Why do the God-haters persist?

But aren't these true believers supposed to?

Who the hell do you think you are to determine what believers are supposed to do?

You supposedly abandoned your faith and now you run around besmirching people of faith by trying to use their faith against them. What a despicable piece of garbage you are.

As a pastor, you lived a lie, freeloading off people who trusted you. Now you live a lie being an intellectual freeloader, preferring to denigrate and judge as opposed to validating your points. And here we discover this ain't your first rodeo, you've been pulling this shtick on other boards too.

What a pathetic example of human garbage.

Ah, the lovely spiritual man rises from the ashes!
I don't determine what believers are supposed to do. Their "inerrant Word" does that for them, the one they claim deference to. They hate direct quotations that reveal them as disinterested in the faith as displayed in scripture.
They do the same thing you do. They lose control of themselves, hurl epithets, and marginalize themselves with defensive tantrums.
You think bravery is required to post under an assumed name on an anonymous board?

I'll bet you think it does.

Which says quite a bit more about you than it does about me, lol.
Brave being a relative term.
I think it is brave not to avoid a post that was directed at you. I think it is cowardice not to confront the challenge that was presented to you.

Too bad. I am hounded by lunatics and anti-Christian bigots on this board and always have been. I respond to what I feel like responding to, ignore what I feel like ignoring, and could give two shits how you feel about it, noob.
That's fine.
You also don't give two shits about the Holy Spirit and being a witness for him with the Fruits of the Spirit. You have given the finger to him and just use faith to justify a very nasty heart.
Amen, sister!
Odd that this conversation began because you were accusing the OP of not responding to you, but now want to justify that when you do it.
Ah, the brain dead irony!
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:clap: Good for you! ...I disagree.

Boss: I don't belong to a religion ...

on what basis do you disagree ?


On the basis that it is important and fundamental for humans to worship God. That's why we do it... or most of us do. We need to maintain fidelity with our spiritual connection. Worshiping God in whatever "manifestation" you believe God is, keeps us spiritually grounded. When we don't do this, we tend to disassociate with our spiritual awareness. I don't know whether that is caused by our vanity or arrogance, being too smart for our own good, or just plain selfish laziness.

When we've lost our spiritual fidelity, we make decisions and take actions that serve only our self interests. The further from our spirituality we get, the more this is apparent. We become too big for our britches. Over time, the lack of spiritual fidelity will cause us to begin worshiping ourselves, thinking we are God and we have the ability to pass judgement on others or dictate what can be acceptable to them. If this condition persists over a broad enough population, given time, it will lead to the downfall of civilized society.

So that is the basis in which I disagree with you. I think humans have to worship something, if not God then self. It's far better for society to worship God and remain in fidelity with our spiritual nature. Now, there are some caveats to that. Religion, while it can serve as a useful platform for our spiritual fidelity, can also lead people astray, away from spirituality itself. It can be very subtle and hard to detect, but through religion, humans sometimes risk losing spiritual connection with God and replace that with worship of the religion instead. It's as misguided as worshiping self, but it does happen.


On the basis that it is important and fundamental for humans to worship God.

When we don't do this, we tend to disassociate with our spiritual awareness.

When we've lost our spiritual fidelity, we make decisions and take actions that serve only our self interests.

thinking we are God and we have the ability to pass judgement on others ... it will lead to the downfall of civilized society.

I am glad someone who is not religious is also not a holyroller ... there is something wrong here.

When we don't do this, we tend to disassociate with our spiritual awareness.

the key word is "worship" - the word is implicit to: "actions that serve only our self interests" and not an association distinct from self, the same as reading a book irregardless its content.

the idea is for a spirit to live without a physiology when the time comes, wildlife the Orchid live in association with the Everlasting to reach the purity to relinquish their physical presence the same as a plane uses the runaway to attain flight ... worshiping God rather than striving for the goal of Admission through "enlightenment" is a self defeating purpose that suredly will wither the spirit ... religion.

at any rate your exclusion of Wildlife from the Everlasting through Admission by God does seem a little egocentric.

But aren't these true believers supposed to?

Who the hell do you think you are to determine what believers are supposed to do?

You supposedly abandoned your faith and now you run around besmirching people of faith by trying to use their faith against them. What a despicable piece of garbage you are.

As a pastor, you lived a lie, freeloading off people who trusted you. Now you live a lie being an intellectual freeloader, preferring to denigrate and judge as opposed to validating your points. And here we discover this ain't your first rodeo, you've been pulling this shtick on other boards too.

What a pathetic example of human garbage.

Ah, the lovely spiritual man rises from the ashes!
I don't determine what believers are supposed to do. Their "inerrant Word" does that for them, the one they claim deference to. They hate direct quotations that reveal them as disinterested in the faith as displayed in scripture.
They do the same thing you do. They lose control of themselves, hurl epithets, and marginalize themselves with defensive tantrums.

Again, who the hell are YOU to determine what their word does for them? You fell out of grace with the word, which means you have no understanding of it whatsoever. You're the LAST person who should be counseling advice on the word or how Christians should behave. You're like the guy who drove a school bus full of kids off a cliff, trying to teach a driver safety class for school bus drivers! A really BAD joke!

If you weren't such a self-absorbed pretentious little asshole, you'd understand that people aren't God or Jesus, they often make mistakes and have errors in judgement. Jesus said, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." So do you believe you're following that advice? Of course not, but then, you've abandoned it in your life and think you can do however you please. Like I told you before, you'd better get right with your Lord before it's too late.
Who the hell do you think you are to determine what believers are supposed to do?

You supposedly abandoned your faith and now you run around besmirching people of faith by trying to use their faith against them. What a despicable piece of garbage you are.

As a pastor, you lived a lie, freeloading off people who trusted you. Now you live a lie being an intellectual freeloader, preferring to denigrate and judge as opposed to validating your points. And here we discover this ain't your first rodeo, you've been pulling this shtick on other boards too.

What a pathetic example of human garbage.

Ah, the lovely spiritual man rises from the ashes!
I don't determine what believers are supposed to do. Their "inerrant Word" does that for them, the one they claim deference to. They hate direct quotations that reveal them as disinterested in the faith as displayed in scripture.
They do the same thing you do. They lose control of themselves, hurl epithets, and marginalize themselves with defensive tantrums.

Again, who the hell are YOU to determine what their word does for them? You fell out of grace with the word, which means you have no understanding of it whatsoever. You're the LAST person who should be counseling advice on the word or how Christians should behave. You're like the guy who drove a school bus full of kids off a cliff, trying to teach a driver safety class for school bus drivers! A really BAD joke!

If you weren't such a self-absorbed pretentious little asshole, you'd understand that people aren't God or Jesus, they often make mistakes and have errors in judgement. Jesus said, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." So do you believe you're following that advice? Of course not, but then, you've abandoned it in your life and think you can do however you please. Like I told you before, you'd better get right with your Lord before it's too late.
The real question is: bossy, why are you so angry? You're on a fucking douche chat board getting all bent out of shape. :lol:
Who the hell do you think you are to determine what believers are supposed to do?

You supposedly abandoned your faith and now you run around besmirching people of faith by trying to use their faith against them. What a despicable piece of garbage you are.

As a pastor, you lived a lie, freeloading off people who trusted you. Now you live a lie being an intellectual freeloader, preferring to denigrate and judge as opposed to validating your points. And here we discover this ain't your first rodeo, you've been pulling this shtick on other boards too.

What a pathetic example of human garbage.

Ah, the lovely spiritual man rises from the ashes!
I don't determine what believers are supposed to do. Their "inerrant Word" does that for them, the one they claim deference to. They hate direct quotations that reveal them as disinterested in the faith as displayed in scripture.
They do the same thing you do. They lose control of themselves, hurl epithets, and marginalize themselves with defensive tantrums.

Again, who the hell are YOU to determine what their word does for them? You fell out of grace with the word, which means you have no understanding of it whatsoever. You're the LAST person who should be counseling advice on the word or how Christians should behave. You're like the guy who drove a school bus full of kids off a cliff, trying to teach a driver safety class for school bus drivers! A really BAD joke!

If you weren't such a self-absorbed pretentious little asshole, you'd understand that people aren't God or Jesus, they often make mistakes and have errors in judgement. Jesus said, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." So do you believe you're following that advice? Of course not, but then, you've abandoned it in your life and think you can do however you please. Like I told you before, you'd better get right with your Lord before it's too late.

More of the same ranting tirades.
The scripture isn't real confusing regarding the Fruits. It doesn't take great interpretive skill. If the Holy Spirit is in you, here's what you'll look like. When confronted with this in regard to their own behavior, they foam at the mouth.
Like you!
on what basis do you disagree ?


On the basis that it is important and fundamental for humans to worship God. That's why we do it... or most of us do. We need to maintain fidelity with our spiritual connection. Worshiping God in whatever "manifestation" you believe God is, keeps us spiritually grounded. When we don't do this, we tend to disassociate with our spiritual awareness. I don't know whether that is caused by our vanity or arrogance, being too smart for our own good, or just plain selfish laziness.

When we've lost our spiritual fidelity, we make decisions and take actions that serve only our self interests. The further from our spirituality we get, the more this is apparent. We become too big for our britches. Over time, the lack of spiritual fidelity will cause us to begin worshiping ourselves, thinking we are God and we have the ability to pass judgement on others or dictate what can be acceptable to them. If this condition persists over a broad enough population, given time, it will lead to the downfall of civilized society.

So that is the basis in which I disagree with you. I think humans have to worship something, if not God then self. It's far better for society to worship God and remain in fidelity with our spiritual nature. Now, there are some caveats to that. Religion, while it can serve as a useful platform for our spiritual fidelity, can also lead people astray, away from spirituality itself. It can be very subtle and hard to detect, but through religion, humans sometimes risk losing spiritual connection with God and replace that with worship of the religion instead. It's as misguided as worshiping self, but it does happen.


On the basis that it is important and fundamental for humans to worship God.

When we don't do this, we tend to disassociate with our spiritual awareness.

When we've lost our spiritual fidelity, we make decisions and take actions that serve only our self interests.

thinking we are God and we have the ability to pass judgement on others ... it will lead to the downfall of civilized society.

I am glad someone who is not religious is also not a holyroller ... there is something wrong here.

When we don't do this, we tend to disassociate with our spiritual awareness.

the key word is "worship" - the word is implicit to: "actions that serve only our self interests" and not an association distinct from self, the same as reading a book irregardless its content.

the idea is for a spirit to live without a physiology when the time comes, wildlife the Orchid live in association with the Everlasting to reach the purity to relinquish their physical presence the same as a plane uses the runaway to attain flight ... worshiping God rather than striving for the goal of Admission through "enlightenment" is a self defeating purpose that suredly will wither the spirit ... religion.

at any rate your exclusion of Wildlife from the Everlasting through Admission by God does seem a little egocentric.

I haven't excluded wildlife from anything. Anyone can see that humans are different from other wildlife. It's because of that difference that we require consistent maintenance of spiritual fidelity where other wildlife doesn't appear to. If we lacked this, we would be no different than other wildlife. Our actions and behavior would be determined by primal instinct or reaction to environment without any regard for morality as we know it. We'd kill and eat our own. In the Spring, we'd go out and mate with others suitable for reproduction without regard to "consent." Stronger males would kill off weaker ones, etc. We would have never become "civilized" creatures, our nature would be no different than wildlife.

It's not an ego thing, it's a requirement thing. We comprehend spiritual nature and connect to it because we've been given that ability by "the Everlasting" as you put it. Other animals may also have an ability to connect that we're not aware of, I recognized you might have a valid point there, I don't know. I personally think we were chosen as the Stewards of life by God, The Everlasting, Spiritual Nature, whatever you wish to call it. This responsibility requires we maintain spiritual fidelity and we do that through worship. You apparently see "worship" as some unnecessary component that isn't required. And IF man could maintain spiritual fidelity without it, I could see your point. But we can't.
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Ah, the lovely spiritual man rises from the ashes!
I don't determine what believers are supposed to do. Their "inerrant Word" does that for them, the one they claim deference to. They hate direct quotations that reveal them as disinterested in the faith as displayed in scripture.
They do the same thing you do. They lose control of themselves, hurl epithets, and marginalize themselves with defensive tantrums.

Again, who the hell are YOU to determine what their word does for them? You fell out of grace with the word, which means you have no understanding of it whatsoever. You're the LAST person who should be counseling advice on the word or how Christians should behave. You're like the guy who drove a school bus full of kids off a cliff, trying to teach a driver safety class for school bus drivers! A really BAD joke!

If you weren't such a self-absorbed pretentious little asshole, you'd understand that people aren't God or Jesus, they often make mistakes and have errors in judgement. Jesus said, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." So do you believe you're following that advice? Of course not, but then, you've abandoned it in your life and think you can do however you please. Like I told you before, you'd better get right with your Lord before it's too late.

More of the same ranting tirades.
The scripture isn't real confusing regarding the Fruits. It doesn't take great interpretive skill. If the Holy Spirit is in you, here's what you'll look like. When confronted with this in regard to their own behavior, they foam at the mouth.
Like you!

You don't know about the Holy Spirit or what it looks like in someone. You're drawing a false conclusion based on your total ignorance and inability to comprehend it. You rejected it because you thought it was invalid. Remember? You have NO basis on which to apply your false stereotypes to others.

The Bible most certainly takes great interpretive skills, why the hell do you think there are so many Biblical-based religions out there? If we all interpreted it the same, there would only be one and we'd all comprehend and interpret the Bible in the same way. Yes, the Bible can be VERY confusing, especially to someone as dumb and gullible as you. Some people can study the Bible and use it as inspiration to grow, while others (like yourself) can pervert it and use it to denigrate and judge others. Some people view the Bible as the infallible Word of God, others (like myself) see it as an intriguing book with useful inspiring wisdom for how to live a good spiritual life.

No one died and made you the arbiter of how folks should behave. I don't find THAT in the Bible anywhere, and I've read it cover to cover. The only thing on trial here is your soul, and what I am seeing is a person who's soul is lost. Floundering over what he believes. Searching for validation through dragging down those around him. Failing miserably at setting any kind of example for others to follow, but at the same time, trying to hold others accountable to his own false interpretations of the Bible. You're a fraud, and a really poor one at that.
The real question is: bossy, why are you so angry? You're on a fucking douche chat board getting all bent out of shape. :lol:

I am fully aware that my words sting and that you have the perception there is anger behind them. I believe this is because you have to imagine me being angry so that you can feel as if you are the one who made me angry and that gives some feeling of validation to you. I hate to burst your bubble, but I am not angry at all. I'm not "bent out of shape" or any of the other delusions you may be having. Those are all in your head.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to help someone in need. I won't go into detail, but what I was able to do will profoundly change their lives for the better. The joy I witnessed in them and the satisfaction I received in the process, FAR outweighs any frustration you and your ilk can throw at me here. So you just go right on thinking I am angry, I fully understand why you need to perceive me that way.
Again, who the hell are YOU to determine what their word does for them? You fell out of grace with the word, which means you have no understanding of it whatsoever. You're the LAST person who should be counseling advice on the word or how Christians should behave. You're like the guy who drove a school bus full of kids off a cliff, trying to teach a driver safety class for school bus drivers! A really BAD joke!

If you weren't such a self-absorbed pretentious little asshole, you'd understand that people aren't God or Jesus, they often make mistakes and have errors in judgement. Jesus said, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." So do you believe you're following that advice? Of course not, but then, you've abandoned it in your life and think you can do however you please. Like I told you before, you'd better get right with your Lord before it's too late.

More of the same ranting tirades.
The scripture isn't real confusing regarding the Fruits. It doesn't take great interpretive skill. If the Holy Spirit is in you, here's what you'll look like. When confronted with this in regard to their own behavior, they foam at the mouth.
Like you!

You don't know about the Holy Spirit or what it looks like in someone. You're drawing a false conclusion based on your total ignorance and inability to comprehend it. You rejected it because you thought it was invalid. Remember? You have NO basis on which to apply your false stereotypes to others.

The Bible most certainly takes great interpretive skills, why the hell do you think there are so many Biblical-based religions out there? If we all interpreted it the same, there would only be one and we'd all comprehend and interpret the Bible in the same way. Yes, the Bible can be VERY confusing, especially to someone as dumb and gullible as you. Some people can study the Bible and use it as inspiration to grow, while others (like yourself) can pervert it and use it to denigrate and judge others. Some people view the Bible as the infallible Word of God, others (like myself) see it as an intriguing book with useful inspiring wisdom for how to live a good spiritual life.

No one died and made you the arbiter of how folks should behave. I don't find THAT in the Bible anywhere, and I've read it cover to cover. The only thing on trial here is your soul, and what I am seeing is a person who's soul is lost. Floundering over what he believes. Searching for validation through dragging down those around him. Failing miserably at setting any kind of example for others to follow, but at the same time, trying to hold others accountable to his own false interpretations of the Bible. You're a fraud, and a really poor one at that.

You're hilarious, and a completely inept debater.
No one ever said the bible doesn't require interpretive skills. I said that verse doesn't challenge anyones interpretive skills.
You create a strawman argument about how I said the bible as a whole doesn't require those skills and then argue against your creation rather than address my post.
You are a hack, a seriously poor thinker, but highly entertaining.
Again, who the hell are YOU to determine what their word does for them? You fell out of grace with the word, which means you have no understanding of it whatsoever. You're the LAST person who should be counseling advice on the word or how Christians should behave. You're like the guy who drove a school bus full of kids off a cliff, trying to teach a driver safety class for school bus drivers! A really BAD joke!

If you weren't such a self-absorbed pretentious little asshole, you'd understand that people aren't God or Jesus, they often make mistakes and have errors in judgement. Jesus said, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." So do you believe you're following that advice? Of course not, but then, you've abandoned it in your life and think you can do however you please. Like I told you before, you'd better get right with your Lord before it's too late.

More of the same ranting tirades.
The scripture isn't real confusing regarding the Fruits. It doesn't take great interpretive skill. If the Holy Spirit is in you, here's what you'll look like. When confronted with this in regard to their own behavior, they foam at the mouth.
Like you!

You don't know about the Holy Spirit or what it looks like in someone. You're drawing a false conclusion based on your total ignorance and inability to comprehend it. You rejected it because you thought it was invalid. Remember? You have NO basis on which to apply your false stereotypes to others.

The Bible most certainly takes great interpretive skills, why the hell do you think there are so many Biblical-based religions out there? If we all interpreted it the same, there would only be one and we'd all comprehend and interpret the Bible in the same way. Yes, the Bible can be VERY confusing, especially to someone as dumb and gullible as you. Some people can study the Bible and use it as inspiration to grow, while others (like yourself) can pervert it and use it to denigrate and judge others. Some people view the Bible as the infallible Word of God, others (like myself) see it as an intriguing book with useful inspiring wisdom for how to live a good spiritual life.

No one died and made you the arbiter of how folks should behave. I don't find THAT in the Bible anywhere, and I've read it cover to cover. The only thing on trial here is your soul, and what I am seeing is a person who's soul is lost. Floundering over what he believes. Searching for validation through dragging down those around him. Failing miserably at setting any kind of example for others to follow, but at the same time, trying to hold others accountable to his own false interpretations of the Bible. You're a fraud, and a really poor one at that.

As someone who has professed to not believe in the major religions of the world, who has said they are sometimes believed to be an atheist by those who know them because of their lack of religious belief, how do you feel qualified to know whether he is correct or not about Christians?

If being a former Christian bars him from being able to know about the Holy Spirit or see it in someone, it would certainly seem you cannot know about it or see it in someone, either. And if you can't know about it or see it in someone, how can you really judge if he can? :eusa_whistle:

True, no one made him the arbiter of how people should behave. No one made you that either, but you have no problem telling us all about how we should be spiritual so as not to become overly selfish, do you? In the religion and ethics forum, I would guess many threads have posts by people telling others how they should behave. ;)
You're hilarious, and a completely inept debater.
No one ever said the bible doesn't require interpretive skills. I said that verse doesn't challenge anyones interpretive skills.
You create a strawman argument about how I said the bible as a whole doesn't require those skills and then argue against your creation rather than address my post.
You are a hack, a seriously poor thinker, but highly entertaining.

Well if I am an inept debater and I'm clearly running circles around you, that doesn't speak very well for your debate skills. According to John, the Bible has to be taken as a whole. Parsing out one verse and trying to formulate some argument based on that is useless. Am I a poor thinker, or am I hitting the nail on the head every time you open your stupid little mouth?

Again, humans are fallible, they aren't God or Jesus, they make mistakes and commit sin. They don't always live by the Word, they can't... it's why they require salvation. You claim you were a pastor but you didn't know this? No wonder you fell from grace.
As someone who has professed to not believe in the major religions of the world, who has said they are sometimes believed to be an atheist by those who know them because of their lack of religious belief, how do you feel qualified to know whether he is correct or not about Christians?

Because I've read the Bible, dimwit. I understand the Christian theology. The fact that I am not a Christian doesn't mean I can't understand Christianity. But I can know he's not correct about Christians because he's not correct about much of anything, he's a moron like you.

If being a former Christian bars him from being able to know about the Holy Spirit or see it in someone, it would certainly seem you cannot know about it or see it in someone, either. And if you can't know about it or see it in someone, how can you really judge if he can? :eusa_whistle:

True, no one made him the arbiter of how people should behave. No one made you that either, but you have no problem telling us all about how we should be spiritual so as not to become overly selfish, do you? In the religion and ethics forum, I would guess many threads have posts by people telling others how they should behave. ;)

I'm not the one here telling Christians how to behave, Moonbat. I'm not taking what you personally believe and turning it against you, that's HIS shtick, not mine. You can believe whatever the hell you want to believe, it's up to you. All I can do is convey what I believe, and if you want to listen that's fine, if not, so be it.

I've not told you that you need to be spiritual, you ARE spiritual, whether you like it or not... it's part of your DNA. If you want to ignore your spirituality, that's your choice. I can't control what you do.
You're hilarious, and a completely inept debater.
No one ever said the bible doesn't require interpretive skills. I said that verse doesn't challenge anyones interpretive skills.
You create a strawman argument about how I said the bible as a whole doesn't require those skills and then argue against your creation rather than address my post.
You are a hack, a seriously poor thinker, but highly entertaining.

Well if I am an inept debater and I'm clearly running circles around you, that doesn't speak very well for your debate skills. According to John, the Bible has to be taken as a whole. Parsing out one verse and trying to formulate some argument based on that is useless. Am I a poor thinker, or am I hitting the nail on the head every time you open your stupid little mouth?

Again, humans are fallible, they aren't God or Jesus, they make mistakes and commit sin. They don't always live by the Word, they can't... it's why they require salvation. You claim you were a pastor but you didn't know this? No wonder you fell from grace.
Never fell from grace. Where did you invent that lie from?
No, you really are a very poor thinker.
Yes, it really was a strawman. Yes, people can comment on individual verses. Yes, some of them are less dependent on interpretation than others.
You couldn't hit a nail with a ping pong paddle. You puff and strut and swear and yell, but that is not argument. Strawmen are not arguments. Circular reasoning is not argument. Changing goalposts is not argument.
These are your stocks in trade.
You are right about one thing. You are running around in circles.
As someone who has professed to not believe in the major religions of the world, who has said they are sometimes believed to be an atheist by those who know them because of their lack of religious belief, how do you feel qualified to know whether he is correct or not about Christians?

Because I've read the Bible, dimwit. I understand the Christian theology. The fact that I am not a Christian doesn't mean I can't understand Christianity. But I can know he's not correct about Christians because he's not correct about much of anything, he's a moron like you.

If being a former Christian bars him from being able to know about the Holy Spirit or see it in someone, it would certainly seem you cannot know about it or see it in someone, either. And if you can't know about it or see it in someone, how can you really judge if he can? :eusa_whistle:

True, no one made him the arbiter of how people should behave. No one made you that either, but you have no problem telling us all about how we should be spiritual so as not to become overly selfish, do you? In the religion and ethics forum, I would guess many threads have posts by people telling others how they should behave. ;)

I'm not the one here telling Christians how to behave, Moonbat. I'm not taking what you personally believe and turning it against you, that's HIS shtick, not mine. You can believe whatever the hell you want to believe, it's up to you. All I can do is convey what I believe, and if you want to listen that's fine, if not, so be it.

I've not told you that you need to be spiritual, you ARE spiritual, whether you like it or not... it's part of your DNA. If you want to ignore your spirituality, that's your choice. I can't control what you do.

Part of his DNA, huh?
So it's physical now, and can be observed.
Good to know.
Since I have read the bible many times, that means I must know what I am talking about also, by your reasoning, not mine.
Just a very poor thinker.
Circles, circles, and down the drain.
Never fell from grace. Where did you invent that lie from?

From your confession that you were a pastor and now you're not. You fell out of grace with God's Word.

Yes, people can comment on individual verses.

Well yes, people can eat each other too! People can do all kinds of things they're not supposed to do.

You couldn't hit a nail with a ping pong paddle.

Wouldn't want to. Wouldn't have any reason to.

Part of his DNA, huh?
So it's physical now, and can be observed.

Sure. It's in the third neural sector of the brain. It always has been.

Now, before you ignorantly take that out of context and run with it... I did not say that spiritual nature is physical and can be observed. The human ability to rationalize spiritual existence and be spiritually connected (aka: spirituality) is part of human DNA.

Since I have read the bible many times, that means I must know...

Means absolutely nothing because you rejected it as invalid when you fell from grace.
The real question is: bossy, why are you so angry? You're on a fucking douche chat board getting all bent out of shape. :lol:

I am fully aware that my words sting and that you have the perception there is anger behind them. I believe this is because you have to imagine me being angry so that you can feel as if you are the one who made me angry and that gives some feeling of validation to you. I hate to burst your bubble, but I am not angry at all. I'm not "bent out of shape" or any of the other delusions you may be having. Those are all in your head.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to help someone in need. I won't go into detail, but what I was able to do will profoundly change their lives for the better. The joy I witnessed in them and the satisfaction I received in the process, FAR outweighs any frustration you and your ilk can throw at me here. So you just go right on thinking I am angry, I fully understand why you need to perceive me that way.

Angry... and frustrated. Probably because everyone laughs at your spiritual nature and the "proof" that you offer up, which in none, because hey, IT'S SO OBVIOUS!!! :lol:

Your words sting, that's another good one!!! :lmao:

And I'm just curious, is all the juvenile name-calling supposed to up your cred as a debater? Or do you consider yourself so fucking incredible that losing a little cred is meaningless?
Never fell from grace. Where did you invent that lie from?

From your confession that you were a pastor and now you're not. You fell out of grace with God's Word.

Yes, people can comment on individual verses.

Well yes, people can eat each other too! People can do all kinds of things they're not supposed to do.

Wouldn't want to. Wouldn't have any reason to.

Part of his DNA, huh?
So it's physical now, and can be observed.

Sure. It's in the third neural sector of the brain. It always has been.

Now, before you ignorantly take that out of context and run with it... I did not say that spiritual nature is physical and can be observed. The human ability to rationalize spiritual existence and be spiritually connected (aka: spirituality) is part of human DNA.

Since I have read the bible many times, that means I must know...

Means absolutely nothing because you rejected it as invalid when you fell from grace.

You are saying no one can comment on anything in the bible unless they comment on the bible in its entirety? I will keep that in mind when reading your posts. You are not permitted to comment on any individual verse. Got it.
We agree. Spirituality is rationalized. Finally.
You also have stated that you don't accept the bible in its entirety. How are we different in this regard?
You are the silliest man I've ever experienced. Talk yourself into corners trying to be such the tough guy.
I consider myself so fucking incredible I don't lose cred. Some of it just falls off because it can't find anyplace to hang on anymore. Happens mostly when I waste time kicking around little ass chumps like you on the Internet. But what can I say, my cup runneth over. I can understand what it's like to not have any cred except from other ass clowns like yourself...wait, nope... I can't relate to it at all. Must really suck, eh?

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