Why do the God-haters persist?

Lions do not have compassion for gazelles. They do not think about the gazelle having a family or it's struggle to survive, they view the gazelle as a meal. Gorillas don't court their mate and await approval before copulation with them. Their sexual behavior is what we would consider rape. A bird foraging for worms will not hit the jackpot and then share the bounty with other needy birds. The early bird gets the worm.

Other species do not have a moral ethical sense of right or wrong. They operate on pure animal instinct without regard for ethics. It is through a human conscious understanding and awareness of something greater than self, that we developed various ethos which became our basis for human morality.



blade, you are a joke ... religiously.

It is so funny because all the shit religion has said over the years that has PROVED god exists, and each time science proves you fuckers wrong you just move on to another bullshit reason you think god exists. We call it god of the gaps. Everything we don't know, you say is god. And each time we prove it isn't god, your god just gets smaller and smaller.

But let's evaluate this for a moment because it's important to the philosophical debate... What HAVE you actually proven? You can show me HOW gravity works, you can't explain WHY. So go ahead... tell us WHY gravity works? Tell us WHY electromagnetism functions as it does? Tell us why the compound elements of hydrogen and oxygen create water? You can explain HOW these things occur all day long, science is valuable in doing that, but science cannot explain WHY. This isn't "God of the Gaps" this is God of the abyss... God of the unknown... God of the unexplainable. You'll never fill these gaps with science because science can't answer these questions of WHY. Only God can answer those.

You can't explain why either. That is why we say the best answer for you and I to give is we just don't know. You claim you know of a god and talk to him. I watched Noah last night. WTF? Who were the Rock men again? Gismys, please explain who those things were. What were they called Watchers? They were fallen angels who pissed off god and the human's betrayed them but the liked Noah? OMG! :lol::cuckoo::eusa_liar:

So god is why electromagnettism functions as it does? Is that what you are saying? Is that your final answer? This is what I'm talking about. When science figures out how that works, your god will get smaller and smaller. God of the gaps. We fill in a gap that use to be "gods" doing and now can be scientifically explained, and you just move on to something else science hasn't figured out YET. And when the do that won't sway you because it's ingrained in that puny unevolved brain of yours. You can't let it go. I believe I am the future. Jesus Mosus and Mohammad will be dead but there will be people like you who can't give up god and there will be many more people like me. Many more. All they have to do is watch Noah and they realize organized religions are a joke, then they have to just listen to you to realize really you have nothing. You just want/hope there to be a god. You even talk to him. :cuckoo: And I use to do it 5 months ago! So I know what you are going through. My friends had to make me realize, that shit is all in your head. I can't convince you. Only you can convince yourself. So each time you are talking to god, in the back of your head you must realize you are just talking to yourself.

And I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid of dying. Of coming to the end. Sorry its over. But it was a great ride. Some people are not so lucky. What did the 9 year old cancer or car wreck kid do wrong? You know what she did? Nothing. Wrong place wrong time, bad genes, some corporations pollution gave her cancer, or a serial killer found her. Completely random. And if she is miraculously cured, its not god. He doesn't do 1 in a 1000 favors. She wasn't better than the other 999. No angel saved her. No demon possessed her. That's just in her head the church put that there.
It is so funny because all the shit religion has said over the years that has PROVED god exists, and each time science proves you fuckers wrong you just move on to another bullshit reason you think god exists. We call it god of the gaps. Everything we don't know, you say is god. And each time we prove it isn't god, your god just gets smaller and smaller.

But let's evaluate this for a moment because it's important to the philosophical debate... What HAVE you actually proven? You can show me HOW gravity works, you can't explain WHY. So go ahead... tell us WHY gravity works? Tell us WHY electromagnetism functions as it does? Tell us why the compound elements of hydrogen and oxygen create water? You can explain HOW these things occur all day long, science is valuable in doing that, but science cannot explain WHY. This isn't "God of the Gaps" this is God of the abyss... God of the unknown... God of the unexplainable. You'll never fill these gaps with science because science can't answer these questions of WHY. Only God can answer those.

I find it amazing how much you like to argue against scientific researchers who actually have good reasons for believing what they do, yet you are such a tool arguing all your bad evidence.

ethologist Marc Bekoff. "there's just no doubt that the scientific evidence for animal morality is accumulating as more and more animals are studied."

Bekoff is a professor emeritus of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and co-founder (with primatologist Jane Goodall) of Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

I bet you'll call them tree huggers or liberal propogandists.

"It has only been observed in certain species, because it really hasn't been studied extensively

So why did religion say the animals didn't have souls or know right from wrong without researching it first? Because they didn't know science. So if they are/were wrong about this, imagine what else they are wrong about and/or completely made up? GOD!

Bekoff has observed acts of altruism, tolerance, forgiveness, reciprocity and fairness among wolves and coyotes

"There is a consequence of being labeled a cheater. Others stop bonding with the "immoral" pack member, and eventually it wanders away from the group, usually resulting in an early death because it no longer receives the benefits of pack living. Bekoff believes the rules governing pack behavior offer a glimpse of the moral code that allowed early human societies to function and flourish.

evidence of seemingly moral sentiments in many other species too, including whales, ravens, bats, elephants, chimpanzees and even rodents.

rats have shown that they will not eat if they know that doing so will inflict pain on other rats. When the hungry rats were given access to food, but could see that taking it caused a second group of rats to receive an electric shock, the rats stopped eating rather than inflict pain on the group.

All the research coming out these days on other primates and mammals shows that more than 90 to 95 percent of their behavior is pro-social or positive. It's actually rare to see aggression or violence."

scientists are only just beginning to investigate the neural mechanisms that control moral decision-making in humans. Last year, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that applying a powerful magnet to a part of the brain called the right temporo-parietal junction in human study participants temporarily skewed their ability to make moral judgments.

Bekoff suspects that the same brain mechanisms that control moral behavior in humans also control such behavior in other mammals. "It's a new area and what's exciting is that there are so many unanswered questions," he said. "But we need to be consistent in our discussion of behavioral as well as physiological similarities between humans and other animals. As we develop techniques to do imaging in the brains of non-humans, we need to apply the same rules to neuroscience as we do to anatomy."

That is, if the structures in human brains that control moral and emotional behavior are also present in animals, then scientists ought to concede that these structures probably play similar roles for them, just as analogous body parts — eyes, for example — imply that we both see.
We know now about the moral behavior of animals really leads us to conclude that it's much more developed than we previously gave them credit for," Bekoff said. "We are not the sole occupants of the moral arena — and it's unlikely that we would be, given what we know about evolution."

Do Animals Know Right from Wrong? New Clues Point to 'Yes'

Or we could go with boss who says that we know right from wrong because we have souls and animals don't. Fuck religion for making that up. Speaking of, I noticed on Noah he was a vegetarian and the "humans" ate meat. Does that mean we are bad too because we eat meat? We are part of the wicked society Noah hated.

What happened to his sons? His 2 sons didn't have wives so did they fuck their brothers twin daughters?

I never knew the complete story. I didn't know the bad guy was a stow a way or that his sons didn't bring wives or that Noah thought his family would perish too. Boy, he would have done this planet a favor. Can you imagine how beautiful this planet would be if no humans lived here? Cougars, Bear, Lion, Tigers at the top of the food chain and lots of deer and mice around to eat. The planet would be green and no plastic in the ocean. He should have killed his family and ended man on earth. Otherwise, all he did was re populate the earth with the same kind of assholes god wiped out in the flood. Hell, it was his ancestors that killed Jesus.

So who did his sons bang to repopulate the earth with? I would have banged the mom. She was hot.
Your reasons for believing in god keep getting smaller. That's called god of the gaps. Each time we solve a gap your god gets smaller.

Do Animals Know Right from Wrong? New Clues Point to 'Yes'

You were wrong about other animals. Exactly what I mean when I say you believe in god because you aren't smart enough to realize its all in your head. You are an unevolved primitive man who is superstitious. And you think you are special because you are at the top of the food chain but in reality you are a weak human with a big brain (compared to monkeys anyways) and a little penis (compared to an elephant)

That's funny... You point to a speculative hypothesis and claim it is "PROOF" of something. It simply is not, it's just a hypothesis. It's someone saying... Maybe animals know right from wrong? And you've taken this to mean they've proven animals DO know right from wrong.

Of course, animals can learn right from wrong, as evidenced in the video of the dog getting into the garbage. The dog was aware that what it was doing wasn't right, but it still did it. The reason he knew it wasn't right was because a human had taught him this, and the reason he did it anyway is because his animal instinct told him there may be some goodies inside the trash. This actually proves MY point, that animals don't operate on moral choice but on animal instinct.

The second example was a thieving penguin, stealing stones from another penguin's nest... well, if the penguin in question were operating on morality, it wouldn't have been stealing the stones. Or maybe it would have stolen a stone then returned it out of moral guilt?

Dogs play fighting is simply animal behavior, nothing to do with moral right and wrong. What they are actually doing is teaching younger dogs how to fight. The other example of dog behavior depending on rewards and such, is just another example of dogs learning moral right and wrong from humans. Dogs, as well as other animals, do have the capacity to learn moral right and wrong and rationalize behavior accordingly. They do not naturally have this ability on their own.
So blacks who deal crack are at the level of a penguin? :lmao:

So true. You brought up a good point. Boss says god must exist because we have always believed. First of all, based on other animals, we did not always believe in god(s) because there was a time when we weren't smart enough to come up with such a crazy story. Great example is a dog can be trained to think about a bird just with a bell. So can a human. But a human can imagine wings on a human or wings on a dog. A dog can't do that. It isn't smart/evolved enough. It may never get that evolved. Probably won't. But there was a time when we weren't religious but we did know/learn right from wrong, without religion.

And, if god must be because we always believed, then the devil must be since we always believed in him too. But that isn't the story on him. The story on the devil is god cast him out. Did we always believe in the devil too? We must have if we came up with god. Doing bad is why we came up with god in the first place. Morality police. Big Brother.

Boss believes whatever he wants to believe. Doesn't have to make sense to us as long as it makes sense to him. And that's the point. Keep that shit to yourself religious people. Its really rather silly and we shouldn't be a society of religious idiots.
What was it?

Miracles have not been demonstrated to occur. Even if a ‘miracle’ could be demonstrated it would not immediately imply the existence of a god as unknown natural processes or agents could still be at work. What if aliens did it?

Most alleged miracles can be explained as statistically unlikely occurrences. For example, one child surviving a plane crash that kills two hundred others is not a miracle, just as one person winning the lottery is not. In the absence of any empirical evidence, all other claims can be dismissed as the result of magical thinking, misattribution, credulity, hearsay and anecdote. Eye-witness testimony and anecdotal accounts are, by themselves, not reliable or definitive forms of proof for such extraordinary claims.

Divine intervention claims most often concern systems and events for which we have poor predictive capabilities, for example, weather, sports, health and social/economic interactions. Such claims are rarely made in relation to those things we can accurately predict and test e.g. the motion of celestial bodies, boiling point of water and pull of gravity. If a god is constantly intervening in the universe it supposedly created, then it is with such ambiguity as to appear completely indistinguishable from normal background chance.

“Elite athletes make first place and thanks god, strange shapes appear on toast and some people narrowly escape death, but amputated limbs never regrow, mountains never move and food never spontaneously appears in front of the hundreds of children that starve to death each hour.

But a miracle happened to you? :cuckoo::eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_liar:

I was at a church camp for a couple of weeks. There was this cliff next to a creek that ran into a dam. I knew of a hidden path that you could jump to. I figured on freaking people out and making it look like I jumped. I made sure nobody was near me and I jumped but the path disintegrated beneath my feet and I went through it. Someone grabbed my hand, that wasn't there before, and pulled me up. Saved my life.

Just as I thought. Just like my other buddies who said someone told them to "look out". It was all in your head I promise you that. I don't know what happened because I wasn't there but here again is something that is personal to you and no one can disprove, but you certainly can't prove it. Even if someone with you said they saw the miracle happen, I wouldn't believe it either because I don't know you or them. All I know is that miracles have not been proven to exist or ever happen. They are unlikely occurences or flukes or luck. Like when 1 baby survives a plane crash. Did god save her? Why did he not save the rest? Random shit.

Show me god move a mountain or grow an amputees arm back on overnight. That'd be a miracle. I don't know what happened to you.

But I do realize many gullible Americans I know have sworn shit like this happened to them. No one in the history of the world has yet to prove a miracle though. People have seen ghosts too. Do you think that can be proven? It hasn't been yet. So changes are its all in their heads. The mind is an amazing thing.

:lol: you can't even discern Gods existence by examining the works of his hands.
Silly boob, if you're just going to rapid-fire a bunch of nonsense, I am not going to respond. Whenever you gather your thoughts into a coherent post, I will address your points.

Your reasons for believing in god keep getting smaller. That's called god of the gaps. Each time we solve a gap your god gets smaller.

Do Animals Know Right from Wrong? New Clues Point to 'Yes'

You were wrong about other animals. Exactly what I mean when I say you believe in god because you aren't smart enough to realize its all in your head. You are an unevolved primitive man who is superstitious. And you think you are special because you are at the top of the food chain but in reality you are a weak human with a big brain (compared to monkeys anyways) and a little penis (compared to an elephant)

do you understand the difference between instinct and ethics ?
It is so funny because all the shit religion has said over the years that has PROVED god exists, and each time science proves you fuckers wrong you just move on to another bullshit reason you think god exists. We call it god of the gaps. Everything we don't know, you say is god. And each time we prove it isn't god, your god just gets smaller and smaller.

But let's evaluate this for a moment because it's important to the philosophical debate... What HAVE you actually proven? You can show me HOW gravity works, you can't explain WHY. So go ahead... tell us WHY gravity works? Tell us WHY electromagnetism functions as it does? Tell us why the compound elements of hydrogen and oxygen create water? You can explain HOW these things occur all day long, science is valuable in doing that, but science cannot explain WHY. This isn't "God of the Gaps" this is God of the abyss... God of the unknown... God of the unexplainable. You'll never fill these gaps with science because science can't answer these questions of WHY. Only God can answer those.

You can't explain why either. That is why we say the best answer for you and I to give is we just don't know. ... So god is why electromagnettism functions as it does? Is that what you are saying? Is that your final answer? This is what I'm talking about. When science figures out how that works, your god will get smaller and smaller.

Science already knows how electromagnetism works. They don't know why. They never will know why. Same with gravity or nuclear forces. Science can talk all day long about how these forces work, they can't explain WHY. And YES, I do have an answer. God.

God of the gaps. We fill in a gap that use to be "gods" doing and now can be scientifically explained, and you just move on to something else science hasn't figured out YET.

Again... no GAP... It's not something science hasn't yet explained. It's something science cannot explain. It can tell you how things happen, what causes them to happen, when you can expect to see them happen, how these things effect other things that happen... Science can't tell you WHY. Why are mathematical results predictable and not random? Why does 1+1 always equal 2? Science doesn't explain why, it can't. So there is no GAP.

I believe I am the future. ...and there will be many more people like me. Many more.

You currently represent less than one out of ten people, dude. You realize this, right?

You just want/hope there to be a god. You even talk to him. :cuckoo:

Yep. Daily. I also receive blessings from Him. There is no "want/hope" to it. If that were the case, I suspect I couldn't believe it. I'm not big on blind faith, I need to see evidence. With God, I've seen the evidence.

And I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid of dying. Of coming to the end. Sorry its over. But it was a great ride. Some people are not so lucky. What did the 9 year old cancer or car wreck kid do wrong? You know what she did? Nothing. Wrong place wrong time, bad genes, some corporations pollution gave her cancer, or a serial killer found her. Completely random. And if she is miraculously cured, its not god.

Maybe this explains why you are such a moronic pinhead liberal?
First of all, based on other animals, we did not always believe in god(s) because there was a time when we weren't smart enough to come up with such a crazy story.

You've shown no evidence to support this speculation. Do you have any or not? You see, the archeology suggests that humans have always been spiritual. From the oldest bones we've ever unearthed, the civilizations show that humans practiced spirituality. In order to prove they invented this, you have to unearth some bones from BEFORE they practiced spirituality, and that hasn't happened. What you have is a speculation based on your disbelief in God. That's not science, that is FAITH.
First of all, based on other animals, we did not always believe in god(s) because there was a time when we weren't smart enough to come up with such a crazy story.

You've shown no evidence to support this speculation. Do you have any or not? You see, the archeology suggests that humans have always been spiritual. From the oldest bones we've ever unearthed, the civilizations show that humans practiced spirituality. In order to prove they invented this, you have to unearth some bones from BEFORE they practiced spirituality, and that hasn't happened. What you have is a speculation based on your disbelief in God. That's not science, that is FAITH.

There's more proof that ancient civilizations descended from aliens than there is of spirituality.
First of all, based on other animals, we did not always believe in god(s) because there was a time when we weren't smart enough to come up with such a crazy story.

You've shown no evidence to support this speculation. Do you have any or not? You see, the archeology suggests that humans have always been spiritual. From the oldest bones we've ever unearthed, the civilizations show that humans practiced spirituality. In order to prove they invented this, you have to unearth some bones from BEFORE they practiced spirituality, and that hasn't happened. What you have is a speculation based on your disbelief in God. That's not science, that is FAITH.

Do you believe in evolution? That is my proof. Before our brains developed into what they are today, we were dumber animals, and from the study we see other animals know right from wrong. So we knew right from wrong before we were smart enough to invent god with our imagination. If you need more proof, ask your god. Let us know if he talks back.

P.S. I don't talk to god and I've lived a blessed life too. Turns out talking to your god isn't necessary. But I guess if it makes you feel good go for it. Jacking off isn't hurting anyone else either but only because you keep it to yourself....
It is so funny because all the shit religion has said over the years that has PROVED god exists, and each time science proves you fuckers wrong you just move on to another bullshit reason you think god exists. We call it god of the gaps. Everything we don't know, you say is god. And each time we prove it isn't god, your god just gets smaller and smaller.

But let's evaluate this for a moment because it's important to the philosophical debate... What HAVE you actually proven? You can show me HOW gravity works, you can't explain WHY. So go ahead... tell us WHY gravity works? Tell us WHY electromagnetism functions as it does? Tell us why the compound elements of hydrogen and oxygen create water? You can explain HOW these things occur all day long, science is valuable in doing that, but science cannot explain WHY. This isn't "God of the Gaps" this is God of the abyss... God of the unknown... God of the unexplainable. You'll never fill these gaps with science because science can't answer these questions of WHY. Only God can answer those.

You can't explain why either. That is why we say the best answer for you and I to give is we just don't know. You claim you know of a god and talk to him. I watched Noah last night. WTF? Who were the Rock men again? Gismys, please explain who those things were. What were they called Watchers? They were fallen angels who pissed off god and the human's betrayed them but the liked Noah? OMG! :lol::cuckoo::eusa_liar:

So god is why electromagnettism functions as it does? Is that what you are saying? Is that your final answer? This is what I'm talking about. When science figures out how that works, your god will get smaller and smaller. God of the gaps. We fill in a gap that use to be "gods" doing and now can be scientifically explained, and you just move on to something else science hasn't figured out YET. And when the do that won't sway you because it's ingrained in that puny unevolved brain of yours. You can't let it go. I believe I am the future. Jesus Mosus and Mohammad will be dead but there will be people like you who can't give up god and there will be many more people like me. Many more. All they have to do is watch Noah and they realize organized religions are a joke, then they have to just listen to you to realize really you have nothing. You just want/hope there to be a god. You even talk to him. :cuckoo: And I use to do it 5 months ago! So I know what you are going through. My friends had to make me realize, that shit is all in your head. I can't convince you. Only you can convince yourself. So each time you are talking to god, in the back of your head you must realize you are just talking to yourself.

And I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid of dying. Of coming to the end. Sorry its over. But it was a great ride. Some people are not so lucky. What did the 9 year old cancer or car wreck kid do wrong? You know what she did? Nothing. Wrong place wrong time, bad genes, some corporations pollution gave her cancer, or a serial killer found her. Completely random. And if she is miraculously cured, its not god. He doesn't do 1 in a 1000 favors. She wasn't better than the other 999. No angel saved her. No demon possessed her. That's just in her head the church put that there.
That movie was a insult to the story of Noah. They did not follow the bible and made shit up. Hell they refused to even say God in the movie. So if you are basing your knowlage of the ark on that movie you are a fool

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First of all, based on other animals, we did not always believe in god(s) because there was a time when we weren't smart enough to come up with such a crazy story.

You've shown no evidence to support this speculation. Do you have any or not? You see, the archeology suggests that humans have always been spiritual. From the oldest bones we've ever unearthed, the civilizations show that humans practiced spirituality. In order to prove they invented this, you have to unearth some bones from BEFORE they practiced spirituality, and that hasn't happened. What you have is a speculation based on your disbelief in God. That's not science, that is FAITH.

There's more proof that ancient civilizations descended from aliens than there is of spirituality.

That is true. I watch those shows about how the Pharohs were aliens and they cross bred with humans and that's when we took the big leap forward intellectually. Or how they had advanced technology and made those pyramids better than we could even with our advanced tools. It all makes a lot of sense. And that's why we look up and worship god(s) because they came from the sky in their space ships. Even the drawings look like astronauts in those space suits.

Anyways, those shows make me think/wonder. When I hear religious shows or when I watched Noah last night all I could do was laugh. Impossible and regoddamndickulous.
But let's evaluate this for a moment because it's important to the philosophical debate... What HAVE you actually proven? You can show me HOW gravity works, you can't explain WHY. So go ahead... tell us WHY gravity works? Tell us WHY electromagnetism functions as it does? Tell us why the compound elements of hydrogen and oxygen create water? You can explain HOW these things occur all day long, science is valuable in doing that, but science cannot explain WHY. This isn't "God of the Gaps" this is God of the abyss... God of the unknown... God of the unexplainable. You'll never fill these gaps with science because science can't answer these questions of WHY. Only God can answer those.

You can't explain why either. That is why we say the best answer for you and I to give is we just don't know. You claim you know of a god and talk to him. I watched Noah last night. WTF? Who were the Rock men again? Gismys, please explain who those things were. What were they called Watchers? They were fallen angels who pissed off god and the human's betrayed them but the liked Noah? OMG! :lol::cuckoo::eusa_liar:

So god is why electromagnettism functions as it does? Is that what you are saying? Is that your final answer? This is what I'm talking about. When science figures out how that works, your god will get smaller and smaller. God of the gaps. We fill in a gap that use to be "gods" doing and now can be scientifically explained, and you just move on to something else science hasn't figured out YET. And when the do that won't sway you because it's ingrained in that puny unevolved brain of yours. You can't let it go. I believe I am the future. Jesus Mosus and Mohammad will be dead but there will be people like you who can't give up god and there will be many more people like me. Many more. All they have to do is watch Noah and they realize organized religions are a joke, then they have to just listen to you to realize really you have nothing. You just want/hope there to be a god. You even talk to him. :cuckoo: And I use to do it 5 months ago! So I know what you are going through. My friends had to make me realize, that shit is all in your head. I can't convince you. Only you can convince yourself. So each time you are talking to god, in the back of your head you must realize you are just talking to yourself.

And I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid of dying. Of coming to the end. Sorry its over. But it was a great ride. Some people are not so lucky. What did the 9 year old cancer or car wreck kid do wrong? You know what she did? Nothing. Wrong place wrong time, bad genes, some corporations pollution gave her cancer, or a serial killer found her. Completely random. And if she is miraculously cured, its not god. He doesn't do 1 in a 1000 favors. She wasn't better than the other 999. No angel saved her. No demon possessed her. That's just in her head the church put that there.
That movie was a insult to the story of Noah. They did not follow the bible and made shit up. Hell they refused to even say God in the movie. So if you are basing your knowlage of the ark on that movie you are a fool


I hope so because if that is the story no one could possibly take it literally.

So who were the rock creatures suppose to be? I never heard about them before.

And who was on the arc? Last night it was Noah, wife, 3 sons, 1 wife and a stow away.

How did they repopulate the earth? Did the other two brothers fuck the twin babies when they got old enough? Seriously I want to know.

And I don't think it matters because I think most people understand it is just a story to teach about right and wrong. Anyone who takes the story literally is borderline retarded imo.
First of all, based on other animals, we did not always believe in god(s) because there was a time when we weren't smart enough to come up with such a crazy story.

You've shown no evidence to support this speculation. Do you have any or not? You see, the archeology suggests that humans have always been spiritual. From the oldest bones we've ever unearthed, the civilizations show that humans practiced spirituality. In order to prove they invented this, you have to unearth some bones from BEFORE they practiced spirituality, and that hasn't happened. What you have is a speculation based on your disbelief in God. That's not science, that is FAITH.

There's more proof that ancient civilizations descended from aliens than there is of spirituality.

No, there is no proof. There might be evidence but evidence is subjective.

You're free to refute my point if you can. The oldest civilization of humans ever discovered shows signs of human spirituality. It's not subjective, that's what they found. To prove spirituality was invented you have to show some evidence, otherwise that is faith-based belief. I have no problem with you having a faith-based belief, but you're not going to claim it's science.

silly boob: Do you believe in evolution? That is my proof.

Sorry, but you have shown no evidence that cross-genus evolution ever happened. I do believe in microevolution, I think it's one of God's amazing miracles. But God created man and gave him spiritual awareness. Everything didn't "evolve" from a single cell, that's a fantasy that isn't supported by science. Again... I have no problem with your faith-based beliefs, but that's what we're going to call them.
I hope so because if that is the story no one could possibly take it literally.

So who were the rock creatures suppose to be? I never heard about them before.

And who was on the arc? Last night it was Noah, wife, 3 sons, 1 wife and a stow away.

How did they repopulate the earth? Did the other two brothers fuck the twin babies when they got old enough? Seriously I want to know. .

It says in the story that Noah brought along two of every other type of creature on board along with his family. I suspect bestiality.

There must have been a few dogs on board, a dumb ox or two, some cattle, rats, pigs, sheep, goats, vultures, wolves, bottom feeders, sharks, snakes, fish, a few worms, monkeys, weasels, maggots and parasites, not to mention a couple of jackasses, and the ever elusive nocturnal brown nosed dork.

Take about 50 creatures of various species in different stages of evolution, add a few thousand years, and presto gismo, the world as it is today, a reality more bizarre than in any fairy tale ever conceived!
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You've shown no evidence to support this speculation. Do you have any or not? You see, the archeology suggests that humans have always been spiritual. From the oldest bones we've ever unearthed, the civilizations show that humans practiced spirituality. In order to prove they invented this, you have to unearth some bones from BEFORE they practiced spirituality, and that hasn't happened. What you have is a speculation based on your disbelief in God. That's not science, that is FAITH.

There's more proof that ancient civilizations descended from aliens than there is of spirituality.

No, there is no proof. There might be evidence but evidence is subjective.

You're free to refute my point if you can. The oldest civilization of humans ever discovered shows signs of human spirituality. It's not subjective, that's what they found. To prove spirituality was invented you have to show some evidence, otherwise that is faith-based belief. I have no problem with you having a faith-based belief, but you're not going to claim it's science.

silly boob: Do you believe in evolution? That is my proof.

Sorry, but you have shown no evidence that cross-genus evolution ever happened. I do believe in microevolution, I think it's one of God's amazing miracles. But God created man and gave him spiritual awareness. Everything didn't "evolve" from a single cell, that's a fantasy that isn't supported by science. Again... I have no problem with your faith-based beliefs, but that's what we're going to call them.
The first religions were about worshipping gods that were actually aliens.
You've shown no evidence to support this speculation. Do you have any or not? You see, the archeology suggests that humans have always been spiritual. From the oldest bones we've ever unearthed, the civilizations show that humans practiced spirituality. In order to prove they invented this, you have to unearth some bones from BEFORE they practiced spirituality, and that hasn't happened. What you have is a speculation based on your disbelief in God. That's not science, that is FAITH.

There's more proof that ancient civilizations descended from aliens than there is of spirituality.

No, there is no proof. There might be evidence but evidence is subjective.

You're free to refute my point if you can. The oldest civilization of humans ever discovered shows signs of human spirituality. It's not subjective, that's what they found. To prove spirituality was invented you have to show some evidence, otherwise that is faith-based belief. I have no problem with you having a faith-based belief, but you're not going to claim it's science.

silly boob: Do you believe in evolution? That is my proof.

Sorry, but you have shown no evidence that cross-genus evolution ever happened. I do believe in microevolution, I think it's one of God's amazing miracles. But God created man and gave him spiritual awareness. Everything didn't "evolve" from a single cell, that's a fantasy that isn't supported by science. Again... I have no problem with your faith-based beliefs, but that's what we're going to call them.

Do you have any idea how many civilizations lived before the ones we found? Thousands maybe millions of years. Did your monkey ancestors believe in god? Oh yea, you don't believe in evolution.

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