Why do the God-haters persist?

A human can imagine a human with wings. Angels. Do angels exist Boss? We invented them in our minds, just like god.

No. We would just need more evidence in this god because the evidence you have so far is bad evidence or insufficient. What else do you have? Pretty big claim and such weak evidence you present on such a big claim.

You have admitted in this thread that you believe in Karma. That is, for some strange and unknown reason, good deeds are rewarded by good things happening and bad deeds result in bad things happening. You've said that you don't know if there is a God, this is the basis for your claims of "agnostic" atheism. It is obvious that you have some spiritual awareness, whether you acknowledge it as such or not.

Now I don't point these things out to embarrass you or demonstrate a hypocrisy, but to illustrate how you, a rational human being, realizes there is something greater than self. Even though you are inclined to disavow God, it is mainly the religious incarnations of God and not so much the concept itself. Someone made this point way back in the thread, and I can't even remember who did it, but basically it was saying that even if we completely destroyed all religion and all religious materials, banned religion entirely, got rid of all our religious symbolism and dogma... Man would still contemplate God.

It is the self-evidence of this which provides the clearest evidence we have for God. The fact that it's impossible for mankind not to contemplate God. Absent all religion and spirituality, man would still contemplate, is there something greater than myself? To me, this is very compelling and powerful evidence, whether you recognize it as such or not.

You see... "Evidence" is purely subjective to the views of the individual. I've been through this before... I can show you what I feel is compelling evidence of extraterrestrials visiting the planet, and I can believe that my evidence is incontrovertible... BUT, you may not view it as such. You may think my "evidence" isn't even evidence and is mere coincidence. So is my evidence REALLY evidence, or is it just coincidence that I have mistaken as evidence? What we individually accept or reject as "evidence" is highly determined by our individual perceptions, making "evidence" completely subjective.

So it does not matter about evidence. I can show you evidence of God all day long, you are poised to reject it no matter how compelling I believe it to be, and I can't change that. Now, let's take this into science at the molecular level... I can tell you that I have evidence electrons disappear and re-appear in different places, or that they can be in two places at the same time. If you reject my claims of evidence and refuse to look into a microscope and see for yourself, what can I ever to to convince you of this? You can say, that's a bunch of bullshit, it's impossible, it violates the laws of physics, and you don't believe it's true. What can I do to change your mind? Until you are willing to accept my evidence, it's pointless to argue. Very much the same can be said for God.
Possibly because you don't understand their Language and wouldn't know it when you saw it - He's right in your face - can't you see him ? Look Harder Grasshopper.

Listen fuck face. I was raised christian. We did everything right. We were the perfect family. My brother is still a christian although I know he doesn't take the bible literally so put him in that category of christian but anyways, the point is nothing bad happened to me I left god. I didn't dive into a bad life of drugs or crime and so I needed salvation/saving.

But notice that is how a lot of people find god? When they are low and vulnerable? That's always when predators trike.

Anyways, so it wasn't like I didn't read the bible and try to live by it. I just never really meant it when I said I believed Jesus was our lord and savior. Maybe I did at one point but I believed ONLY because I didn't think it through hard enough and I certainly wasn't told the other side which is these stories are impossible and just meant to teach me right from wrong.

So I'm not smarter than you. I'm just able to put that brainwashing and fear of the unknown part of my brain on hold and let logic and reason kick in here where most people "just can't believe" there is no god.

Yes, that is the best you godd'ers have. You have no proof. All you have is "you can't believe otherwise" or "you have faith" or you want to believe. We get it. But we also think as good as it has done for you, it is no good for mankind. Makes people really stupid and is holding back your brain from evolving. Let that shit go. A healthy fear of the unknown was good for our ancestors. It kept them alive. But today religion is proving to be no good. Look at the war machine of the christians, jews and look at what muslims say about non muslims. They all suck. Just as a Mormon and they will tell you I'm right about those 3 religions.

And ask a Christian and they'll say they are the best. Jews think they are the chosen ones. They'll all fucking nuts.

Listen up "Fuck Face" -I am not a Christain either - although I was raised as one.
You don't have to be a Bible Thumper or member of one of "Big Brothers" organized religions to believe in God . You want to know who God is .... listen to the whistling wind fuck face ... listen carefully .

For awhile I was like you. I didn't believe in organized religion but I still believed in god. Must have been about 4 months ago. It was when me and some buddies were watching the Cosmos. They/We started making fun of people who believe in god and then I told them I believed in "something" and they helped me realize that was all in my head just like it is in yours.

Without the real life stories of the bible, what other proof do you have? Realize that if god didn't talk to adam and eve, didn't send jesus, didn't talk to mosus, the arc is just a story, etc that all religion is made up. There were 997 other religions before the jews muslims an christians. What happened to those religions? Supposedly god came and talked to them too. Wake the fuck up.

Sorry, my friends had to talk to me this way to get me to snap out of it. Start thinking logically like a scientist and explain it to yourself what proof you have there is a god. Don't tell me because I don't want to hear it. I've already heard it from boss. Fact is, you just want there to be a god. Here, read this: Why there is no god

Eventually you should come to call yourself an agnostic atheist because atheists don't presume to know what is on the other side of a black hole or hiding on the other side of the moon. It is religious people who claim they know. They know nothing.

So for me, I don't need a god to make me good. But I also don't know. Maybe there is a god and hell. Only problem is, if you don't believe the organized religions, what makes you believe in hell? Who came up with hell? People.

What I don't believe is I have to believe in jesus or burn in hell. That's a joke. Why would god make me lie? If I can't/don't believe, why punish me? He proved it 2000 years ago, prove it to me.
A human can imagine a human with wings. Angels. Do angels exist Boss? We invented them in our minds, just like god.

No. We would just need more evidence in this god because the evidence you have so far is bad evidence or insufficient. What else do you have? Pretty big claim and such weak evidence you present on such a big claim.

You have admitted in this thread that you believe in Karma. That is, for some strange and unknown reason, good deeds are rewarded by good things happening and bad deeds result in bad things happening. You've said that you don't know if there is a God, this is the basis for your claims of "agnostic" atheism. It is obvious that you have some spiritual awareness, whether you acknowledge it as such or not.

Now I don't point these things out to embarrass you or demonstrate a hypocrisy, but to illustrate how you, a rational human being, realizes there is something greater than self. Even though you are inclined to disavow God, it is mainly the religious incarnations of God and not so much the concept itself. Someone made this point way back in the thread, and I can't even remember who did it, but basically it was saying that even if we completely destroyed all religion and all religious materials, banned religion entirely, got rid of all our religious symbolism and dogma... Man would still contemplate God.

It is the self-evidence of this which provides the clearest evidence we have for God. The fact that it's impossible for mankind not to contemplate God. Absent all religion and spirituality, man would still contemplate, is there something greater than myself? To me, this is very compelling and powerful evidence, whether you recognize it as such or not.

You see... "Evidence" is purely subjective to the views of the individual. I've been through this before... I can show you what I feel is compelling evidence of extraterrestrials visiting the planet, and I can believe that my evidence is incontrovertible... BUT, you may not view it as such. You may think my "evidence" isn't even evidence and is mere coincidence. So is my evidence REALLY evidence, or is it just coincidence that I have mistaken as evidence? What we individually accept or reject as "evidence" is highly determined by our individual perceptions, making "evidence" completely subjective.

So it does not matter about evidence. I can show you evidence of God all day long, you are poised to reject it no matter how compelling I believe it to be, and I can't change that. Now, let's take this into science at the molecular level... I can tell you that I have evidence electrons disappear and re-appear in different places, or that they can be in two places at the same time. If you reject my claims of evidence and refuse to look into a microscope and see for yourself, what can I ever to to convince you of this? You can say, that's a bunch of bullshit, it's impossible, it violates the laws of physics, and you don't believe it's true. What can I do to change your mind? Until you are willing to accept my evidence, it's pointless to argue. Very much the same can be said for God.

Sort of like how I think there is plenty of evidence bush/the gop stole 2000 & 2004 so he could appoint alito/roberts and tilt the court right, let us get hit on 9-11 so they could lie us into iraq and pass their radical economic agenda, changed bankruptsy laws and purposely bankrupted the country just for a little while so they could kill unions and renig on pensions. I mean I think there is tons of evidence but since the so called liberal media won't talk about any of it.....

Your evidence for god is not even as good as my evidence the GOP pulled a coup in 2000. The wind is god? Me being superstitious about karma is god? Weak!
Then I guess it's a good thing I don't feel a need for your respect, particularly considering your simplistic, partisan political views as posted here. ;)

Does your dick lean right too?

Oh, are you going to say your posted political views are not partisan?

It's strange how you go from painting me as a conservative, to being unable to determine my political views, to saying I'm very right-leaning. You aren't even consistent in the labels you try to force people into. :lol:

You don't vote. Its like you aren't a man or a woman you are an it.
A human can imagine a human with wings. Angels. Do angels exist Boss? We invented them in our minds, just like god.

No. We would just need more evidence in this god because the evidence you have so far is bad evidence or insufficient. What else do you have? Pretty big claim and such weak evidence you present on such a big claim.

You have admitted in this thread that you believe in Karma. That is, for some strange and unknown reason, good deeds are rewarded by good things happening and bad deeds result in bad things happening. You've said that you don't know if there is a God, this is the basis for your claims of "agnostic" atheism. It is obvious that you have some spiritual awareness, whether you acknowledge it as such or not.

Now I don't point these things out to embarrass you or demonstrate a hypocrisy, but to illustrate how you, a rational human being, realizes there is something greater than self. Even though you are inclined to disavow God, it is mainly the religious incarnations of God and not so much the concept itself. Someone made this point way back in the thread, and I can't even remember who did it, but basically it was saying that even if we completely destroyed all religion and all religious materials, banned religion entirely, got rid of all our religious symbolism and dogma... Man would still contemplate God.

It is the self-evidence of this which provides the clearest evidence we have for God. The fact that it's impossible for mankind not to contemplate God. Absent all religion and spirituality, man would still contemplate, is there something greater than myself? To me, this is very compelling and powerful evidence, whether you recognize it as such or not.

You see... "Evidence" is purely subjective to the views of the individual. I've been through this before... I can show you what I feel is compelling evidence of extraterrestrials visiting the planet, and I can believe that my evidence is incontrovertible... BUT, you may not view it as such. You may think my "evidence" isn't even evidence and is mere coincidence. So is my evidence REALLY evidence, or is it just coincidence that I have mistaken as evidence? What we individually accept or reject as "evidence" is highly determined by our individual perceptions, making "evidence" completely subjective.

So it does not matter about evidence. I can show you evidence of God all day long, you are poised to reject it no matter how compelling I believe it to be, and I can't change that. Now, let's take this into science at the molecular level... I can tell you that I have evidence electrons disappear and re-appear in different places, or that they can be in two places at the same time. If you reject my claims of evidence and refuse to look into a microscope and see for yourself, what can I ever to to convince you of this? You can say, that's a bunch of bullshit, it's impossible, it violates the laws of physics, and you don't believe it's true. What can I do to change your mind? Until you are willing to accept my evidence, it's pointless to argue. Very much the same can be said for God.

Proof #11 - Notice that there is no scientific evidence

There is no scientific evidence indicating that God exists. We all know that. For example:

God has never left any physical evidence of his existence on earth.

None of Jesus' "miracles" left any physical evidence either.

God has never spoken to modern man, for example by taking over all the television stations and broadcasting a rational message to everyone.

The resurrected Jesus has never appeared to anyone.

The Bible we have is provably incorrect and is obviously the work of primitive men rather than God.

When we analyze prayer with statistics, we find no evidence that God is "answering prayers."

Huge, amazing atrocities like the Holocaust and AIDS occur without any response from God.

Let's agree that there is no empirical evidence showing that God exists.

If you think about it as a rational person, this lack of evidence is startling. There is not one bit of empirical evidence indicating that today's "God", nor any other contemporary god, nor any god of the past, exists. In addition we know that:

If we had scientific proof of God's existence, we would talk about the "science of God" rather than "faith in God".

If we had scientific proof of God's existence, the study of God would be a scientific endeavor rather than a theological one.

If we had scientific proof of God's existence, all religious people would be aligning on the God that had been scientifically proven to exist. Instead there are thousands of gods and religions.

The reason for this lack of evidence is easy for any unbiased observer to see. The reason why there is no empirical evidence for God is because God is imaginary.
Possibly because you don't understand their Language and wouldn't know it when you saw it - He's right in your face - can't you see him ? Look Harder Grasshopper.

Listen fuck face. I was raised christian. We did everything right. We were the perfect family. My brother is still a christian although I know he doesn't take the bible literally so put him in that category of christian but anyways, the point is nothing bad happened to me I left god. I didn't dive into a bad life of drugs or crime and so I needed salvation/saving.

But notice that is how a lot of people find god? When they are low and vulnerable? That's always when predators trike.

Anyways, so it wasn't like I didn't read the bible and try to live by it. I just never really meant it when I said I believed Jesus was our lord and savior. Maybe I did at one point but I believed ONLY because I didn't think it through hard enough and I certainly wasn't told the other side which is these stories are impossible and just meant to teach me right from wrong.

So I'm not smarter than you. I'm just able to put that brainwashing and fear of the unknown part of my brain on hold and let logic and reason kick in here where most people "just can't believe" there is no god.

Yes, that is the best you godd'ers have. You have no proof. All you have is "you can't believe otherwise" or "you have faith" or you want to believe. We get it. But we also think as good as it has done for you, it is no good for mankind. Makes people really stupid and is holding back your brain from evolving. Let that shit go. A healthy fear of the unknown was good for our ancestors. It kept them alive. But today religion is proving to be no good. Look at the war machine of the christians, jews and look at what muslims say about non muslims. They all suck. Just as a Mormon and they will tell you I'm right about those 3 religions.

And ask a Christian and they'll say they are the best. Jews think they are the chosen ones. They'll all fucking nuts.

Listen up "Fuck Face" -I am not a Christain either - although I was raised as one.
You don't have to be a Bible Thumper or member of one of "Big Brothers" organized religions to believe in God . You want to know who God is .... listen to the whistling wind fuck face ... listen carefully .

We know why the wind whistles. Its science not god.

If you think about it as a rational person, this lack of evidence is startling. There is not one bit of empirical evidence indicating that today's "God", nor any other contemporary god, nor any god of the past, exists. In addition we know that:

If we had scientific proof of God's existence, we would talk about the "science of God" rather than "faith in God".

If we had scientific proof of God's existence, the study of God would be a scientific endeavor rather than a theological one.

If we had scientific proof of God's existence, all religious people would be aligning on the God that had been scientifically proven to exist. Instead there are thousands of gods and religions.

The reason for this lack of evidence is easy for any unbiased observer to see. The reason why there is no empirical evidence for God is because God is imaginary.
They/We started making fun of people who believe in god and then I told them I believed in "something" and they helped me realize that was all in my head just like it is in yours.

how sad.....was your faith always weak?.....

Sort of like how I think there is plenty of evidence bush/the gop stole 2000 & 2004 so he could appoint alito/roberts and tilt the court right, let us get hit on 9-11 so they could lie us into iraq and pass their radical economic agenda, changed bankruptsy laws and purposely bankrupted the country just for a little while so they could kill unions and renig on pensions.

let me guess....television and your friends told you that too, didn't they.....
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Listen fuck face. I was raised christian. We did everything right. We were the perfect family. My brother is still a christian although I know he doesn't take the bible literally so put him in that category of christian but anyways, the point is nothing bad happened to me I left god. I didn't dive into a bad life of drugs or crime and so I needed salvation/saving.

But notice that is how a lot of people find god? When they are low and vulnerable? That's always when predators trike.

Anyways, so it wasn't like I didn't read the bible and try to live by it. I just never really meant it when I said I believed Jesus was our lord and savior. Maybe I did at one point but I believed ONLY because I didn't think it through hard enough and I certainly wasn't told the other side which is these stories are impossible and just meant to teach me right from wrong.

So I'm not smarter than you. I'm just able to put that brainwashing and fear of the unknown part of my brain on hold and let logic and reason kick in here where most people "just can't believe" there is no god.

Yes, that is the best you godd'ers have. You have no proof. All you have is "you can't believe otherwise" or "you have faith" or you want to believe. We get it. But we also think as good as it has done for you, it is no good for mankind. Makes people really stupid and is holding back your brain from evolving. Let that shit go. A healthy fear of the unknown was good for our ancestors. It kept them alive. But today religion is proving to be no good. Look at the war machine of the christians, jews and look at what muslims say about non muslims. They all suck. Just as a Mormon and they will tell you I'm right about those 3 religions.

And ask a Christian and they'll say they are the best. Jews think they are the chosen ones. They'll all fucking nuts.

Listen up "Fuck Face" -I am not a Christain either - although I was raised as one.
You don't have to be a Bible Thumper or member of one of "Big Brothers" organized religions to believe in God . You want to know who God is .... listen to the whistling wind fuck face ... listen carefully .

We know why the wind whistles. Its science not god.

If you think about it as a rational person, this lack of evidence is startling. There is not one bit of empirical evidence indicating that today's "God", nor any other contemporary god, nor any god of the past, exists. In addition we know that:

If we had scientific proof of God's existence, we would talk about the "science of God" rather than "faith in God".

If we had scientific proof of God's existence, the study of God would be a scientific endeavor rather than a theological one.

If we had scientific proof of God's existence, all religious people would be aligning on the God that had been scientifically proven to exist. Instead there are thousands of gods and religions.

The reason for this lack of evidence is easy for any unbiased observer to see. The reason why there is no empirical evidence for God is because God is imaginary.

The reason for this lack of evidence is easy for any unbiased observer to see. The reason why there is no empirical evidence for God is because God is imaginary.

Perhaps - Perhaps Not . Do you understand string theory and it's relativity to Time ?
Sort of like how I think there is plenty of evidence bush/the gop stole 2000 & 2004 so he could appoint alito/roberts and tilt the court right, let us get hit on 9-11 so they could lie us into iraq and pass their radical economic agenda, changed bankruptsy laws and purposely bankrupted the country just for a little while so they could kill unions and renig on pensions. I mean I think there is tons of evidence but since the so called liberal media won't talk about any of it.....

Your evidence for god is not even as good as my evidence the GOP pulled a coup in 2000. The wind is god? Me being superstitious about karma is god? Weak!

Yeah, sorta like that.

Whether evidence is weak or strong is dependent on individual perspective. This is why we have hung juries. You can show me your Bush 2000 evidence and I can show you where it is invalid and/or irrelevant, but if you don't believe me and you do believe your evidence, we'll have a difference of opinion. The same applies to me and my evidence for God.

Again... the point is, "evidence" makes no difference in the argument. It's perception and perspectives of the individual. This defines the validity or invalidation in your mind or mine, of whatever the argument happens to be. I can't change how you view evidence and you can't change how I view it. We're ultimately all in charge of our own perspectives.

If you are superstitious about Karma, it means you have a spiritual awareness of some kind. You just refuse to identify it as such. We're really not that different in our spiritual understanding, but I think I happen to be a little more intune with my spiritual connection than you are. I embrace my spirituality while you try to hide from yours.

It becomes intriguing when we start to examine why that is the case. For me, I don't really care what others think of me. I am a confident person who has strong convictions and I am passionate about what I believe. It's has never really mattered to me if I am the only one in the room who has a certain opinion. In fact, I kind of like that about myself. You, on the other hand, judging by your comments here alone, are very insecure about yourself. You seek approval from others. Your friends are bashing Christians, so you want to be "cool" like them. It's more important for you to be accepted socially.
God has never left any physical evidence of his existence on earth.


life on Earth is the determining factor, beyond its physiology the presence of Spiritual Enlightenment granted to all living creatures flora and fauna.

sealy, is it your intent to expire with your physiology ?

Sort of like how I think there is plenty of evidence bush/the gop stole 2000 & 2004 so he could appoint alito/roberts and tilt the court right, let us get hit on 9-11 so they could lie us into iraq and pass their radical economic agenda, changed bankruptsy laws and purposely bankrupted the country just for a little while so they could kill unions and renig on pensions. I mean I think there is tons of evidence but since the so called liberal media won't talk about any of it.....

Your evidence for god is not even as good as my evidence the GOP pulled a coup in 2000. The wind is god? Me being superstitious about karma is god? Weak!

Yeah, sorta like that.

Whether evidence is weak or strong is dependent on individual perspective. This is why we have hung juries. You can show me your Bush 2000 evidence and I can show you where it is invalid and/or irrelevant, but if you don't believe me and you do believe your evidence, we'll have a difference of opinion. The same applies to me and my evidence for God.

Again... the point is, "evidence" makes no difference in the argument. It's perception and perspectives of the individual. This defines the validity or invalidation in your mind or mine, of whatever the argument happens to be. I can't change how you view evidence and you can't change how I view it. We're ultimately all in charge of our own perspectives.

If you are superstitious about Karma, it means you have a spiritual awareness of some kind. You just refuse to identify it as such. We're really not that different in our spiritual understanding, but I think I happen to be a little more intune with my spiritual connection than you are. I embrace my spirituality while you try to hide from yours.

It becomes intriguing when we start to examine why that is the case. For me, I don't really care what others think of me. I am a confident person who has strong convictions and I am passionate about what I believe. It's has never really mattered to me if I am the only one in the room who has a certain opinion. In fact, I kind of like that about myself. You, on the other hand, judging by your comments here alone, are very insecure about yourself. You seek approval from others. Your friends are bashing Christians, so you want to be "cool" like them. It's more important for you to be accepted socially.

Briiliant ! - why don't you post more often ?
Sort of like how I think there is plenty of evidence bush/the gop stole 2000 & 2004 so he could appoint alito/roberts and tilt the court right, let us get hit on 9-11 so they could lie us into iraq and pass their radical economic agenda, changed bankruptsy laws and purposely bankrupted the country just for a little while so they could kill unions and renig on pensions. I mean I think there is tons of evidence but since the so called liberal media won't talk about any of it.....

Your evidence for god is not even as good as my evidence the GOP pulled a coup in 2000. The wind is god? Me being superstitious about karma is god? Weak!

Yeah, sorta like that.

Whether evidence is weak or strong is dependent on individual perspective. This is why we have hung juries. You can show me your Bush 2000 evidence and I can show you where it is invalid and/or irrelevant, but if you don't believe me and you do believe your evidence, we'll have a difference of opinion. The same applies to me and my evidence for God.

Again... the point is, "evidence" makes no difference in the argument. It's perception and perspectives of the individual. This defines the validity or invalidation in your mind or mine, of whatever the argument happens to be. I can't change how you view evidence and you can't change how I view it. We're ultimately all in charge of our own perspectives.

If you are superstitious about Karma, it means you have a spiritual awareness of some kind. You just refuse to identify it as such. We're really not that different in our spiritual understanding, but I think I happen to be a little more intune with my spiritual connection than you are. I embrace my spirituality while you try to hide from yours.

It becomes intriguing when we start to examine why that is the case. For me, I don't really care what others think of me. I am a confident person who has strong convictions and I am passionate about what I believe. It's has never really mattered to me if I am the only one in the room who has a certain opinion. In fact, I kind of like that about myself. You, on the other hand, judging by your comments here alone, are very insecure about yourself. You seek approval from others. Your friends are bashing Christians, so you want to be "cool" like them. It's more important for you to be accepted socially.

Briiliant ! - why don't you post more often ?

I take it you haven't followed this thread.....
They/We started making fun of people who believe in god and then I told them I believed in "something" and they helped me realize that was all in my head just like it is in yours.

how sad.....was your faith always weak?.....

Sort of like how I think there is plenty of evidence bush/the gop stole 2000 & 2004 so he could appoint alito/roberts and tilt the court right, let us get hit on 9-11 so they could lie us into iraq and pass their radical economic agenda, changed bankruptsy laws and purposely bankrupted the country just for a little while so they could kill unions and renig on pensions.

let me guess....television and your friends told you that too, didn't they.....

Yes. I never completely believed the stories even when I was young and gullible.

No, I have been paying attention to politics for 30 years now, unlike most Americans who are not interested in politics. And then there are the poor and middle class fools who pay attention only they pay attention to rush and fox and so they get it wrong.
God has never left any physical evidence of his existence on earth.


life on Earth is the determining factor, beyond its physiology the presence of Spiritual Enlightenment granted to all living creatures flora and fauna.

sealy, is it your intent to expire with your physiology ?


So the Mosus, Adam and Eve, Abraham, Mohammad, Jesus & Devil stories are completely made up stories, correct? You do understand that, right? So if that is true, you have even less of an argument that god exists.

And so since you can't logically defend those stories, now you are trying to say that just the fact that life is here on earth that this proves god? No it does not. Sorry. Science says try again.

Yes when you die that's it. What was it like before you were born? That's what it'll be like after you die. Remember before you were born? Did it hurt? Were you sad because you weren't alive? What about the chicken I ate last night? Where is its soul?

So please realize you are just another animal in the food chain. You are at the top, but no matter, you are still just another animal. You just have a big enough brain you can imagine angels, demons, witches, ghosts, devils and god.
Sort of like how I think there is plenty of evidence bush/the gop stole 2000 & 2004 so he could appoint alito/roberts and tilt the court right, let us get hit on 9-11 so they could lie us into iraq and pass their radical economic agenda, changed bankruptsy laws and purposely bankrupted the country just for a little while so they could kill unions and renig on pensions. I mean I think there is tons of evidence but since the so called liberal media won't talk about any of it.....

Your evidence for god is not even as good as my evidence the GOP pulled a coup in 2000. The wind is god? Me being superstitious about karma is god? Weak!

You, on the other hand, judging by your comments here alone, are very insecure about yourself. You seek approval from others. Your friends are bashing Christians, so you want to be "cool" like them. It's more important for you to be accepted socially.

So if someone convinces you that your position is wrong then that means its because I want to be cool like them? I don't think so. They didn't fear me into believing what they believe. And if I didn't agree with them I wouldn't say I did. I actually got my feelings hurt, because he/they told me if I believe in a generic god then I'm just as dumb as the people who believe in jesus or mohammad. What possible reasons could I have for believing? No good ones.

So I may believe in Karma and I may admit I'm an agnostic atheist but that doesn't mean I believe in god, no matter what form you think he/it takes.

So he didn't make us in his image, right? At least you admit that.
God has never left any physical evidence of his existence on earth.


life on Earth is the determining factor, beyond its physiology the presence of Spiritual Enlightenment granted to all living creatures flora and fauna.

sealy, is it your intent to expire with your physiology ?


If he said no it still wouldn't prove a god. Please try again.

His argument is wishful thinking. The primary psychological role of traditional religion is deathist rationalisation, that is, rationalising the tragedy of death as a good thing to alleviate the anxiety of mortality.

“I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking. The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.” – Carl Sagan

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” - Mark Twain
Yeah, sorta like that.

Whether evidence is weak or strong is dependent on individual perspective. This is why we have hung juries. You can show me your Bush 2000 evidence and I can show you where it is invalid and/or irrelevant, but if you don't believe me and you do believe your evidence, we'll have a difference of opinion. The same applies to me and my evidence for God.

Again... the point is, "evidence" makes no difference in the argument. It's perception and perspectives of the individual. This defines the validity or invalidation in your mind or mine, of whatever the argument happens to be. I can't change how you view evidence and you can't change how I view it. We're ultimately all in charge of our own perspectives.

If you are superstitious about Karma, it means you have a spiritual awareness of some kind. You just refuse to identify it as such. We're really not that different in our spiritual understanding, but I think I happen to be a little more intune with my spiritual connection than you are. I embrace my spirituality while you try to hide from yours.

It becomes intriguing when we start to examine why that is the case. For me, I don't really care what others think of me. I am a confident person who has strong convictions and I am passionate about what I believe. It's has never really mattered to me if I am the only one in the room who has a certain opinion. In fact, I kind of like that about myself. You, on the other hand, judging by your comments here alone, are very insecure about yourself. You seek approval from others. Your friends are bashing Christians, so you want to be "cool" like them. It's more important for you to be accepted socially.

Briiliant ! - why don't you post more often ?

I take it you haven't followed this thread.....

What brought that on doofus ? What would my complimenting another poster have to do anything with "following the thread" kindly explain yourself or just STFU dumb ass

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