Why do the God-haters persist?

Define mankind? The muslims didn't believe that. The jews haven't known that. Atheists haven't known that. Even Mormons think the other christianities are corrupted by men.

Thousands of years? Do you know what a small amount of time that is? Of course you don't you simple monkey brain. I even learned today that relgion/spirituality comes from the most primitive part of the brain. Even monkey's are spiritual you simple little goober. So cute. So stupid.

7 out of 10 christians don't take it literally. You are losing believers by the thousands. If it were really THE TRUTH you wouldn't be losing members you'd be picking up muslims and jews but they know your bullshit story is no better than there. What say you? Count the cost? Just think fool. God says eat a dick bitch. :lol:

ROFLMAO!!! COME OUT from under that rock and look around!!!

Seriously how many people in your town go to your church? If you live in the south it might be higher but then the population is smaller. If you live in north you see pretty much no one goes to church. Maybe 5% of the whites, 10% of the blacks, I don't even know where a jewish synagog is in my area. No mosques. Trust me, in white America, not a lot of people follow the jesus myth anymore. Now you are just clinging on to the poor blacks and desperate white schmucks. I watch on tv and it is an absolute joke christianity. I do look around, and I fucking laugh. Then I count the cost. :eusa_pray::lol::cuckoo::eusa_whistle::eusa_hand::eusa_shhh::eusa_clap::eusa_shifty::eusa_silenced::D

ROFLMAO!!! COME OUT from under that rock and look around!!!

Seriously how many people in your town go to your church? If you live in the south it might be higher but then the population is smaller. If you live in north you see pretty much no one goes to church. Maybe 5% of the whites, 10% of the blacks, I don't even know where a jewish synagog is in my area. No mosques. Trust me, in white America, not a lot of people follow the jesus myth anymore. Now you are just clinging on to the poor blacks and desperate white schmucks. I watch on tv and it is an absolute joke christianity. I do look around, and I fucking laugh. Then I count the cost. :eusa_pray::lol::cuckoo::eusa_whistle::eusa_hand::eusa_shhh::eusa_clap::eusa_shifty::eusa_silenced::D


Me? The real America. Michigan, Chicago, NY, California. We still have some ignorant fools in Wisconsin, Ohio and places like that, but that's usually the simple folk in the country. Anywhere in the city you find people have much better things to do then go get lectured and brainwashed at some church. Some people need it, but hey, human's are evolving. I know a guy who's a devout Catholic and his kid doesn't want him baptizing her child. Good for her. She didn't fall for the brainwashing like he did when his momma told him about jesus and the converted from I forgot to Catholicism. He about freaked out when I tried to convince him there is no god. Unfriended me on facebook. LOL But I gotta listen to his Have you been saved bullshit? He can't listen to my arguments? Then fuck what he or you is trying to say if you can't take a rebuttal. It is why I came on here. I need to let it out. I just recently found NO GOD.
Seriously how many people in your town go to your church? If you live in the south it might be higher but then the population is smaller. If you live in north you see pretty much no one goes to church. Maybe 5% of the whites, 10% of the blacks, I don't even know where a jewish synagog is in my area. No mosques. Trust me, in white America, not a lot of people follow the jesus myth anymore. Now you are just clinging on to the poor blacks and desperate white schmucks. I watch on tv and it is an absolute joke christianity. I do look around, and I fucking laugh. Then I count the cost. :eusa_pray::lol::cuckoo::eusa_whistle::eusa_hand::eusa_shhh::eusa_clap::eusa_shifty::eusa_silenced::D


Me? The real America. Michigan, Chicago, NY, California. We still have some ignorant fools in Wisconsin, Ohio and places like that, but that's usually the simple folk in the country. Anywhere in the city you find people have much better things to do then go get lectured and brainwashed at some church. Some people need it, but hey, human's are evolving. I know a guy who's a devout Catholic and his kid doesn't want him baptizing her child. Good for her. She didn't fall for the brainwashing like he did when his momma told him about jesus and the converted from I forgot to Catholicism. He about freaked out when I tried to convince him there is no god. Unfriended me on facebook. LOL But I gotta listen to his Have you been saved bullshit? He can't listen to my arguments? Then fuck what he or you is trying to say if you can't take a rebuttal. It is why I came on here. I need to let it out. I just recently found NO GOD.

Seriously how many people in your town go to your church? If you live in the south it might be higher but then the population is smaller. If you live in north you see pretty much no one goes to church. Maybe 5% of the whites, 10% of the blacks, I don't even know where a jewish synagog is in my area. No mosques. Trust me, in white America, not a lot of people follow the jesus myth anymore. Now you are just clinging on to the poor blacks and desperate white schmucks. I watch on tv and it is an absolute joke christianity. I do look around, and I fucking laugh. Then I count the cost. :eusa_pray::lol::cuckoo::eusa_whistle::eusa_hand::eusa_shhh::eusa_clap::eusa_shifty::eusa_silenced::D


Me? The real America. Michigan, Chicago, NY, California. We still have some ignorant fools in Wisconsin, Ohio and places like that, but that's usually the simple folk in the country. Anywhere in the city you find people have much better things to do then go get lectured and brainwashed at some church. Some people need it, but hey, human's are evolving. I know a guy who's a devout Catholic and his kid doesn't want him baptizing her child. Good for her. She didn't fall for the brainwashing like he did when his momma told him about jesus and the converted from I forgot to Catholicism. He about freaked out when I tried to convince him there is no god. Unfriended me on facebook. LOL But I gotta listen to his Have you been saved bullshit? He can't listen to my arguments? Then fuck what he or you is trying to say if you can't take a rebuttal. It is why I came on here. I need to let it out. I just recently found NO GOD.

Finding NO GOD is simple... Just look around you.. a billion things going on.. all without the help from some sky fairy.. Listen carefully for god to talk to you.. nothing... Good news... If you were hearing god it would mean you are having hallucinations and need a shrink.. AND THEY are expensive!!

Me? The real America. Michigan, Chicago, NY, California. We still have some ignorant fools in Wisconsin, Ohio and places like that, but that's usually the simple folk in the country. Anywhere in the city you find people have much better things to do then go get lectured and brainwashed at some church. Some people need it, but hey, human's are evolving. I know a guy who's a devout Catholic and his kid doesn't want him baptizing her child. Good for her. She didn't fall for the brainwashing like he did when his momma told him about jesus and the converted from I forgot to Catholicism. He about freaked out when I tried to convince him there is no god. Unfriended me on facebook. LOL But I gotta listen to his Have you been saved bullshit? He can't listen to my arguments? Then fuck what he or you is trying to say if you can't take a rebuttal. It is why I came on here. I need to let it out. I just recently found NO GOD.

Finding NO GOD is simple... Just look around you.. a billion things going on.. all without the help from some sky fairy.. Listen carefully for god to talk to you.. nothing... Good news... If you were hearing god it would mean you are having hallucinations and need a shrink.. AND THEY are expensive!!

GOME ON!!! You don't want to hear GOD,you love your pet sins far too much and you are allowing satan to play you for a fool and use you as his tool,puppet!!!
mankind for thousands of years has known the BIBLE IS GOD'S INSPIRED(GOD BREATHED) WORD!!

◄ Genesis 9:7 ►
As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it."
At over 9 billion people I think we as a spieces are fruitful enough. Or do you want to keep going to 50 billion?
Like all other false religions. Common sense says people are people and live and let live. And it is their own stubborness that is driving people away. So encourage them to speak up. Sometimes your enemy has to prove you right so you let them talk and talk and spew their viciousness. No way that's what god is all about.

True. Their religion will soon go extinct. Shriveled up under the weight of its own oppressiveness and discrimination. The US is undergoing a similar change to secularism that happened to the Greeks when they started to abandon their gods and embrace logic and reason.

I know. I'm Greek. Then the church fought guys like Galileo. Imagine how much further we'd be if the kings/pharoh's didn't play us like fools for thousands of years. They used religion to keep us down. Fought it every step of the way as long as they could. They are still using it to divide us to this day.

But the day is soon coming when they won't be able to fight progress anymore. Religion has been playing a nonstop arm-wrestling game with reason and progress and now their arm is starting to get weak and soon it will just give out.
Are you telling me that if you didn't believe in god or hell you'd want to fuck kids? I don't believe in god and I'm not a creep like you perv.

No, I am giving you examples of how moral decline works when there is no spiritual foundation for morality in society. Some people DO want to fuck kids. Who the hell are YOU to dictate to them what is right and wrong? Some people want to fuck animals or run around naked in public, masturbate in parks, peek in windows at night, etc. Different strokes for different folks. Once you've established we can't have laws based on arbitrary moral judgement, the walls start to crumble down. I've heard enough from you to know I don't want you leading the charge for what's moral and right.

I didn't think you believed in the bible or jesus? Who cares what the bible says.

About 70% of the general public, last count.

Gays should be able to legally do what married couples do. Share insurance, get tax breaks, own a home together, raise kids, adopt, make life decisions in hospitals just like any other married person. Not seperate but equal either. It's married. They are husband and husband or wife and wife or whatever they want to call it deal with it.

And kid fuckers ought to be able to do what they want, and polygamists, and goat fuckers, and voyers, and exhibitionists, and necrophilacs, etc. How can you deny them their "rights" based on what YOU think is disgusting or inappropriate? It's none of you do-gooder business!

I've always personally supported the idea of civil unions to replace government sanctioned marriage. Mainly because I don't think the government ought to be defining what "marriage" means to the individual. I feel as if this is a solution that would give all sides basically what they want. Gay couples could gain the benefits of traditional married couples, churches and religion gets to keep sanctity of marriage, and government isn't being cajoled into the role of moral arbiter for either side. I think the Federal government could easily reform and modify current law to change "marriage" to "civil partnership" without much hassle, and then the states could follow suit in adopting civil unions to replace traditional marriages.

And before you comment on this, my viewpoint is adopted from a gay couple who are close personal friends of mine. They do NOT support "gay marriage" laws. They have lived together as a gay couple for nearly 30 years. They have insurance together. They own property together. They even held a wedding ceremony in Alabama... in 1986! Went on a honeymoon... have a wedding album... had bridesmaids and groomsmen and everything. They don't have a piece of paper from the state... but BIG DEAL! This is THEIR idea of how to resolve the issue, and I agree with them.

We have laws. We don't need your religion to know not to steal, rape, murder, cheat, lie, be greedy, but guess what? That's exactly what you Christians and Muslims do. Oh yea, I forgot.

Yes, we do have laws... ALL of them are (to some degree) based on a religious moral standard. As I said, when you remove that and replace it with secular standards that can be defined any damn way you please, the walls start to crumble down. You can no longer justify denying others their "rights" under the law, based on what makes YOU uncomfortable. You've given that up! You can never get it back, it's gone for good! We'll simply see more and more outrageous immoral behavior justified, condoned, accepted, and codified into law.
Are you telling me that if you didn't believe in god or hell you'd want to fuck kids? I don't believe in god and I'm not a creep like you perv.

No, I am giving you examples of how moral decline works when there is no spiritual foundation for morality in society. Some people DO want to fuck kids. Who the hell are YOU to dictate to them what is right and wrong? Some people want to fuck animals or run around naked in public, masturbate in parks, peek in windows at night, etc. Different strokes for different folks. Once you've established we can't have laws based on arbitrary moral judgement, the walls start to crumble down. I've heard enough from you to know I don't want you leading the charge for what's moral and right.

Again with this nonsense? I already said it once but you didn't dare quote me or take me on did you? Well I'm calling you out, because your idea that the world is somehow becoming a worse place to live because more people are abandoning religion and losing their morality is utter crap and the facts just don't support it. Firstly, the notion that less people are religious is disproven by your own words and the statistic you yourself provided earlier. Also the world now is a better place to live than it was just 50 years ago. The average life expectancy for someone my age (22) is somewhere in the ballpark of 120 years and you can thank secular scientists for that. Also many of our morals and ethics such as "innocent until proven guilty" and "no cruel or unusual punishment" these are not values you would find in the Bible. They're not legal practices you would find in a theocracy or other religious society. In fact the places on the planet where death rates are highest are places where education levels are low and religious fervor is high. So no, don't try to tell me or anyone else here that we are less moral or less civilized than the inbreeding, goatfuckers that wrote the Bible because it isn't true. Our future is not filled with some end time prophecy it's a bright future with limitless potential to improve the quality of life for all. And as for your initial slippery slope argument I will give you the logic that is presented in our very own Constitution in the 1st Amendment. The logic that we have the right to say, do and think what we want until it causes harm to someone else. So no just because we abandon arbitrary religious morals does not mean that one day molesting children will be okay and that your religion is all that separates us from that fate. The logic I presented is what separates us from that fate because clearly rape causes harm. So the perv can think it, hell he can even talk about it but he can never get away with doing it. And Christianity isn't the reason for that because neither it nor any religion has a monopoly on morality.
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Are you telling me that if you didn't believe in god or hell you'd want to fuck kids? I don't believe in god and I'm not a creep like you perv.

No, I am giving you examples of how moral decline works when there is no spiritual foundation for morality in society. Some people DO want to fuck kids. Who the hell are YOU to dictate to them what is right and wrong? Some people want to fuck animals or run around naked in public, masturbate in parks, peek in windows at night, etc. Different strokes for different folks. Once you've established we can't have laws based on arbitrary moral judgement, the walls start to crumble down. I've heard enough from you to know I don't want you leading the charge for what's moral and right.

Again with this nonsense? I already said it once but you didn't dare quote me or take me on did you? Well I'm calling you out, because your idea that the world is somehow becoming a worse place to live because more people are abandoning religion and losing their morality is utter crap and the facts just don't support it. Firstly, the notion that less people are religious is disproven by your own words and the statistic you yourself provided earlier. Also the world now is a better place to live than it was just 50 years ago. The average life expectancy for someone my age (22) is somewhere in the ballpark of 120 years and you can thank secular scientists for that. Also many of our morals and ethics such as "innocent until proven guilty" and "no cruel or unusual punishment" these are not values you would find in the Bible. They're not legal practices you would find in a theocracy or other religious society. In fact the places on the planet where death rates are highest are places where education levels are low and religious fervor is high. So no, don't try to tell me or anyone else here that we are less moral or less civilized than the inbreeding, goatfuckers that wrote the Bible because it isn't true. Our future is not filled with some end time prophecy it's a bright future with limitless potential to improve the quality of life for all. And as for your initial slippery slope argument I will give you the logic that is presented in our very own Constitution in the 1st Amendment. The logic that we have the right to say, do and think what we want until it causes harm to someone else. So no just because we abandon arbitrary religious morals does not mean that one day molesting children will be okay and that your religion is all that separates us from that fate. The logic I presented is what separates us from that fate because clearly rape causes harm. So the perv can think it, hell he can even talk about it but he can never get away with doing it. And Christianity isn't the reason for that because neither it nor any religion has a monopoly on morality.

We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God. They largely profess to be "Atheists" although some, as if to denote a hint of reluctance to go quite that far, will claim agnosticism instead. Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh? But they have a dirty little secret they don't want any of us to know. They are not, in fact, Atheists or agnostic.

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief. If anything, they are amused by the "believers" and find them a bit of a novelty. Much like an adult who encounters a child believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. There is no harm to the adult in such beliefs, the adult knows these are not real entities, and it's simply an amusement to them. In fact, they may even 'play along' with the idea, just in the name of fun. What does it hurt? No, you don't see hoards of smart-assed punks at the mall where Santa visits, ridiculing and belittling the people standing in line to see him. Message boards aren't clogged up with degenerate misfits decrying the belief of a giant bunny who brings candy and hides eggs, because it doesn't really matter to anyone that some people entertain this notion.

Oh but it's because those are just kids, Boss! Well okay, let's take the thousands of nutty conspiracy theories out there. Do you see any evidence of people devoting every waking hour to go on message boards and forums to "inform" these people how they are crazy and misinformed? Nope. It doesn't matter. As long as you know something is too far-fetched to be true, you could care less what other people think. If someone wants to think Elvis is still alive on some remote island, what difference does that make to me? I might be inclined to casually comment that I don't believe it, but I am certainly not devoting the bulk of my energy and time online to categorically try and refute any inkling of thought pertaining to such a theory. And I am certainly not going to the extreme efforts to ridicule and insult the nuts who believe such theories. It's just not that important to me, nor to anyone else for that matter.

But with the God-haters and God, things are quite different. Although they claim to be Atheists or agnostics, my suspicion is they are anything but. It appears they are devout believers in God, who fully understand the power of God and how much God influences others who believe in Him. To put it in simple terms, they fear God. They are afraid if they do not stand up and fight God with all their might, God may become a bigger influence and that wouldn't be good for them, for whatever reason.

Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices. They have totally abandoned the God they very much believe in, so they can be unaccountable for their moral behaviors. As long as there is "no god" to judge them, they can do whatever they please and there are no consequences. It's important that we understand, any time someone is doing something immoral or wrong, they had rather have company. This provides a codependency, a way they can somehow justify their behavior to themselves.

So this is why the God-haters persist on message boards and forums, to 'recruit' people over to their way of thinking. They believe they can ridicule and cajole people into being ashamed of their beliefs and those people will ultimately join their faction. If nothing else, it is 'therapeutic' for them to vent their anger and vitriol toward the God they know is real, and they are almost certain to meet up with others who are doing the same thing.

Addressing your last graph, I think it's much simpler. People on discussion sites, youtube, twitter, whatever aspouse their beliefs in a prolithic manner because some number will always agree with them and give them the pat on the back and acknowledgement they seek. But then we're all guilty of that. If not for the acknowledgement none of us would be here. But I don't think they're trying to recruit others. You can never change someone's mind who doesn't already partially agree with you.
Are you telling me that if you didn't believe in god or hell you'd want to fuck kids? I don't believe in god and I'm not a creep like you perv.

No, I am giving you examples of how moral decline works when there is no spiritual foundation for morality in society. Some people DO want to fuck kids. Who the hell are YOU to dictate to them what is right and wrong? Some people want to fuck animals or run around naked in public, masturbate in parks, peek in windows at night, etc. Different strokes for different folks. Once you've established we can't have laws based on arbitrary moral judgement, the walls start to crumble down. I've heard enough from you to know I don't want you leading the charge for what's moral and right.

Again with this nonsense? I already said it once but you didn't dare quote me or take me on did you? Well I'm calling you out, because your idea that the world is somehow becoming a worse place to live because more people are abandoning religion and losing their morality is utter crap and the facts just don't support it. Firstly, the notion that less people are religious is disproven by your own words and the statistic you yourself provided earlier. Also the world now is a better place to live than it was just 50 years ago. The average life expectancy for someone my age (22) is somewhere in the ballpark of 120 years and you can thank secular scientists for that. Also many of our morals and ethics such as "innocent until proven guilty" and "no cruel or unusual punishment" these are not values you would find in the Bible. They're not legal practices you would find in a theocracy or other religious society. In fact the places on the planet where death rates are highest are places where education levels are low and religious fervor is high. So no, don't try to tell me or anyone else here that we are less moral or less civilized than the inbreeding, goatfuckers that wrote the Bible because it isn't true. Our future is not filled with some end time prophecy it's a bright future with limitless potential to improve the quality of life for all. And as for your initial slippery slope argument I will give you the logic that is presented in our very own Constitution in the 1st Amendment. The logic that we have the right to say, do and think what we want until it causes harm to someone else. So no just because we abandon arbitrary religious morals does not mean that one day molesting children will be okay and that your religion is all that separates us from that fate. The logic I presented is what separates us from that fate because clearly rape causes harm. So the perv can think it, hell he can even talk about it but he can never get away with doing it. And Christianity isn't the reason for that because neither it nor any religion has a monopoly on morality.

Your average life expectancy is 120? Based on what wild speculation?

Hey, look, here's an article about the oldest living man dying....he was 111. Sure, there's probably someone older out there. It's still younger than what you are saying is your average life expectancy.

World's oldest man dies at age 111 - CNN.com

Me? The real America. Michigan, Chicago, NY, California. We still have some ignorant fools in Wisconsin, Ohio and places like that, but that's usually the simple folk in the country. Anywhere in the city you find people have much better things to do then go get lectured and brainwashed at some church. Some people need it, but hey, human's are evolving. I know a guy who's a devout Catholic and his kid doesn't want him baptizing her child. Good for her. She didn't fall for the brainwashing like he did when his momma told him about jesus and the converted from I forgot to Catholicism. He about freaked out when I tried to convince him there is no god. Unfriended me on facebook. LOL But I gotta listen to his Have you been saved bullshit? He can't listen to my arguments? Then fuck what he or you is trying to say if you can't take a rebuttal. It is why I came on here. I need to let it out. I just recently found NO GOD.

Finding NO GOD is simple... Just look around you.. a billion things going on.. all without the help from some sky fairy.. Listen carefully for god to talk to you.. nothing... Good news... If you were hearing god it would mean you are having hallucinations and need a shrink.. AND THEY are expensive!!

All you have to do is watch an animal show on Sunday morning to see that spirituality comes from the most primitive part of the brain. They think even monkeys are spiritual.

Last night I was watching some black christian lady trying to sell her spiritual first aid kit. Came with Mur. In the middle of sentences she would say PRAISE GOD. She said Mur was used to take away pain so SOME first aid kits will come with MUR. Some will come with a love ring. Some will come with fake money but blessed by her. Jesus said we are better as two so if you are alone and watching this, call me for this love potion praise jesus.

The only thing I wondered was how much do you have to give to get one of those cheap ass first aid kits and how pathetic are you if you actually call.

She doesn't represent all christians but she represents the stupidity all christians possess to believe that shit past adulthood.
No, I am giving you examples of how moral decline works when there is no spiritual foundation for morality in society. Some people DO want to fuck kids. Who the hell are YOU to dictate to them what is right and wrong? Some people want to fuck animals or run around naked in public, masturbate in parks, peek in windows at night, etc. Different strokes for different folks. Once you've established we can't have laws based on arbitrary moral judgement, the walls start to crumble down. I've heard enough from you to know I don't want you leading the charge for what's moral and right.

Again with this nonsense? I already said it once but you didn't dare quote me or take me on did you? Well I'm calling you out, because your idea that the world is somehow becoming a worse place to live because more people are abandoning religion and losing their morality is utter crap and the facts just don't support it. Firstly, the notion that less people are religious is disproven by your own words and the statistic you yourself provided earlier. Also the world now is a better place to live than it was just 50 years ago. The average life expectancy for someone my age (22) is somewhere in the ballpark of 120 years and you can thank secular scientists for that. Also many of our morals and ethics such as "innocent until proven guilty" and "no cruel or unusual punishment" these are not values you would find in the Bible. They're not legal practices you would find in a theocracy or other religious society. In fact the places on the planet where death rates are highest are places where education levels are low and religious fervor is high. So no, don't try to tell me or anyone else here that we are less moral or less civilized than the inbreeding, goatfuckers that wrote the Bible because it isn't true. Our future is not filled with some end time prophecy it's a bright future with limitless potential to improve the quality of life for all. And as for your initial slippery slope argument I will give you the logic that is presented in our very own Constitution in the 1st Amendment. The logic that we have the right to say, do and think what we want until it causes harm to someone else. So no just because we abandon arbitrary religious morals does not mean that one day molesting children will be okay and that your religion is all that separates us from that fate. The logic I presented is what separates us from that fate because clearly rape causes harm. So the perv can think it, hell he can even talk about it but he can never get away with doing it. And Christianity isn't the reason for that because neither it nor any religion has a monopoly on morality.

Your average life expectancy is 120? Based on what wild speculation?

Hey, look, here's an article about the oldest living man dying....he was 111. Sure, there's probably someone older out there. It's still younger than what you are saying is your average life expectancy.

World's oldest man dies at age 111 - CNN.com

You nit pick that one little thing what about when he said this: In fact the places on the planet where death rates are highest are places where education levels are low and religious fervor is high. So no, don't try to tell me or anyone else here that we are less moral or less civilized than the inbreeding, goatfuckers that wrote the Bible because it isn't true.

We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God. They largely profess to be "Atheists" although some, as if to denote a hint of reluctance to go quite that far, will claim agnosticism instead. Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh? But they have a dirty little secret they don't want any of us to know. They are not, in fact, Atheists or agnostic.

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief. If anything, they are amused by the "believers" and find them a bit of a novelty. Much like an adult who encounters a child believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. There is no harm to the adult in such beliefs, the adult knows these are not real entities, and it's simply an amusement to them. In fact, they may even 'play along' with the idea, just in the name of fun. What does it hurt? No, you don't see hoards of smart-assed punks at the mall where Santa visits, ridiculing and belittling the people standing in line to see him. Message boards aren't clogged up with degenerate misfits decrying the belief of a giant bunny who brings candy and hides eggs, because it doesn't really matter to anyone that some people entertain this notion.

Oh but it's because those are just kids, Boss! Well okay, let's take the thousands of nutty conspiracy theories out there. Do you see any evidence of people devoting every waking hour to go on message boards and forums to "inform" these people how they are crazy and misinformed? Nope. It doesn't matter. As long as you know something is too far-fetched to be true, you could care less what other people think. If someone wants to think Elvis is still alive on some remote island, what difference does that make to me? I might be inclined to casually comment that I don't believe it, but I am certainly not devoting the bulk of my energy and time online to categorically try and refute any inkling of thought pertaining to such a theory. And I am certainly not going to the extreme efforts to ridicule and insult the nuts who believe such theories. It's just not that important to me, nor to anyone else for that matter.

But with the God-haters and God, things are quite different. Although they claim to be Atheists or agnostics, my suspicion is they are anything but. It appears they are devout believers in God, who fully understand the power of God and how much God influences others who believe in Him. To put it in simple terms, they fear God. They are afraid if they do not stand up and fight God with all their might, God may become a bigger influence and that wouldn't be good for them, for whatever reason.

Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices. They have totally abandoned the God they very much believe in, so they can be unaccountable for their moral behaviors. As long as there is "no god" to judge them, they can do whatever they please and there are no consequences. It's important that we understand, any time someone is doing something immoral or wrong, they had rather have company. This provides a codependency, a way they can somehow justify their behavior to themselves.

So this is why the God-haters persist on message boards and forums, to 'recruit' people over to their way of thinking. They believe they can ridicule and cajole people into being ashamed of their beliefs and those people will ultimately join their faction. If nothing else, it is 'therapeutic' for them to vent their anger and vitriol toward the God they know is real, and they are almost certain to meet up with others who are doing the same thing.

Addressing your last graph, I think it's much simpler. People on discussion sites, youtube, twitter, whatever aspouse their beliefs in a prolithic manner because some number will always agree with them and give them the pat on the back and acknowledgement they seek. But then we're all guilty of that. If not for the acknowledgement none of us would be here. But I don't think they're trying to recruit others. You can never change someone's mind who doesn't already partially agree with you.

For many years I was a christian. For many years I just believed in God. Today I don't believe in Gods. People can evolve/improve/wake up/educate themselves/be unbrainwashed without fear of the hypocrite christians.
How can we hate something that doesn't exist? It's like hating leprachauns or unicorns or elves. If anything, we hate the way in which intelligent people blindly follow a jewish religion that essentially pussifies the Gentile race by their alleged "Commandments" which are blatantly offensive to the Alpha Males inherent need and desire to procreate and live and to allow the Laws of Nature to rule.
Might Is Right. Not some never-existed jewish demi-god who has never once been proven to exist, save a 'soul' or throw anyone into 'hell'.
The xtian 'god' doesn't care if you xtians pray to him or not and as war has proven, he will let anyone die indiscriminately; atheist and xtian alike are killed and no magickal prayers will save you if your time is up.
It's best not to pray for anything as it's just better to get off your ass and do it yourself. Antinomianism in play and the results, unlike prayers, are visible and tangible.
Are you telling me that if you didn't believe in god or hell you'd want to fuck kids? I don't believe in god and I'm not a creep like you perv.

No, I am giving you examples of how moral decline works when there is no spiritual foundation for morality in society. Some people DO want to fuck kids. Who the hell are YOU to dictate to them what is right and wrong? Some people want to fuck animals or run around naked in public, masturbate in parks, peek in windows at night, etc. Different strokes for different folks. Once you've established we can't have laws based on arbitrary moral judgement, the walls start to crumble down. I've heard enough from you to know I don't want you leading the charge for what's moral and right.

I didn't think you believed in the bible or jesus? Who cares what the bible says.

About 70% of the general public, last count.

Gays should be able to legally do what married couples do. Share insurance, get tax breaks, own a home together, raise kids, adopt, make life decisions in hospitals just like any other married person. Not seperate but equal either. It's married. They are husband and husband or wife and wife or whatever they want to call it deal with it.

And kid fuckers ought to be able to do what they want, and polygamists, and goat fuckers, and voyers, and exhibitionists, and necrophilacs, etc. How can you deny them their "rights" based on what YOU think is disgusting or inappropriate? It's none of you do-gooder business!

I've always personally supported the idea of civil unions to replace government sanctioned marriage. Mainly because I don't think the government ought to be defining what "marriage" means to the individual. I feel as if this is a solution that would give all sides basically what they want. Gay couples could gain the benefits of traditional married couples, churches and religion gets to keep sanctity of marriage, and government isn't being cajoled into the role of moral arbiter for either side. I think the Federal government could easily reform and modify current law to change "marriage" to "civil partnership" without much hassle, and then the states could follow suit in adopting civil unions to replace traditional marriages.

And before you comment on this, my viewpoint is adopted from a gay couple who are close personal friends of mine. They do NOT support "gay marriage" laws. They have lived together as a gay couple for nearly 30 years. They have insurance together. They own property together. They even held a wedding ceremony in Alabama... in 1986! Went on a honeymoon... have a wedding album... had bridesmaids and groomsmen and everything. They don't have a piece of paper from the state... but BIG DEAL! This is THEIR idea of how to resolve the issue, and I agree with them.

We have laws. We don't need your religion to know not to steal, rape, murder, cheat, lie, be greedy, but guess what? That's exactly what you Christians and Muslims do. Oh yea, I forgot.

Yes, we do have laws... ALL of them are (to some degree) based on a religious moral standard. As I said, when you remove that and replace it with secular standards that can be defined any damn way you please, the walls start to crumble down. You can no longer justify denying others their "rights" under the law, based on what makes YOU uncomfortable. You've given that up! You can never get it back, it's gone for good! We'll simply see more and more outrageous immoral behavior justified, condoned, accepted, and codified into law.

Boss we have laws against all the things you are talking about. You are insane. Oh and my father a man who knows nothing about science and has a high school education says science is stupid too. His reason? How could everything be so perfect? Something must have put the intestants in us, 2 eyes, 2 hands, a brain, heart, lungs. If science thinks this happened by chance or accident then science is stupid.

But science has lots of reasons it believes what it does. My dad and you believe only because you can't believe there is no god, or spiritual energy.
Again with this nonsense? I already said it once but you didn't dare quote me or take me on did you? Well I'm calling you out, because your idea that the world is somehow becoming a worse place to live because more people are abandoning religion and losing their morality is utter crap and the facts just don't support it. Firstly, the notion that less people are religious is disproven by your own words and the statistic you yourself provided earlier. Also the world now is a better place to live than it was just 50 years ago. The average life expectancy for someone my age (22) is somewhere in the ballpark of 120 years and you can thank secular scientists for that. Also many of our morals and ethics such as "innocent until proven guilty" and "no cruel or unusual punishment" these are not values you would find in the Bible. They're not legal practices you would find in a theocracy or other religious society. In fact the places on the planet where death rates are highest are places where education levels are low and religious fervor is high. So no, don't try to tell me or anyone else here that we are less moral or less civilized than the inbreeding, goatfuckers that wrote the Bible because it isn't true. Our future is not filled with some end time prophecy it's a bright future with limitless potential to improve the quality of life for all. And as for your initial slippery slope argument I will give you the logic that is presented in our very own Constitution in the 1st Amendment. The logic that we have the right to say, do and think what we want until it causes harm to someone else. So no just because we abandon arbitrary religious morals does not mean that one day molesting children will be okay and that your religion is all that separates us from that fate. The logic I presented is what separates us from that fate because clearly rape causes harm. So the perv can think it, hell he can even talk about it but he can never get away with doing it. And Christianity isn't the reason for that because neither it nor any religion has a monopoly on morality.

Your average life expectancy is 120? Based on what wild speculation?

Hey, look, here's an article about the oldest living man dying....he was 111. Sure, there's probably someone older out there. It's still younger than what you are saying is your average life expectancy.

World's oldest man dies at age 111 - CNN.com

You nit pick that one little thing what about when he said this: In fact the places on the planet where death rates are highest are places where education levels are low and religious fervor is high. So no, don't try to tell me or anyone else here that we are less moral or less civilized than the inbreeding, goatfuckers that wrote the Bible because it isn't true.


I'd say that extremism is always a good place to look for high rates of death, particularly unnatural death. Whether that takes the form of religious extremists, ecological extremists, political extremists, is far less important than the fact that they are extremists.

And I nit pick that one thing because it is so out there, so seemingly without basis, it calls into question the reasoning of the poster. Kind of like some of your claims about what 'science says'. Or like Boss's claims about what must be true regarding the origin of the universe.

Making speculative claims as though they are undisputed fact is not a good way to give yourself credence, IMO.
No, I am giving you examples of how moral decline works when there is no spiritual foundation for morality in society. Some people DO want to fuck kids. Who the hell are YOU to dictate to them what is right and wrong? Some people want to fuck animals or run around naked in public, masturbate in parks, peek in windows at night, etc. Different strokes for different folks. Once you've established we can't have laws based on arbitrary moral judgement, the walls start to crumble down. I've heard enough from you to know I don't want you leading the charge for what's moral and right.

Again with this nonsense? I already said it once but you didn't dare quote me or take me on did you? Well I'm calling you out, because your idea that the world is somehow becoming a worse place to live because more people are abandoning religion and losing their morality is utter crap and the facts just don't support it. Firstly, the notion that less people are religious is disproven by your own words and the statistic you yourself provided earlier. Also the world now is a better place to live than it was just 50 years ago. The average life expectancy for someone my age (22) is somewhere in the ballpark of 120 years and you can thank secular scientists for that. Also many of our morals and ethics such as "innocent until proven guilty" and "no cruel or unusual punishment" these are not values you would find in the Bible. They're not legal practices you would find in a theocracy or other religious society. In fact the places on the planet where death rates are highest are places where education levels are low and religious fervor is high. So no, don't try to tell me or anyone else here that we are less moral or less civilized than the inbreeding, goatfuckers that wrote the Bible because it isn't true. Our future is not filled with some end time prophecy it's a bright future with limitless potential to improve the quality of life for all. And as for your initial slippery slope argument I will give you the logic that is presented in our very own Constitution in the 1st Amendment. The logic that we have the right to say, do and think what we want until it causes harm to someone else. So no just because we abandon arbitrary religious morals does not mean that one day molesting children will be okay and that your religion is all that separates us from that fate. The logic I presented is what separates us from that fate because clearly rape causes harm. So the perv can think it, hell he can even talk about it but he can never get away with doing it. And Christianity isn't the reason for that because neither it nor any religion has a monopoly on morality.


What an eloquent means of conceding defeat. Thank you :)
No, I am giving you examples of how moral decline works when there is no spiritual foundation for morality in society. Some people DO want to fuck kids. Who the hell are YOU to dictate to them what is right and wrong? Some people want to fuck animals or run around naked in public, masturbate in parks, peek in windows at night, etc. Different strokes for different folks. Once you've established we can't have laws based on arbitrary moral judgement, the walls start to crumble down. I've heard enough from you to know I don't want you leading the charge for what's moral and right.

Again with this nonsense? I already said it once but you didn't dare quote me or take me on did you? Well I'm calling you out, because your idea that the world is somehow becoming a worse place to live because more people are abandoning religion and losing their morality is utter crap and the facts just don't support it. Firstly, the notion that less people are religious is disproven by your own words and the statistic you yourself provided earlier. Also the world now is a better place to live than it was just 50 years ago. The average life expectancy for someone my age (22) is somewhere in the ballpark of 120 years and you can thank secular scientists for that. Also many of our morals and ethics such as "innocent until proven guilty" and "no cruel or unusual punishment" these are not values you would find in the Bible. They're not legal practices you would find in a theocracy or other religious society. In fact the places on the planet where death rates are highest are places where education levels are low and religious fervor is high. So no, don't try to tell me or anyone else here that we are less moral or less civilized than the inbreeding, goatfuckers that wrote the Bible because it isn't true. Our future is not filled with some end time prophecy it's a bright future with limitless potential to improve the quality of life for all. And as for your initial slippery slope argument I will give you the logic that is presented in our very own Constitution in the 1st Amendment. The logic that we have the right to say, do and think what we want until it causes harm to someone else. So no just because we abandon arbitrary religious morals does not mean that one day molesting children will be okay and that your religion is all that separates us from that fate. The logic I presented is what separates us from that fate because clearly rape causes harm. So the perv can think it, hell he can even talk about it but he can never get away with doing it. And Christianity isn't the reason for that because neither it nor any religion has a monopoly on morality.

Your average life expectancy is 120? Based on what wild speculation?

Hey, look, here's an article about the oldest living man dying....he was 111. Sure, there's probably someone older out there. It's still younger than what you are saying is your average life expectancy.

World's oldest man dies at age 111 - CNN.com

I said MY life expectancy and that of other healthy members of my generation those to come after me. Not that of all human beings on currently living fool. Was it really so hard to understand what I meant?

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