Why do the God-haters persist?

Not because it frightens them but because it's irritating to have to sit through that dribble. Personally I want to get rid of all laws that were made because of religion. Like, no alcohol sales on Sunday.

no!!! YOU JUST NEED TO LEARN TO THINK and not allow yourself to be brainwashed,Can't you see our CLUELESS liberal dem. and the results of the last six years??

You think I'm brainwashed. :lol::cuckoo::lol:

lol!! I bet you would make a good Billary voter!!!
Hey do you think things like communism and abortion and the welfare state was created by those who believed in Christ? Atheists have killed more people in a hundred years then Christians ... Hell all faiths have in 5000 years

Wrong. ‘Militant’ atheism is most often confused with gosateizm (state atheism), which was based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. It was this ideology which was responsible for the oppression and murder of theists under several 20th century communist regimes. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in gods with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage.

Name the last atheist genocide? I can tell you the last religious one I can remember it was in Yugoslavia. There were 5 different religious groups clashing and the politicians spurred it on just like the politicians today use religion and they had ethnic cleansing remember Kosovo? So religion has a terrible track record. Are you counting Iraq and Afganistan? Those were inspired by religion too. Bush used Christians to lie us into Iraq and Osama used Allah to get those guys to fly planes into our buildings. Allah Akbar!

“With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” – Steven Weinberg
Sorry friend but Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Sanger and many more killers were all atheists...You religion kills people by the MILLIONS.

Show me those German's who killed for Hilter in the 30's and 40's were Atheists and not Christians. They were christians killing in africa, greece, jews, france, england. Remember they were the superior white christian race, remember?

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism.

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler
Wrong. ‘Militant’ atheism is most often confused with gosateizm (state atheism), which was based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. It was this ideology which was responsible for the oppression and murder of theists under several 20th century communist regimes. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in gods with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage.

Name the last atheist genocide? I can tell you the last religious one I can remember it was in Yugoslavia. There were 5 different religious groups clashing and the politicians spurred it on just like the politicians today use religion and they had ethnic cleansing remember Kosovo? So religion has a terrible track record. Are you counting Iraq and Afganistan? Those were inspired by religion too. Bush used Christians to lie us into Iraq and Osama used Allah to get those guys to fly planes into our buildings. Allah Akbar!

“With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” – Steven Weinberg
Sorry friend but Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Sanger and many more killers were all atheists...You religion kills people by the MILLIONS.

Show me those German's who killed for Hilter in the 30's and 40's were Atheists and not Christians. They were christians killing in africa, greece, jews, france, england. Remember they were the superior white christian race, remember?

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism.

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler

Satan is a liar and the father of liars!!! hitler killed millions of JEWS!!! JESUS WAS BORN A JEW AS WERE ALL BUT ONE WRITERS THAT RECORDED GOD'S WORD!!!
Wrong. ‘Militant’ atheism is most often confused with gosateizm (state atheism), which was based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. It was this ideology which was responsible for the oppression and murder of theists under several 20th century communist regimes. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in gods with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage.

Name the last atheist genocide? I can tell you the last religious one I can remember it was in Yugoslavia. There were 5 different religious groups clashing and the politicians spurred it on just like the politicians today use religion and they had ethnic cleansing remember Kosovo? So religion has a terrible track record. Are you counting Iraq and Afganistan? Those were inspired by religion too. Bush used Christians to lie us into Iraq and Osama used Allah to get those guys to fly planes into our buildings. Allah Akbar!

“With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” – Steven Weinberg
Sorry friend but Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Sanger and many more killers were all atheists...You religion kills people by the MILLIONS.

Show me those German's who killed for Hilter in the 30's and 40's were Atheists and not Christians. They were christians killing in africa, greece, jews, france, england. Remember they were the superior white christian race, remember?

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism.

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler

Show me they werent. The first things they did was push out the church.
Sorry friend but Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Sanger and many more killers were all atheists...You religion kills people by the MILLIONS.

Show me those German's who killed for Hilter in the 30's and 40's were Atheists and not Christians. They were christians killing in africa, greece, jews, france, england. Remember they were the superior white christian race, remember?

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism.

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler

Satan is a liar and the father of liars!!! hitler killed millions of JEWS!!! JESUS WAS BORN A JEW AS WERE ALL BUT ONE WRITERS THAT RECORDED GOD'S WORD!!!

Did he do it single handed or did the German people help him? So please show me what year all the German's converted to Atheism and please show me in history books when exactly did they convert back to Christianity?

Are you satan? Because you just lied. Either that or you didn't realize Hitler and the German people of the 1940's were CHRISTIANS you stupid bitch. :lol:

So were the Italians and the Catholic Church who helped Hitler. :eusa_shhh:
Sorry friend but Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Sanger and many more killers were all atheists...You religion kills people by the MILLIONS.

Show me those German's who killed for Hilter in the 30's and 40's were Atheists and not Christians. They were christians killing in africa, greece, jews, france, england. Remember they were the superior white christian race, remember?

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism.

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler

Satan is a liar and the father of liars!!! hitler killed millions of JEWS!!! JESUS WAS BORN A JEW AS WERE ALL BUT ONE WRITERS THAT RECORDED GOD'S WORD!!!

Satan wrote the bible.
Notice something in this thread? No Christian is forcing you to worship Jesus....Not even the cartoon character GISMYS. Yet Atheists DEMAND we do as they do......No worshiping in public because it frightens them.....No telling others about how you found Christ because it frightens them.

Fact is it isn't Christians that will destroy your freedom to worship or not....No it will be the holier the thou atheists.

You're not even the tiniest bit annoyed with Gismys's incessant religious yammering trying to dominate this thread? You don't find yourself wishing he would just shutup and let the adults have the floor so we can have adult conversations over the matter? His posts makes religious nuts look bad.:cuckoo:

if you dont like his absurd posts put him on ignore....I very much doubt he is anything more then character some atheist created to look the fanatic.
Sorry friend but Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Sanger and many more killers were all atheists...You religion kills people by the MILLIONS.

Show me those German's who killed for Hilter in the 30's and 40's were Atheists and not Christians. They were christians killing in africa, greece, jews, france, england. Remember they were the superior white christian race, remember?

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism.

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler

Show me they werent. The first things they did was push out the church.

Exactly what I thought you'd say lying fuck. :eusa_liar:

They were christians.
Notice something in this thread? No Christian is forcing you to worship Jesus....Not even the cartoon character GISMYS. Yet Atheists DEMAND we do as they do......No worshiping in public because it frightens them.....No telling others about how you found Christ because it frightens them.

Fact is it isn't Christians that will destroy your freedom to worship or not....No it will be the holier the thou atheists.

Not because it frightens them but because it's irritating to have to sit through that dribble. Personally I want to get rid of all laws that were made because of religion. Like, no alcohol sales on Sunday.

So then, I should be able to pass a law that it's okay for adults to sleep with 12-year olds/minors, because this is based on religion. I should also be able to pass a law that adults can marry animals if they want, or have multiple wives/husbands. I can also pass a law that says if I need something and you have it, I can take it from you by force. If I don't want to live next door to someone with brown skin, I can kill them. If I find you annoying, I can kill you. If I lie in court and it's for my own benefit, it is excused and permitted. If I want to walk around naked in public, I can do so. If I want to peek into your daughter's window at night, no problem. If I want to sit in the park and masturbate while watching your kids play, that's fine.

You see, ALL of these laws are fundamentally based on religious morals. When we remove the religious foundation, we can justify and rationalize almost anything. You don't have any property rights, you don't have equality, what is good or bad for children isn't your business. Fuck you if you're offended by me, don't look! These things go out the window when we remove the religious moral foundations supporting them. That's what you are essentially arguing for.
lol!! I bet you would make a good billary voter!!!

actually i wanted newt gingrich to win.

well try tomthink!! Are you pro abortion?? Gay marrage?? Sexual perversion? Anti god?? Anti military?? Pro cut and run,tax and spend?? Then vote liberal dem

anti-abortion (unless the fetus has the gay gene or other genetic abnormalities), anti-public gayness anything, open minded about religion but don't want them controlling everything, expect the government not to borrow to spend on non-emergency needs. Closed border, American jobs for Americans. No immigration until every American who wants a job has a job. I also expect every American who works for a living to earn a living and not have to live like a Mexican in Mexico. So whom am I supposed to vote for again?
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Notice something in this thread? No Christian is forcing you to worship Jesus....Not even the cartoon character GISMYS. Yet Atheists DEMAND we do as they do......No worshiping in public because it frightens them.....No telling others about how you found Christ because it frightens them.

Fact is it isn't Christians that will destroy your freedom to worship or not....No it will be the holier the thou atheists.

Not because it frightens them but because it's irritating to have to sit through that dribble. Personally I want to get rid of all laws that were made because of religion. Like, no alcohol sales on Sunday.

So then, I should be able to pass a law that it's okay for adults to sleep with 12-year olds/minors, because this is based on religion. I should also be able to pass a law that adults can marry animals if they want, or have multiple wives/husbands. I can also pass a law that says if I need something and you have it, I can take it from you by force. If I don't want to live next door to someone with brown skin, I can kill them. If I find you annoying, I can kill you. If I lie in court and it's for my own benefit, it is excused and permitted. If I want to walk around naked in public, I can do so. If I want to peek into your daughter's window at night, no problem. If I want to sit in the park and masturbate while watching your kids play, that's fine.

You see, ALL of these laws are fundamentally based on religious morals. When we remove the religious foundation, we can justify and rationalize almost anything. You don't have any property rights, you don't have equality, what is good or bad for children isn't your business. Fuck you if you're offended by me, don't look! These things go out the window when we remove the religious moral foundations supporting them. That's what you are essentially arguing for.

You can be righteous without being religious. You can practice do no harm to others and everyone has the right to do any fucking thing they want to do as long as it does not interfere with another individual right to do the same. without being religious. And it should be legal to serve alcohol on Sundays.
actually i wanted newt gingrich to win.

well try tomthink!! Are you pro abortion?? Gay marrage?? Sexual perversion? Anti god?? Anti military?? Pro cut and run,tax and spend?? Then vote liberal dem

anti-abortion (unless the fetus has the gay gene or other genetic abnormalities), anti-public gayness anything, open minded about religion but don't want them controlling everything, expect the government not to borrow to spend on non-emergency needs. Closed border, American jobs for Americans. No immigration until every American who wants a job has a job. I also expect every American who works for a living to earn a living and not have to live like a Mexican in Mexico. So whom am I supposed to vote for again?

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well try tomthink!! Are you pro abortion?? Gay marrage?? Sexual perversion? Anti god?? Anti military?? Pro cut and run,tax and spend?? Then vote liberal dem

anti-abortion (unless the fetus has the gay gene or other genetic abnormalities), anti-public gayness anything, open minded about religion but don't want them controlling everything, expect the government not to borrow to spend on non-emergency needs. Closed border, American jobs for Americans. No immigration until every American who wants a job has a job. I also expect every American who works for a living to earn a living and not have to live like a Mexican in Mexico. So whom am I supposed to vote for again?


They are also pro low wage immigration workers, open borders, No minimum wage, No safety net for those who have to compete with these immigration workers for bottom level jobs. They are the screw the American worker party.

And if Sean Hannity has his way they are the anti free speech party wanting to make porn illegal and drugs and anything they don't approve of. They are the holier than though party who wishes to force everyone to obey their version of religious laws. They are the ones who made it illegal to buy booze on Sunday.
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anti-abortion (unless the fetus has the gay gene or other genetic abnormalities), anti-public gayness anything, open minded about religion but don't want them controlling everything, expect the government not to borrow to spend on non-emergency needs. Closed border, American jobs for Americans. No immigration until every American who wants a job has a job. I also expect every American who works for a living to earn a living and not have to live like a Mexican in Mexico. So whom am I supposed to vote for again?


They are also pro low wage immigration workers, open borders, No minimum wage, No safety net for those who have to compete with these immigration workers for bottom level jobs. They are the screw the American worker party.

LOL!!! NOW YOU WANT ME TO DO YOUR RESEARCH TOO??? OR WILL YOU JUST BELIEVE LIBERAL DEM brainwashing?? you waste my time!!! begone!!!
Belief in God Low Among Young Americans

Young Americans are abandoning God in droves.

A new survey by the Pew Research Center finds that belief in the existence of God has dropped 15 points in the last five years among Americans 30 and under.

Pew, which has been studying the trend for 25 years, finds that just 68 percent of millenials in 2012 agree with the statement “I never doubt the existence of God.” That’s down from 76 percent in 2009 and 83 percent in 2007.

Still sure god is here to stay?

83% in 07
76% in 09
68% in 2012.

Will it be only 50% in 2016? :eusa_pray:

Well okay, but what you are doing is making some bold assumptions based on an ambiguous question. You are trying to say that people who have admitted they may have sometimes doubted existence of God are non-spiritual and don't believe in God. So you are making assumptions the question did not ask or infer.

The same research group can ask the question "do you believe in a power greater than self?" and they get a totally different result... ~90% say they do, whether millennial or not. And I think I am being generous here, if I'm not mistaken the number is more like 92%.

Do people sometimes doubt God exists? Sure... especially the young and stupid! :D

No it is YOU who makes a lot of assumptions. 1 that kids are stupid. I say if they are questioning religions more they are more intelligent than their parents who believed without question.

I know of ZERO young people who have ever accepted anything without question. NADDA!

2 you assume society will decay without religion and that decay will be because of a lack of faith.

No, I KNOW that it will because it has before. This is essentially what destroyed the Roman Empire. There have been countless other Communist, Socialist, Fascist, Marxist and Maoist dictatorships which have crumbled due to lack of spirituality. The history books are full of examples.

I say parents who have jobs and raise their kids in a 2 parent home will raise good citizens without god. Many do. In fact more and more people every day. You can't show me that crime is happening because people don't believe in god but you can show me where chrstians commit crimes because they are desperate. Sure people who are strict chrstians won't get abortions or have sex before marriage but most people aren't strict christians. Anyways, I don't buy it that lack of faith causes aids.

I can't show you anything because your mind is closed. You've convinced yourself that humans can somehow maintain moral standards without accountability or consequence. Lack of faith doesn't cause aids. Shooting up drugs with shared needles, having homosexual relations, and exchanging body fluids with those infected is what causes aids. If these were activities happening in Churches, I'd say we need to shut them down. If preachers were advocating these behaviors, I'd say we need to silence them.

Oh, by the way, a lesbian black girl is here in my business right now. I asked her if she's religious and she said yes. Isn't she going to hell? So what she believes in a god? Does her belief prove anything?

Why are you running to the comfort of a religious debate again? You know that I am not a religious person. I don't know what this mythical person believes, where she's going, or if she even exists. It's basically you just running your mouth.

I believe in a power greater than myself. It's called time. I can't beat it. Eventually I'm going to run out of it. I also believe in the sun. It is greater than me. I also think this entire planet is alive and we are killing it.

And you also believe in "Karma" or you did the other day, you said so. I think you are fully aware of spiritual nature and you just don't think there will be any consequence for rebuking and attacking it. Guess what? You are absolutely correct in your assumption as far as your physical existence goes. It's when your spirit leaves this physical presence you need to be concerned about, but I guess you figure you'll cross that bridge when you come to it. In the meantime, you've decided to abandon your spirit and soul, and live by your own rules. Good luck with that. Be on the lookout for Karma.

They are also pro low wage immigration workers, open borders, No minimum wage, No safety net for those who have to compete with these immigration workers for bottom level jobs. They are the screw the American worker party.

LOL!!! NOW YOU WANT ME TO DO YOUR RESEARCH TOO??? OR WILL YOU JUST BELIEVE LIBERAL DEM brainwashing?? you waste my time!!! begone!!!
ignoring the truth shows you are the one that is brainwashed.
Democrats are open border, buying immigrant vote party.
Republicans are open border, low wage immigrant party.
And the Libertarianism is the party of Darwanism, I got mine you go die now if you can't compete.

They all three suck.
Not because it frightens them but because it's irritating to have to sit through that dribble. Personally I want to get rid of all laws that were made because of religion. Like, no alcohol sales on Sunday.

So then, I should be able to pass a law that it's okay for adults to sleep with 12-year olds/minors, because this is based on religion. I should also be able to pass a law that adults can marry animals if they want, or have multiple wives/husbands. I can also pass a law that says if I need something and you have it, I can take it from you by force. If I don't want to live next door to someone with brown skin, I can kill them. If I find you annoying, I can kill you. If I lie in court and it's for my own benefit, it is excused and permitted. If I want to walk around naked in public, I can do so. If I want to peek into your daughter's window at night, no problem. If I want to sit in the park and masturbate while watching your kids play, that's fine.

You see, ALL of these laws are fundamentally based on religious morals. When we remove the religious foundation, we can justify and rationalize almost anything. You don't have any property rights, you don't have equality, what is good or bad for children isn't your business. Fuck you if you're offended by me, don't look! These things go out the window when we remove the religious moral foundations supporting them. That's what you are essentially arguing for.

You can be righteous without being religious. You can practice do no harm to others and everyone has the right to do any fucking thing they want to do as long as it does not interfere with another individual right to do the same. without being religious. And it should be legal to serve alcohol on Sundays.

Hey, I like alcohol and agree it should be served on Sundays. That's far from removing all laws based on religion. That's what you said, now you're backing off that? "Don't do harm to others" is a religious concept. In the animal kingdom, it's survival of the fittest. So that's how I want the law to be... If I am stronger than you or have bigger guns, I should be able to take your shit and kill you. I don't need your damn religious concepts. If I want to run around nude in public and masturbate in the park while watching your kids... how does that concern you? If I am peeking in your daughter's window, how is that interfering with your rights? You don't have any goddamn rights! You're rights are all based on the concept of all men being created equal and endowed with inalienable rights... a religious concept. They're obsolete in your society! Yeah... I'm going to get REAL "righteous" on your ass!

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