Why do the God-haters persist?

I've blown your cover by revealing your fraud. You have never been a pastor or you would have been able to tell us the details of your supposed spiritual downfall. You couldn't come up with anything, you floundered around and tried to pass off platitudes and bullshit that had no real meaning. I even gave you a second chance to clarify detail and you once again failed to do so.

You've not put me in any corner, nor have I avoided any questions. I've clearly stated my personal beliefs in this thread and others. I have no problem going into as much detail as needed and explaining what I believe and why. You've shown a clear pattern of using religion and the religious beliefs of others against them, and your 'former pastor' lie is another example of that same tactic.

You honestly believe you can pull it off, that you can fool people into thinking you've honestly been a pastor and now you've "seen the light" ..pun intended. You figure, if people buy this bullshit, they may question their own faith, and that's what you are all about. But you blew it when you couldn't answer my question. So now you're thinking you can paint me as delusional and unhinged, which is also a very common tactic of those who have been exposed as frauds.
I'll be happy to answer your question as soon as you answer mine. I asked you about the day you decided you didn't believe in God anymore. You dodged my question with some bullshit about a process of gradual realization, but I don't accept that. There was some point at which you "convinced yourself" ...your words there... and that's the time period I want to know about. The moment you became fully convinced and stopped believing. What was it that did that for you?

Don't be a coward and dodge the question like you did the first time, spit it out. Tell us about that day, what happened, what event(s) caused this convincing realization? Was it something you are too embarassed to talk about? Did your church kick you out for doing something wrong? I promise, I won't judge you or ridicule you for it, I just honestly want to hear your story. Because, frankly, I believe you are lying about this. I think you are saying it so you can paint yourself as being "once like me" and you think this lends more credibility to your rejection of God. I say this based on your own remarks and your behavior towards others here, trying to use their faith against them, etc. I think you are a dishonest person who will do whatever you need to try and bolster your argument. So here's your chance to prove me wrong, give us a rundown on the events surrounding your spiritual demise.

Sorry real life isn't as compelling to you as the great drama you want to invent. I continued to study the bible and went through a similar process that Bart Ehrmann went through, and many, many others. The critical study of scripture just didn't hold up, and gradually, slowly, the defenses I had built up to defend myself against that truth withered away, bit by bit. There was no "moment". You see too many movies. I quit. I couldn't do it any more. No scandal. No firing. Not even a loss of ordination. I just quit.
Since you have chosen to invent a different narrative, I am helpless to change a closed mind.
By the way, I am not an atheist either.
Wrap your head around that one.
Keep running. I know you won't answer the question. It punks your whole game.
By the way, so far I have found many opportunities to prove you wrong. It is going very, very well.

Okay, so you don't want to share the details of when you "became convinced" of your beliefs. This tells us everything we need to know about your integrity. Not a single example of scripture that didn't hold up or what defenses withered away, just a bunch of smoke blowing from your ass. You can't explain this in detail because it's not true.

No, you're not an atheist, you are a God-hater. You fully believe in God, but hate Him. You're too much of a coward to admit that, probably because it sounds superficial, selfish and trite, and you know this, so you'd rather pretend you're something you're not and hope you can sell that to everyone else. Problem is, I've blown your cover and you don't like that.

The only person selling something is you and your bogus spiritual nature, because you know that it's bullshit but will fight tooth and nail to get anyone to validate your theory. So is your name calling part of your spiritual nature, or is that simply your human nature acting like an ass?
having faith something is possible =/= having faith that it exists
The only person selling something is you and your bogus spiritual nature, because you know that it's bullshit but will fight tooth and nail to get anyone to validate your theory. So is your name calling part of your spiritual nature, or is that simply your human nature acting like an ass?

His "spiritual evidence" canard was destroyed like a year ago or more.

The human belief in "higher powers" was found in the brain, actually within the last few years, as a Darwinian mechanism created to alleviate our fear of death which came to be overwhelming once sentience came to root.
I've blown your cover by revealing your fraud. You have never been a pastor or you would have been able to tell us the details of your supposed spiritual downfall. You couldn't come up with anything, you floundered around and tried to pass off platitudes and bullshit that had no real meaning. I even gave you a second chance to clarify detail and you once again failed to do so.

You've not put me in any corner, nor have I avoided any questions. I've clearly stated my personal beliefs in this thread and others. I have no problem going into as much detail as needed and explaining what I believe and why. You've shown a clear pattern of using religion and the religious beliefs of others against them, and your 'former pastor' lie is another example of that same tactic.

You honestly believe you can pull it off, that you can fool people into thinking you've honestly been a pastor and now you've "seen the light" ..pun intended. You figure, if people buy this bullshit, they may question their own faith, and that's what you are all about. But you blew it when you couldn't answer my question. So now you're thinking you can paint me as delusional and unhinged, which is also a very common tactic of those who have been exposed as frauds.
Without writing a book about my experiences, I answered your question. Who here but you cares about the minutiae of my leaving the ministry? You want to share a lot of details here about your personal life? How would that change the impoverished nature of your arguments?
Stop derailing with your absurd unfounded accusations.
You are very clearly nuts. You run away from many of my responses to you. You have no answers so you ignore them and try to pretend you never saw them. You do it repeatedly.
You want to try to attack the messenger, because you can't handle the message. You succeed only in making yourself look like the clown to match the avatars.
He has specifically stated he is not a Christian.
I think alot of believers would find that objectionable, don't you?

There's the first problem with your post, bolded in red... Perhaps you do 'think', it's just lacking in quality and quantity. :eusa_whistle:

You have no idea what believers would find objectionable, claiming that you do is a fallacy. I love Boss, he owns every single one of you haters in here, and you all know it, it's why you persist and persist, you can't remotely win a debate with him. :badgrin:

And yet he doesn't endorse your faith in the least.
As a former pastor, I have a bit of understanding regarding believers.
If you think Boss owns anything, you aren't a very careful reader.
You both do the same thing. When cornered, here comes the swearing and the really crude comments and the ignoring of the actual arguments.

Yeah, sure you were... :lmao:
There's the first problem with your post, bolded in red... Perhaps you do 'think', it's just lacking in quality and quantity. :eusa_whistle:

You have no idea what believers would find objectionable, claiming that you do is a fallacy. I love Boss, he owns every single one of you haters in here, and you all know it, it's why you persist and persist, you can't remotely win a debate with him. :badgrin:

And yet he doesn't endorse your faith in the least.
As a former pastor, I have a bit of understanding regarding believers.
If you think Boss owns anything, you aren't a very careful reader.
You both do the same thing. When cornered, here comes the swearing and the really crude comments and the ignoring of the actual arguments.

Yeah, sure you were... :lmao:

Quite so.
Do you have any idea how many pastors leave the ministry every year?
It's staggering.
The depth of exposure to the faith and its proponents is withering. We have to see the nastiness that people justify with a deity, or in some cases just "spirituality", on a day-in, day-out basis.
Why do you love Boss? He may strike at who you perceive as your enemies, but he counts you as one of those who believe false doctrine. He doesn't believe in the Nicene Creed. He thinks the idea of a Father God that loves you is incorrect.
What you really admire in him is his rudeness and anger. You identify with it so much, you turn a blind eye to him being what you have to believe is an apostate. It isn't the Prince of Peace you worship, it is aggressiveness you bend your knee to. Your persona, your avatar, all you are is invested in a fight motif, and you love it so much you give a pass to someone who actually marginalizes your beliefs.
This is the kind of myopia that drives pastors from the pulpit.
What's the use?
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There's the first problem with your post, bolded in red... Perhaps you do 'think', it's just lacking in quality and quantity. :eusa_whistle:

You have no idea what believers would find objectionable, claiming that you do is a fallacy. I love Boss, he owns every single one of you haters in here, and you all know it, it's why you persist and persist, you can't remotely win a debate with him. :badgrin:

And yet he doesn't endorse your faith in the least.
As a former pastor, I have a bit of understanding regarding believers.
If you think Boss owns anything, you aren't a very careful reader.
You both do the same thing. When cornered, here comes the swearing and the really crude comments and the ignoring of the actual arguments.

Wow, you can't help the lies spewing from inside, can you? I think I just roundly endorsed Paul of Tarsus, one of the most influential writers in the Bible. I see nothing in Newby's post that is either crude or swearing in any way. No, we're not all "clever" like you, God only made so many of us with the ability to distort and pervert the words of others for their own benefit. Pastor my ass. This is yet another LIE you tell to lend some sort of credibility to yourself in the face of having your ass handed to you repeatedly.

If you were a pastor, tell us something here... I want to know about the day and moment you decided you didn't believe anymore. Tell us about the events of that day which led to your abandoning faith in God?

As I stated in another thread that's his MO... he tries and tries to insult, denigrate, and belittle to anger anyone he thinks is a Christian to provide what he will then deem 'un-Christian like behavior' so that he can use it against them in his 'debate'. 'Use their own morals and beliefs against them' is a Marxist tenet, taught in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals'. And of course, lying is right up there as well, they can't stand on truth, it's an anathema to people like him.
And yet he doesn't endorse your faith in the least.
As a former pastor, I have a bit of understanding regarding believers.
If you think Boss owns anything, you aren't a very careful reader.
You both do the same thing. When cornered, here comes the swearing and the really crude comments and the ignoring of the actual arguments.

Yeah, sure you were... :lmao:

Quite so.
Do you have any idea how many pastors leave the ministry every year?
It's staggering.
The depth of exposure to the faith and its proponents is withering. We have to see the nastiness that people justify with a deity, or in some cases just "spirituality", on a day-in, day-out basis.
Why do you love Boss? He may strike at who you perceive as your enemies, but he counts you as one of those who believe false doctrine. He doesn't believe in the Nicene Creed. He thinks the idea of a Father God that loves you is incorrect.
What you really admire in him is his rudeness and anger. You identify with it so much, you turn a blind eye to him being what you have to believe is an apostate. It isn't the Prince of Peace you worship, it is aggressiveness you bend your knee to. Your persona, your avatar, all you are is invested in a fight motif, and you love it so much you give a pass to someone who actually marginalizes your beliefs.
This is the kind of myopia that drives pastors from the pulpit.
What's the use?

it is a problem.....when pastors start to follow instead of lead......
Work on your reading comprehension skills a bit, moron.

Answer the question, or be forever known as the coward who wouldn't.

I'll be happy to answer your question as soon as you answer mine. I asked you about the day you decided you didn't believe in God anymore. You dodged my question with some bullshit about a process of gradual realization, but I don't accept that. There was some point at which you "convinced yourself" ...your words there... and that's the time period I want to know about. The moment you became fully convinced and stopped believing. What was it that did that for you?

Don't be a coward and dodge the question like you did the first time, spit it out. Tell us about that day, what happened, what event(s) caused this convincing realization? Was it something you are too embarassed to talk about? Did your church kick you out for doing something wrong? I promise, I won't judge you or ridicule you for it, I just honestly want to hear your story. Because, frankly, I believe you are lying about this. I think you are saying it so you can paint yourself as being "once like me" and you think this lends more credibility to your rejection of God. I say this based on your own remarks and your behavior towards others here, trying to use their faith against them, etc. I think you are a dishonest person who will do whatever you need to try and bolster your argument. So here's your chance to prove me wrong, give us a rundown on the events surrounding your spiritual demise.

Yes, exactly. :thup:
Answer the question, or be forever known as the coward who wouldn't.

I'll be happy to answer your question as soon as you answer mine. I asked you about the day you decided you didn't believe in God anymore. You dodged my question with some bullshit about a process of gradual realization, but I don't accept that. There was some point at which you "convinced yourself" ...your words there... and that's the time period I want to know about. The moment you became fully convinced and stopped believing. What was it that did that for you?

Don't be a coward and dodge the question like you did the first time, spit it out. Tell us about that day, what happened, what event(s) caused this convincing realization? Was it something you are too embarassed to talk about? Did your church kick you out for doing something wrong? I promise, I won't judge you or ridicule you for it, I just honestly want to hear your story. Because, frankly, I believe you are lying about this. I think you are saying it so you can paint yourself as being "once like me" and you think this lends more credibility to your rejection of God. I say this based on your own remarks and your behavior towards others here, trying to use their faith against them, etc. I think you are a dishonest person who will do whatever you need to try and bolster your argument. So here's your chance to prove me wrong, give us a rundown on the events surrounding your spiritual demise.

Sorry real life isn't as compelling to you as the great drama you want to invent. I continued to study the bible and went through a similar process that Bart Ehrmann went through, and many, many others. The critical study of scripture just didn't hold up, and gradually, slowly, the defenses I had built up to defend myself against that truth withered away, bit by bit. There was no "moment". You see too many movies. I quit. I couldn't do it any more. No scandal. No firing. Not even a loss of ordination. I just quit.
Since you have chosen to invent a different narrative, I am helpless to change a closed mind.
By the way, I am not an atheist either.
Wrap your head around that one.
Keep running. I know you won't answer the question. It punks your whole game.
By the way, so far I have found many opportunities to prove you wrong. It is going very, very well.

It's easy to state what you aren't, difficult to stand up for what you are, because then it can be used as a reference point against you. And you call others cowards.. :eusa_whistle:
Sorry real life isn't as compelling to you as the great drama you want to invent. I continued to study the bible and went through a similar process that Bart Ehrmann went through, and many, many others. The critical study of scripture just didn't hold up, and gradually, slowly, the defenses I had built up to defend myself against that truth withered away, bit by bit. There was no "moment". You see too many movies. I quit. I couldn't do it any more. No scandal. No firing. Not even a loss of ordination. I just quit.
Since you have chosen to invent a different narrative, I am helpless to change a closed mind.
By the way, I am not an atheist either.
Wrap your head around that one.
Keep running. I know you won't answer the question. It punks your whole game.
By the way, so far I have found many opportunities to prove you wrong. It is going very, very well.

Okay, so you don't want to share the details of when you "became convinced" of your beliefs. This tells us everything we need to know about your integrity. Not a single example of scripture that didn't hold up or what defenses withered away, just a bunch of smoke blowing from your ass. You can't explain this in detail because it's not true.

No, you're not an atheist, you are a God-hater. You fully believe in God, but hate Him. You're too much of a coward to admit that, probably because it sounds superficial, selfish and trite, and you know this, so you'd rather pretend you're something you're not and hope you can sell that to everyone else. Problem is, I've blown your cover and you don't like that.
Where do you invent this crap, and why?
Are you that embarrassed that I keep putting you in corners that you can't escape from? You keep running away from questions you have no answers for, and then go on this overwrought bloviation of some invented movie script because I don't choose to derail the thread with a long biography.
Not a god-hater at all. Nor am I an atheist.
Based on what do you think you have "blown my cover"? Some complete fabrication of your own? Blowing another's cover traditionally entails uncovering some fact that lends new light on a subject. I haven't noticed you had done that. You invented some and got very excited by your storytelling, hoping some of your equally dense sycophants will think you have gleaned something.
You are, I think, actually unhinged. This post of yours sincerely makes you look insane.

You really are quite amusing, and a raging narcissist on top of it.
Yeah, sure you were... :lmao:

Quite so.
Do you have any idea how many pastors leave the ministry every year?
It's staggering.
The depth of exposure to the faith and its proponents is withering. We have to see the nastiness that people justify with a deity, or in some cases just "spirituality", on a day-in, day-out basis.
Why do you love Boss? He may strike at who you perceive as your enemies, but he counts you as one of those who believe false doctrine. He doesn't believe in the Nicene Creed. He thinks the idea of a Father God that loves you is incorrect.
What you really admire in him is his rudeness and anger. You identify with it so much, you turn a blind eye to him being what you have to believe is an apostate. It isn't the Prince of Peace you worship, it is aggressiveness you bend your knee to. Your persona, your avatar, all you are is invested in a fight motif, and you love it so much you give a pass to someone who actually marginalizes your beliefs.
This is the kind of myopia that drives pastors from the pulpit.
What's the use?

it is a problem.....when pastors start to follow instead of lead......
Expand on this. I don't want to respond until the point you are trying to make is clearer.
I've blown your cover by revealing your fraud. You have never been a pastor or you would have been able to tell us the details of your supposed spiritual downfall. You couldn't come up with anything, you floundered around and tried to pass off platitudes and bullshit that had no real meaning. I even gave you a second chance to clarify detail and you once again failed to do so.

You've not put me in any corner, nor have I avoided any questions. I've clearly stated my personal beliefs in this thread and others. I have no problem going into as much detail as needed and explaining what I believe and why. You've shown a clear pattern of using religion and the religious beliefs of others against them, and your 'former pastor' lie is another example of that same tactic.

You honestly believe you can pull it off, that you can fool people into thinking you've honestly been a pastor and now you've "seen the light" ..pun intended. You figure, if people buy this bullshit, they may question their own faith, and that's what you are all about. But you blew it when you couldn't answer my question. So now you're thinking you can paint me as delusional and unhinged, which is also a very common tactic of those who have been exposed as frauds.
Without writing a book about my experiences, I answered your question. Who here but you cares about the minutiae of my leaving the ministry? You want to share a lot of details here about your personal life? How would that change the impoverished nature of your arguments?
Stop derailing with your absurd unfounded accusations.
You are very clearly nuts. You run away from many of my responses to you. You have no answers so you ignore them and try to pretend you never saw them. You do it repeatedly.
You want to try to attack the messenger, because you can't handle the message. You succeed only in making yourself look like the clown to match the avatars.

You lie, he's responded to every post you and other like you have made on here, he has 'run' from nothing. All you have is lies, all you do is lie. :cuckoo:
I've blown your cover by revealing your fraud. You have never been a pastor or you would have been able to tell us the details of your supposed spiritual downfall. You couldn't come up with anything, you floundered around and tried to pass off platitudes and bullshit that had no real meaning. I even gave you a second chance to clarify detail and you once again failed to do so.

You've not put me in any corner, nor have I avoided any questions. I've clearly stated my personal beliefs in this thread and others. I have no problem going into as much detail as needed and explaining what I believe and why. You've shown a clear pattern of using religion and the religious beliefs of others against them, and your 'former pastor' lie is another example of that same tactic.

You honestly believe you can pull it off, that you can fool people into thinking you've honestly been a pastor and now you've "seen the light" ..pun intended. You figure, if people buy this bullshit, they may question their own faith, and that's what you are all about. But you blew it when you couldn't answer my question. So now you're thinking you can paint me as delusional and unhinged, which is also a very common tactic of those who have been exposed as frauds.
Without writing a book about my experiences, I answered your question. Who here but you cares about the minutiae of my leaving the ministry? You want to share a lot of details here about your personal life? How would that change the impoverished nature of your arguments?
Stop derailing with your absurd unfounded accusations.
You are very clearly nuts. You run away from many of my responses to you. You have no answers so you ignore them and try to pretend you never saw them. You do it repeatedly.
You want to try to attack the messenger, because you can't handle the message. You succeed only in making yourself look like the clown to match the avatars.

You lie, he's responded to every post you and other like you have made on here, he has 'run' from nothing. All you have is lies, all you do is lie. :cuckoo:

Actually, he glosses over the points he cannot address and ignores them completely. It's all right there.
Quite so.
Do you have any idea how many pastors leave the ministry every year?
It's staggering.
The depth of exposure to the faith and its proponents is withering. We have to see the nastiness that people justify with a deity, or in some cases just "spirituality", on a day-in, day-out basis.
Why do you love Boss? He may strike at who you perceive as your enemies, but he counts you as one of those who believe false doctrine. He doesn't believe in the Nicene Creed. He thinks the idea of a Father God that loves you is incorrect.
What you really admire in him is his rudeness and anger. You identify with it so much, you turn a blind eye to him being what you have to believe is an apostate. It isn't the Prince of Peace you worship, it is aggressiveness you bend your knee to. Your persona, your avatar, all you are is invested in a fight motif, and you love it so much you give a pass to someone who actually marginalizes your beliefs.
This is the kind of myopia that drives pastors from the pulpit.
What's the use?

it is a problem.....when pastors start to follow instead of lead......
Expand on this. I don't want to respond until the point you are trying to make is clearer.

was it obscure?.....a pastor's job is to lead his congregation toward a more mature faith.....those that choose to follow the congregation instead, spiral down to abandoning it......sounds like a passive-aggressive response to a troubled congregation......"I don't have the nerve to confront you in your error, so I will quit being a preacher and be just like you"........
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And yet he doesn't endorse your faith in the least.
As a former pastor, I have a bit of understanding regarding believers.
If you think Boss owns anything, you aren't a very careful reader.
You both do the same thing. When cornered, here comes the swearing and the really crude comments and the ignoring of the actual arguments.

Yeah, sure you were... :lmao:

Quite so.
Do you have any idea how many pastors leave the ministry every year?
It's staggering.
The depth of exposure to the faith and its proponents is withering. We have to see the nastiness that people justify with a deity, or in some cases just "spirituality", on a day-in, day-out basis.
Why do you love Boss? He may strike at who you perceive as your enemies, but he counts you as one of those who believe false doctrine. He doesn't believe in the Nicene Creed. He thinks the idea of a Father God that loves you is incorrect.
What you really admire in him is his rudeness and anger. You identify with it so much, you turn a blind eye to him being what you have to believe is an apostate. It isn't the Prince of Peace you worship, it is aggressiveness you bend your knee to. Your persona, your avatar, all you are is invested in a fight motif, and you love it so much you give a pass to someone who actually marginalizes your beliefs.
This is the kind of myopia that drives pastors from the pulpit.
What's the use?

Enemies? I don't see you or anyone on here as an enemy, you'd never be capable of generating enough emotion to come anywhere close to being considered that. As I've said before, I pity you, greatly in fact. Boss is what you will never be, that's why you hate him, he has succeeded at what you have failed at, and it's driving you crazy. It's also driving you crazy that you can't drive him to anger, he's acted and spoke with integrity and honesty, and you haven't gotten him to waver from that. Sucks for you.

And you're just completely obsessed with my avatar, aren't you??? :lmao:
I've blown your cover by revealing your fraud. You have never been a pastor or you would have been able to tell us the details of your supposed spiritual downfall. You couldn't come up with anything, you floundered around and tried to pass off platitudes and bullshit that had no real meaning. I even gave you a second chance to clarify detail and you once again failed to do so.

You've not put me in any corner, nor have I avoided any questions. I've clearly stated my personal beliefs in this thread and others. I have no problem going into as much detail as needed and explaining what I believe and why. You've shown a clear pattern of using religion and the religious beliefs of others against them, and your 'former pastor' lie is another example of that same tactic.

You honestly believe you can pull it off, that you can fool people into thinking you've honestly been a pastor and now you've "seen the light" ..pun intended. You figure, if people buy this bullshit, they may question their own faith, and that's what you are all about. But you blew it when you couldn't answer my question. So now you're thinking you can paint me as delusional and unhinged, which is also a very common tactic of those who have been exposed as frauds.
Without writing a book about my experiences, I answered your question. Who here but you cares about the minutiae of my leaving the ministry? You want to share a lot of details here about your personal life? How would that change the impoverished nature of your arguments?
Stop derailing with your absurd unfounded accusations.
You are very clearly nuts. You run away from many of my responses to you. You have no answers so you ignore them and try to pretend you never saw them. You do it repeatedly.
You want to try to attack the messenger, because you can't handle the message. You succeed only in making yourself look like the clown to match the avatars.

You lie, he's responded to every post you and other like you have made on here, he has 'run' from nothing. All you have is lies, all you do is lie. :cuckoo:
No, he really hasn't. He's avoided a lot of my responses.
I don't expect you to keep up with his responses, or lack of same, to my posts like I do.
But if you did, you would have a paradigm shift (that's a hint to a couple of my posts he's ignored).
Without writing a book about my experiences, I answered your question. Who here but you cares about the minutiae of my leaving the ministry? You want to share a lot of details here about your personal life? How would that change the impoverished nature of your arguments?
Stop derailing with your absurd unfounded accusations.
You are very clearly nuts. You run away from many of my responses to you. You have no answers so you ignore them and try to pretend you never saw them. You do it repeatedly.
You want to try to attack the messenger, because you can't handle the message. You succeed only in making yourself look like the clown to match the avatars.

You lie, he's responded to every post you and other like you have made on here, he has 'run' from nothing. All you have is lies, all you do is lie. :cuckoo:
No, he really hasn't. He's avoided a lot of my responses.
I don't expect you to keep up with his responses, or lack of same, to my posts like I do.
But if you did, you would have a paradigm shift (that's a hint to a couple of my posts he's ignored).

He's kept up with all of you haters in here, one against how many now? Trying to answer and respond to every one of you with posts addressing everything that's been said to him. And he's done so without anger, very little insults considering how many have been hurled at him, and with a logic and truth that none of you have been able to refute(hence the insults and anger towards him). He's done a great job, I applaud him and have much respect for him, he's very articulate and intelligent, many qualities to admire. :D
Yeah, sure you were... :lmao:

Quite so.
Do you have any idea how many pastors leave the ministry every year?
It's staggering.
The depth of exposure to the faith and its proponents is withering. We have to see the nastiness that people justify with a deity, or in some cases just "spirituality", on a day-in, day-out basis.
Why do you love Boss? He may strike at who you perceive as your enemies, but he counts you as one of those who believe false doctrine. He doesn't believe in the Nicene Creed. He thinks the idea of a Father God that loves you is incorrect.
What you really admire in him is his rudeness and anger. You identify with it so much, you turn a blind eye to him being what you have to believe is an apostate. It isn't the Prince of Peace you worship, it is aggressiveness you bend your knee to. Your persona, your avatar, all you are is invested in a fight motif, and you love it so much you give a pass to someone who actually marginalizes your beliefs.
This is the kind of myopia that drives pastors from the pulpit.
What's the use?

Enemies? I don't see you or anyone on here as an enemy, you'd never be capable of generating enough emotion to come anywhere close to being considered that. As I've said before, I pity you, greatly in fact. Boss is what you will never be, that's why you hate him, he has succeeded at what you have failed at, and it's driving you crazy. It's also driving you crazy that you can't drive him to anger, he's acted and spoke with integrity and honesty, and you haven't gotten him to waver from that. Sucks for you.

And you're just completely obsessed with my avatar, aren't you??? :lmao:

Anger is the stock in trade for both of you.
Flinging rude epithets at people, vulgar language and so on. He specializes in complete hysterical meltdowns. Does it regularly. I don't have to drive him to anger. He goes there on his own, no prodding necessary.
It is so natural and ingrained in you that you have ceased to even perceive it in yourself any longer. It seems normal to you.
Boss is succeeding at nothing except sweeping up susceptible, uncritical minds like your own.
Hopefully you are right about one thing.
I will never be like Boss, spending time trying to create a persona of credibility with the outward appearances like his changing and embarrassing self-promoting avatars and not being able to actually supply the intellectual firepower.

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