Why do the God-haters persist?

Well okay, but what you are doing is making some bold assumptions based on an ambiguous question. You are trying to say that people who have admitted they may have sometimes doubted existence of God are non-spiritual and don't believe in God. So you are making assumptions the question did not ask or infer.

The same research group can ask the question "do you believe in a power greater than self?" and they get a totally different result... ~90% say they do, whether millennial or not. And I think I am being generous here, if I'm not mistaken the number is more like 92%.

Do people sometimes doubt God exists? Sure... especially the young and stupid! :D

No it is YOU who makes a lot of assumptions. 1 that kids are stupid. I say if they are questioning religions more they are more intelligent than their parents who believed without question.

I know of ZERO young people who have ever accepted anything without question. NADDA!

No, I KNOW that it will because it has before. This is essentially what destroyed the Roman Empire. There have been countless other Communist, Socialist, Fascist, Marxist and Maoist dictatorships which have crumbled due to lack of spirituality. The history books are full of examples.

I can't show you anything because your mind is closed. You've convinced yourself that humans can somehow maintain moral standards without accountability or consequence. Lack of faith doesn't cause aids. Shooting up drugs with shared needles, having homosexual relations, and exchanging body fluids with those infected is what causes aids. If these were activities happening in Churches, I'd say we need to shut them down. If preachers were advocating these behaviors, I'd say we need to silence them.

Oh, by the way, a lesbian black girl is here in my business right now. I asked her if she's religious and she said yes. Isn't she going to hell? So what she believes in a god? Does her belief prove anything?

Why are you running to the comfort of a religious debate again? You know that I am not a religious person. I don't know what this mythical person believes, where she's going, or if she even exists. It's basically you just running your mouth.

I believe in a power greater than myself. It's called time. I can't beat it. Eventually I'm going to run out of it. I also believe in the sun. It is greater than me. I also think this entire planet is alive and we are killing it.

And you also believe in "Karma" or you did the other day, you said so. I think you are fully aware of spiritual nature and you just don't think there will be any consequence for rebuking and attacking it. Guess what? You are absolutely correct in your assumption as far as your physical existence goes. It's when your spirit leaves this physical presence you need to be concerned about, but I guess you figure you'll cross that bridge when you come to it. In the meantime, you've decided to abandon your spirit and soul, and live by your own rules. Good luck with that. Be on the lookout for Karma.

I do believe in Karma. I can't explain it and I could be convinced that there is no Karma, but yes you are right I do believe in Karma. Like all animals, I have a healthy fear of the unknown. And I feel that if you do bad things, what comes around goes around. If that is what you mean by spirituality, maybe I can agree with you on that.

But a god? A guy who watches us and cares what you do and cares about the billions of abortions? Not a chance. That would be like you caring about the parasite that is in one of the terds you produced.
ALMIGHTY GOD IS FAR,FAR MORE AWESOME THAN your peanut brain can imagine. GOD SAYS NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIRD FALL TO EARTH WITHOUT HIM KNOWING,GOD says He has recorded the number of hairs on a believer's head and you dare think GOD does not care about millions of abortions??? THINK AGAIN!!!
Sorry friend but Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Sanger and many more killers were all atheists...You religion kills people by the MILLIONS.

Show me those German's who killed for Hilter in the 30's and 40's were Atheists and not Christians. They were christians killing in africa, greece, jews, france, england. Remember they were the superior white christian race, remember?

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism.

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler

Show me they werent. The first things they did was push out the church.

Regardless of what Hitler was personally, the German people considered themselves christians. If you can't show me when they all converted to atheism and then what year they converted back, then you must agree I'm right and you are wrong. So, if anything one atheist got all those stupid christians to do his dirty work. Similar to how Bush did it here in America. Hitler got the Christians to murder jews and Bush got them to murder Muslims.

Adolf Hitler was raised by an anti-clerical, skeptic father and a devout Catholic mother. Baptized as an infant, confirmed at the age of fifteen, he ceased attending Mass and participating in the sacraments in later life.In adulthood, he became disdainful of Christianity, but in power was prepared to delay clashes with the churches out of political considerations. he had never formally left the Church. Hitler was not excommunicated prior to his suicide. The biographer John Toland noted Hitler's anticlericalism, but considered him still in "good standing" with the Church by 1941

Hitler's public relationship to religion has been characterised as one of opportunistic pragmatism. His regime did not publicly advocate for state atheism. Hitler himself was reluctant of public attacks on the Church for political reasons, despite the urgings of Nazis like Bormann. Although he was sceptical of religion, he did not present himself to the public as an atheist, and spoke of belief in an "almighty creator".

certainty that the progress of science would destroy all myths and had already proved Christian doctrine to be an absurdity".

Hitler saw Christianity as a temporary ally. He made various public comments against "bolshevistic" atheist movements, and in favour of so-called "Positive Christianity" (a movement which sought to nazify Christianity by purging it of its Jewish elements, the Old Testament and key doctrines like the Apostle's Creed). In a 1922 speech he said "my feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter". In his semi-autobiographical Mein Kampf (1925/6), he makes a number of religious allusions, claiming to fulfil the will of the Christian God and having been chosen by providence. In a 1928 speech he said: "We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity ... in fact our movement is Christian." Given his hostility to Christianity, Laurence Rees wrote that "The most persuasive explanation of these statements is that Hitler, as a politician, simply recognized the practical reality of the world he inhabited... Had Hitler distanced himself or his movement too much from Christianity it is all but impossible to see how he could ever have been successful in a free election".

While campaigning for office in the early 1930s, Hitler offered moderate public statements on Christianity, promising not to interfere with the churches if given power, and calling Christianity the foundation of German morality. Kershaw considers that use of such rhetoric served to placate potential criticism from the Church. According to Max Domarus, Hitler had fully discarded belief in the Judeo-Christian conception of God by 1937, but continued to use the word "God" in speeches.

So he got the christian German's to murder Jews. No denying it. He may have been an atheist but so maybe Bush was too.
ALMIGHTY GOD IS FAR,FAR MORE AWESOME THAN your peanut brain can imagine. GOD SAYS NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIRD FALL TO EARTH WITHOUT HIM KNOWING,GOD says He has recorded the number of hairs on a believer's head and you dare think GOD does not care about millions of abortions??? THINK AGAIN!!!

This planet needs those abortions. I care about those aborted fetus' about as much as I do when 1000 fish hatch and predator fish come and eat half of them. Do you cry for the 500 fish that never got a chance? No you do not.
ALMIGHTY GOD IS FAR,FAR MORE AWESOME THAN your peanut brain can imagine. GOD SAYS NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIRD FALL TO EARTH WITHOUT HIM KNOWING,GOD says He has recorded the number of hairs on a believer's head and you dare think GOD does not care about millions of abortions??? THINK AGAIN!!!

This planet needs those abortions. I care about those aborted fetus' about as much as I do when 1000 fish hatch and predator fish come and eat half of them. Do you cry for the 500 fish that never got a chance? No you do not.

Why do the God-haters persist?

As long as there are people in the world and on the internet like Jizzy there will be blowback from intelligent people calling bullshit on him and those like him.
ALMIGHTY GOD IS FAR,FAR MORE AWESOME THAN your peanut brain can imagine. GOD SAYS NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIRD FALL TO EARTH WITHOUT HIM KNOWING,GOD says He has recorded the number of hairs on a believer's head and you dare think GOD does not care about millions of abortions??? THINK AGAIN!!!

Jesus said that if you had but the faith of a mustard seed you could move mountains.
Seen any mountains move lately?
ALMIGHTY GOD IS FAR,FAR MORE AWESOME THAN your peanut brain can imagine. GOD SAYS NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIRD FALL TO EARTH WITHOUT HIM KNOWING,GOD says He has recorded the number of hairs on a believer's head and you dare think GOD does not care about millions of abortions??? THINK AGAIN!!!

Jesus said that if you had but the faith of a mustard seed you could move mountains.
Seen any mountains move lately?

"if you had but the faith of a mustard seed " DO YOU????
So then, I should be able to pass a law that it's okay for adults to sleep with 12-year olds/minors, because this is based on religion. I should also be able to pass a law that adults can marry animals if they want, or have multiple wives/husbands. I can also pass a law that says if I need something and you have it, I can take it from you by force. If I don't want to live next door to someone with brown skin, I can kill them. If I find you annoying, I can kill you. If I lie in court and it's for my own benefit, it is excused and permitted. If I want to walk around naked in public, I can do so. If I want to peek into your daughter's window at night, no problem. If I want to sit in the park and masturbate while watching your kids play, that's fine.

You see, ALL of these laws are fundamentally based on religious morals. When we remove the religious foundation, we can justify and rationalize almost anything. You don't have any property rights, you don't have equality, what is good or bad for children isn't your business. Fuck you if you're offended by me, don't look! These things go out the window when we remove the religious moral foundations supporting them. That's what you are essentially arguing for.

You can be righteous without being religious. You can practice do no harm to others and everyone has the right to do any fucking thing they want to do as long as it does not interfere with another individual right to do the same. without being religious. And it should be legal to serve alcohol on Sundays.

Hey, I like alcohol and agree it should be served on Sundays. That's far from removing all laws based on religion. That's what you said, now you're backing off that? "Don't do harm to others" is a religious concept. In the animal kingdom, it's survival of the fittest. So that's how I want the law to be... If I am stronger than you or have bigger guns, I should be able to take your shit and kill you. I don't need your damn religious concepts. If I want to run around nude in public and masturbate in the park while watching your kids... how does that concern you? If I am peeking in your daughter's window, how is that interfering with your rights? You don't have any goddamn rights! You're rights are all based on the concept of all men being created equal and endowed with inalienable rights... a religious concept. They're obsolete in your society! Yeah... I'm going to get REAL "righteous" on your ass!

I thought being created was a spiritual concept, not just a religious one.....:eusa_whistle:


I hope what Slyhunter meant was more along the lines of wanting to do away with laws based solely on religion and not on the secular needs of society. Of course, those things can so often be intertwined. :(
ALMIGHTY GOD IS FAR,FAR MORE AWESOME THAN your peanut brain can imagine. GOD SAYS NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIRD FALL TO EARTH WITHOUT HIM KNOWING,GOD says He has recorded the number of hairs on a believer's head and you dare think GOD does not care about millions of abortions??? THINK AGAIN!!!

Jesus said that if you had but the faith of a mustard seed you could move mountains.
Seen any mountains move lately?

"if you had but the faith of a mustard seed " DO YOU????

no, the question is DO YOU??? Why haven't I seen you move any mountains or anyone else for that matter who do have the faith of a mustard seed?
ALMIGHTY GOD IS FAR,FAR MORE AWESOME THAN your peanut brain can imagine. GOD SAYS NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIRD FALL TO EARTH WITHOUT HIM KNOWING,GOD says He has recorded the number of hairs on a believer's head and you dare think GOD does not care about millions of abortions??? THINK AGAIN!!!

This planet needs those abortions. I care about those aborted fetus' about as much as I do when 1000 fish hatch and predator fish come and eat half of them. Do you cry for the 500 fish that never got a chance? No you do not.


Too bad a lot of people in India, China & Africa don't abort huh? Or the poor single mom's in the hood. Do we really need those babies being born? We need more abortions not less. You can't ask people to stop fucking. That's like asking a dog that isn't fixed to not fuck. Good luck with that. And look at what we do when we have too many dogs at the pound. We keep them alive as long as we can but if no one adopts them eventually we kill them. I guess not all life is precious. But to a human we think all human life is precious. It's not really.
Jesus said that if you had but the faith of a mustard seed you could move mountains.
Seen any mountains move lately?

"if you had but the faith of a mustard seed " DO YOU????

no, the question is DO YOU??? Why haven't I seen you move any mountains or anyone else for that matter who do have the faith of a mustard seed?

NO!! AND I KNOW NO ONE THAT DOES,we all have doubts and unbelief which cancels out faith,we humans need JESUS AS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR,WITHOUT JESUS WE ARE DOOMED LIKE YOU!!!
And I feel that if you do bad things, what comes around goes around. If that is what you mean by spirituality, maybe I can agree with you on that.

But a god? A guy who watches us and cares what you do and cares about the billions of abortions? Not a chance.

So you don't consider it a "bad" thing to terminate the life of an innocent human being? I disagree, I think it's an abhorrent thing and it shouldn't happen except in the rarest of circumstances. I don't believe abortion should be banned, just as I don't believe the death penalty or euthanasia should be outlawed. But it should be made very extremely rare and done with the greatest deliberation in every instance. The taking of another human life is "bad Karma" in my book, nothing good can come from that.

Now I've explained my personal understanding of God as Spiritual Energy. I don't know how many times you need to hear the same thing, but I don't believe in a God that "cares" about things. You know, electricity doesn't "care" if you grab hold to a 50,000 watt power line. You simply pay the consequence for what you choose to do there. I think God works the same way, it's not a matter of "caring" what you do.

I also don't believe in an invisible "guy who watches us" as you put it. And if that is what other people believe, I don't share their belief. I don't think God is a guy, or has eyes and physical attributes like sight. If it helps others to picture God that way, more power to them. If that keeps them in spiritual fidelity, maintaining positive flow of spiritual energy, I have no problems with it. I have more of a problem with know-it-all atheists who parade around with a science book, claiming they've disproved God and attempting to destroy human spirituality. I'll fight and reject that until my dying breath.
You can be righteous without being religious. You can practice do no harm to others and everyone has the right to do any fucking thing they want to do as long as it does not interfere with another individual right to do the same. without being religious. And it should be legal to serve alcohol on Sundays.

Hey, I like alcohol and agree it should be served on Sundays. That's far from removing all laws based on religion. That's what you said, now you're backing off that? "Don't do harm to others" is a religious concept. In the animal kingdom, it's survival of the fittest. So that's how I want the law to be... If I am stronger than you or have bigger guns, I should be able to take your shit and kill you. I don't need your damn religious concepts. If I want to run around nude in public and masturbate in the park while watching your kids... how does that concern you? If I am peeking in your daughter's window, how is that interfering with your rights? You don't have any goddamn rights! You're rights are all based on the concept of all men being created equal and endowed with inalienable rights... a religious concept. They're obsolete in your society! Yeah... I'm going to get REAL "righteous" on your ass!

I thought being created was a spiritual concept, not just a religious one.....:eusa_whistle:


It is!

I hope what Slyhunter meant was more along the lines of wanting to do away with laws based solely on religion and not on the secular needs of society. Of course, those things can so often be intertwined. :(

All the examples I mentioned are based solely on religious teaching. (religion is spiritual, btw)

"Secular need" is an ambiguous term that can mean almost anything your heart desires. For every example I presented, I can give you a totally secular justification and rationalization for why it should be law of the land. You may not agree with me, but that doesn't mean an argument can't be made.

The thing is, we live in a country that is founded on the principle of all men having equal and endowed rights. That means religious men have just as much right to self-determination as you have. They are part of the process. They have an equal political and social voice and say-so in society, and we have to tolerate that. If you are going to strip their political voice, then all men are no longer equal and don't have equal rights.

I get the frustration of the seculars in wanting to silence the religious, but establishing a system where religion is not a factor isn't a wise idea. What happens next is, the more radical members of society push the envelope further, and suddenly the secular moralistic people are now on the front line.... What's the matter? You got a stick up your butt about me fucking kids? What are you, some kind of religious nut? ....What's your problem with me breaking in someone's house and stealing food? I was hungry! What is this...Thou shalt not steal? ...and YES... that's exactly where it goes. That's what it leads to.
And I feel that if you do bad things, what comes around goes around. If that is what you mean by spirituality, maybe I can agree with you on that.

But a god? A guy who watches us and cares what you do and cares about the billions of abortions? Not a chance.

So you don't consider it a "bad" thing to terminate the life of an innocent human being? I disagree, I think it's an abhorrent thing and it shouldn't happen except in the rarest of circumstances. I don't believe abortion should be banned, just as I don't believe the death penalty or euthanasia should be outlawed. But it should be made very extremely rare and done with the greatest deliberation in every instance. The taking of another human life is "bad Karma" in my book, nothing good can come from that.

Now I've explained my personal understanding of God as Spiritual Energy. I don't know how many times you need to hear the same thing, but I don't believe in a God that "cares" about things. You know, electricity doesn't "care" if you grab hold to a 50,000 watt power line. You simply pay the consequence for what you choose to do there. I think God works the same way, it's not a matter of "caring" what you do.

I also don't believe in an invisible "guy who watches us" as you put it. And if that is what other people believe, I don't share their belief. I don't think God is a guy, or has eyes and physical attributes like sight. If it helps others to picture God that way, more power to them. If that keeps them in spiritual fidelity, maintaining positive flow of spiritual energy, I have no problems with it. I have more of a problem with know-it-all atheists who parade around with a science book, claiming they've disproved God and attempting to destroy human spirituality. I'll fight and reject that until my dying breath.

1. No I don't consider it murder to have an abortion. Do I wish all of those women kept their legs crossed or took birth control or made their men wear condoms so they didn't have to have abortions? Of course. But since they didn't, I'm glad abortion is an option. There is no question human's are over populating this planet. Yesterday I heard a preacher talking about how 500 million or a billion babies have been MURDERED in America alone since abortions were made legal. All I can say is I'm glad we don't have those extra people walking around polluting this planet. Especially when a lot of those potential parents didn't want them in the first place. They would have been horrible parents and raised horrible citizens. We humans should be having less kids not more. Would I ever want someone in my family to have an abortion? No. But when I was 18 if I knocked up a honey I would have wanted her to get one.

2. I guess I don't care if someone believes what you believe because at least you aren't trying to pass off a fake book written 2000 years ago as fact but I do stand by my feeling that man has used organized religion to divide us and manipulate the masses. And if one day Christianity, Muslims and the Jewish religions went away and people just believed in "a higher power" and didn't pretend that it came and talked to them, I guess that is harmless. Spirituality isn't to me as bad as religion. I still think you are just making it all up but at least you admit it is a belief of yours, not something you know to be a fact like when gismys says JESUS is our lord and savior.

3. We have disproved the Jesus/muslim/jewish god. To believe those stories you must ignore reality. No question about it that is all made up. Even 7 out of 10 christians agree the opening premise of the old testament is a lie. No Adam & Eve. No Mosus talking to burning bushes. No talking snakes. No virgin births or ressurections. So if even after all these lies about god you still want to believe in "something", I guess that is your prerogative. At least the majority of people in this country no longer take the bible literally and I think that is a huge step forward. You may think its a bad thing but I don't. I think there are a host of other reasons why societies without religion fail and I think plenty of religious societies have failed too so failure isn't exclusive to atheism.
Hey, I like alcohol and agree it should be served on Sundays. That's far from removing all laws based on religion. That's what you said, now you're backing off that? "Don't do harm to others" is a religious concept. In the animal kingdom, it's survival of the fittest. So that's how I want the law to be... If I am stronger than you or have bigger guns, I should be able to take your shit and kill you. I don't need your damn religious concepts. If I want to run around nude in public and masturbate in the park while watching your kids... how does that concern you? If I am peeking in your daughter's window, how is that interfering with your rights? You don't have any goddamn rights! You're rights are all based on the concept of all men being created equal and endowed with inalienable rights... a religious concept. They're obsolete in your society! Yeah... I'm going to get REAL "righteous" on your ass!

I thought being created was a spiritual concept, not just a religious one.....:eusa_whistle:


It is!

I hope what Slyhunter meant was more along the lines of wanting to do away with laws based solely on religion and not on the secular needs of society. Of course, those things can so often be intertwined. :(

All the examples I mentioned are based solely on religious teaching. (religion is spiritual, btw)

"Secular need" is an ambiguous term that can mean almost anything your heart desires. For every example I presented, I can give you a totally secular justification and rationalization for why it should be law of the land. You may not agree with me, but that doesn't mean an argument can't be made.

The thing is, we live in a country that is founded on the principle of all men having equal and endowed rights. That means religious men have just as much right to self-determination as you have. They are part of the process. They have an equal political and social voice and say-so in society, and we have to tolerate that. If you are going to strip their political voice, then all men are no longer equal and don't have equal rights.

I get the frustration of the seculars in wanting to silence the religious, but establishing a system where religion is not a factor isn't a wise idea. What happens next is, the more radical members of society push the envelope further, and suddenly the secular moralistic people are now on the front line.... What's the matter? You got a stick up your butt about me fucking kids? What are you, some kind of religious nut? ....What's your problem with me breaking in someone's house and stealing food? I was hungry! What is this...Thou shalt not steal? ...and YES... that's exactly where it goes. That's what it leads to.

WRONG! We don't need religion to know not to fuck kids and we don't need religion to know not to B&E into someones home.

And we don't need religion telling gay people they can't have the same benefits that straight married couples get. This is one example of why we seperate church and state. The bible says gays are bad but the law doesn't see it that way. Neither do I. Only religious nuts care if two guys fuck.

And religion says abortion is bad but as I have pointed out this planet is way too over populated so this is another example of how without religion, there really is no reason not to abort a fetus if you do not want to be a parent.

But if you believe in god and want to have the baby, no atheist is going to force you to abort.

Anyways, society isn't going to let you fuck a child or steal if we get rid of religion. That's just stupid talk. Come up with some better examples if you want us to understand your point because right now you have lost me.
No I don't consider it murder to have an abortion.

It is the willful act of taking another human life... that IS murder, by definition. Don't care how you dance around it or rationalized it. This is a prime example of how morality slips away whenever you don't have a spiritual foundation. When society agreed to allow abortions, it was justified that it's better to allow it under certain circumstances and conditions to prevent people from being butchered in back alleys. Today, the debate is over whether or not you can partially birth a baby and still kill it. What will it be tomorrow... okay to kill infants up to 6 months old? Hey... gotta trim that population growth somehow, right?

WRONG! We don't need religion to know not to fuck kids and we don't need religion to know not to B&E into someones home.

Actually, yes you do. As we can see with the abortion example, if you don't have that, you continue to see morality decline further and further. Once you've removed the "religious" barrier, all bets are off! You can do any goddamn thing you please, there's no accountability! No moral standard! You tell me that you don't think it's "right" to fuck kids and I tell you to go fuck yourself and take your morality with you... mind your own goddamn business! I'll bet you'd be the FIRST in line to condone poor people breaking into the homes of rich folk to feed themselves... you wouldn't have a bit a problem in the world with that, all you need is for some liberal asswipe to propose it!

The bible says gays are bad but the law doesn't see it that way.

You're absolutely correct, it doesn't. And there isn't one law on the books that prohibits gay people from joining in marital union with a partner of the opposite sex. They have the EXACT same rights as everyone else. What they can't do is PERVERT marriage to accommodate their sexual proclivities.... just like people who want to fuck kids can't do it and call that marriage.
No I don't consider it murder to have an abortion.

It is the willful act of taking another human life... that IS murder, by definition. Don't care how you dance around it or rationalized it. This is a prime example of how morality slips away whenever you don't have a spiritual foundation. When society agreed to allow abortions, it was justified that it's better to allow it under certain circumstances and conditions to prevent people from being butchered in back alleys. Today, the debate is over whether or not you can partially birth a baby and still kill it. What will it be tomorrow... okay to kill infants up to 6 months old? Hey... gotta trim that population growth somehow, right?

WRONG! We don't need religion to know not to fuck kids and we don't need religion to know not to B&E into someones home.

Actually, yes you do. As we can see with the abortion example, if you don't have that, you continue to see morality decline further and further. Once you've removed the "religious" barrier, all bets are off! You can do any goddamn thing you please, there's no accountability! No moral standard! You tell me that you don't think it's "right" to fuck kids and I tell you to go fuck yourself and take your morality with you... mind your own goddamn business! I'll bet you'd be the FIRST in line to condone poor people breaking into the homes of rich folk to feed themselves... you wouldn't have a bit a problem in the world with that, all you need is for some liberal asswipe to propose it!

The bible says gays are bad but the law doesn't see it that way.

You're absolutely correct, it doesn't. And there isn't one law on the books that prohibits gay people from joining in marital union with a partner of the opposite sex. They have the EXACT same rights as everyone else. What they can't do is PERVERT marriage to accommodate their sexual proclivities.... just like people who want to fuck kids can't do it and call that marriage.

Do you think abortion is a new practice, that it was conceived by atheists, or that it is only practiced by atheists?

You can find plenty of examples of religious societies with horrible morals, at least from a Western PoV. Morality changes with time and place, even amongst the religious and spiritual.
No I don't consider it murder to have an abortion.

Today, the debate is over whether or not you can partially birth a baby and still kill it. What will it be tomorrow... okay to kill infants up to 6 months old? Hey... gotta trim that population growth somehow, right?

WRONG! We don't need religion to know not to fuck kids and we don't need religion to know not to B&E into someones home.

Actually, yes you do. As we can see with the abortion example, if you don't have that, you continue to see morality decline further and further. Once you've removed the "religious" barrier, all bets are off! You can do any goddamn thing you please, there's no accountability! No moral standard! You tell me that you don't think it's "right" to fuck kids and I tell you to go fuck yourself and take your morality with you... mind your own goddamn business! I'll bet you'd be the FIRST in line to condone poor people breaking into the homes of rich folk to feed themselves... you wouldn't have a bit a problem in the world with that, all you need is for some liberal asswipe to propose it!

The bible says gays are bad but the law doesn't see it that way.

You're absolutely correct, it doesn't. And there isn't one law on the books that prohibits gay people from joining in marital union with a partner of the opposite sex. They have the EXACT same rights as everyone else. What they can't do is PERVERT marriage to accommodate their sexual proclivities.... just like people who want to fuck kids can't do it and call that marriage.

Are you telling me that if you didn't believe in god or hell you'd want to fuck kids? I don't believe in god and I'm not a creep like you perv.

I didn't think you believed in the bible or jesus? Who cares what the bible says. Gays should be able to legally do what married couples do. Share insurance, get tax breaks, own a home together, raise kids, adopt, make life decisions in hospitals just like any other married person. Not seperate but equal either. It's married. They are husband and husband or wife and wife or whatever they want to call it deal with it.

We have laws. We don't need your religion to know not to steal, rape, murder, cheat, lie, be greedy, but guess what? That's exactly what you Christians and Muslims do. Oh yea, I forgot.
sexual perverts are not fit to even own a pet,IT IS CHILD ABUSE TO ALLOW THEM TO EVEN BE NEAR CHILDREN!

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