Why do the God-haters persist?

The reason for this lack of evidence is easy for any unbiased observer to see. The reason why there is no empirical evidence for God is because God is imaginary.

Perhaps - Perhaps Not . Do you understand string theory and it's relativity to Time ?

Nope. Does it prove a god exists?

Okay so you don't understand string theory and it's relativity to time .
Guess what ?
Neither do I [LOL]
But it still exists .
Perhaps - Perhaps Not . Do you understand string theory and it's relativity to Time ?

Nope. Does it prove a god exists?

Okay so you don't understand string theory and it's relativity to time .
Guess what ?
Neither do I [LOL]
But it still exists .

And that proves what? Do you understand Leprechauns? Neither do I. Does that mean they exist too? Until we know more the best answer is you just don't know yet.

If you don't understand what god is, how do you know for sure that he exists? So you are admitting you have no understanding of what god is but you are still sure he exists?

Also, as with string theory, you are believing what other people have told you about god. Chances are you haven't looked that deeply into it or you would realize it is an irrational belief. And I think a lot of people realize this and still believe. I was one of those people until I was woken up by an atheist friend. He had to yell at me and call me stupid and I had to go home and think about it and I realized if I continue to believe there is a god then I do so with zero proof and a whole bunch of facts that point to the probability that we as humans just made it up.

A dog can be taught to think of a bird when we ring a bell. So can a man. Both can imagine a bird in their heads. What makes man special? We can imagine wings on a man. That's how we came up with angels. Very simple way of explaining we made all that shit up. Either that or believe the stories in the bible or koran or start worshipping Zeus.
Why hate god?

Because it is fun and there are no consequences because god is just made up nonsense.

Now what is really troubling is how many people are stupid enough to buy into the god racket.

When that many people are THAT willfully ignorant it doesn't matter that they believe in a sky fairy. If it wasn't god it would be something just as stupid.

Even if the scientists got off their asses and proved without a doubt that there is no god humanity would still be just as stupid.

The possibilities of what the population could gravitate to are endless and endlessly stupid and more than likely dangerous.

Take Germany only 70 years ago. They turned completely evil. It didn't take much either. Just a Charlie Chapman look alike and some clever propaganda. Hitler could not have happened without the consent of the German population.

Take the current RW campaign to make Obama and America fail just to prove the ****** shouldn't be president. These traitors couldn't operate without the will of the morons in their states that blindly go along with it.

It doesn't matter that a few people hate god. It makes no difference that a few hate the stupidity that sustains religion.

There will always be more stupid people than smart people. All one can do is hate them and laugh at them. They are not going away.

At least they are not for the most part NAZIS.
I take it you haven't followed this thread.....

What brought that on doofus ? What would my complimenting another poster have to do anything with "following the thread" kindly explain yourself or just STFU dumb ass

Because Boss is a major windbag/imbecile. You'd know that if you ever read some of his stuff.

Okay ........... USMB is chock full of overbearing windbags , some people think I am one , as I tend to get overly passionate on some topics and have a tendency to be vulgar and insulting ... That's actually the first post of his I ever recall seeing and I thought it was rather eloquent, but thanks for the heads up.
Nope. Does it prove a god exists?

Okay so you don't understand string theory and it's relativity to time .
Guess what ?
Neither do I [LOL]
But it still exists .
String theory is a theory, just like god. They don't exist, only their theories do.

Theories don't exist ? ....Hmmm ... Interesting Theory ... but it's only a theory - right ?

Infinity can't be proven -so basically it's a theory

<<< To Infinity -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 + 4 +5 +6 to Infinity >>>
Infinity is the sum of ALL things. Infinity is all inclusive
Both ends of the scale above go to Infinity.
Both go to same point and there can only be ONE Infinity.
Both ends of the scale undeniably meet back at the same point.
Therefore Infinity must be circular, meeting back at zero .
That would mean that the World is round ? !
-Drats, and I was just getting used to Copernicus-

In order to physically demonstrate this theory it would be necessary to travel from Zero , circle the globe of infinity and arrive back at Zero again . This is obviously a physical impossibility due to the restrictions of the Fourth dimension - TIME. Were the restrictions of the Fourth Dimension lifted , and we were permitted to eat of the Tree of Knowledge "we would Know "without labor countless things at the same time and in an instant of time, unaccompanied with doubt or obscurity. We would know everything at a glance. {1}"

In the small Town of Garabandal in Spain, a supernatural apparition, believed to Angelic by the Devout, demonic by others and insanity by still others is alleged to have made a statement to a young Child, who was incapable of completely understanding the meaning of what she was relaying. The Entity she was conversing with, she believed to be an apparition of the Virgin Mary, The Apparition told her that after the third Pope then will come the end of time but not the end of the world .
But how can this be ? If time stops , our very existence ceases, we become nothing within nothing, and we all know zero + zero = ZERO ...The problem with Zero + Zero is that Zero can only exist as a concept , not a substantiated fact when using a lineal thought process. In the same way the World was flat at one time. { And there is still a fringe element that believes this !}

DOES ZERO EXIST ? On the other side of the coin does infinity exist ? And completing the triumvirate/trilogy/trinity DOES GOD EXIST ?
" A child once asked me if I believe in God. I said, God is a concept like zero -- does zero exist?" --- Larry Bierman Positive Atheism .
.Yes Larry Bierman There is a Zero , didn't you hear that recent scientific studies have proven that the world is round ?!


The biggest challenge to physicists today is how to reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics. These Two fundamental pillars of modern science are highly incompatible. What the two theories clash over is zero and infinity" A black hole for instance occupies ZERO space, so how can infinite mass-- be crammed into zero space, curving space infinitely ? Einstein's equations of general relativity cannot deal with the sharpness of zero. In a black hole, space and time are meaningless/ zeroes. Everything is nothing. Human beings can not adequately process this information neither. If you divide any number by zero the answer is undefined. If you are using a windows operating system to view this page try the calculator installed in all windows systems . dividing a number by Zero.. you'll get "Can not divide by Zero" in most handhelds you'll get "undefined" Undefined can mean many things. But basically It is translatable as "need more info" . One could argue that Zero and infinity are abstract or imaginary quantities, because in reality Zero/ nothingness does not exist. There is no such thing as Zero or true Nothingness in Human reality or Human experience that we can point to as an example. However without Zero our entire mathematical structure and theory collapses.

Only in the absence of the time could we fully comprehend the concept of Zero. My god that's a ludicrous statement isn't it ? Without time we cease to exist/ die ..Become Zeroes, nothing at all, or everything within everything. The problem with our the Human mind is that it is locked within the constraints of linear time. First I will search for the "F" key on the keyboard in front of me , to begin typing the word First next the letter "I" and so on, all our actions and thought processes revolve around linear time. It is natural of the human to think that there must be a beginning and an end of everything.

A peculiar statement was made by an apparition that appeared to the child at Garabandal ,Spain.

"The power and wisdom of God is not confined to the creation of man and the material world. Beyond man millions of creatures exist, far more perfect than man. The angelic nature is a whole world of perfection, angels are spiritual substances, incorruptible by nature, entirely free from infirmities which compass us on every side. They are all brightness and beauty, their loveliness surpasses all united charms of earth. Their intelligence is Godlike for the knowledge extends to all truths of the natural order. They are acquainted with all secrets of nature and all that remains hidden from the greatest minds that ever existed. They know without labor countless things at the same time and in an instant of time, unaccompanied with doubt or obscurity. They know everything at a glance." countless = Infinite everything at a glance = Instant Knowledge , a thought process unrestrained by the weight of time.

Last edited:
Nope. Does it prove a god exists?

Okay so you don't understand string theory and it's relativity to time .
Guess what ?
Neither do I [LOL]
But it still exists .

And that proves what? Do you understand Leprechauns? Neither do I. Does that mean they exist too? Until we know more the best answer is you just don't know yet.

If you don't understand what god is, how do you know for sure that he exists? So you are admitting you have no understanding of what god is but you are still sure he exists?

Also, as with string theory, you are believing what other people have told you about god. Chances are you haven't looked that deeply into it or you would realize it is an irrational belief. And I think a lot of people realize this and still believe. I was one of those people until I was woken up by an atheist friend. He had to yell at me and call me stupid and I had to go home and think about it and I realized if I continue to believe there is a god then I do so with zero proof and a whole bunch of facts that point to the probability that we as humans just made it up.

A dog can be taught to think of a bird when we ring a bell. So can a man. Both can imagine a bird in their heads. What makes man special? We can imagine wings on a man. That's how we came up with angels. Very simple way of explaining we made all that shit up. Either that or believe the stories in the bible or koran or start worshipping Zeus.

I don't believe in the Bible or Koran or any of that other "Big Brother" religous BS either , but that does not exclude the exitence of a Supreme entity or a spiritual realm.

Can you explain Fatima - if you are at all familiar with it ?

"miracle of the sun"--a spectacular phenomenon--occurred in the presence of 50,000 - 70,000 witnesses. {Although some accounts say as much as a 100,000}

The crowd consisted of educated and illiterate ,rich and poor, die hard Catholics as well as devout Atheists who had come to mock.

Fatima Sun Dance
Briiliant ! - why don't you post more often ?

I take it you haven't followed this thread.....

What brought that on doofus ? What would my complimenting another poster have to do anything with "following the thread" kindly explain yourself or just STFU dumb ass

You asked why Boss doesn't post more often. He's posted many, many times in this thread.

What brought that on? Why would my comment that you haven't followed this thread cause such an angry response?
I take it you haven't followed this thread.....

What brought that on doofus ? What would my complimenting another poster have to do anything with "following the thread" kindly explain yourself or just STFU dumb ass

You asked why Boss doesn't post more often. He's posted many, many times in this thread.

What brought that on? Why would my comment that you haven't followed this thread cause such an angry response?

Misunderstanding of what you meant - my apologies . I usually post on the politics section / flame zone where the insults fly like gnats - thought your post was "incoming"
Sort of like how I think there is plenty of evidence bush/the gop stole 2000 & 2004 so he could appoint alito/roberts and tilt the court right, let us get hit on 9-11 so they could lie us into iraq and pass their radical economic agenda, changed bankruptsy laws and purposely bankrupted the country just for a little while so they could kill unions and renig on pensions. I mean I think there is tons of evidence but since the so called liberal media won't talk about any of it.....

Your evidence for god is not even as good as my evidence the GOP pulled a coup in 2000. The wind is god? Me being superstitious about karma is god? Weak!

You, on the other hand, judging by your comments here alone, are very insecure about yourself. You seek approval from others. Your friends are bashing Christians, so you want to be "cool" like them. It's more important for you to be accepted socially.

So if someone convinces you that your position is wrong then that means its because I want to be cool like them? I don't think so. They didn't fear me into believing what they believe. And if I didn't agree with them I wouldn't say I did. I actually got my feelings hurt, because he/they told me if I believe in a generic god then I'm just as dumb as the people who believe in jesus or mohammad. What possible reasons could I have for believing? No good ones.

So I may believe in Karma and I may admit I'm an agnostic atheist but that doesn't mean I believe in god, no matter what form you think he/it takes.

So he didn't make us in his image, right? At least you admit that.

But they didn't convince you. Repeatedly you have admitted you believe there is something more than just the physical realm, a thing or force you define as "Karma." Here you admit that you "got your feelings hurt" for believing in a "generic God" and this is largely why you have become an "agnostic" atheist. It allows you to "be cool" with your buddies and be accepted by them, while still rectifying your belief in something greater than self.

So he didn't make us in his image, right? At least you admit that.

Well, no... I didn't admit that. I have no idea if that is true or not true. I personally don't believe in such a God, I think of God as more of an energy force, like electricity or a natural force like gravity. My interpretation of God doesn't have humanistic attributes or conform to any organized religious incarnation. You might say that I believe in Karma like you but I choose to define it with three letters instead of four. However, I leave the possibility open that I could be wrong about this, and God could very well be as the Abrahamic religions or other religions imagine. In fact, being that it's God we're talking about here, there is nothing that prohibits God from being all things to all people in a spiritual sense. It could be that everyone is right, and that's just the nature of God.
“I would love to believe that when I die I will live again ... – Carl Sagan

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” - Mark Twain

GreenBean: In order to physically demonstrate this theory it would be necessary to travel from Zero , circle the globe of infinity and arrive back at Zero again . This is obviously a physical impossibility due to the restrictions of the Fourth dimension - TIME

Carl Sagan religiously was nothing but a whiner and why would anyone believe they were "dead" before they were born ???

“I would love to believe that when I die I will live again ... "

well the point is to defy GreenBean and travel the circuitous rout to "know" before death the means for ones Spirit to return to the Everlasting where one came from at birth.

certainly not knowing the rules is the surest way to insure mortality.

“I would love to believe that when I die I will live again ... – Carl Sagan

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” - Mark Twain

GreenBean: In order to physically demonstrate this theory it would be necessary to travel from Zero , circle the globe of infinity and arrive back at Zero again . This is obviously a physical impossibility due to the restrictions of the Fourth dimension - TIME

why would anyone believe they were "dead" before they were born ???


I believe what Mark Twain meant was that his consciousness did not exist and could not experience anything for billions upon billions of years before his birth and that the same would be true after his death. There was a point where he didn't exist and eventually there would be a point again where he didn't exist and that didn't bother him. That's essentially what he was saying. He wasn't literally implying that he was dead before he was even born.
You, on the other hand, judging by your comments here alone, are very insecure about yourself. You seek approval from others. Your friends are bashing Christians, so you want to be "cool" like them. It's more important for you to be accepted socially.

So if someone convinces you that your position is wrong then that means its because I want to be cool like them? I don't think so. They didn't fear me into believing what they believe. And if I didn't agree with them I wouldn't say I did. I actually got my feelings hurt, because he/they told me if I believe in a generic god then I'm just as dumb as the people who believe in jesus or mohammad. What possible reasons could I have for believing? No good ones.

So I may believe in Karma and I may admit I'm an agnostic atheist but that doesn't mean I believe in god, no matter what form you think he/it takes.

So he didn't make us in his image, right? At least you admit that.

But they didn't convince you. Repeatedly you have admitted you believe there is something more than just the physical realm, a thing or force you define as "Karma." Here you admit that you "got your feelings hurt" for believing in a "generic God" and this is largely why you have become an "agnostic" atheist. It allows you to "be cool" with your buddies and be accepted by them, while still rectifying your belief in something greater than self.

So he didn't make us in his image, right? At least you admit that.

Well, no... I didn't admit that. I have no idea if that is true or not true. I personally don't believe in such a God, I think of God as more of an energy force, like electricity or a natural force like gravity. My interpretation of God doesn't have humanistic attributes or conform to any organized religious incarnation. You might say that I believe in Karma like you but I choose to define it with three letters instead of four. However, I leave the possibility open that I could be wrong about this, and God could very well be as the Abrahamic religions or other religions imagine. In fact, being that it's God we're talking about here, there is nothing that prohibits God from being all things to all people in a spiritual sense. It could be that everyone is right, and that's just the nature of God.

So I see god every time I turn of a light in my house? Wow! That's pretty stupid, even for you.
So if someone convinces you that your position is wrong then that means its because I want to be cool like them? I don't think so. They didn't fear me into believing what they believe. And if I didn't agree with them I wouldn't say I did. I actually got my feelings hurt, because he/they told me if I believe in a generic god then I'm just as dumb as the people who believe in jesus or mohammad. What possible reasons could I have for believing? No good ones.

So I may believe in Karma and I may admit I'm an agnostic atheist but that doesn't mean I believe in god, no matter what form you think he/it takes.

So he didn't make us in his image, right? At least you admit that.

But they didn't convince you. Repeatedly you have admitted you believe there is something more than just the physical realm, a thing or force you define as "Karma." Here you admit that you "got your feelings hurt" for believing in a "generic God" and this is largely why you have become an "agnostic" atheist. It allows you to "be cool" with your buddies and be accepted by them, while still rectifying your belief in something greater than self.

So he didn't make us in his image, right? At least you admit that.

Well, no... I didn't admit that. I have no idea if that is true or not true. I personally don't believe in such a God, I think of God as more of an energy force, like electricity or a natural force like gravity. My interpretation of God doesn't have humanistic attributes or conform to any organized religious incarnation. You might say that I believe in Karma like you but I choose to define it with three letters instead of four. However, I leave the possibility open that I could be wrong about this, and God could very well be as the Abrahamic religions or other religions imagine. In fact, being that it's God we're talking about here, there is nothing that prohibits God from being all things to all people in a spiritual sense. It could be that everyone is right, and that's just the nature of God.

So I see god every time I turn of a light in my house? Wow! That's pretty stupid, even for you.

But that's not what I said. Yes, that is pretty stupid, but I bet it isn't that stupid for you.
But they didn't convince you. Repeatedly you have admitted you believe there is something more than just the physical realm, a thing or force you define as "Karma." Here you admit that you "got your feelings hurt" for believing in a "generic God" and this is largely why you have become an "agnostic" atheist. It allows you to "be cool" with your buddies and be accepted by them, while still rectifying your belief in something greater than self.

So he didn't make us in his image, right? At least you admit that.

Well, no... I didn't admit that. I have no idea if that is true or not true. I personally don't believe in such a God, I think of God as more of an energy force, like electricity or a natural force like gravity. My interpretation of God doesn't have humanistic attributes or conform to any organized religious incarnation. You might say that I believe in Karma like you but I choose to define it with three letters instead of four. However, I leave the possibility open that I could be wrong about this, and God could very well be as the Abrahamic religions or other religions imagine. In fact, being that it's God we're talking about here, there is nothing that prohibits God from being all things to all people in a spiritual sense. It could be that everyone is right, and that's just the nature of God.

So I see god every time I turn of a light in my house? Wow! That's pretty stupid, even for you.

But that's not what I said. Yes, that is pretty stupid, but I bet it isn't that stupid for you.
You're the noob who said that god is like electricity. :lol:

why would anyone believe they were "dead" before they were born ???


I believe what Mark Twain meant was that his consciousness did not exist and could not experience anything for billions upon billions of years before his birth
and that the same would be true after his death. There was a point where he didn't exist and eventually there would be a point again where he didn't exist and that didn't bother him. That's essentially what he was saying. He wasn't literally implying that he was dead before he was even born.

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” - Mark Twain

AB: I believe what Mark Twain meant was that his consciousness did not exist and could not experience anything for billions upon billions of years before his birth ...

I agree MTs comment was flippant (poetic license) and meant as you describe however to say he was "dead" before his birth might better have been simply as he did not exist - physiologically.

at least I do not believe I was dead in the pursuit of life I accomplished and intend to continue as a Spirit after the body perishes ... wherever that may lead and remain a part of the Everlasting as long as possible.

So I see god every time I turn of a light in my house? Wow! That's pretty stupid, even for you.

But that's not what I said. Yes, that is pretty stupid, but I bet it isn't that stupid for you.
You're the noob who said that god is like electricity. :lol:

How does being like electricity equate to being like a light bulb. You know your talking about two different things right.
Why hate god?

Because it is fun and there are no consequences because god is just made up nonsense.

Now what is really troubling is how many people are stupid enough to buy into the god racket.

When that many people are THAT willfully ignorant it doesn't matter that they believe in a sky fairy. If it wasn't god it would be something just as stupid.

Even if the scientists got off their asses and proved without a doubt that there is no god humanity would still be just as stupid.

The possibilities of what the population could gravitate to are endless and endlessly stupid and more than likely dangerous.

Take Germany only 70 years ago. They turned completely evil. It didn't take much either. Just a Charlie Chapman look alike and some clever propaganda. Hitler could not have happened without the consent of the German population.

Take the current RW campaign to make Obama and America fail just to prove the ****** shouldn't be president. These traitors couldn't operate without the will of the morons in their states that blindly go along with it.

It doesn't matter that a few people hate god. It makes no difference that a few hate the stupidity that sustains religion.

There will always be more stupid people than smart people. All one can do is hate them and laugh at them. They are not going away.

At least they are not for the most part NAZIS.

I agree completely. This is why I say I'm convinced that the politicians/rich/media know they can convince people who believe in invisible sky fairies of anything. As long as we remain ignorant like this as a society it is definately holding us back. And I don't think religion does more good than bad.

“A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it.” – David Stevens
You, on the other hand, judging by your comments here alone, are very insecure about yourself. You seek approval from others. Your friends are bashing Christians, so you want to be "cool" like them. It's more important for you to be accepted socially.

So if someone convinces you that your position is wrong then that means its because I want to be cool like them? I don't think so. They didn't fear me into believing what they believe. And if I didn't agree with them I wouldn't say I did. I actually got my feelings hurt, because he/they told me if I believe in a generic god then I'm just as dumb as the people who believe in jesus or mohammad. What possible reasons could I have for believing? No good ones.

So I may believe in Karma and I may admit I'm an agnostic atheist but that doesn't mean I believe in god, no matter what form you think he/it takes.

So he didn't make us in his image, right? At least you admit that.

But they didn't convince you. Repeatedly you have admitted you believe there is something more than just the physical realm, a thing or force you define as "Karma." Here you admit that you "got your feelings hurt" for believing in a "generic God" and this is largely why you have become an "agnostic" atheist. It allows you to "be cool" with your buddies and be accepted by them, while still rectifying your belief in something greater than self.

So he didn't make us in his image, right? At least you admit that.

Well, no... I didn't admit that. I have no idea if that is true or not true. I personally don't believe in such a God, I think of God as more of an energy force, like electricity or a natural force like gravity. My interpretation of God doesn't have humanistic attributes or conform to any organized religious incarnation. You might say that I believe in Karma like you but I choose to define it with three letters instead of four. However, I leave the possibility open that I could be wrong about this, and God could very well be as the Abrahamic religions or other religions imagine. In fact, being that it's God we're talking about here, there is nothing that prohibits God from being all things to all people in a spiritual sense. It could be that everyone is right, and that's just the nature of God.

Not true. I read on my favorite site the one you hate that the most logical position to take is agnostic atheism, because I shouldn't assume I know, just like christians and muslims and jews shouldn't lie and say they know.

But as far as I can tell, there is no god.

I don't suggest I'm not prone to be superstitious or irrational when it comes to this stuff. You and I both know god has been ingrained in our fabric for a long long time. Like how sometimes a domestic dog will show you it's basic instincts. I saw my beagle kill a muskrat. Why did she do it? She doesn't eat muskrat. But you should have seen her when she saw it. Even though I said NO, she did it anything.

I may believe in Karma but that's just my superstitious nature. If I go steal something right now I don't think that karma is going to kick in and pay me back for it. Or, even if karma is true, that doesn't mean a god exists. It can probably be explained scientifically. Actually, they would say that you can murder someone and live a long comfortable financially secure life free of sickness and pain. BUT, it would eat me up inside and that is where the karma comes from. Then whenever something bad happens, I would attribute it to what I did, when in reality there is ZERO connection.

So karma is what you make of it, in your head. And by the way, if it eats you up you could get cancer. No god gave you cancer. You gave that shit to yourself.

But also notice the people who live long happy lives who are evil? They may not believe in karma.
You, on the other hand, judging by your comments here alone, are very insecure about yourself. You seek approval from others. Your friends are bashing Christians, so you want to be "cool" like them. It's more important for you to be accepted socially.

So if someone convinces you that your position is wrong then that means its because I want to be cool like them? I don't think so. They didn't fear me into believing what they believe. And if I didn't agree with them I wouldn't say I did. I actually got my feelings hurt, because he/they told me if I believe in a generic god then I'm just as dumb as the people who believe in jesus or mohammad. What possible reasons could I have for believing? No good ones.

So I may believe in Karma and I may admit I'm an agnostic atheist but that doesn't mean I believe in god, no matter what form you think he/it takes.

So he didn't make us in his image, right? At least you admit that.

But they didn't convince you. Repeatedly you have admitted you believe there is something more than just the physical realm, a thing or force you define as "Karma." Here you admit that you "got your feelings hurt" for believing in a "generic God" and this is largely why you have become an "agnostic" atheist. It allows you to "be cool" with your buddies and be accepted by them, while still rectifying your belief in something greater than self.

So he didn't make us in his image, right? At least you admit that.

Well, no... I didn't admit that. I have no idea if that is true or not true. I personally don't believe in such a God, I think of God as more of an energy force, like electricity or a natural force like gravity. My interpretation of God doesn't have humanistic attributes or conform to any organized religious incarnation. You might say that I believe in Karma like you but I choose to define it with three letters instead of four. However, I leave the possibility open that I could be wrong about this, and God could very well be as the Abrahamic religions or other religions imagine. In fact, being that it's God we're talking about here, there is nothing that prohibits God from being all things to all people in a spiritual sense. It could be that everyone is right, and that's just the nature of God.

So you don't know is what you are saying. Agnostic Theist is what I would call you.

What are your thoughts on hell?

I guess whatever you come up with in your head must be true, right? Because how could you come up with it if it weren't true? That's what you say about god. Since we came up with it, must be true. So whatever you think, must be true, right?

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