lawsuits demanding a certificate stating you give your wife oral........though perhaps that's the next step for your new America.....
As a straight couple, do you know if me and my wife give each other oral? Do we find out in the court house if you fuck your wife in the ass?

Do you know which gay man in the relationship is the pitcher and which is the catcher?

You creeps need to get off what they are doing in the privacy of their homes. All that we care about is that they can legally marry and enjoy all the benefits that straight married couples get. Anything beyond that is you being a fucking closet fag who can't stop thinking about a big cock in your ass or mouth.

you want to marry your dog?? your little sister???? "All that we care about is that they can legally marry and enjoy all the benefits that straight married couples get. ". REALLY?????? Marrage is between men and women!!! DUH!!

We don't allow fist cousins or siblings to get married because of birth defects. It is illegal to fuck your sister no matter how bad you want to.

We also don't allow people to marry other animals.

We also don't allow adults to marry children.

Can you show me any organizations or movements that want to do these things and show me how much of the population support them?

So neither the citizens or the courts or the churches would approve. But, as far as gays go, the courts and citizens approve so FUCK YOUR CHURCHES. They don't have to marry gay people so what do they care? What do you care? And don't say because it's ruining the sanctity of marriage because you straight breeders are doing that on your own with over 50% of you saying I DO GOD and then going and getting a divorce.

You should focus on straight divorces and fix that and leave the gays alone.

until the new America says so......


back to the God hating part.....
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you want to marry your dog?? your little sister???? "All that we care about is that they can legally marry and enjoy all the benefits that straight married couples get. ". REALLY?????? Marrage is between men and women!!! DUH!!

I kiss my dogs. There I've said it. It's true !!! Does that make me a bad person ???
Before or after they lick themselves?

I don't kiss em on their tongues you sick fuck !

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