Why do the God-haters persist?

You can't explain why either. That is why we say the best answer for you and I to give is we just don't know. You claim you know of a god and talk to him. I watched Noah last night. WTF? Who were the Rock men again? Gismys, please explain who those things were. What were they called Watchers? They were fallen angels who pissed off god and the human's betrayed them but the liked Noah? OMG! :lol::cuckoo::eusa_liar:

So god is why electromagnettism functions as it does? Is that what you are saying? Is that your final answer? This is what I'm talking about. When science figures out how that works, your god will get smaller and smaller. God of the gaps. We fill in a gap that use to be "gods" doing and now can be scientifically explained, and you just move on to something else science hasn't figured out YET. And when the do that won't sway you because it's ingrained in that puny unevolved brain of yours. You can't let it go. I believe I am the future. Jesus Mosus and Mohammad will be dead but there will be people like you who can't give up god and there will be many more people like me. Many more. All they have to do is watch Noah and they realize organized religions are a joke, then they have to just listen to you to realize really you have nothing. You just want/hope there to be a god. You even talk to him. :cuckoo: And I use to do it 5 months ago! So I know what you are going through. My friends had to make me realize, that shit is all in your head. I can't convince you. Only you can convince yourself. So each time you are talking to god, in the back of your head you must realize you are just talking to yourself.

And I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid of dying. Of coming to the end. Sorry its over. But it was a great ride. Some people are not so lucky. What did the 9 year old cancer or car wreck kid do wrong? You know what she did? Nothing. Wrong place wrong time, bad genes, some corporations pollution gave her cancer, or a serial killer found her. Completely random. And if she is miraculously cured, its not god. He doesn't do 1 in a 1000 favors. She wasn't better than the other 999. No angel saved her. No demon possessed her. That's just in her head the church put that there.
That movie was a insult to the story of Noah. They did not follow the bible and made shit up. Hell they refused to even say God in the movie. So if you are basing your knowlage of the ark on that movie you are a fool


I hope so because if that is the story no one could possibly take it literally.

So who were the rock creatures suppose to be? I never heard about them before.

And who was on the arc? Last night it was Noah, wife, 3 sons, 1 wife and a stow away.

How did they repopulate the earth? Did the other two brothers fuck the twin babies when they got old enough? Seriously I want to know.

And I don't think it matters because I think most people understand it is just a story to teach about right and wrong. Anyone who takes the story literally is borderline retarded imo.

You are making the assumption that God only saved them. The bible is a family history that culminates with the christ

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No, the Bible specifically says every other human that wasn't Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth, or their unnamed son incubation stations (aka wives) were drowned to death by a merciful and caring and loving god.

There's not a lot of wiggle room there.
No, the Bible specifically says every other human that wasn't Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth, or their unnamed son incubation stations (aka wives) were drowned to death by a merciful and caring and loving god.

There's not a lot of wiggle room there.

So where did all the fucking chinks come from?
No, the Bible specifically says every other human that wasn't Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth, or their unnamed son incubation stations (aka wives) were drowned to death by a merciful and caring and loving god.

There's not a lot of wiggle room there.

So where did all the fucking chinks come from?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCpX1Ue1pmk]Kenny Powers says fairwell to jefferson davis middle school - YouTube[/ame]
No, the Bible specifically says every other human that wasn't Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth, or their unnamed son incubation stations (aka wives) were drowned to death by a merciful and caring and loving god.

There's not a lot of wiggle room there.

No it doesnt


Yeah, Genesis 7 specifically says it.

And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.
Genesis 7:7

So we know exactly who was in the ark.

21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man:

22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.

23 And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark.
Genesis 7:21-23

I didn't come up with the flood story, I didn't write, I don't believe it, but there it is. We know exactly who was in the Ark and the Bible is explicit in spelling out that anyone NOT in the ark was snuffed out.
No, the Bible specifically says every other human that wasn't Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth, or their unnamed son incubation stations (aka wives) were drowned to death by a merciful and caring and loving god.

There's not a lot of wiggle room there.

No it doesnt


Why don't you theists produce a more factual version of what happened so we can watch it? I was so curious to see the details about Noah because all I was told growing up was that God told Noah the world was bad and he was going to flood the earth. He told Noah to go warn people and invite whoever wanted to come onto the arc but they all made fun of him. Then the flood came and they all tried to get on but it was too late.

Maybe they didn't even try to make it factual because then everyone would start picking apart what an impossible story it is. So instead of making it as close to the real story as possible, they changed a few things and they put those stupid rock creatures (fallen angels) in so even theists don't take the movie version literally.

So instead of us picking apart the actual story because its made up, they gave us this shitty version of the story that even theists don't like. Epic fail!
No, the Bible specifically says every other human that wasn't Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth, or their unnamed son incubation stations (aka wives) were drowned to death by a merciful and caring and loving god.

There's not a lot of wiggle room there.

No it doesnt


Yeah, Genesis 7 specifically says it.

And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.
Genesis 7:7

So we know exactly who was in the ark.

21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man:

22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.

23 And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark.
Genesis 7:21-23

I didn't come up with the flood story, I didn't write, I don't believe it, but there it is. We know exactly who was in the Ark and the Bible is explicit in spelling out that anyone NOT in the ark was snuffed out.

You are correct.

No, the Bible specifically says every other human that wasn't Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth, or their unnamed son incubation stations (aka wives) were drowned to death by a merciful and caring and loving god.

There's not a lot of wiggle room there.

So where did all the fucking chinks come from?

One of Noah's daughter in laws was asian.

After Shem fucked his wife he swapped with Ham and then with Japheth. Each son fucked each brothers wife. Then they fucked each others kids when they got old enough (13).
Do you have any idea how many civilizations lived before the ones we found? Thousands maybe millions of years. Did your monkey ancestors believe in god? Oh yea, you don't believe in evolution.

You're funny, you should do stand up! You are speculating about what hasn't been discovered and there is no evidence for. That is called FAITH in something because there is no evidence. Until you discover civilizations which existed before the ones we've discovered, you can't tell us anything about them including how many there were. You're speculating!
Why don't you theists produce a more factual version of what happened so we can watch it? I was so curious to see the details about Noah because all I was told growing up was that God told Noah the world was bad and he was going to flood the earth. He told Noah to go warn people and invite whoever wanted to come onto the arc but they all made fun of him. Then the flood came and they all tried to get on but it was too late.

Maybe they didn't even try to make it factual because then everyone would start picking apart what an impossible story it is. So instead of making it as close to the real story as possible, they changed a few things and they put those stupid rock creatures (fallen angels) in so even theists don't take the movie version literally.

So instead of us picking apart the actual story because its made up, they gave us this shitty version of the story that even theists don't like. Epic fail!

That's what happens when Atheists make movies about the Bible. Epic fail!
Why do the God-haters persist?

2000 years of fraud? Easy target.

Mars Hill Church mega church in Seattle facing ex parisheners this Sunday.

What a hoot !!! Even the devotee's can't stand their own church..

Mars hill is run like a cult.

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No, the Bible specifically says every other human that wasn't Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth, or their unnamed son incubation stations (aka wives) were drowned to death by a merciful and caring and loving god.

There's not a lot of wiggle room there.

So where did all the fucking chinks come from?

from fucking.....

Seriously though, there weren't any Asians on Noah's boat, so where did they all come from?
Do you have any idea how many civilizations lived before the ones we found? Thousands maybe millions of years. Did your monkey ancestors believe in god? Oh yea, you don't believe in evolution.

You're funny, you should do stand up! You are speculating about what hasn't been discovered and there is no evidence for. That is called FAITH in something because there is no evidence. Until you discover civilizations which existed before the ones we've discovered, you can't tell us anything about them including how many there were. You're speculating!

Wow, you brought up exactly what I came here to tell you. You have FAITH there is a god, despite the lack of evidence. You even manufacture bad evidence and use it as justification in your head. Doesn't matter that the logic is bad to you. If it was sound others would use it. It would be considered proof. But these theories are only yours. And make no mistake it isn't proof. I would have to have faith that what you BELIEVE is right. I don't.

Even organized religion admits you have to have faith because they know they can't prove it to an atheist. You have to want to believe. You have to look for it with an open mind. Or you theists suggest that if we don't buy in to it we are somehow evil.

Which brings me to my next point. Religion like communism, socialism and capitalism may even start out for a good purpose but all are eventually corrupted. And just because you think a lie produces good consequences doesn't mean it isn't a lie. And I don't think it produces shit. I'm the same person I was before I became an atheist. I still cry when I see little kids suffering. I still love. I don't even hate. My relatives just stole $50K from my dad. My grandmother died. So what? I'll never speak to them again.

Oh, the other day I heard a religious show that was amazingly great. He could have said all that good stuff and left god out. The only part I disagreed with was the god part. In the future god will be left out of those types of speeches. We don't need the lie part. Who cares about the after life. Enjoy this life for god sakes. People will not go crazy if they think there is no heaven and hell or god.

Anyways, the guy was talking about conflict resolution. It was exactly what my dad needed to hear about his sister. I called him and told him what the preacher said and I know it helped him. So thanks religion. I guess you aren't all bad. But as soon as you stop telling the lie maybe I'll join your spiritual church. But please drop the god shit. Or just keep it to yourself. Makes you look stupid. :eusa_shhh:
Why do the God-haters persist?

2000 years of fraud? Easy target.

Mars Hill Church mega church in Seattle facing ex parisheners this Sunday.

What a hoot !!! Even the devotee's can't stand their own church..

Mars hill is run like a cult.[/url]

It is their fault for being gullible. Anyone who sent money to the PTL ministries deserved getting conned. But can you blame the snake oil salesmen you call preachers/ministers/rabbis? I mean if you are dumb enough to believe in a god then I guess you'll believe anything they tell you. Greatest bullshit story ever told. Even boss knows it that's why he's not a member of any organized religion.
So where did all the fucking chinks come from?

from fucking.....

Seriously though, there weren't any Asians on Noah's boat, so where did they all come from?

CLEARLY the Noah story is just a morality story to teach right from wrong and about man's wickedness. It is our ancient ancestors stories about how the world began. Sort of like when a native american indian like boss' great great great great great great grandpappy chief chicken hawk told of the beginning of earth. When the great spirit horse came riding in on blablabla. You get the point. Point is, doesn't matter what culture of man, all men have a natural and healthy fear of the unknown and brains that can imagine. We can even imagine people with wings. We call them angels.

Boss thinks because asians, africans, europeans and even the savage injuns were spiritual that this means there must be something bigger but all that tells me is all men are superstitious. And if god was real, why wouldn't all men worship the same way? Why? Because we've all concocted different stories.

And funny that every single organized religion is not the truth. Even Boss admits it. All lies. All made up. And boss shows you how hard it is to convert someone who's brainwashed. He knows not to be a member of any of the organized religions. Basically, they are all lies and he knows it. If not he would be a member and follow it strictly. Him being a rogue religous idiot means that he understands that every religion is bogus and so everything they teach was just made up by some ancient men in hopes of teaching right and wrong. I say in hopes of controlling the masses and making $ but lets say it was started for good reasons. Boss knows it is not literal. Jesus was not the messiah. Mohammad was not a profit.

Anyways, clearly we didn't all come from adam and eve or two people. We sprouted out of the pond like tad poles and evolved to air breathers, then to small rodents and then into apes then into men. Did you see the Cosmos? Some fish are white, some have teeth, some are big, some small. Same with humans. We have asians, blacks, whites, baltic, eskemos, hispanics. The first humans that developed in the cold evolved into eskemos. In the hot spots they were black. Etc.
CLEARLY the Noah story is just a morality story to teach right from wrong ...

that known, then so much for speaking to God ... that is until after the meaning above is accomplished and the Spirit is set free.

seabo, you do have a Spirit ?

So where did all the fucking chinks come from?

from fucking.....

Seriously though, there weren't any Asians on Noah's boat, so where did they all come from?

how can something that stupid be a serious question?.......people spread all over the world from a single central location.....even if you deny creation, if you believe in evolution you have to believe that as well......DNA studies say all of humanity spread from a single source located in Africa between 25k and 45k years ago.....

thus, all Asians came from Africa......

the flood happened sometime prior to the dispersion......

how else do you explain the fact that native populations from all the continents have a similar story of their ancestors surviving a massive flood that killed everyone else......

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