Why do the God-haters persist?

All you have to do is watch an animal show on Sunday morning to see that spirituality comes from the most primitive part of the brain. They think even monkeys are spiritual.

Last night I was watching some black christian lady trying to sell her spiritual first aid kit. Came with Mur. In the middle of sentences she would say PRAISE GOD. She said Mur was used to take away pain so SOME first aid kits will come with MUR. Some will come with a love ring. Some will come with fake money but blessed by her. Jesus said we are better as two so if you are alone and watching this, call me for this love potion praise jesus.

The only thing I wondered was how much do you have to give to get one of those cheap ass first aid kits and how pathetic are you if you actually call.

She doesn't represent all christians but she represents the stupidity all christians possess to believe that shit past adulthood.

1. The 'God' Part of The Brain | A Scientific Interpretation of Human Spirituality and God
Dear [MENTION=11281]sealybobo[/MENTION] you remind me of the theory of the god part of the brain,
that evolved as a greater survival mechanism. so even if this is primitive,
if it helps increase chances of survival, it's not necessarily a negative thing

2. as for "hypocrite christians"
If you are still reacting against Christianity
that seems like teenager attitude/high school in my book.

Teenagers who decided they didn't agree with their parents,
or can see more and are smarter now, and so they "hate" on them
which is just temporary. To 'assert your independence' while
forming your own identity that doesn't require reacting against anyone else.

At some point even the most abused people forgive and overcome their past.
That is part of growing up.

The truly mature people, whether theist or nontheist
do not rag on reject or blame any group.

That is deemed a waste of time and energy.

sb said:
For many years I was a christian. For many years I just believed in God. Today I don't believe in Gods. People can evolve/improve/wake up/educate themselves/be unbrainwashed without fear of the hypocrite christians.

3. so moving on with this "evolution", I'd like to see the real you,
after you are done scowling scoffing and criticizing Christians and
old ways of looking at God.

I fully agree the real meanings of God (and Jesus as Justice) are much broader.
But the people who live and see on that level tend to be so
universally inclusive, they do not judge or criticize anyone anymore.

So I hope to see you up there someday
and not stuck in the trenches with the teens
boasting and mocking each other over whose clique or gang
is in the know and the others are primitive and in the dark.

All that is high school to me. Are you sure that's where you
want to stay in life?
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[/QUOTE]I'd say that extremism is always a good place to look for high rates of death, particularly unnatural death. Whether that takes the form of religious extremists, ecological extremists, political extremists, is far less important than the fact that they are extremists.

Making speculative claims as though they are undisputed fact is not a good way to give yourself credence, IMO.[/QUOTE]

I agree, religious extremism is not the only form of extremism that causes death and overall harm to humanity. It is however the form of extremism that does it most often, in my opinion. Though in fairness it is not the only form I focus my attention on it is simply the topic of this part of the forums.

To your second point about speculative claims I completely agree and I endeavor constantly (though I admit not always successfully) to act according to that.
Boss we have laws against all the things you are talking about. You are insane. Oh and my father a man who knows nothing about science and has a high school education says science is stupid too. His reason? How could everything be so perfect? Something must have put the intestants in us, 2 eyes, 2 hands, a brain, heart, lungs. If science thinks this happened by chance or accident then science is stupid.

But science has lots of reasons it believes what it does. My dad and you believe only because you can't believe there is no god, or spiritual energy.

Again, I believe in God because I experience a connection with God daily. I know the connection is real because I realize tangible results from it. It's not a matter of "can't believe" as much as "can't deny" for me. I simply can't deny what I know is real. That's why I gave the analogy about your Mom before, but that seemed to fly completely over your silly head.
Boss we have laws against all the things you are talking about. You are insane.

Yes, we currently DO have laws against those things. But virtually every law is based to some degree on a religiously-based moral construct. Once we establish that "religious morality" can't be used to define our laws, then all bets are off. Every one of those things can be rationalized and justified to satisfy our desire for pleasure and indulgence by claiming a "right" to it. It may seem "insane" today, but I'll bet you in 1964, the Civil Rights people had no idea their movement would spark a debate over homosexuals being able to "marry" each other, much less be USED to make that argument! Likewise, I bet those who ruled on Roe v. Wade had no idea their ruling would eventually be used to justify outright infanticide.

You are effectively eroding away the moral foundations of civilization and societal structure. Eventually, this will result in moral decay and collapse of civilization. This isn't a speculation, it's a known fact of history.
So anyone who has ever gotten drunk, cheated, stole, lied, fornicated will not go to heaven?

Anyways, the bible said two women can grind, one will go to heaven and one won't. That means it doesn't matter if you are gay.

Are you perfect? Have you ever sinned? Will you sin again? If so, gays say Gismys go fuck yourself. :eusa_pray:

GOD IS NOT willing that any perish, so confess and repent of sin and with GOD'S help live the best life you can,accept JESUS AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR.

OK...well and good enough for the average person that just screws up once in a while but what does your god say about wacked out psychos like you that won't change with an "I'm sorry"?

You and those like you can't change with an apology...your affliction is permanent.

So you are just ass out?
god is not willing that any perish, so confess and repent of sin and with god's help live the best life you can,accept jesus as your lord and savior.

ok...well and good enough for the average person that just screws up once in a while but what does your god say about wacked out psychos like you that won't change with an "i'm sorry"?

You and those like you can't change with an apology...your affliction is permanent.

So you are just ass out?

druggs do kill brain cells,your post proves that!!
ok...well and good enough for the average person that just screws up once in a while but what does your god say about wacked out psychos like you that won't change with an "i'm sorry"?

You and those like you can't change with an apology...your affliction is permanent.

So you are just ass out?

druggs do kill brain cells,your post proves that!!

Says the guy that starts a post and then is also the first five or so replies to it.
ok...well and good enough for the average person that just screws up once in a while but what does your god say about wacked out psychos like you that won't change with an "i'm sorry"?

You and those like you can't change with an apology...your affliction is permanent.

So you are just ass out?

druggs do kill brain cells,your post proves that!!

Really? How so?

Why not just answer my question?

What provisions does your god hold out for the mentally ill?...

Will that mentally fucked piece of shit that murdered his mom and those grade school kids get into heaven with a "Sorry... my bad" ?

This is a serious question and one that it would seem is one that should be of YOUR greatest interest.
druggs do kill brain cells,your post proves that!!

Really? How so?

Why not just answer my question?

What provisions does your god hold out for the mentally ill?...

Will that mentally fucked piece of shit that murdered his mom and those grade school kids get into heaven with a "Sorry... my bad" ?

This is a serious question and one that it would seem is one that should be of YOUR greatest interest.

Your average life expectancy is 120? Based on what wild speculation?

Hey, look, here's an article about the oldest living man dying....he was 111. Sure, there's probably someone older out there. It's still younger than what you are saying is your average life expectancy.

World's oldest man dies at age 111 - CNN.com

You nit pick that one little thing what about when he said this: In fact the places on the planet where death rates are highest are places where education levels are low and religious fervor is high. So no, don't try to tell me or anyone else here that we are less moral or less civilized than the inbreeding, goatfuckers that wrote the Bible because it isn't true.


I'd say that extremism is always a good place to look for high rates of death, particularly unnatural death. Whether that takes the form of religious extremists, ecological extremists, political extremists, is far less important than the fact that they are extremists.

And I nit pick that one thing because it is so out there, so seemingly without basis, it calls into question the reasoning of the poster. Kind of like some of your claims about what 'science says'. Or like Boss's claims about what must be true regarding the origin of the universe.

Making speculative claims as though they are undisputed fact is not a good way to give yourself credence, IMO.

What is real? What constitutes knowledge? Are all supernatural claims implicitly true? Why/Why not?

A person who disbelieves for poor reasons is no better off than someone who believes for poor reasons. Disbelieving in astrology because a priest tells you to is no better than believing in a god because the same priest tells you to do so.

Science observes the physical universe, makes models of how it works and then refines those models through further observation. When something interacts with the physical universe, such as through light, motion, sound, heat, mass or gravity, it becomes a natural phenomena and thus open to scientific inquiry. If it does not interact with the physical universe then it cannot be said to exist in any meaningful or perceivable way.

Proposing the existence of an entity or phenomena that can never be investigated via empirical, experimental or reproducible means moves it from the realm of reality and into the realm of unfalsifiable speculation. The inability of science to investigate or disprove such a hypothesis is not the same as proving it true and neither does it automatically lend credence to any metaphysical or theological argument. If such reasoning were actually permissible then one could claim anything imaginable to be real or true if only because it could not be proven false.

Relying on supernatural explanations is a cop-out or a dead-end to deepening our understanding of reality. If a natural cause for something is not known, the scientific approach is to say “I don’t know yet” and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.
All you have to do is watch an animal show on Sunday morning to see that spirituality comes from the most primitive part of the brain. They think even monkeys are spiritual.

Last night I was watching some black christian lady trying to sell her spiritual first aid kit. Came with Mur. In the middle of sentences she would say PRAISE GOD. She said Mur was used to take away pain so SOME first aid kits will come with MUR. Some will come with a love ring. Some will come with fake money but blessed by her. Jesus said we are better as two so if you are alone and watching this, call me for this love potion praise jesus.

The only thing I wondered was how much do you have to give to get one of those cheap ass first aid kits and how pathetic are you if you actually call.

She doesn't represent all christians but she represents the stupidity all christians possess to believe that shit past adulthood.

1. The 'God' Part of The Brain | A Scientific Interpretation of Human Spirituality and God
Dear [MENTION=11281]sealybobo[/MENTION] you remind me of the theory of the god part of the brain,
that evolved as a greater survival mechanism. so even if this is primitive,
if it helps increase chances of survival, it's not necessarily a negative thing

2. as for "hypocrite christians"
If you are still reacting against Christianity
that seems like teenager attitude/high school in my book.

Teenagers who decided they didn't agree with their parents,
or can see more and are smarter now, and so they "hate" on them
which is just temporary. To 'assert your independence' while
forming your own identity that doesn't require reacting against anyone else.

At some point even the most abused people forgive and overcome their past.
That is part of growing up.

The truly mature people, whether theist or nontheist
do not rag on reject or blame any group.

That is deemed a waste of time and energy.

sb said:
For many years I was a christian. For many years I just believed in God. Today I don't believe in Gods. People can evolve/improve/wake up/educate themselves/be unbrainwashed without fear of the hypocrite christians.

3. so moving on with this "evolution", I'd like to see the real you,
after you are done scowling scoffing and criticizing Christians and
old ways of looking at God.

I fully agree the real meanings of God (and Jesus as Justice) are much broader.
But the people who live and see on that level tend to be so
universally inclusive, they do not judge or criticize anyone anymore.

So I hope to see you up there someday
and not stuck in the trenches with the teens
boasting and mocking each other over whose clique or gang
is in the know and the others are primitive and in the dark.

All that is high school to me. Are you sure that's where you
want to stay in life?

Really? Let us see what religious people think about us. Is this ragging on, rejecting or blaming atheists? Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

Believers claim the victim and imply that non-theists gang up on them, or rally against them. No, atheists just look at believers the same way they might look at someone who claims the Earth is flat, or that the Earth is the center of the universe: delusional.

The bar theists set for perceived atheist hostility appears to be anyone simply voicing a dissenting opinion or mentioning an inclination towards non-belief. Claiming ‘persecution’ is simply a deflection for theists who are unwilling or unable to deal with open criticism.
Boss we have laws against all the things you are talking about. You are insane.

Yes, we currently DO have laws against those things. But virtually every law is based to some degree on a religiously-based moral construct. Once we establish that "religious morality" can't be used to define our laws, then all bets are off. Every one of those things can be rationalized and justified to satisfy our desire for pleasure and indulgence by claiming a "right" to it. It may seem "insane" today, but I'll bet you in 1964, the Civil Rights people had no idea their movement would spark a debate over homosexuals being able to "marry" each other, much less be USED to make that argument! Likewise, I bet those who ruled on Roe v. Wade had no idea their ruling would eventually be used to justify outright infanticide.

You are effectively eroding away the moral foundations of civilization and societal structure. Eventually, this will result in moral decay and collapse of civilization. This isn't a speculation, it's a known fact of history.

“I have no need for religion, I have a conscience.”

“A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it.” – David Stevens

With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” – Steven Weinberg

Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise.” – Thomas Gray

“Being an atheist is like being the only sober person in the car – and no one will let you drive.”

Isn’t it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?” – Douglas Adams

You do not need the Bible to justify love, but no better tool has been invented to justify hate.” – Richard Weatherwax

“I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.” – Richard Dawkins

“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science.” – Charles Darwin

What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.” – Christopher Hitchens

“Science adjusts it’s understanding based on what’s observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved.” – Tim Minchin

“It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.” – Carl Sagan

“God is an ever-receding pocket of ignorance that’s getting smaller and smaller as time goes on.”- Neil deGrasse Tyson

Faith isn’t a virtue; it is the glorification of voluntary ignorance.
GOD IS NOT willing that any perish, so confess and repent of sin and with GOD'S help live the best life you can,accept JESUS AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR.

OK...well and good enough for the average person that just screws up once in a while but what does your god say about wacked out psychos like you that won't change with an "I'm sorry"?

You and those like you can't change with an apology...your affliction is permanent.

So you are just ass out?

If there is a god he would reward my intelligence for not being a sucker. He would also not care about abortions any more than he cares about the fish you catch and eat or the mosquito on the ass of a lion in Africa. Do you care about a tad pole in the pond in my lake? But god cares about you or seeds that are aborted? Get over yourselves.
Boss we have laws against all the things you are talking about. You are insane.

Yes, we currently DO have laws against those things. But virtually every law is based to some degree on a religiously-based moral construct. Once we establish that "religious morality" can't be used to define our laws, then all bets are off. Every one of those things can be rationalized and justified to satisfy our desire for pleasure and indulgence by claiming a "right" to it. It may seem "insane" today, but I'll bet you in 1964, the Civil Rights people had no idea their movement would spark a debate over homosexuals being able to "marry" each other, much less be USED to make that argument! Likewise, I bet those who ruled on Roe v. Wade had no idea their ruling would eventually be used to justify outright infanticide.

You are effectively eroding away the moral foundations of civilization and societal structure. Eventually, this will result in moral decay and collapse of civilization. This isn't a speculation, it's a known fact of history.

We need the future generations to take care of their kids. We also need the next generation not to be as stupid as we were since Reagan to today the rich have taken over our country. Higher wages and a strong working democracy might go a long way. Strenghten public schools and reform prisoners. I could go on and on but why bother with you. The fact is we can raise good people without your lie. You can keep your lie.

Oh yea, but you just teach spirituality and karma. I don't mind that. But religion? Throw it out with the bath water. It's bad.
Really? How so?

Why not just answer my question?

What provisions does your god hold out for the mentally ill?...

Will that mentally fucked piece of shit that murdered his mom and those grade school kids get into heaven with a "Sorry... my bad" ?

This is a serious question and one that it would seem is one that should be of YOUR greatest interest.


See you can't have a rational conversation. Us atheists ask that you prove god exists without trying to scare us with hell. You can't, stupid bitch. :eusa_hand:

See you can't have a rational conversation. Us atheists ask that you prove god exists without trying to scare us with hell. You can't, stupid bitch. :eusa_hand:

YOU HAVE THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE AND LIFE THAT PROVES GOD IS, How much more proof does a silly tard need????=== The truth about God is known to them instinctively;God has put this knowledge in their hearts. 20 Since earliest times men have seen the earth and sky and all God made, and have known of his existence and great eternal power. So they will have no excuse when they stand before God at Judgment Day.Romans 1:19-20
Boss we have laws against all the things you are talking about. You are insane.

Yes, we currently DO have laws against those things. But virtually every law is based to some degree on a religiously-based moral construct. Once we establish that "religious morality" can't be used to define our laws, then all bets are off. Every one of those things can be rationalized and justified to satisfy our desire for pleasure and indulgence by claiming a "right" to it. It may seem "insane" today, but I'll bet you in 1964, the Civil Rights people had no idea their movement would spark a debate over homosexuals being able to "marry" each other, much less be USED to make that argument! Likewise, I bet those who ruled on Roe v. Wade had no idea their ruling would eventually be used to justify outright infanticide.

You are effectively eroding away the moral foundations of civilization and societal structure. Eventually, this will result in moral decay and collapse of civilization. This isn't a speculation, it's a known fact of history.

We need the future generations to take care of their kids. We also need the next generation not to be as stupid as we were since Reagan to today the rich have taken over our country. Higher wages and a strong working democracy might go a long way. Strenghten public schools and reform prisoners. I could go on and on but why bother with you. The fact is we can raise good people without your lie. You can keep your lie.

Oh yea, but you just teach spirituality and karma. I don't mind that. But religion? Throw it out with the bath water. It's bad.

You have a political opinion. So do I. So does a religious person. We ALL have an equal voice in politics, in determining what our laws are, in establishing and/or maintaining social and cultural morality. You do not have an exclusive right to that.

I disagree with you. I think Reagan was one of our greatest presidents. I don't believe the rich are taking over the country. I don't believe the government should mandate higher wages or meddle in capitalism any more than is necessary to protect the environment and people from abuse. Your opinion is not universal. We don't live in a dictatorship you rule.

I respect your opinion, but you do not get to decide what I can and can't teach my children or what is or isn't stupid. You're really not going to win me over by calling me names and denigrating my intelligence. What you are more likely to do is piss me off. Piss enough of us off and you'll likely get a backlash from the 88% of us who are about sick of you godless minions dictating to us what we're going to accept and cramming it down our throats.

You are very BOLD right now, because the political winds happen to be blowing in your favor a bit, but those things can change quickly. They always have in the past, and they will in the future. When society has had enough of this shit, they will put an end to it. You'll go back to whining and mewling about "the fairness of it all" and become insignificant again.

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