Why do the God-haters persist?

Antarctica sets new record for sea ice area | Watts Up With That?

Global sea ice area, as of Sunday morning, stood at 1.005 million square kilometers above average.

The sea ice surrounding Antarctica, set a new record for areal coverage.

You've been sold a myth by charlatans. You believed them because you're an idiot.

Every top marginal tax increase since Truman has resulted in less tax revenue, when adjusted for inflation. Every top marginal tax decrease has resulted in increased revenue, when adjusted. It would seem to me, if you wanted MORE money to do MORE things, you want to decrease taxes on top marginal incomes. Reagan's tax cuts sparked the longest period of peacetime prosperity in American history.

And here's another thing... Democrats passed Obamacare without a single Republican vote... why didn't they also pass a tax increase on "the rich?" Why didn't they end the Bush Tax Cuts? Here, let me help you with that... they didn't need Republicans, they needed DEMOCRATS!

Watts Up With That is a weather and climate commentary site (blog), created in 2006 by California meteorologist Anthony Watts, that reports on anthropogenic global warming-related issues from a skeptical point of view.

OMG Boss look who you are believing! This guy is just like one of those "scientists" the tobacco companies paid to say smoking doesn't cause cancer. He's a right winger! Anti taxes. Of course he denies man caused global warming.

Watts has expressed a skeptical view of anthropogenic CO2-driven global warming, believing the Sun, not man, is the driver of climatic change.

He admits that what most bothers him about scientists and others who claim global warming is serious, is that, "They want to change policy. They want to apply taxes

Watts is a signatory to The Heartland Institute's Manhattan Declaration which calls on world leaders to "reject the views expressed by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" and abandon "all taxes, regulations, and other interventions intended to reduce emissions of CO2

So he's basically a tea bagger. You are quoting a tea bag scientists. Zero credibility. The rich/corporations pay him to agree or he's a libertarian/tea bagger who really believes the shit he's saying.

The new record anomaly for Southern Hemisphere sea ice, the ice encircling the southernmost continent, is 2.074 million square kilometers and was posted for the first time by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s The Cryosphere Today early Sunday morning.

So... University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a Tea Party outfit??? :rofl:

That's a good one, silly boob!

I don't know are they? All I know is the link you provided sent me to a right wing think tank / PAC. A lying scientists basically. Just like the ones that said cigarettes don't cause smoking. Good night you right wing loon. I'll pray to the pink unicorns tonight that you get smarter. If you do overnight now that might be a real miracle but I suspect you'll be just as dumb on Wednesday as you are on Monday regardless of what I say on Tuesday.
I don't belive in fairies. Can you imagine someone calling me a fairy-hater because of that. Yes, it sounds ridiculous.

Pay attention Boss.

If you had argued for months, logging nearly 5,000 posts on a message board against fairies, I would say you were a fairy-hater.

I wonder how many posts you've made in this thread alone. Does that make you an atheist-hater? :dunno:
Watts Up With That is a weather and climate commentary site (blog), created in 2006 by California meteorologist Anthony Watts, that reports on anthropogenic global warming-related issues from a skeptical point of view.

OMG Boss look who you are believing! This guy is just like one of those "scientists" the tobacco companies paid to say smoking doesn't cause cancer. He's a right winger! Anti taxes. Of course he denies man caused global warming.

Watts has expressed a skeptical view of anthropogenic CO2-driven global warming, believing the Sun, not man, is the driver of climatic change.

He admits that what most bothers him about scientists and others who claim global warming is serious, is that, "They want to change policy. They want to apply taxes

Watts is a signatory to The Heartland Institute's Manhattan Declaration which calls on world leaders to "reject the views expressed by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" and abandon "all taxes, regulations, and other interventions intended to reduce emissions of CO2

So he's basically a tea bagger. You are quoting a tea bag scientists. Zero credibility. The rich/corporations pay him to agree or he's a libertarian/tea bagger who really believes the shit he's saying.

The new record anomaly for Southern Hemisphere sea ice, the ice encircling the southernmost continent, is 2.074 million square kilometers and was posted for the first time by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s The Cryosphere Today early Sunday morning.

So... University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a Tea Party outfit??? :rofl:

That's a good one, silly boob!

I don't know are they? All I know is the link you provided sent me to a right wing think tank / PAC. A lying scientists basically. Just like the ones that said cigarettes don't cause smoking. Good night you right wing loon. I'll pray to the pink unicorns tonight that you get smarter. If you do overnight now that might be a real miracle but I suspect you'll be just as dumb on Wednesday as you are on Monday regardless of what I say on Tuesday.

How do we know it isn't your ass unicorns doing the talking?

I don't belive in fairies. Can you imagine someone calling me a fairy-hater because of that. Yes, it sounds ridiculous.

Pay attention Boss.

If you had argued for months, logging nearly 5,000 posts on a message board against fairies, I would say you were a fairy-hater.

Well if a religion sprang up around the belief in fairies that promoted half the heinous shit that Christianity promotes and that religion then tried to force it's belief and rules into laws that everyone in this country had to follow then yes we would be logging in 5k plus posts basing fairies and all that believe in them. Honestly I don't give a damn what you or anyone else believes in or doesn't believe in. I don't care what customs or rules you choose to adhere to as long as they don't bring harm to others and you don't try to push them on others. That's all. Religion in my opinion has crossed a line. Heck it started out on the wrong side of that line. All I and many others want is for religion to get back on the other side of that line and keep their religion to themselves.
Tolerance. Equality. Liberty. These things are sacred and MUST be protected. People have the right to live the way they want to as long as it doesn't bring measurable, quantifiable harm to other people or their property.
Tolerance. Equality. Liberty. These things are sacred and MUST be protected. People have the right to live the way they want to as long as it doesn't bring measurable, quantifiable harm to other people or their property.

Who determines what is "tolerant"?
Who determines what is "equal"?
Who determines what is "liberty"?

Um common sense actually. It's pretty simple really. If it doesn't hurt you, anything you own, or anyone/anything else for that matter. THEN I HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO IT. Period. And our laws should reflect this fact. For example, if two gay men or two lesbians wish to marry. Then how the fuck does that even begin to affect you, me or anyone but the two of them? I can see where the issues arises in the case of abortion because we can't all agree on whether or not a fetus is a person and if it is then abortion would definitely be classified on doing harm to another person so I'm willing to talk about that one. But gay rights? C'mon. Let's just let them get married and move on. Same with the whole contraception thing. Employers don't want to pay for birth control (a form of contraception) but are cool paying for vasectomies (another form of contraception) it's bullshit and we all know it.

PS. I'm talking measurable physical or psychological harm here not whether or not it makes other people butthurt. Get over it. Gays are people too and people have the right to get married.
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I don't belive in fairies. Can you imagine someone calling me a fairy-hater because of that. Yes, it sounds ridiculous.

Pay attention Boss.

If you had argued for months, logging nearly 5,000 posts on a message board against fairies, I would say you were a fairy-hater.

Well if a religion sprang up around the belief in fairies that promoted half the heinous shit that Christianity promotes and that religion then tried to force it's belief and rules into laws that everyone in this country had to follow then yes we would be logging in 5k plus posts basing fairies and all that believe in them. Honestly I don't give a damn what you or anyone else believes in or doesn't believe in. I don't care what customs or rules you choose to adhere to as long as they don't bring harm to others and you don't try to push them on others. That's all. Religion in my opinion has crossed a line. Heck it started out on the wrong side of that line. All I and many others want is for religion to get back on the other side of that line and keep their religion to themselves.

Problem is, you live in a democratic society where we all have an equal voice and say in the laws and rules that govern our communities. You don't get to dismiss my opinion because you don't like it, just as I don't get to dismiss yours because it offends me.

No one can force you to be a Christian, it's not possible. Christianity is a religion of acceptance, and unless you accept Christ as your personal savior, you cannot be a Christian. I don't care what you think or what anyone else tells you, that is a fact of life. Christians have as much right to construct laws as you have, and they can construct those laws based on their personal beliefs, including their religious beliefs... especially their religious beliefs, as a matter of fact.
Tolerance. Equality. Liberty. These things are sacred and MUST be protected. People have the right to live the way they want to as long as it doesn't bring measurable, quantifiable harm to other people or their property.

You should shut the fuck up talking about "tolerance" until you have an inkling of an idea of what that means. You wouldn't know tolerance if it was sitting in your lap calling you mamma!

People simply do NOT have the right to live the way they want with disregard for the rest of society. You don't get to be the only one who can quantify "harm to others" or any damn thing else, for that matter. You're ONE voice. Your opinion is equal to everyone else's opinion, it's not special, it doesn't get special consideration.
Tolerance. Equality. Liberty. These things are sacred and MUST be protected. People have the right to live the way they want to as long as it doesn't bring measurable, quantifiable harm to other people or their property.

Who determines what is "tolerant"?
Who determines what is "equal"?
Who determines what is "liberty"?

Um common sense actually. It's pretty simple really. If it doesn't hurt you, anything you own, or anyone/anything else for that matter. THEN I HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO IT. Period. And our laws should reflect this fact. For example, if two gay men or two lesbians wish to marry. Then how the fuck does that even begin to affect you, me or anyone but the two of them? I can see where the issues arises in the case of abortion because we can't all agree on whether or not a fetus is a person and if it is then abortion would definitely be classified on doing harm to another person so I'm willing to talk about that one. But gay rights? C'mon. Let's just let them get married and move on. Same with the whole contraception thing. Employers don't want to pay for birth control (a form of contraception) but are cool paying for vasectomies (another form of contraception) it's bullshit and we all know it.

PS. I'm talking measurable physical or psychological harm here not whether or not it makes other people butthurt. Get over it. Gays are people too and people have the right to get married.

Again, YOU are not the final judge on what harms others. I might not see any harm in being able to peek into your windows at night and watch your wife get undressed. I doubt you'd share my opinion, but fuck you... it's not "harming" you in any way! Our laws should reflect what the people want as boundaries and limitations. And NO.... we don't need to just allow homosexual people to redefine something like "marriage" in order to legitimize their sexual lifestyle. It destroys the social foundation of family and shits on religious sanctity. That is clearly "harm to others" in my book, and I don't give a damn if you disagree.

There are ways to remedy the "problems" of gay couples wanting to play hubby and wife. I'm a strong Civil Unions supporter, and I think we ought to get government out of the "marriage" business altogether. They shouldn't be defining what 'marriage' means to the individual, whether straight OR gay. We can't get to a sensible and reasonable solution like that because of extremist activist idiots who want to push their agendas on the rest of society.

As for the whole contraception issue.... talk to Ruth Ginsberg! She's your gal! The SCOTUS ruled in the Hobby Lobby case, and now you'll have to live with that decision just like we have to live with Roe v. Wade.

...Tolerance baby, tolerance!
Tolerance. Equality. Liberty. These things are sacred and MUST be protected. People have the right to live the way they want to as long as it doesn't bring measurable, quantifiable harm to other people or their property.

Who determines what is "tolerant"?
Who determines what is "equal"?
Who determines what is "liberty"?

Um common sense actually. It's pretty simple really. If it doesn't hurt you, anything you own, or anyone/anything else for that matter. THEN I HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO IT. Period. And our laws should reflect this fact. For example, if two gay men or two lesbians wish to marry. Then how the fuck does that even begin to affect you, me or anyone but the two of them? I can see where the issues arises in the case of abortion because we can't all agree on whether or not a fetus is a person and if it is then abortion would definitely be classified on doing harm to another person so I'm willing to talk about that one. But gay rights? C'mon. Let's just let them get married and move on. Same with the whole contraception thing. Employers don't want to pay for birth control (a form of contraception) but are cool paying for vasectomies (another form of contraception) it's bullshit and we all know it.

PS. I'm talking measurable physical or psychological harm here not whether or not it makes other people butthurt. Get over it. Gays are people too and people have the right to get married.

if they get married do I have the right to pay no attention to them?.....or do I have to bake them wedding cakes and take their wedding pictures in order to stay in business?.....
Tolerance. Equality. Liberty. These things are sacred and MUST be protected. People have the right to live the way they want to as long as it doesn't bring measurable, quantifiable harm to other people or their property.

Who determines what is "tolerant"?
Who determines what is "equal"?
Who determines what is "liberty"?

We do. Just like 5000 years ago the politicians/priests wrote the old testament, today we have laws.

Or should we have some fake holy men go meet in secret and come out with a book that supposedly god told them to write and told them exactly what to write and to be honest, a lot of it seems like man made bullshit.

Who do you think should determine those things? An ancient outdated book?

Maybe you need the lie that god exists but I don't and I think it's insulting that you freaks think society needs god or else it'll fall apart. Maybe it's falling apart because people are stupid enough to be suckered by con artist churches that are tax free big business' and politicians who cater to the ignorance of those religions.
Who determines what is "tolerant"?
Who determines what is "equal"?
Who determines what is "liberty"?

Um common sense actually. It's pretty simple really. If it doesn't hurt you, anything you own, or anyone/anything else for that matter. THEN I HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO IT. Period. And our laws should reflect this fact. For example, if two gay men or two lesbians wish to marry. Then how the fuck does that even begin to affect you, me or anyone but the two of them? I can see where the issues arises in the case of abortion because we can't all agree on whether or not a fetus is a person and if it is then abortion would definitely be classified on doing harm to another person so I'm willing to talk about that one. But gay rights? C'mon. Let's just let them get married and move on. Same with the whole contraception thing. Employers don't want to pay for birth control (a form of contraception) but are cool paying for vasectomies (another form of contraception) it's bullshit and we all know it.

PS. I'm talking measurable physical or psychological harm here not whether or not it makes other people butthurt. Get over it. Gays are people too and people have the right to get married.

if they get married do I have the right to pay no attention to them?.....or do I have to bake them wedding cakes and take their wedding pictures in order to stay in business?.....

Can you tell a black man and white woman you won't bake them a cake because you don't like white women fucking N**#rs? I'm sure 50 years ago your grandfather asked that very same question.

Trust me, their $ spends just fine. I'm sure as a business you understand to put all that emotional bullshit aside while you are at work. Corporations don't give a shit about religion, sexual orientation, race. Business only cares about profits. So if you are denying gays $ chances are you aren't a good business man and won't be around for long.

Like Hobby Lobby. I bet they won't be around in 10 years. Meanwhile they are just trying to cut costs so they want to stop paying for birth control. Good. Now they can pay for maternaty leave.

Again, YOU are not the final judge on what harms others. I might not see any harm in being able to peek into your windows at night and watch your wife get undressed. I doubt you'd share my opinion, but fuck you... it's not "harming" you in any way! Our laws should reflect what the people want as boundaries and limitations. And NO.... we don't need to just allow homosexual people to redefine something like "marriage" in order to legitimize their sexual lifestyle. It destroys the social foundation of family and shits on religious sanctity. That is clearly "harm to others" in my book, and I don't give a damn if you disagree.

There are ways to remedy the "problems" of gay couples wanting to play hubby and wife. I'm a strong Civil Unions supporter, and I think we ought to get government out of the "marriage" business altogether. They shouldn't be defining what 'marriage' means to the individual, whether straight OR gay. We can't get to a sensible and reasonable solution like that because of extremist activist idiots who want to push their agendas on the rest of society.

As for the whole contraception issue.... talk to Ruth Ginsberg! She's your gal! The SCOTUS ruled in the Hobby Lobby case, and now you'll have to live with that decision just like we have to live with Roe v. Wade.

...Tolerance baby, tolerance!

You are so stupid. We don't give a fuck what a fuckin retard like you thinks is ok. Ignorance of the fucking law is no excuse. And if you need a imaginary god to tell you not to be a pervert, I don't know what that says about you Boss. Maybe your parents didn't raise you properly.

If you don't understand how invading someone's privacy harms someone, maybe you aren't smart enough to be on USMB. Maybe you should be on USduMB.

And no one cares what you call gay marriage. You can call it civil union or two guys butt fucking while you jack off thinking about it. Whatever you want to call it is cool with me. I'm going to call it marriage. AND, they are going to get all the same benefits straight married couples get.

Are you going to cry if I call them husband and husband? Are you going to DEMAND the marriage license doesn't say Marriage on it? Because you care why?
You are so stupid. We don't give a fuck what a fuckin retard like you thinks is ok. Ignorance of the fucking law is no excuse. And if you need a imaginary god to tell you not to be a pervert, I don't know what that says about you Boss. Maybe your parents didn't raise you properly.

If you don't understand how invading someone's privacy harms someone, maybe you aren't smart enough to be on USMB. Maybe you should be on USduMB.

And no one cares what you call gay marriage. You can call it civil union or two guys butt fucking while you jack off thinking about it. Whatever you want to call it is cool with me. I'm going to call it marriage. AND, they are going to get all the same benefits straight married couples get.

Are you going to cry if I call them husband and husband? Are you going to DEMAND the marriage license doesn't say Marriage on it? Because you care why?

Oh, I understand you don't give a fuck... that's the crux of the problem here. You've gotten way too big for your britches. You think America is a place you own and control because you've managed to win a few elections. You believe you can make your own rules for society and disregard what others want. It's always been the danger with liberals, they don't believe in democratic government, they believe in authoritative fascist totalitarianism. Give them a little power and suddenly they are little Mussolinis. Cramming their liberalism down our throat and telling us they don't give a fuck what we think about it.

I don't hate gay people. I am highly offended by that allegation. My personal position on CUs comes from a gay couple that I've known for 30 years. Do you think they are homophobes? Like them, I am opposed to Government determining what is or isn't legitimate sexual behavior. Marriage is the union of a man and woman, not two homosexuals, not a woman and her german shepherd, not a man and his harem. Now my gay friends had a wedding in the backwoods of 'ignorant redneck knuckledraggin' Alabama, in 1986! In their eyes, they are as "married" as any traditional married couple on the planet. They are fine with the State of Alabama not recognizing their marriage, it hasn't bothered them one bit.
Tolerance. Equality. Liberty. These things are sacred and MUST be protected. People have the right to live the way they want to as long as it doesn't bring measurable, quantifiable harm to other people or their property.

Who determines what is "tolerant"?
Who determines what is "equal"?
Who determines what is "liberty"?

Um common sense actually. It's pretty simple really. If it doesn't hurt you, anything you own, or anyone/anything else for that matter. THEN I HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO IT. Period. And our laws should reflect this fact. For example, if two gay men or two lesbians wish to marry. Then how the fuck does that even begin to affect you, me or anyone but the two of them? I can see where the issues arises in the case of abortion because we can't all agree on whether or not a fetus is a person and if it is then abortion would definitely be classified on doing harm to another person so I'm willing to talk about that one. But gay rights? C'mon. Let's just let them get married and move on. Same with the whole contraception thing. Employers don't want to pay for birth control (a form of contraception) but are cool paying for vasectomies (another form of contraception) it's bullshit and we all know it.

PS. I'm talking measurable physical or psychological harm here not whether or not it makes other people butthurt. Get over it. Gays are people too and people have the right to get married.

That still doesn't answer my questions. Who determines what is "measurable physical or psychological harm"? Hearing the word gay rights could psychologically harm someone. So who is to determine? All I need to know is "who"
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No shit.....It is prophecy

Even if Jesus’ existence could be established, this would in no way validate Christian theology or any element of the story portrayed in the Bible, such as the performance of miracles or the resurrection. Simply because it is conceivable a heretical Jewish preacher named Yeshua lived circa 30 AD, had followers and was executed, does not imply the son of a god walked the Earth at that time.

And we have already established the entire jewish & christian religions start with a lie. 7 out of 10 don't think Adam & Eve or Noah are literal historical figures. They admit those are just stories. So a lie.

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham

Screenshot by Lightshot

You're done.
That still doesn't answer my questions. Who determines what is "measurable physical or psychological harm"? Hearing the word gay rights could psychologically harm someone. So who is to determine? All I need to know is "who"
Has there been a case of someone who has suffrered psychological harm from hearing the words "gay rights"? I don't think so. But if you can provide any medical journals that tell otherwise, please give details.
I don't belive in fairies. Can you imagine someone calling me a fairy-hater because of that. Yes, it sounds ridiculous.

Pay attention Boss.

If you had argued for months, logging nearly 5,000 posts on a message board against fairies, I would say you were a fairy-hater.
Thankfully fairy believers (yes there are some who do believe in them) are not trying to force their beliefs onto others or are getting tax breaks or condemn others for not believing in fairies for if they did, I would argue their insanity with purpose. It still is ridiculous.

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