Why do the God-haters persist?

How can one hate something which does not exist?

If there is a god he has to be sitting back scratching his head asking himself how they figured out he existed since he has never visited or talked to anyone. I've never seen one glimpse. Seems completely made up to me when people say god talked to them, or that I have to have faith that god talked to people 2000 years ago. :eusa_liar: by liars who use god to control people. It's certainly a big business and they use it politically too. The king used his divine right to collect taxes. Slave owners used it to keep their slaves in line. Pharoahs used it on their slaves. Don't worry you only live to 30, there is an afterlife. :eusa_liar:

The rich and corporations and GOP politicians use it today to sucker the masses too.

So I don't hate god. I hate the people who use god in bad ways. How's god doing over in Gaza? Don't all those people believe in god? Good job god. :eusa_pray:

If there is a god he has to be sitting back scratching his head asking himself how they figured out he existed since he has never visited or talked to anyone. I've never seen one glimpse.

Possibly because you don't understand their Language and wouldn't know it when you saw it - He's right in your face - can't you see him ? Look Harder Grasshopper.
How can one hate something which does not exist?

easily, for endless reasons - that hating itself would generate, for people that (hate) .... * clue.

seriously, does anyone read the OP ?

the reason not to hate is the reason for God and for Admission to the OuterWorld of the Everlasting ... for who may succeed.

Perhaps your feelings stem from me jumping to conclusions about you. Maybe I misunderstood a post you wrote or I agreed with you and in going into my rant I started writing as if I was writing at a theist because I often do that. Do you believe in god or not? And if you didn't vote for bush, who did you vote for? I have read through some of your past posts and I'm trying to put a finger on you but I really haven't had much luck. You definately aren't black or white. You are more a gray.

And, my theory of how they use religion to control the masses. You disagree with that? You don't see how they use god in politics?

I have a feeling that if voting age adults are dumb enough to believe in a god, they are pretty much dumb enough to believe anything because belief in god requires blind faith and I don't have blind faith in anything.

I didn't vote for Bush or anyone else.

YOU are what's wrong with America.

I'm pretty sure you'd think I'm what's wrong with America if I'd voted for Bush, so....I'll take that with a huge grain of salt. :lol:
How can one hate something which does not exist?

gosh, and I think you're only the eighth person to say that.....

Then it must be a logically obvious thing to ask if multiple people have come to the same question.

Thing is, you now have over 5,000 posts, mostly from God-haters bashing the God they don't believe exists. I totally agree with you... How CAN you hate something for 5,000 posts which you claim doesn't exist? Seems to kind of defy logic and reason, doesn't it? :eusa_whistle:
gosh, and I think you're only the eighth person to say that.....

Then it must be a logically obvious thing to ask if multiple people have come to the same question.

Thing is, you now have over 5,000 posts, mostly from God-haters bashing the God they don't believe exists. I totally agree with you... How CAN you hate something for 5,000 posts which you claim doesn't exist? Seems to kind of defy logic and reason, doesn't it? :eusa_whistle:

Humans are quite good at defying logic. In fact, their irrationality is best channeled through their creation of religion.
gosh, and I think you're only the eighth person to say that.....

Then it must be a logically obvious thing to ask if multiple people have come to the same question.

Thing is, you now have over 5,000 posts, mostly from God-haters bashing the God they don't believe exists. I totally agree with you... How CAN you hate something for 5,000 posts which you claim doesn't exist? Seems to kind of defy logic and reason, doesn't it? :eusa_whistle:

Clearly, those who logically deny the existence of any god are not demonstrating hate for said god(s). What you are reading is the reaction to those who claim such beings as creators or guardians or deciders......and in doing so, express hatred and intolerance for their fellow man.

There is no god. Calling upon him to save you....or damn another.....is pointless. If it were also harmless, you'd get no argument from me.
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Then it must be a logically obvious thing to ask if multiple people have come to the same question.

Thing is, you now have over 5,000 posts, mostly from God-haters bashing the God they don't believe exists. I totally agree with you... How CAN you hate something for 5,000 posts which you claim doesn't exist? Seems to kind of defy logic and reason, doesn't it? :eusa_whistle:

Clearly, those who logically deny the existence of any god are not demonstrating hate for said god(s). What you are reading is the reaction to those who claim such beings as creators or guardians or deciders......and in doing so, express hatred and intolerance for their fellow man.

There is no god. Calling upon him to save you....or damn another.....is pointless. If it were also harmless, you'd get no argument from me.

But in all these 5,000+ posts, there isn't any evidence of God believers expressing hate or intolerance toward you. We've been tolerating your hate speech for 5,000 posts. What appears to be the problem is, you are intolerant of religious people having the freedom to express a political voice. You want to silence them politically because they have you outnumbered.

There is no god.

This is belief in something without evidence... the actual definition of FAITH. Therefore, you have a faith-based belief that there is no God. You've not offered any evidence to support your disbelief. Now you're entitled to your faith, but you don't have the right to force your faith on others.
Thing is, you now have over 5,000 posts, mostly from God-haters bashing the God they don't believe exists. I totally agree with you... How CAN you hate something for 5,000 posts which you claim doesn't exist? Seems to kind of defy logic and reason, doesn't it? :eusa_whistle:

Clearly, those who logically deny the existence of any god are not demonstrating hate for said god(s). What you are reading is the reaction to those who claim such beings as creators or guardians or deciders......and in doing so, express hatred and intolerance for their fellow man.

There is no god. Calling upon him to save you....or damn another.....is pointless. If it were also harmless, you'd get no argument from me.

But in all these 5,000+ posts, there isn't any evidence of God believers expressing hate or intolerance toward you. We've been tolerating your hate speech for 5,000 posts. What appears to be the problem is, you are intolerant of religious people having the freedom to express a political voice. You want to silence them politically because they have you outnumbered.

There is no god.

This is belief in something without evidence... the actual definition of FAITH. Therefore, you have a faith-based belief that there is no God. You've not offered any evidence to support your disbelief. Now you're entitled to your faith, but you don't have the right to force your faith on others.

When you say 'you', I assume you are talking about atheists, since you go on to say god believers have been tolerating 'your' hate speech for 5,000 posts. So, no examples of believers expressing hatred or intolerance in the thread at all, huh?

Clearly, those who logically deny the existence of any god are not demonstrating hate for said god(s). What you are reading is the reaction to those who claim such beings as creators or guardians or deciders......and in doing so, express hatred and intolerance for their fellow man.

There is no god. Calling upon him to save you....or damn another.....is pointless. If it were also harmless, you'd get no argument from me.

But in all these 5,000+ posts, there isn't any evidence of God believers expressing hate or intolerance toward you. We've been tolerating your hate speech for 5,000 posts. What appears to be the problem is, you are intolerant of religious people having the freedom to express a political voice. You want to silence them politically because they have you outnumbered.

There is no god.

This is belief in something without evidence... the actual definition of FAITH. Therefore, you have a faith-based belief that there is no God. You've not offered any evidence to support your disbelief. Now you're entitled to your faith, but you don't have the right to force your faith on others.

When you say 'you', I assume you are talking about atheists, since you go on to say god believers have been tolerating 'your' hate speech for 5,000 posts. So, no examples of believers expressing hatred or intolerance in the thread at all, huh?


If he/they could they would run you out to a post and light you on fire. Did you see the town hall meeting where the atheist girl sued to have God taken off the wall at her school because it made her uncomfortable? Those people had it been 200 years ago and no cameras would have stoned that brave girl to death.

Here is the fact. There is no proof of god and our society I think, no I know it must realize this and that is why we don't have a country run by the church. If god was a fact we wouldn't need government or government would be run by bishops or cardinals and priests or whatever. I think deep down we all realize religion/god is something that should be kept personal because if we had a court of law and a jury and all the evidence presented, it'd be pretty tough for the religious to prove anything. What would they use as proof? Their fictional books? Eye witness testimony of people saying they saw an angel or demon or they were possessed? I think science would tear those things apart and god too.

I just heard this yesterday. You can show a monkey a bird and ring a bell and after awhile all you have to do is ring a bell and the monkey will think of a bird even if you don't show the monkey anything. You can do the same with humans. Here is how we are different. A human can imagine a human with wings. Angels. Do angels exist Boss? We invented them in our minds, just like god.
Thing is, you now have over 5,000 posts, mostly from God-haters bashing the God they don't believe exists. I totally agree with you... How CAN you hate something for 5,000 posts which you claim doesn't exist? Seems to kind of defy logic and reason, doesn't it? :eusa_whistle:

Clearly, those who logically deny the existence of any god are not demonstrating hate for said god(s). What you are reading is the reaction to those who claim such beings as creators or guardians or deciders......and in doing so, express hatred and intolerance for their fellow man.

There is no god. Calling upon him to save you....or damn another.....is pointless. If it were also harmless, you'd get no argument from me.

But in all these 5,000+ posts, there isn't any evidence of God believers expressing hate or intolerance toward you. We've been tolerating your hate speech for 5,000 posts. What appears to be the problem is, you are intolerant of religious people having the freedom to express a political voice. You want to silence them politically because they have you outnumbered.

There is no god.

This is belief in something without evidence... the actual definition of FAITH. Therefore, you have a faith-based belief that there is no God. You've not offered any evidence to support your disbelief. Now you're entitled to your faith, but you don't have the right to force your faith on others.

No. We would just need more evidence in this god because the evidence you have so far is bad evidence or insufficient. What else do you have? Pretty big claim and such weak evidence you present on such a big claim. No one even agrees with you. Gismys says your going to hell and jews don't give a fuck about you and neither do muslims.

Is bald a hair color?
How can one hate something which does not exist?

If there is a god he has to be sitting back scratching his head asking himself how they figured out he existed since he has never visited or talked to anyone. I've never seen one glimpse. Seems completely made up to me when people say god talked to them, or that I have to have faith that god talked to people 2000 years ago. :eusa_liar: by liars who use god to control people. It's certainly a big business and they use it politically too. The king used his divine right to collect taxes. Slave owners used it to keep their slaves in line. Pharoahs used it on their slaves. Don't worry you only live to 30, there is an afterlife. :eusa_liar:

The rich and corporations and GOP politicians use it today to sucker the masses too.

So I don't hate god. I hate the people who use god in bad ways. How's god doing over in Gaza? Don't all those people believe in god? Good job god. :eusa_pray:

If there is a god he has to be sitting back scratching his head asking himself how they figured out he existed since he has never visited or talked to anyone. I've never seen one glimpse.

Possibly because you don't understand their Language and wouldn't know it when you saw it - He's right in your face - can't you see him ? Look Harder Grasshopper.

Listen fuck face. I was raised christian. We did everything right. We were the perfect family. My brother is still a christian although I know he doesn't take the bible literally so put him in that category of christian but anyways, the point is nothing bad happened to me I left god. I didn't dive into a bad life of drugs or crime and so I needed salvation/saving.

But notice that is how a lot of people find god? When they are low and vulnerable? That's always when predators trike.

Anyways, so it wasn't like I didn't read the bible and try to live by it. I just never really meant it when I said I believed Jesus was our lord and savior. Maybe I did at one point but I believed ONLY because I didn't think it through hard enough and I certainly wasn't told the other side which is these stories are impossible and just meant to teach me right from wrong.

So I'm not smarter than you. I'm just able to put that brainwashing and fear of the unknown part of my brain on hold and let logic and reason kick in here where most people "just can't believe" there is no god.

Yes, that is the best you godd'ers have. You have no proof. All you have is "you can't believe otherwise" or "you have faith" or you want to believe. We get it. But we also think as good as it has done for you, it is no good for mankind. Makes people really stupid and is holding back your brain from evolving. Let that shit go. A healthy fear of the unknown was good for our ancestors. It kept them alive. But today religion is proving to be no good. Look at the war machine of the christians, jews and look at what muslims say about non muslims. They all suck. Just as a Mormon and they will tell you I'm right about those 3 religions.

And ask a Christian and they'll say they are the best. Jews think they are the chosen ones. They'll all fucking nuts.
If there is a god he has to be sitting back scratching his head asking himself how they figured out he existed since he has never visited or talked to anyone. I've never seen one glimpse. Seems completely made up to me when people say god talked to them, or that I have to have faith that god talked to people 2000 years ago. :eusa_liar: by liars who use god to control people. It's certainly a big business and they use it politically too. The king used his divine right to collect taxes. Slave owners used it to keep their slaves in line. Pharoahs used it on their slaves. Don't worry you only live to 30, there is an afterlife. :eusa_liar:

The rich and corporations and GOP politicians use it today to sucker the masses too.

So I don't hate god. I hate the people who use god in bad ways. How's god doing over in Gaza? Don't all those people believe in god? Good job god. :eusa_pray:

If there is a god he has to be sitting back scratching his head asking himself how they figured out he existed since he has never visited or talked to anyone. I've never seen one glimpse.

Possibly because you don't understand their Language and wouldn't know it when you saw it - He's right in your face - can't you see him ? Look Harder Grasshopper.

Listen fuck face. I was raised christian. We did everything right. We were the perfect family. My brother is still a christian although I know he doesn't take the bible literally so put him in that category of christian but anyways, the point is nothing bad happened to me I left god. I didn't dive into a bad life of drugs or crime and so I needed salvation/saving.

But notice that is how a lot of people find god? When they are low and vulnerable? That's always when predators trike.

Anyways, so it wasn't like I didn't read the bible and try to live by it. I just never really meant it when I said I believed Jesus was our lord and savior. Maybe I did at one point but I believed ONLY because I didn't think it through hard enough and I certainly wasn't told the other side which is these stories are impossible and just meant to teach me right from wrong.

So I'm not smarter than you. I'm just able to put that brainwashing and fear of the unknown part of my brain on hold and let logic and reason kick in here where most people "just can't believe" there is no god.

Yes, that is the best you godd'ers have. You have no proof. All you have is "you can't believe otherwise" or "you have faith" or you want to believe. We get it. But we also think as good as it has done for you, it is no good for mankind. Makes people really stupid and is holding back your brain from evolving. Let that shit go. A healthy fear of the unknown was good for our ancestors. It kept them alive. But today religion is proving to be no good. Look at the war machine of the christians, jews and look at what muslims say about non muslims. They all suck. Just as a Mormon and they will tell you I'm right about those 3 religions.

And ask a Christian and they'll say they are the best. Jews think they are the chosen ones. They'll all fucking nuts.

Listen up "Fuck Face" -I am not a Christain either - although I was raised as one.
You don't have to be a Bible Thumper or member of one of "Big Brothers" organized religions to believe in God . You want to know who God is .... listen to the whistling wind fuck face ... listen carefully .
Nope. I'd have more respect for you had you voted.

Then I guess it's a good thing I don't feel a need for your respect, particularly considering your simplistic, partisan political views as posted here. ;)

Does your dick lean right too?

Oh, are you going to say your posted political views are not partisan?

It's strange how you go from painting me as a conservative, to being unable to determine my political views, to saying I'm very right-leaning. You aren't even consistent in the labels you try to force people into. :lol:

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