Why do the God-haters persist?

Roflmao!!! So you are so blinded and ignorant that you do not know truth when you read it???? Pray for help and pray fast and long!!!
Wait a minute!!! Jesus Himself said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”

Oh he said so himself? That is their proof? LOL. So did Joseph Smith, David Koresh, Charles Manson, etc. So your proof is to tell me the guy said so himself, 2000 years ago? I'll continue reading this shit and see if it convinces me of anything.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”

is there proof the quote is attributable to J ?

"No one comes to the Father except through me”

if attributable, the quote would be a / the reason for his trial for blasphemy as was done and without an encore verifiable for posterity ... end of story end of myth. -

but a true martyr who died for his cause / and (vanity). all hail Jesus.


I also find it amazing that the religious leaders of these false religions could or would try and murder a person for denying their stories. That alone should tell you they are not real. Seriously? Your religion says its ok to murder someone who disagrees or speaks out in disbelief? Wow! That's going to be a real good religion. A lot of good is going to come of a religion like that, NOT.

Christians will say that was the jews not them, but for how many hundreds of years did Christians slso kill non believers? So how can anyone who takes a serious hard look at these religions believe or take them seriously?

Notice they never teach you the history of religion. Instead they tell you to read their book full of scare tactics and impossible stories and ignore their history.
Roflmao!!! So you are so blinded and ignorant that you do not know truth when you read it???? Pray for help and pray fast and long!!!

Nope. I read the bible and the truth is not obvious. If it is to you that's because you are gullible.
GOD'S WORDS TO UNBELIEVERS==The man who isn’t a Christian can’t understand and can’t accept these thoughts from God, which the Holy Spirit teaches us. They sound foolish to him because only those who have the Holy Spirit within them can understand what the Holy Spirit means. Others just can’t take it in. 15 But the spiritual man has insight into everything, and that bothers and baffles the man of the world, who can’t understand him at all. 16 How could he? For certainly he has never been one to know the Lord’s thoughts, or to discuss them with him, or to move the hands of God by prayer. But, strange as it seems, we Christians actually do have within us a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Christ. 1Corinthians 2:14-16=====IS THIS YOUR PROBLEM???
GOD'S WORDS TO UNBELIEVERS==The man who isn’t a Christian can’t understand and can’t accept these thoughts from God, which the Holy Spirit teaches us. They sound foolish to him because only those who have the Holy Spirit within them can understand what the Holy Spirit means. Others just can’t take it in. 15 But the spiritual man has insight into everything, and that bothers and baffles the man of the world, who can’t understand him at all. 16 How could he? For certainly he has never been one to know the Lord’s thoughts, or to discuss them with him, or to move the hands of God by prayer. But, strange as it seems, we Christians actually do have within us a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Christ. 1Corinthians 2:14-16=====IS THIS YOUR PROBLEM???

Sealybobo shows Gismys a book of fairy tales and tries to pass them off as fact.

Gismys doesn't believe the stories

Sealybobo says if he doesn't believe the stories he'll go to hell.

Gismys calls bs.

Sealybobo continues to use the book of fairy tales as proof his fairy tales are real.

Gismym never buys it

Sealybobo continues to tell gismys that he'll go to hell if he doesn't believe

Gismys never believes and continues to live a normal life.

Sound familiar?
TRY AGAIN!! THIS SCRIPTURE IS NOT HARD FOR "MOST" people to understand!!===GOD'S WORDS TO UNBELIEVERS==The man who isn’t a Christian can’t understand and can’t accept these thoughts from God, which the Holy Spirit teaches us. They sound foolish to him because only those who have the Holy Spirit within them can understand what the Holy Spirit means. Others just can’t take it in. 15 But the spiritual man has insight into everything, and that bothers and baffles the man of the world, who can’t understand him at all. 16 How could he? For certainly he has never been one to know the Lord’s thoughts, or to discuss them with him, or to move the hands of God by prayer. But, strange as it seems, we Christians actually do have within us a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Christ. 1Corinthians 2:14-16=====IS THIS YOUR PROBLEM???



Well, since I am non-religious, I really don't have a dog in this hunt, I am just going by what archaeologists have discovered and history has recorded. That's the thing about history, you can't run away from it. It is a common misconception that Allah and God are the same, largely due to Muhammad teaching this lie after the fact. The pagan deity Allah: God of the Moon, existed long before Muhammad. Now, I am not here to dispute Muhammad any more than I'm here to dispute Jesus or Abraham. I'm just reporting the facts. You can believe Muhammad or history, doesn't really matter to me. :dunno:

That's the thing. It's not a question of believing Muhammad or history. I have not seem evidence that it is history. Like I said, looking up allah as the moon god gave me a bunch of sites which were either Christian or Muslim. I didn't get archeological sites, historical sites, etc. Where did you get this information from? Then I could go see for myself.

You haven't really answered my question about the word allah, either, unless you are saying it does not mean god in Arabic, but instead means the specific moon god you're talking about.

It isn't history. The only thing that stops these stories from being fairy tales is that they supposedly happened 5000 or 2000 years ago rather than "in a place far far away a long time ago".

There is no contemporary evidence for Jesus’ (or Mohammad's) existence or the Bible’s account of his life; no artifacts, dwellings, works of carpentry, self-written manuscripts, court records, eyewitness testimony, official diaries, birth records, reflections on his significance or written disputes about his teachings. Nothing survives from the time in which he is said to have lived.

The Biblical account of Jesus (and the Koran's account of Mohammad) have striking similarities with other mythologies and texts. It is likely the character(s) was either partly or entirely invented by competing first century messianic cults from an amalgamation of Greco-Roman, Egyptian and Judeo-Apocalyptic myths and prophecies.

Even if Jesus’ or Mohammad's existence could be established, this would in no way validate Christian or Muslim theology or any element of the stories portrayed in the Bible or Koran, such as the performance of miracles or the resurrection.

Simply because it is conceivable a heretical Jewish preacher named Yeshua lived circa 30 AD, had followers and was executed, does not imply the son of a god walked the Earth at that time. Same for Mo.

Do you even realize your post has little to do with the conversation you are quoting?
No, we never invade christians or whites. Last time white Germany and us went at it. The german people were all christians. How great is the religion when the people of that religion are capable of such acts? Time to get rid of the christian and muslim religions because they say all non christians/muslims are bad. So these religions need to end. Jews will always be jews. You can't join that club. You either are born into it or you are not. Sammy Davis the one exception. Anyways, we need a new religion. One that doesn't say non believers are going to hell. Or maybe there is an old religion that preached this and it never caught on? I don't know. All I know is religous people are KILLAS. Ask any alien watching us from space. What do you think they think of us? Fucktards. They would love a liberal planet. But you cons would dissect that alien so fast.

See son, you don't know how Bush mind fucked you. If you did you would know what I'm talking about. Bush/Rush/Fox/Drudged purposely called them radical ISLAM. They basically called a holy war and you dumb americans were so easily duped. I'll admit so was I after 911 but then about 1 yr into Iraq I work up. You clearly didn't. Bush/Chaney loved/wanted the Iraq war. And you know when I say bush I mean the gop. Fill in the fucking blank christy, huckabee, mccain, mitt, mcconnell, boehner, ryan, paul, shell/exxon/bp/haloburton/incorporated.

And lastly, I am a student of politics/religion. I study them. That's why I know where politics is corrupt and why religion is too. Hell if you'd get your head out of rush/fox/drudges asses you'd know more I promise you that. Yesterday alone on NPR they were talking about politics in America vs. Australia. This is just one small example of how they own you bitches and you keep voting for them. In Australia you pay a $15 fine if you don't vote, so they have very high turn over. This changes EVERYTHING. More people vote. You can show up and vote for NO ONE but you have to show up. This gets the citizens engaged more. More interested and more informed. Then the politicians start fighting for the votes in the middle, not pandering to the far right on abortion, god gays and guns and RACISM. This is how the GOP/Rich are winning elections. By low voter turn out and low information voters.

Remember they use to say all politics are local? Really? Who's your state reps? What did they vote on recently? So even the people here in America who do pay attention and so uninformed, misinformed or underinformed.

Wow, that's a staggering amount of projection and strawman argument.

Christianity certainly has a history of aggression and violence, of 'killing in the name of god'. However, the followers of Christianity seem to have pretty much given up on that. Some followers of Islam, unfortunately, have not.

While I would love to see how humanity would fare without religion, both because of my lack of belief and my curiosity as to how important it is to our survival and advancement as a species, there is no need for religion to end. We've gotten along with religion being part of humanity up to this point.

You cons would dissect that alien so fast? What the hell are you talking about? First, I am not a con. I am not a member of any political party nor am I beholden to any particular political philosophy. Second, I don't think that political belief would be the main determining factor in how a person reacted to intelligent alien life.

Bush mind fucked me? I never voted for or even liked Bush. That you see the religious behind every bad thing that ever happens doesn't mean I've somehow been fooled by a former president. :lol: Yes, politicians drummed up some hatred for Muslims. That's what politicians do; they provide people with a target for their frustration, anger and hate, whether that target deserves it or not.

I was never for the Iraq war. Afghanistan I understood, but Iraq always seemed like a purposeless war to me, a continuation of Bush Sr.'s war. Maybe you are the 'dumb American' who was 'mind fucked' by Bush if you thought the war was a good idea for the first year.

If you mean the GOP, why don't you say the GOP instead of just Bush?

Now I have my head in Rush/Fox/Drudge's ass? You don't know the first thing about my political beliefs, so far as I can tell, but in your need to put people in simple categories you can more easily demonize, you've decided you do. I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh. Other than the occasional short bit to see what the fuss is about on a particular subject, I never have. I don't watch tv news. I do go to Fox's website, but I just happen to like the layout. I also go to CNN's site and read BBC headlines. I have never been to the Drudge site. So how is my head in their asses again? ;)

Who owns me? Who have I voted for? You haven't the slightest clue. You aren't arguing with me, you're arguing with a caricature you've created of your idea of a conservative. If you want to stop talking to yourself and actually talk to me, let me know. :D

First, if you aren't a con then stop using their buzz words like straw man.

Second, yes I generalize. I'm on a fucking message board. There are religious liberals too.

3. I don't want to talk politics with someone who is unconvincable. I may come here and spout off my opinion, but I don't want to get in a tit for tat with boss. Righties love that shit. I say why bother. Remember all their confidence that Mitt was ahead in the polls?

Anyways, I'm not here to talk politics. I'm just telling you that religion and politics are the two ways "they" mind fuck you/us.

Oh, and when I say they own you, I mean they own me too unfortunately.

So I hear the Jews, the founders of our religion, are up to 1000 muslim murder/death/kills in Gaza. Boy they sure want to catch us atheists in our number of all time murder/death/kills. We haven't killed anyone since Pol Pot but the christians/jews/muslims just keep killing each other. Very impressive from a scientific point of view. In fact doctors learned a lot about plastic surgery and helping amputees through war or experimenting on people.

I was thinking about this on the way into work this am. Jesus didn't tell the jews to start a new religion. He was just telling them they were being hypocrites, no different than today's christians are christians only because they believe it'll get them into heaven. They don't follow what jesus said any better than the money changers did. And that whole son of god thing got blown way out of proportion. I'm sure Jesus meant every man/woman is the son of god, not him literally. And I just can't seem to wrap my mind around this whole thing about he died for our sins? What is that all about again?

A straw man is a poor debating fallacy. It has nothing to do with conservatives or liberals or any other political philosophies.

You don't just generalize, you try to force people or their arguments into religious boxes you have created in your mind. You argue as though Christianity, or the Abrahamic religions, are the only ones that exist.

You don't want to discuss politics, you just want to give your opinions and then ignore any replies?

The Jews are the founders of 'our' religion? Odd terminology for an atheist, and yet another example of the way you really seem to argue against Christianity when you talk about religion. That's understandable to an extent, since it's far and away the major religion in the US, but you conflate all religion with Christianity far too often.

Yes, many have been killed in the name of religion, and many still are. I'm not sure if the current Israel/Hamas conflict is really about religion, though; I think that politics and nationalism may have as much to do with it. But sure, I'll accept that it's an example of people killing for religion. So what? Why tell me that, when I've never denied that people kill for religion?

You are welcome to whatever interpretation of Christianity you want. I think that you are being silly, but no sillier than most believers.

You continue to try and argue as though I think or believe things I do not and have never claimed to think. I am not religious. I have never been a believer. I have anti-Christian symbols carved into my flesh, FFS. I don't like or agree with religion. However, that doesn't mean I am OK with poor arguments made against religion or with the kind of nearly blind stereotyping you so often do.
That's the thing. It's not a question of believing Muhammad or history. I have not seem evidence that it is history. Like I said, looking up allah as the moon god gave me a bunch of sites which were either Christian or Muslim. I didn't get archeological sites, historical sites, etc. Where did you get this information from? Then I could go see for myself.

You haven't really answered my question about the word allah, either, unless you are saying it does not mean god in Arabic, but instead means the specific moon god you're talking about.

It isn't history. The only thing that stops these stories from being fairy tales is that they supposedly happened 5000 or 2000 years ago rather than "in a place far far away a long time ago".

There is no contemporary evidence for Jesus’ (or Mohammad's) existence or the Bible’s account of his life; no artifacts, dwellings, works of carpentry, self-written manuscripts, court records, eyewitness testimony, official diaries, birth records, reflections on his significance or written disputes about his teachings. Nothing survives from the time in which he is said to have lived.

The Biblical account of Jesus (and the Koran's account of Mohammad) have striking similarities with other mythologies and texts. It is likely the character(s) was either partly or entirely invented by competing first century messianic cults from an amalgamation of Greco-Roman, Egyptian and Judeo-Apocalyptic myths and prophecies.

Even if Jesus’ or Mohammad's existence could be established, this would in no way validate Christian or Muslim theology or any element of the stories portrayed in the Bible or Koran, such as the performance of miracles or the resurrection.

Simply because it is conceivable a heretical Jewish preacher named Yeshua lived circa 30 AD, had followers and was executed, does not imply the son of a god walked the Earth at that time. Same for Mo.

Do you even realize your post has little to do with the conversation you are quoting?

not to mention an attribution, the above is quoted from somewhere ....

speaking of - "has little to do with the conversation" - what about GISMO ?

It isn't history. The only thing that stops these stories from being fairy tales is that they supposedly happened 5000 or 2000 years ago rather than "in a place far far away a long time ago".

There is no contemporary evidence for Jesus’ (or Mohammad's) existence or the Bible’s account of his life; no artifacts, dwellings, works of carpentry, self-written manuscripts, court records, eyewitness testimony, official diaries, birth records, reflections on his significance or written disputes about his teachings. Nothing survives from the time in which he is said to have lived.

The Biblical account of Jesus (and the Koran's account of Mohammad) have striking similarities with other mythologies and texts. It is likely the character(s) was either partly or entirely invented by competing first century messianic cults from an amalgamation of Greco-Roman, Egyptian and Judeo-Apocalyptic myths and prophecies.

Even if Jesus’ or Mohammad's existence could be established, this would in no way validate Christian or Muslim theology or any element of the stories portrayed in the Bible or Koran, such as the performance of miracles or the resurrection.

Simply because it is conceivable a heretical Jewish preacher named Yeshua lived circa 30 AD, had followers and was executed, does not imply the son of a god walked the Earth at that time. Same for Mo.

Do you even realize your post has little to do with the conversation you are quoting?

not to mention an attribution, the above is quoted from somewhere ....

speaking of - "has little to do with the conversation" - what about GISMO ?


I pretty much ignore GISMYS. His/her crazy ramblings aren't worth the time to read or reply to IMO.



Really because it seems like you enjoy rubbing it in. We have a dumb friend like you and he tried saying that to us once and we made so much fun of him that he just shuts up now. If him and you want to believe people are going to hell for denying your fake story, that's your free choice. And I don't blame a god because there is no god. If there was he wouldn't be hiding. He made us in his image? So he looks like a man? Then come perform some magic for me like Jesus did for his followers. He supposedly gave them proof and they crucified him. I wouldn't. I would believe him if I saw him turn 2 fish into 200. Show me a miracle.

But unfortunately we are the losers in the dice roll of time. Supposedly Jesus went around showing everyone proof but today we have to rely on what sounds like a made up story. I mean unless you are a child or really gullible/weak minded.

But if that makes you feel good that you are going to heaven, great. Just realize telling other people if they don't believe they will go to hell is exactly why I don't believe. No god would come up with this. A cult would though.


Really because it seems like you enjoy rubbing it in. We have a dumb friend like you and he tried saying that to us once and we made so much fun of him that he just shuts up now. If him and you want to believe people are going to hell for denying your fake story, that's your free choice. And I don't blame a god because there is no god. If there was he wouldn't be hiding. He made us in his image? So he looks like a man? Then come perform some magic for me like Jesus did for his followers. He supposedly gave them proof and they crucified him. I wouldn't. I would believe him if I saw him turn 2 fish into 200. Show me a miracle.

But unfortunately we are the losers in the dice roll of time. Supposedly Jesus went around showing everyone proof but today we have to rely on what sounds like a made up story. I mean unless you are a child or really gullible/weak minded.

But if that makes you feel good that you are going to heaven, great. Just realize telling other people if they don't believe they will go to hell is exactly why I don't believe. No god would come up with this. A cult would though.

LOL!!! YOU CAN'T DEBATE WHAT GOD'S WORD SAYS IF YOU DON'T READ AND STUDY IT!!! When you try you look very ignorant!!! and you??
GOD'S WORDS TO UNBELIEVERS==The man who isn’t a Christian can’t understand and can’t accept these thoughts from God, which the Holy Spirit teaches us. They sound foolish to him because only those who have the Holy Spirit within them can understand what the Holy Spirit means. Others just can’t take it in. 15 But the spiritual man has insight into everything, and that bothers and baffles the man of the world, who can’t understand him at all. 16 How could he? For certainly he has never been one to know the Lord’s thoughts, or to discuss them with him, or to move the hands of God by prayer. But, strange as it seems, we Christians actually do have within us a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Christ. 1Corinthians 2:14-16=====IS THIS YOUR PROBLEM???

You need to read what your wrote.
Since you are not stupid enough to believe my words and blindly follow me you can't be a member of my special club.
Do you even realize your post has little to do with the conversation you are quoting?

not to mention an attribution, the above is quoted from somewhere ....

speaking of - "has little to do with the conversation" - what about GISMO ?


I pretty much ignore GISMYS. His/her crazy ramblings aren't worth the time to read or reply to IMO.

Perhaps your feelings stem from me jumping to conclusions about you. Maybe I misunderstood a post you wrote or I agreed with you and in going into my rant I started writing as if I was writing at a theist because I often do that. Do you believe in god or not? And if you didn't vote for bush, who did you vote for? I have read through some of your past posts and I'm trying to put a finger on you but I really haven't had much luck. You definately aren't black or white. You are more a gray.

And, my theory of how they use religion to control the masses. You disagree with that? You don't see how they use god in politics?

I have a feeling that if voting age adults are dumb enough to believe in a god, they are pretty much dumb enough to believe anything because belief in god requires blind faith and I don't have blind faith in anything.

Really because it seems like you enjoy rubbing it in. We have a dumb friend like you and he tried saying that to us once and we made so much fun of him that he just shuts up now. If him and you want to believe people are going to hell for denying your fake story, that's your free choice. And I don't blame a god because there is no god. If there was he wouldn't be hiding. He made us in his image? So he looks like a man? Then come perform some magic for me like Jesus did for his followers. He supposedly gave them proof and they crucified him. I wouldn't. I would believe him if I saw him turn 2 fish into 200. Show me a miracle.

But unfortunately we are the losers in the dice roll of time. Supposedly Jesus went around showing everyone proof but today we have to rely on what sounds like a made up story. I mean unless you are a child or really gullible/weak minded.

But if that makes you feel good that you are going to heaven, great. Just realize telling other people if they don't believe they will go to hell is exactly why I don't believe. No god would come up with this. A cult would though.

LOL!!! YOU CAN'T DEBATE WHAT GOD'S WORD SAYS IF YOU DON'T READ AND STUDY IT!!! When you try you look very ignorant!!! and you??

I have read and studied it. Did nothing for me. Not even a good read. It was literally all over the place. A good book has a beginning, middle and end.

What is this And you? shit? Fucking loser.

Really because it seems like you enjoy rubbing it in. We have a dumb friend like you and he tried saying that to us once and we made so much fun of him that he just shuts up now. If him and you want to believe people are going to hell for denying your fake story, that's your free choice. And I don't blame a god because there is no god. If there was he wouldn't be hiding. He made us in his image? So he looks like a man? Then come perform some magic for me like Jesus did for his followers. He supposedly gave them proof and they crucified him. I wouldn't. I would believe him if I saw him turn 2 fish into 200. Show me a miracle.

But unfortunately we are the losers in the dice roll of time. Supposedly Jesus went around showing everyone proof but today we have to rely on what sounds like a made up story. I mean unless you are a child or really gullible/weak minded.

But if that makes you feel good that you are going to heaven, great. Just realize telling other people if they don't believe they will go to hell is exactly why I don't believe. No god would come up with this. A cult would though.

LOL!!! YOU CAN'T DEBATE WHAT GOD'S WORD SAYS IF YOU DON'T READ AND STUDY IT!!! When you try you look very ignorant!!! and you??

Only a fool believes something that requires blind faith. And you?
not to mention an attribution, the above is quoted from somewhere ....

speaking of - "has little to do with the conversation" - what about GISMO ?


I pretty much ignore GISMYS. His/her crazy ramblings aren't worth the time to read or reply to IMO.

Perhaps your feelings stem from me jumping to conclusions about you. Maybe I misunderstood a post you wrote or I agreed with you and in going into my rant I started writing as if I was writing at a theist because I often do that. Do you believe in god or not? And if you didn't vote for bush, who did you vote for? I have read through some of your past posts and I'm trying to put a finger on you but I really haven't had much luck. You definately aren't black or white. You are more a gray.

And, my theory of how they use religion to control the masses. You disagree with that? You don't see how they use god in politics?

I have a feeling that if voting age adults are dumb enough to believe in a god, they are pretty much dumb enough to believe anything because belief in god requires blind faith and I don't have blind faith in anything.

I think in the US, god is only one of many ways that politicians attempt to 'control' the masses.

I don't consider belief in god enough information about a person to say they are dumb. They hold a dumb belief, but they can be intelligent people.

I have said on numerous occasions I am not a believer. I don't believe in any god or spiritual being or anything of the sort.

I didn't vote for Bush or anyone else. I rarely see a politician running for high office that I'd trust to run anything of importance. I am extremely jaded politically; I don't consider either of the major parties to be much different, and the smaller parties too often seem packed with extremists.
THIS SCRIPTURE IS NOT HARD FOR "MOST" people to understand!!===GOD'S WORDS TO you UNBELIEVERS==The man who isn’t a Christian can’t understand and can’t accept these thoughts from God, which the Holy Spirit teaches us. They sound foolish to him because only those who have the Holy Spirit within them can understand what the Holy Spirit means. Others just can’t take it in. 15 But the spiritual man has insight into everything, and that bothers and baffles the man of the world, who can’t understand him at all. 16 How could he? For certainly he has never been one to know the Lord’s thoughts, or to discuss them with him, or to move the hands of God by prayer. But, strange as it seems, we Christians actually do have within us a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Christ. 1Corinthians 2:14-16=====IS THIS YOUR PROBLEM???

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