Why do the God-haters persist?

I think it's from his autobiography.

I'm going to try to find some more of your vises. How do you feel about those illegal kids at the border? Is life precious or not? If you won't pay to house, feed and doctor them, do you really care about life?

don't you think we have a moral obligation to reunite them with their families in Central America as quickly as possible?.......
So god is everything/anything good and the devil is everything/anything evil? Why didn't you say so.

We already have names for those things.

What do you mean "already have" ...the reason you have names for things is because God blessed you with a brain that was able to come up with language to create words so you have names for things. You're acting like God is trying to find His niche, and ooops... too bad, we already have that spot filled, God... try again! lmfao.

If someone is raped or murdered, we have names for what they did. And yes what they did was evil. But there is no devil there. And when I help someone out of the kindness of my heart, that is not god, that is me. Why give something/someone else credit? If you see a beautiful landscape, that is not god, that's a beautiful landscape. No god necessary. And if you want to believe in god, either keep it to yourself or expect criticism for your silly belief.

Yes, again... we have names for a lot of things, God gave us that ability to invent names. If you honestly understand the concepts of evil and good, then you have an intrinsic spiritual awareness, it doesn't matter what you choose to call it. Why the hell do you think you get to tell me what I have to keep to myself? You don't keep your views to yourself, why should I have to? You represent such an insignificant fraction of humanity it warrants constant ridicule. You're among the dumbest of the dumb.

And notice atheists do good things and religious people do bad things. So what does it matter if we believe in god or not? Do you think your belief in god makes you any more sorry for the sins you've committed? I doubt it does. I think god is just your safety blanket.

Who was the guy who said he believes because he wants to believe? He's the most honest guy here.

I've repeatedly tried to explain to you that I don't simply "believe" something on faith. I make a very real connection with something greater than self, and do so on a daily basis. I realize a tremendous personal benefit from it, and I don't need to "prove" that to you or anyone else. God is not my safety blanket, it is the source of inspiration, courage, strength, patience, comfort and hope, that I experience as a result of my strong spiritual connection. Sorry that you've chosen to miss out on that, I can't help you if you won't help yourself. :(
But it wasn't planted in my head. Religious beliefs were planted in my head but they didn't stick. As I got older, I rebelled against religion and God entirely. I was just like you. I spent about 20 years being dismissive of God, believing that I didn't need no stinkin' God. It took a life-changing event to shake me up enough to realize how wrong I had been. I suspect the same thing will have to happen for you as well. Once I began being conscious of God, I looked back on those 20 years and saw just how far down the path of self-destruction I had travelled. You don't realize it while you're on the journey, I guess you're having too much fun. What I realized was, it wasn't really that much fun, it was more of a desperate attempt to try and fill that void. Sex, booze and drugs didn't do it. I was basically a miserable person, I ruined a good marriage, several other relationships, disappointed my parents and family, but more important, I let myself down. I wish I had those years to live over again, but I don't.

I'm 100% certain about this "god thing" I'm talking about because I haven't tried to make it conform to some screwed up fantasy of a physical being that is invisible, sitting in a cloud casting judgement on me and making demands or threats. Instead, I've realized it is a powerful source of energy that is outside the physical, which enables humans to do amazing things, have amazing strength in the face of adversity or challenge, confidence in the ability to achieve, filling the void inside me which makes me complete.

No, you weren't like me. At least not like I am now. You may be like me before I rejected God and became like you for 20 years. Your "buddy" is no buddy, he simply needs you to help reinforce his disbelief. You are a codependent enabler. 90% of the human race is spiritual, there simply can't be that many stupid people in our species or we wouldn't exist. The fact that we've done things no other species has even come close to, is pretty much enough to dispel the myth that we are stupid. As for science, the people who were most instrumental in creating science were also devoutly spiritual people. I've given you the quotes and anecdotes from Isaac Newton. Without that man, science probably wouldn't exist as we know it.

I can't speak for different religions and how people spiritually worship, but the fact is, they are worshiping and experiencing something spiritual. How many Atheist channels do you watch? What? There aren't any? Well, that's probably because Atheists make up about one in ten people. There is no market for Atheist programs. You know it's bad when the miracle healers and snake handlers outnumber you as a demographic. :badgrin:

We have to watch? I beg your pardon, no we don't have to watch. I have my own story to relate here...

Professor: There is no scientific evidence God exists, therefore there must be no God.
Student: Sir, I respectfully disagree.
Professor: My dear lad, on what basis do you disagree?
Student: Sir, do you believe that 'cold' exists?
Professor: Well of course cold exists.
Student: No sir, cold does not exist. Cold is the absence of heat. Heat exists, we can measure it, but we cannot measure cold.
Student: Sir, do you believe darkness exists?
Professor: Well yes, I believe darkness exists.
Student: No sir, darkness does not exist. Darkness is the absence of light. We can measure light, we cannot measure darkness.
Student: God is like cold and darkness, it is present in the absence of evil.

The Student: Albert Einstein.

Isn't that from a silly chain email, or something of the like? I'm pretty sure it's not something Einstein ever actually said. :D

We can measure cold, it's called a thermometer. Dark is varying degrees of black. Einstein was too smart to say something that stupid.

Wow... A real-life Science illiterate.
Thermodynamic principles say you can't measure cold, only the absence of heat.
Newton's laws of color and light say you can't measure darkness, only light.

How about take an advanced science course before you tell us about how intelligent Einstein was, moron?
Even on acid I never found jesus.

What? :eek: But I thought you were "just like" me? Now you admit that you never found Jesus? Wow... didn't mean to let that truth slip out there, did ya buddy? :eusa_liar:

Based on your vises, I say you don't have any vises. Ooohhhh coffee? You sinner you.

:evil: :eusa_pray: :eusa_angel:

So you have never jacked off thinking about a woman you know that is maybe married to someone else like a friend? I find that very hard to believe.

You know, your posts are totally repulsive. I don't care what you find hard to believe. It's funny, when the big controversy came up with the Duck Dynasty patriarch, in that same interview session, his son revealed that the interviewer was just as skeptical that he and his wife had never had sex until the night of their marriage. "You don't expect us to believe that, do you?" was how he put it to him. Believe it or not, there are some people who are able to maintain control over their primal instincts.

I daily look for the one who I will jack it to at the end of the night, if I'm not with a woman of course. Then I'm looking for a woman who I will pretend my woman is when I'm hitting it in the dark or doggy style. One time I was with a black woman and it was dark and we were drunk and I'm telling you she was Halle Berry! Talk about a spiritual experience.

Do these women know they are only sexual objects for your gratification? And of course, you don't see a problem with living in a society where we remove all moral barriers to our laws and restrictions because you believe people would handle this responsibly... right?

Point is, you have good and bad in you. So you have the devil and god in you? If that's what you mean by god then all you are doing is redefining what god is. But at least its a start. So god is good and devil is bad. Right?

I've not redefined anything here. You are redefining things for me and then attributing those idiotic thoughts to me. I've not mentioned "the devil" once in this entire thread. :cuckoo:
Isn't that from a silly chain email, or something of the like? I'm pretty sure it's not something Einstein ever actually said. :D

We can measure cold, it's called a thermometer. Dark is varying degrees of black. Einstein was too smart to say something that stupid.

Wow... A real-life Science illiterate.
Thermodynamic principles say you can't measure cold, only the absence of heat.
Newton's laws of color and light say you can't measure darkness, only light.

How about take an advanced science course before you tell us about how intelligent Einstein was, moron?

I have a thermometer that measures how cold it is outside in the winter. I can tell how cold it is by looking at it.
And the guy who says god is like electricity calls ME a moron? :lol:
We can measure cold, it's called a thermometer. Dark is varying degrees of black. Einstein was too smart to say something that stupid.

Wow... A real-life Science illiterate.
Thermodynamic principles say you can't measure cold, only the absence of heat.
Newton's laws of color and light say you can't measure darkness, only light.

How about take an advanced science course before you tell us about how intelligent Einstein was, moron?

I have a thermometer that measures how cold it is outside in the winter. I can tell how cold it is by looking at it.
And the guy who says god is like electricity calls ME a moron? :lol:

Nope... your thermometer measures the absence of heat energy and how this affects mercury in the thermometer. In physics, cold can't be quantified in any other way but the relative transfer of energy between two bodies. See Maxwell and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, as well as the Uncertainty Principle. Cold is simply a word to describe lack of heat energy. Warning: Stay away from topics you're not equipped to debate.

And yes, I do believe spiritual energy is like electric energy is in the physical universe. I've not seen you counter that argument with any relevant information. Can you?
Even on acid I never found jesus.

What? :eek: But I thought you were "just like" me? Now you admit that you never found Jesus? Wow... didn't mean to let that truth slip out there, did ya buddy? :eusa_liar:

Based on your vises, I say you don't have any vises. Ooohhhh coffee? You sinner you.

:evil: :eusa_pray: :eusa_angel:

You know, your posts are totally repulsive. I don't care what you find hard to believe. It's funny, when the big controversy came up with the Duck Dynasty patriarch, in that same interview session, his son revealed that the interviewer was just as skeptical that he and his wife had never had sex until the night of their marriage. "You don't expect us to believe that, do you?" was how he put it to him. Believe it or not, there are some people who are able to maintain control over their primal instincts.

I daily look for the one who I will jack it to at the end of the night, if I'm not with a woman of course. Then I'm looking for a woman who I will pretend my woman is when I'm hitting it in the dark or doggy style. One time I was with a black woman and it was dark and we were drunk and I'm telling you she was Halle Berry! Talk about a spiritual experience.

Do these women know they are only sexual objects for your gratification? And of course, you don't see a problem with living in a society where we remove all moral barriers to our laws and restrictions because you believe people would handle this responsibly... right?

Point is, you have good and bad in you. So you have the devil and god in you? If that's what you mean by god then all you are doing is redefining what god is. But at least its a start. So god is good and devil is bad. Right?

I've not redefined anything here. You are redefining things for me and then attributing those idiotic thoughts to me. I've not mentioned "the devil" once in this entire thread. :cuckoo:

You made reference in the past to hell. What makes you believe in heaven & hell if you aren't a member of one of the organized religions?

And I don't see the problem of me fantasizing about beautiful women I know but will never be with. There is a hot mom here right now in the lobby waiting for her kid to be done with his lesson. I would suck on her toes and eat her pussy all night! Does she know? Of course not stupid.

My brother and his wife didn't have sex till marriage either.

Oh, and I never found Jesus when on acid. I did feel guilty once though when I was on cocaine. I knew god would/did not approve. But that was back when I believed. I haven't done coke since I turned atheist.
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You made reference in the past to hell. What makes you believe in heaven & hell if you aren't a member of one of the organized religions?

Again... I haven't mentioned "the devil" in this thread, that has been all YOU. On the subject of "Hell" we discussed this a few pages back and I gave you my take on it, did you forget? Geesh, maybe that's what happens when you lose too much man juice? Depletes the ol' brain cells... I'd lay off that shit a while if I were you... in your case, you can't afford to lose that many.

And I don't see the problem of me fantasizing about beautiful women I know but will never be with. There is a hot mom here right now in the lobby waiting for her kid to be done with his lesson. I would suck on her toes and eat her pussy all night! Does she know? Of course not stupid.

Well she probably doesn't know because if you expressed your fantasy to her she'd have you arrested or her husband would come whip your ass. But the other day, we were discussing how laws may be changed to allow people the freedom of sexual expression, in which case, you might feel more inclined to put the moves on mom, or maybe even whip it out and start jerking it while she sits there waiting. Hey... that's not harming anyone, is it? Why should we be confined to these antiquated laws based on religious beliefs? What's wrong with a man just being able to whip his dick out and masturbate when he sees a foxy babe like that? Right?

My brother and his wife didn't have sex till marriage either.

Well, see there? It's really not all that hard to imagine someone being able to control their sexual desires, is it? You didn't have to go very far to find a personal example.

Oh, and I never found Jesus when on acid. I did feel guilty once though when I was on cocaine. I knew god would/did not approve. But that was back when I believed. I haven't done coke since I turned atheist.

No, acid is far too trippy to find Jesus or much anything else. But you stated: "Even on acid, I never found Jesus." That's a different statement than you're now making. I think you let a little bit of truth slip out there and now you want to cover that up. I don't typically do drugs and I don't recommend it, but when I did shrooms and had a spiritual experience, it was almost like... hey, now I understand why God gave us shrooms! Maybe it's a little unorthodox, but since you seem to have a passion for pleasure indulgence and you are such curious fucker when it comes to spirituality, perhaps shrooms could help you find Jesus? :dunno:
Ephesians 6:12

BELIEVERS we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
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Ephesians 6:12

BELIEVERS we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

the unseen world ... in this dark world ... against evil spirits

GISMO, have someone look under your bed with you and use a flashlight ... just one good nits sleep may solve your problem(s) and do give a little thought for the people around you, for a change.

Wow... A real-life Science illiterate.
Thermodynamic principles say you can't measure cold, only the absence of heat.
Newton's laws of color and light say you can't measure darkness, only light.

How about take an advanced science course before you tell us about how intelligent Einstein was, moron?

I have a thermometer that measures how cold it is outside in the winter. I can tell how cold it is by looking at it.
And the guy who says god is like electricity calls ME a moron? :lol:

Nope... your thermometer measures the absence of heat energy and how this affects mercury in the thermometer. In physics, cold can't be quantified in any other way but the relative transfer of energy between two bodies. See Maxwell and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, as well as the Uncertainty Principle. Cold is simply a word to describe lack of heat energy. Warning: Stay away from topics you're not equipped to debate.

And yes, I do believe spiritual energy is like electric energy is in the physical universe. I've not seen you counter that argument with any relevant information. Can you?
Relevant information? You believe in something akin to Santa Claus, how do you counter that? You want me to break a little kid's heart? :D

-20 is fucking cold, a measure of how cold it is compared to say, -5, which is a lot less cold. Geez, no wonder you see invisible beings.
I have a thermometer that measures how cold it is outside in the winter. I can tell how cold it is by looking at it.
And the guy who says god is like electricity calls ME a moron? :lol:

Nope... your thermometer measures the absence of heat energy and how this affects mercury in the thermometer. In physics, cold can't be quantified in any other way but the relative transfer of energy between two bodies. See Maxwell and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, as well as the Uncertainty Principle. Cold is simply a word to describe lack of heat energy. Warning: Stay away from topics you're not equipped to debate.

And yes, I do believe spiritual energy is like electric energy is in the physical universe. I've not seen you counter that argument with any relevant information. Can you?
Relevant information? You believe in something akin to Santa Claus, how do you counter that? You want me to break a little kid's heart? :D

-20 is fucking cold, a measure of how cold it is compared to say, -5, which is a lot less cold. Geez, no wonder you see invisible beings.

Fahrenheit (symbol °F) is a temperature scale based on one proposed in 1724 by the physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686–1736), after whom the scale is named.[1] On Fahrenheit's original scale the lower defining point was the lowest temperature to which he could reproducibly cool brine (defining 0 degrees), while the highest was that of the average human core body temperature (defining 100 degrees).
Fahrenheit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Celsius, also known as centigrade,[1] is a scale and unit of measurement for temperature. It is named after the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (1701–1744), who developed a similar temperature scale. The degree Celsius (°C) can refer to a specific temperature on the Celsius scale as well as a unit to indicate a temperature interval, a difference between two temperatures or an uncertainty. The unit was known until 1948 as "centigrade" from the Latin centum translated as 100 and gradus translated as "steps".

From 1744 until 1954, 0 °C was defined as the freezing point of water and 100 °C was defined as the boiling point of water, both at a pressure of one standard atmosphere with mercury being the working material.
neither measures cold.
Then there is what they call Absolute 0, the total absence of all heat.
Absolute zero is the lower limit of the thermodynamic temperature scale, a state at which the enthalpy and entropy of a cooled ideal gas reaches its minimum value, taken as 0. The theoretical temperature is determined by extrapolating the ideal gas law; by international agreement, absolute zero is taken as −273.15° on the Celsius scale (International System of Units),[1][2] which equates to −459.67° on the Fahrenheit scale (English/United States customary units).[3] The corresponding Kelvin and Rankine temperature scales set their zero points at absolute zero by definition.

It is commonly thought of as the lowest temperature possible, but it is not the lowest enthalpy state possible, because all real substances begin to depart from the ideal gas when cooled as they approach the change of state to liquid, and then to solid; and the sum of the enthalpy of vaporization (gas to liquid) and enthalpy of fusion (liquid to solid) exceeds the ideal gas's change in enthalpy to absolute zero. In the quantum-mechanical description, matter (solid) at absolute zero is in its ground state, the point of lowest internal energy.

The laws of thermodynamics dictate that absolute zero cannot be reached using only thermodynamic means,[clarification needed] as the temperature of the substance being cooled approaches the temperature of the cooling agent asymptotically. A system at absolute zero still possesses quantum mechanical zero-point energy, the energy of its ground state. The kinetic energy of the ground state cannot be removed.

Scientists have achieved temperatures extremely close to absolute zero, where matter exhibits quantum effects such as superconductivity and superfluidity.
Absolute zero - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All temperature measurements measure heat not cold. Cold is the absence of heat. Dark is the absence of light.
Nope... your thermometer measures the absence of heat energy and how this affects mercury in the thermometer. In physics, cold can't be quantified in any other way but the relative transfer of energy between two bodies. See Maxwell and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, as well as the Uncertainty Principle. Cold is simply a word to describe lack of heat energy. Warning: Stay away from topics you're not equipped to debate.

And yes, I do believe spiritual energy is like electric energy is in the physical universe. I've not seen you counter that argument with any relevant information. Can you?
Relevant information? You believe in something akin to Santa Claus, how do you counter that? You want me to break a little kid's heart? :D

-20 is fucking cold, a measure of how cold it is compared to say, -5, which is a lot less cold. Geez, no wonder you see invisible beings.

Fahrenheit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Celsius, also known as centigrade,[1] is a scale and unit of measurement for temperature. It is named after the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (1701–1744), who developed a similar temperature scale. The degree Celsius (°C) can refer to a specific temperature on the Celsius scale as well as a unit to indicate a temperature interval, a difference between two temperatures or an uncertainty. The unit was known until 1948 as "centigrade" from the Latin centum translated as 100 and gradus translated as "steps".

From 1744 until 1954, 0 °C was defined as the freezing point of water and 100 °C was defined as the boiling point of water, both at a pressure of one standard atmosphere with mercury being the working material.
neither measures cold.
Then there is what they call Absolute 0, the total absence of all heat.
Absolute zero is the lower limit of the thermodynamic temperature scale, a state at which the enthalpy and entropy of a cooled ideal gas reaches its minimum value, taken as 0. The theoretical temperature is determined by extrapolating the ideal gas law; by international agreement, absolute zero is taken as −273.15° on the Celsius scale (International System of Units),[1][2] which equates to −459.67° on the Fahrenheit scale (English/United States customary units).[3] The corresponding Kelvin and Rankine temperature scales set their zero points at absolute zero by definition.

It is commonly thought of as the lowest temperature possible, but it is not the lowest enthalpy state possible, because all real substances begin to depart from the ideal gas when cooled as they approach the change of state to liquid, and then to solid; and the sum of the enthalpy of vaporization (gas to liquid) and enthalpy of fusion (liquid to solid) exceeds the ideal gas's change in enthalpy to absolute zero. In the quantum-mechanical description, matter (solid) at absolute zero is in its ground state, the point of lowest internal energy.

The laws of thermodynamics dictate that absolute zero cannot be reached using only thermodynamic means,[clarification needed] as the temperature of the substance being cooled approaches the temperature of the cooling agent asymptotically. A system at absolute zero still possesses quantum mechanical zero-point energy, the energy of its ground state. The kinetic energy of the ground state cannot be removed.

Scientists have achieved temperatures extremely close to absolute zero, where matter exhibits quantum effects such as superconductivity and superfluidity.
Absolute zero - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All temperature measurements measure heat not cold. Cold is the absence of heat. Dark is the absence of light.

Sorry, but in the real world, cold is measured by the minus sign, as in, -15, which on a proper scale, is 15 degrees below the freezing point. We don't call that 150 degrees above absolute zero, or whatever it is, we call it -15, and people can tell by that how cold it is. Wind chill adds to that coldness, and we don't call that taking more heat away, but getting colder. Pretty simple really. But I guess you have to argue about something, right? :D
I have a thermometer that measures how cold it is outside in the winter. I can tell how cold it is by looking at it.
And the guy who says god is like electricity calls ME a moron? :lol:

Nope... your thermometer measures the absence of heat energy and how this affects mercury in the thermometer. In physics, cold can't be quantified in any other way but the relative transfer of energy between two bodies. See Maxwell and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, as well as the Uncertainty Principle. Cold is simply a word to describe lack of heat energy. Warning: Stay away from topics you're not equipped to debate.

And yes, I do believe spiritual energy is like electric energy is in the physical universe. I've not seen you counter that argument with any relevant information. Can you?
Relevant information? You believe in something akin to Santa Claus, how do you counter that? You want me to break a little kid's heart? :D

-20 is fucking cold, a measure of how cold it is compared to say, -5, which is a lot less cold. Geez, no wonder you see invisible beings.

As you've been shown, in physics, cold is merely the absence of heat energy. You say -20 is "fucking cold" but it's nearly boiling compared to -459. In fact, if you ever have a chance to see liquid nitrogen in an open container, you will notice it appears to be boiling. It is actually -212 degrees, but exposed to ambient room temperature of 72 degrees, it is in fact "boiling." So "cold" becomes a relative term.

The point of the examples are, the lack of actual physical evidence for the "existence" of things like "cold" and "dark." We have physical evidence of heat and light, those can be quantified. Cold and dark denote an absence of the aforementioned. Yet you demonstrate beautifully how much devout faith you have in their existence.

I can also make the same point about time. The only actual "time" that can be "proven to exist" is the current state of present. The past no longer exists, it existed once as present, it's now gone forever. The future doesn't yet exist, it will eventually exist as present, then it will be gone forever. Now most people recognize time exists, but the only physical presence of time is present time. So there are many things that we can't physically prove the existence of, yet they do exist and we are aware of them.

I don't believe in something akin Santa Claus. You disbelieve in a God that is akin to Santa Claus to you, and you are projecting that on me. You assume that what I believe in is what you disbelieve, and you are wrong.
Nope... your thermometer measures the absence of heat energy and how this affects mercury in the thermometer. In physics, cold can't be quantified in any other way but the relative transfer of energy between two bodies. See Maxwell and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, as well as the Uncertainty Principle. Cold is simply a word to describe lack of heat energy. Warning: Stay away from topics you're not equipped to debate.

And yes, I do believe spiritual energy is like electric energy is in the physical universe. I've not seen you counter that argument with any relevant information. Can you?
Relevant information? You believe in something akin to Santa Claus, how do you counter that? You want me to break a little kid's heart? :D

-20 is fucking cold, a measure of how cold it is compared to say, -5, which is a lot less cold. Geez, no wonder you see invisible beings.

As you've been shown, in physics, cold is merely the absence of heat energy. You say -20 is "fucking cold" but it's nearly boiling compared to -459. In fact, if you ever have a chance to see liquid nitrogen in an open container, you will notice it appears to be boiling. It is actually -212 degrees, but exposed to ambient room temperature of 72 degrees, it is in fact "boiling." So "cold" becomes a relative term.

The point of the examples are, the lack of actual physical evidence for the "existence" of things like "cold" and "dark." We have physical evidence of heat and light, those can be quantified. Cold and dark denote an absence of the aforementioned. Yet you demonstrate beautifully how much devout faith you have in their existence.

I can also make the same point about time. The only actual "time" that can be "proven to exist" is the current state of present. The past no longer exists, it existed once as present, it's now gone forever. The future doesn't yet exist, it will eventually exist as present, then it will be gone forever. Now most people recognize time exists, but the only physical presence of time is present time. So there are many things that we can't physically prove the existence of, yet they do exist and we are aware of them.

I don't believe in something akin Santa Claus. You disbelieve in a God that is akin to Santa Claus to you, and you are projecting that on me. You assume that what I believe in is what you disbelieve, and you are wrong.
I don't disbelieve, I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way. Show me actual proof and I'll change my mind. Can't be any fairer than that.
As for the thermometer thing, -20 isn't in relation to absolute zero, it's in relation to water freezing and humans getting cold, (In Celsius, the proper scale). It's a measure of how cold it is.
Relevant information? You believe in something akin to Santa Claus, how do you counter that? You want me to break a little kid's heart? :D

-20 is fucking cold, a measure of how cold it is compared to say, -5, which is a lot less cold. Geez, no wonder you see invisible beings.

As you've been shown, in physics, cold is merely the absence of heat energy. You say -20 is "fucking cold" but it's nearly boiling compared to -459. In fact, if you ever have a chance to see liquid nitrogen in an open container, you will notice it appears to be boiling. It is actually -212 degrees, but exposed to ambient room temperature of 72 degrees, it is in fact "boiling." So "cold" becomes a relative term.

The point of the examples are, the lack of actual physical evidence for the "existence" of things like "cold" and "dark." We have physical evidence of heat and light, those can be quantified. Cold and dark denote an absence of the aforementioned. Yet you demonstrate beautifully how much devout faith you have in their existence.

I can also make the same point about time. The only actual "time" that can be "proven to exist" is the current state of present. The past no longer exists, it existed once as present, it's now gone forever. The future doesn't yet exist, it will eventually exist as present, then it will be gone forever. Now most people recognize time exists, but the only physical presence of time is present time. So there are many things that we can't physically prove the existence of, yet they do exist and we are aware of them.

I don't believe in something akin Santa Claus. You disbelieve in a God that is akin to Santa Claus to you, and you are projecting that on me. You assume that what I believe in is what you disbelieve, and you are wrong.
I don't disbelieve, I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way. Show me actual proof and I'll change my mind. Can't be any fairer than that.

Well... show me proof that cold exists or dark, or time.
As for the thermometer thing, -20 isn't in relation to absolute zero, it's in relation to water freezing and humans getting cold, (In Celsius, the proper scale). It's a measure of how cold it is.

No, it's a measure of how little heat energy there is.

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