Why do the God-haters persist?

...how else do you explain the fact that native populations from all the continents have a similar story of their ancestors surviving a massive flood that killed everyone else.

It's magic tadpoles, don't you see? They sprang forth from the ponds and some decided to be Asian rodents while others decided to become European rodents, then they 'evolved' into Asian apes and European apes, and then into Asian people and European people! ....It took millions of years man! lol


unfortunately, when they sprang out of the pond they dried out and died.....
CLEARLY the Noah story is just a morality story to teach right from wrong ...

that known, then so much for speaking to God ... that is until after the meaning above is accomplished and the Spirit is set free.

seabo, you do have a Spirit ?


What? Are you speaking in tongues? First of all, what did you even just fucking say to me??? I keep re reading it and it doesn't make sense.

Second of all, are you agreeing with me that the book is just a man made book?

Are you agreeing with me that the bible is just a book written by man?

Then you say, "that said, so much for speaking to god.....that is until. Hold it right there. Are you saying you can and do talk to god?

Then you continue on to say "that is until after the meaning above is accomplished and the Spirit is set free." Please explain yourself. You theists think you are so deep and insightful but really you make no sense whatsoever.

And then you go on to say "seabo, you do have a Spirit ?". What is the question mark all about? Are you telling me I do or asking? Because I don't believe we have spirits that live on. When our bodies die we die just like the electricity in a light bulb doesn't move on to light bulb heaven when it's life ends.

King James Bible

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.

that is as far as I have "read" the Bible - until the above is rewritten correctly I intend not to read any further to prevent myself from becoming a part of its sordid history.

by word of mouth and reading excerpts it is possible to follow the Bibles intent and to conclude it possibly does have messages from the Creator it claims to represent.

the point is, once one realizes the goal - The Triumph of Good over Evil or Oblivion there is no need to talk to God but simply to fulfill the commandment - that is the parable of Noah, where the Almighty gave humanity a second chance.

by Noah it seems everyone must be saved or possibly no one will survive ... a good reason to communicate on forums.

but unless you accomplish Admission to the Everlasting before your physiology perishes your Spirit will perish with it ... nothing to lose in trying seabo.

But the light bulb is not the electricity. What happens to the electricity that powered the light bulb when the light bulb dies? Does it stop existing? Well, test out your theory there... next time you blow a bulb, take the expired bulb out and stick your finger in the socket and let us know if the electricity still lives on? :lol:

No fool. When the bulb burns out, what happens to the light it was putting out? Does it go to light heaven? Does it still feel/exist? Do an experiment. In a dark room light a match. When the match burns out, what happens to the light? That is what happens to your soul when you die. The light doesn't move on to light heaven.

But wait, your analogy is only considering the obvious thing we see and have obvious evidence of, rather than the thing we don't see or have obvious evidence of. When you die, life doesn't go somewhere else to exist just like the light doesn't go somewhere else. However, the thing that enabled the light to burn is still there, just as your spirit is still there after you die. You can't see it, there is no 'evidence' apparent, but it's there. With the light analogy, you can stick your finger in the socket and confirm it if you like.

While we are on this subject of light, let me ask you this... Does darkness exist? You can't measure it or quantify it, so it must not exist, right? Yet, when you have absense of light, what do you have?

I'm skeptical of anything I don't have evidence for. You have ZERO evidence that anything came from anything else, it's all speculation.

More speculation. You have ZERO evidence. You've provided nothing to confirm this.

I'm not a scientist but I believe them more than I believe you.

And that's FINE! You can have faith! It's a natural and normal human behavioral attribute to have faith! I've been making this point all along, and you can't understand that for some odd reason.

Do you really believe man/human was always in this man form? You don't believe we came from

I don't think humans "came from" anything. We were always hominids. Perhaps we were a more primitive form of hominid at one time? That's a possibility. All this garbage you are spouting about mice and lemurs is theory and speculation based on NO EVIDENCE!

Not even Darwin proved this nonsense. One genus class doesn't evolve into another, it's never been observed and never has there been evidence found to support it. You can't even make this happen in a controlled lab environment where you can manipulate all aspects. It completely defies all we know about biology, but it's what you have faith in and believe. I understand that, we all need to have faith and believe in something, it's human nature.

The light socket might be able to make more electricity but the electricity it made 2 seconds ago is gone. No soul. It doesn't live on forever. Nothing does.
No fool. When the bulb burns out, what happens to the light it was putting out? Does it go to light heaven? Does it still feel/exist? Do an experiment. In a dark room light a match. When the match burns out, what happens to the light? That is what happens to your soul when you die. The light doesn't move on to light heaven.

But wait, your analogy is only considering the obvious thing we see and have obvious evidence of, rather than the thing we don't see or have obvious evidence of. When you die, life doesn't go somewhere else to exist just like the light doesn't go somewhere else. However, the thing that enabled the light to burn is still there, just as your spirit is still there after you die. You can't see it, there is no 'evidence' apparent, but it's there. With the light analogy, you can stick your finger in the socket and confirm it if you like.

While we are on this subject of light, let me ask you this... Does darkness exist? You can't measure it or quantify it, so it must not exist, right? Yet, when you have absense of light, what do you have?

I'm skeptical of anything I don't have evidence for. You have ZERO evidence that anything came from anything else, it's all speculation.

More speculation. You have ZERO evidence. You've provided nothing to confirm this.

And that's FINE! You can have faith! It's a natural and normal human behavioral attribute to have faith! I've been making this point all along, and you can't understand that for some odd reason.

Do you really believe man/human was always in this man form? You don't believe we came from

I don't think humans "came from" anything. We were always hominids. Perhaps we were a more primitive form of hominid at one time? That's a possibility. All this garbage you are spouting about mice and lemurs is theory and speculation based on NO EVIDENCE!

Not even Darwin proved this nonsense. One genus class doesn't evolve into another, it's never been observed and never has there been evidence found to support it. You can't even make this happen in a controlled lab environment where you can manipulate all aspects. It completely defies all we know about biology, but it's what you have faith in and believe. I understand that, we all need to have faith and believe in something, it's human nature.

The light socket might be able to make more electricity but the electricity it made 2 seconds ago is gone. No soul. It doesn't live on forever. Nothing does.

I have multiple awesome dreams when I sleep at night. I remember A lot of them. I don't believe I'm capable of creating the storylines for those dreams. Though I doubt God implanted orgies into them every now and then. I believe in spirituality. I don't believe in the bible.
Did you also know that the Biblical account of Jesus has striking similarities with other mythologies and texts and many of his supposed teachings already existed prior to his time. It is likely the character was either partly or entirely invented by competing first century messianic cults from an amalgamation of Greco-Roman, Egyptian and Judeo-Apocalyptic myths and prophecies.

I've heard idiots make the claim.....however, every time they try to come up with an example I demonstrate how stupid they are and they run away.......are you next?.....

Yea, you guys will say Jews would not have been open to pagan myths but you have to realize early christians were a new cult. They had to come up with a way to be different/better than the jews in order to attract members.

Dionysian religion and Christianity have notable parallels.

Which is why Jesus turns water into wine, was intended to show Jesus as superior to Dionysus

scholars of comparative mythology argue that both Dionysus and Jesus represent the "dying-and-returning god" mythological archetype.[13] Other parallels, such as the celebration by a ritual meal of bread and wine, have also been suggested and Powell, in particular, argues that precursors to the Christian notion of transubstantiation can be found in Dionysian religion

There are 999 other religions that came before Chrstianity. I could point out thousands of similarities. Proof christianity is just a knock off of older religions/myths.

What did you come back with before that made everyone else run? Probably stupidity.
But wait, your analogy is only considering the obvious thing we see and have obvious evidence of, rather than the thing we don't see or have obvious evidence of. When you die, life doesn't go somewhere else to exist just like the light doesn't go somewhere else. However, the thing that enabled the light to burn is still there, just as your spirit is still there after you die. You can't see it, there is no 'evidence' apparent, but it's there. With the light analogy, you can stick your finger in the socket and confirm it if you like.

While we are on this subject of light, let me ask you this... Does darkness exist? You can't measure it or quantify it, so it must not exist, right? Yet, when you have absense of light, what do you have?

I'm skeptical of anything I don't have evidence for. You have ZERO evidence that anything came from anything else, it's all speculation.

More speculation. You have ZERO evidence. You've provided nothing to confirm this.

And that's FINE! You can have faith! It's a natural and normal human behavioral attribute to have faith! I've been making this point all along, and you can't understand that for some odd reason.

I don't think humans "came from" anything. We were always hominids. Perhaps we were a more primitive form of hominid at one time? That's a possibility. All this garbage you are spouting about mice and lemurs is theory and speculation based on NO EVIDENCE!

Not even Darwin proved this nonsense. One genus class doesn't evolve into another, it's never been observed and never has there been evidence found to support it. You can't even make this happen in a controlled lab environment where you can manipulate all aspects. It completely defies all we know about biology, but it's what you have faith in and believe. I understand that, we all need to have faith and believe in something, it's human nature.

The light socket might be able to make more electricity but the electricity it made 2 seconds ago is gone. No soul. It doesn't live on forever. Nothing does.

I have multiple awesome dreams when I sleep at night. I remember A lot of them. I don't believe I'm capable of creating the storylines for those dreams. Though I doubt God implanted orgies into them every now and then. I believe in spirituality. I don't believe in the bible.

Spirituality is real. It's in your head. Its a feeling nothing more.
Dionysian religion and Christianity have notable parallels.

Dionysus is the son of Zeus and Semele. He is the only god to have a mortal parent. Zeus came to Semele in the night, invisible, felt only as a divine presence. Semele was pleased to be a lover of a god, even though she did not know which one. Word soon got around and Hera quickly assumed who was responsible. Hera went to Semele in disguise and convinced her she should see her lover as he really was. When Zeus next came to her she made him promise to grant her one wish. She went so far as to make him swear on the River Styx that he would grant her request. Zeus was madly in love and agreed. She then asked him to show her his true form. Zeus, was unhappy, and knew what would happen but, having sworn he had no choice. He appeared in his true form and Semele was instantly burnt to a crisp by the sight of his glory. Zeus did manage to rescue Dionysus and stitched him into his thigh to hold him until he was ready to be born. His birth from Zeus alone conferred immortality upon him.

Dionysus problems with Hera were not yet over. She was still jealous and arranged for the Titans to kill him. The Titans ripped him into to pieces. However, Rhea brought him back to life. After this Zeus arranged for his protection and turned him over the mountain nymphs to be raised.

omigorsh, mother burned to a crisp, stitched into his father's thigh and ripped to pieces out of jealousy......how could we have overlooked those parallels so long!.....


I could point out thousands of similarities.

try coming up with a legitimate one next time......

What did you come back with before that made everyone else run?

facts.....works every time...
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Dionysian religion and Christianity have notable parallels.

Dionysus is the son of Zeus and Semele. He is the only god to have a mortal parent. Zeus came to Semele in the night, invisible, felt only as a divine presence. Semele was pleased to be a lover of a god, even though she did not know which one. Word soon got around and Hera quickly assumed who was responsible. Hera went to Semele in disguise and convinced her she should see her lover as he really was. When Zeus next came to her she made him promise to grant her one wish. She went so far as to make him swear on the River Styx that he would grant her request. Zeus was madly in love and agreed. She then asked him to show her his true form. Zeus, was unhappy, and knew what would happen but, having sworn he had no choice. He appeared in his true form and Semele was instantly burnt to a crisp by the sight of his glory. Zeus did manage to rescue Dionysus and stitched him into his thigh to hold him until he was ready to be born. His birth from Zeus alone conferred immortality upon him.

Dionysus problems with Hera were not yet over. She was still jealous and arranged for the Titans to kill him. The Titans ripped him into to pieces. However, Rhea brought him back to life. After this Zeus arranged for his protection and turned him over the mountain nymphs to be raised.

omigorsh, mother burned to a crisp, stitched into his father's thigh and ripped to pieces out of jealousy......how could we have overlooked those parallels so long!.....


I could point out thousands of similarities.

try coming up with a legitimate one next time......

What did you come back with before that made everyone else run?

facts.....works every time...

Wow you are good :eusa_liar::piss2::udaman::bowdown::dance::disagree::blahblah::blues::bsflag::crybaby::lame2::eusa_naughty::iagree::funnyface::stupid::gives::nono::happy-1:
Dionysian religion and Christianity have notable parallels.


omigorsh, mother burned to a crisp, stitched into his father's thigh and ripped to pieces out of jealousy......how could we have overlooked those parallels so long!.....


try coming up with a legitimate one next time......

What did you come back with before that made everyone else run?

facts.....works every time...

Wow you are good

yeah.....I get that a lot.....
The light socket might be able to make more electricity but the electricity it made 2 seconds ago is gone. No soul. It doesn't live on forever. Nothing does.

Not sure if you understand how electricity works but I'm pretty sure the light socket doesn't make it. According to the laws of thermodynamics, energy can't be created or destroyed, so it must live on forever.

So you don't think you have a soul?
The light socket might be able to make more electricity but the electricity it made 2 seconds ago is gone. No soul. It doesn't live on forever. Nothing does.

Not sure if you understand how electricity works but I'm pretty sure the light socket doesn't make it. According to the laws of thermodynamics, energy can't be created or destroyed, so it must live on forever.

So you don't think you have a soul?

The light is a side effect which shows it's passage.
The light socket might be able to make more electricity but the electricity it made 2 seconds ago is gone. No soul. It doesn't live on forever. Nothing does.

Not sure if you understand how electricity works but I'm pretty sure the light socket doesn't make it. According to the laws of thermodynamics, energy can't be created or destroyed, so it must live on forever.

So you don't think you have a soul?

The light is a side effect which shows it's passage.

Right, an in the analogy, your life is a side effect which shows the passage of your spiritual energy.
bossy: Not even Darwin proved this nonsense. One genus class doesn't evolve into another, it's never been observed and never has there been evidence found to support it. You can't even make this happen in a controlled lab environment where you can manipulate all aspects. It completely defies all we know about biology, but it's what you have faith in and believe. I understand that, we all need to have faith and believe in something, it's human nature.

It completely defies all we know about biology ...

changing from one to another is well documented in biology.


... doesn't evolve into another

nature is subtle bossy, your restrictions are without merit - if you do not believe the Cicadas just ask any ordinary caterpillar.


Sorry Breeze, Cicadas are never something other than Cicadas. They change forms as part of their natural reproductive cycle, they don't evolve into a different genus. Try again.
Sorry Breeze, Cicadas are never something other than Cicadas. They change forms as part of their natural reproductive cycle, they don't evolve into a different genus. Try again.

that was not your point -

it's never been observed and never has there been evidence found to support it.

in Biology.


our friend the caterpillar is a little more dramatic - than the cicada ?

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Sorry Breeze, Cicadas are never something other than Cicadas. They change forms as part of their natural reproductive cycle, they don't evolve into a different genus. Try again.

that was not your point -

it's never been observed and never has there been evidence found to support it.

in Biology.


our friend the caterpillar is a little more dramatic - than the cicada ?


Bless your heart, I know you are trying diligently to prove my point wrong, but you are still failing. You keep showing examples of things in their natural cycles of life at different stages. I can show the same thing:


This doesn't prove cross-genus evolution. What you need is a picture of a caterpillar or cicada producing an orchid blossom or lizard... or something other than what they are or are supposed to produce.
Sorry Breeze, Cicadas are never something other than Cicadas. They change forms as part of their natural reproductive cycle, they don't evolve into a different genus. Try again.

that was not your point -

it's never been observed and never has there been evidence found to support it.

in Biology.


our friend the caterpillar is a little more dramatic - than the cicada ?


Bless your heart, I know you are trying diligently to prove my point wrong, but you are still failing. You keep showing examples of things in their natural cycles of life at different stages. I can show the same thing:


This doesn't prove cross-genus evolution. What you need is a picture of a caterpillar or cicada producing an orchid blossom or lizard... or something other than what they are or are supposed to produce.

You'd need more than one picture, since I don't think evolutionary theory says that something will give birth to or lay an egg with an offspring of a different genus. :)
If you want to see evolution with your own eyes, go into a house built in say, 1750. You'll notice that all the rooms and doorways... Are shorter/smaller. Meaning in a couple of hundred years, humans have gotten taller overall. People's clothes from that period will also tend to be smaller as well. That's called evolution.

If you want to see evolution with your own eyes, go into a house built in say, 1750. You'll notice that all the rooms and doorways... Are shorter/smaller. Meaning in a couple of hundred years, humans have gotten taller overall. People's clothes from that period will also tend to be smaller as well. That's called evolution.


That's total bullshit. Statistically, men are slightly taller today than in 1750, but men also live much longer so they tend to grow taller. Doorways were smaller back then for several reasons, none of which had anything to do with how tall people were. Doors were made of solid wood, it was expensive, so shorter doors cost less to make. There were no standard sizes, doors were built custom by the builder. The smaller the door, the more heat was retained inside the dwelling. Also, a heftier archway above the door lends better architectural integrity to the structure.

Washington and Jefferson were both over 6 feet in height.

But still... you are talking about microevolution here. Slight changes in a species over a long period of time. I have not ever refuted or rejected that theory. There are thousands of much better examples than the one you presented for microevolution. The "debate" is MACRO-evolution.... where one kind of thing spawns some other kind of thing. There is NO EVIDENCE for that. We've never observed it happen, we can't replicate it in a lab, there is no fossil proving it happened... nothing. It simply defies biology as we know it.

Those who believe in macroevolution have a purely faith-based belief in something with no evidence.

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