Why do the God-haters persist?

You are saying no one can comment on anything in the bible unless...

No, I didn't say that... YOU'RE saying that for me right here. What I said is posted under my name above.
We agree. Spirituality is rationalized.

No, we don't agree. Spirituality CAN BE rationalized, it's in our DNA to have that capability.

You also have stated that you don't accept the bible in its entirety. How are we different in this regard?

I respect the Bible and those who believe in it and you don't. You try to use the Bible against those who believe in it and I don't. We are as different as night and day.
Youre wasting your time bruce.

He is ego centric and irrational.

Youre best to join my thread, a thread where we can cordially agree or disagree and also maintain some modicum of adult reasoning.
You are saying no one can comment on anything in the bible unless...

No, I didn't say that... YOU'RE saying that for me right here. What I said is posted under my name above.

It's exactly what you said.
The reason you edited my quote is you don't want to have to deal with tripping over yourself AGAIN!

No, scroll back up and read exactly what I said and try again. What you quoted isn't what I said, it's what YOU said and tried to lie and claim I said, and I called you out on your lie.

I'm not tripping over anything, I'm exposing you as a liar and a fraud. You don't like it and I fully understand, it must really be frustrating for you. :eusa_boohoo:
We agree. Spirituality is rationalized.

No, we don't agree. Spirituality CAN BE rationalized, it's in our DNA to have that capability.

You also have stated that you don't accept the bible in its entirety. How are we different in this regard?

I respect the Bible and those who believe in it and you don't. You try to use the Bible against those who believe in it and I don't. We are as different as night and day.

Spirituality CAN be rationalized. Agreed.
I respect a great deal of the bible but don't find it inerrant and some of it ridiculous. Same as you.
What I find hilarious is people's hypocrisy that swear it is what they live by. That's always good for laughs.
Like your posts!
No, I didn't say that... YOU'RE saying that for me right here. What I said is posted under my name above.

It's exactly what you said.
The reason you edited my quote is you don't want to have to deal with tripping over yourself AGAIN!

No, scroll back up and read exactly what I said and try again. What you quoted isn't what I said, it's what YOU said and tried to lie and claim I said, and I called you out on your lie.

I'm not tripping over anything, I'm exposing you as a liar and a fraud. You don't like it and I fully understand, it must really be frustrating for you. :eusa_boohoo:

" According to John, the Bible has to be taken as a whole. Parsing out one verse and trying to formulate some argument based on that is useless."

If you see a major distinction, you let us know what that is.
You are the gift that keeps on giving.
Youre wasting your time bruce.

He is ego centric and irrational.

Youre best to join my thread, a thread where we can cordially agree or disagree and also maintain some modicum of adult reasoning.

It's an ego thing.
He makes me feel so much smarter than I probably am.

True, but he becomes tiresome after a while. The illogical circular reasoning that has no basis on reality or indisputable facts cobbled together with a mishmash of pseudo intellectual allegations combine to form the internet version of whack-a-fool!
As someone who has professed to not believe in the major religions of the world, who has said they are sometimes believed to be an atheist by those who know them because of their lack of religious belief, how do you feel qualified to know whether he is correct or not about Christians?

Because I've read the Bible, dimwit. I understand the Christian theology. The fact that I am not a Christian doesn't mean I can't understand Christianity. But I can know he's not correct about Christians because he's not correct about much of anything, he's a moron like you.

If being a former Christian bars him from being able to know about the Holy Spirit or see it in someone, it would certainly seem you cannot know about it or see it in someone, either. And if you can't know about it or see it in someone, how can you really judge if he can? :eusa_whistle:

True, no one made him the arbiter of how people should behave. No one made you that either, but you have no problem telling us all about how we should be spiritual so as not to become overly selfish, do you? In the religion and ethics forum, I would guess many threads have posts by people telling others how they should behave. ;)

I'm not the one here telling Christians how to behave, Moonbat. I'm not taking what you personally believe and turning it against you, that's HIS shtick, not mine. You can believe whatever the hell you want to believe, it's up to you. All I can do is convey what I believe, and if you want to listen that's fine, if not, so be it.

I've not told you that you need to be spiritual, you ARE spiritual, whether you like it or not... it's part of your DNA. If you want to ignore your spirituality, that's your choice. I can't control what you do.

You're going with 'I'm smarter than him!' as a rationale for being able to discuss Christianity while he cannot? :lol:

You're right, you didn't say anyone needs to be spiritual. You said they should worship god. I apologize for not getting the minutiae correct. ;) Of course, that's still telling people how they should behave. And yes, I realize you didn't directly say, "Worship god Montrovant" or anyone else. You did, however, say it is important and fundamental, that those who don't do it become self-centered, and that if not enough people do it it will lead to the downfall of civilized society.

And yes, you have, on multiple occasions, told people what they believe and turned that against them. You have said that many professed atheists are actually god-haters. It's the very premise of this thread! That is most certainly telling a person what it is they believe and then using that against them to paint them in a bad light, denigrate them, and insult them. I guess it's OK for you since you aren't telling Christians what they believe, though?

In neither case is anyone prevented from believing whatever the hell they want. :D
" According to John, the Bible has to be taken as a whole. Parsing out one verse and trying to formulate some argument based on that is useless."

If you see a major distinction, you let us know what that is.
You are the gift that keeps on giving.

Well, I see LOTS of distinctions. First, nothing in that statement says "You must" do anything. Second, that is a true statement, the verse is in Revelations as you well know. Finally, it doesn't say people can't or don't do otherwise. So your claim that I "am saying" is completely wrong on numerous distinctions. What makes that even worse is, it came in response to a follow-up post clarifying what I originally said so you would have no doubt what was meant.

What we see here is you twisting around what was said so that you can argue against what you WISH was said. And I guess some people let you get away with that shit, I don't. I call you a liar for it because that's what you're doing, you're lying. Yes, I am the gift you opened that keeps on giving you that ass on a platter as you run around telling one lie after another trying to spin your way out of the arguments you start.
You're going with 'I'm smarter than him!' as a rationale for being able to discuss Christianity while he cannot? :lol:

As good a rationale as any the way I see it. But he's not really discussing Christianity, he's using the Bible to pass judgement on people, like he is God or Jesus and has that authority.

You're right, you didn't say anyone needs to be spiritual. You said they should worship god. I apologize for not getting the minutiae correct. ;)

You still haven't gotten it correct. I never said anyone should worship god. I said it's important and fundamental for humans to worship.

Of course, that's still telling people how they should behave.

Well frankly, no it's not. I have not told anyone how they should behave and I continue to reject your argument that I have. I don't dictate how individuals should behave because I haven't replaced my spiritual connection with worship of myself and think I am God like you. I understand that people have the free will to behave however they want and I can't control that.

And yes, I realize you didn't directly say, "Worship god Montrovant" or anyone else. You did, however, say it is important and fundamental, that those who don't do it become self-centered, and that if not enough people do it it will lead to the downfall of civilized society.

Yep, that's (almost)what I said. (people TEND TO become) Why didn't you say that to start with? Why is your first reaction always to distort what I've said and take it out of context? Read stuff into it that's just not there, and proceed to lie about it and make a fool of yourself? You could easily avoid this kind of embarrassment by simply quoting me accurately and in context.

And yes, you have, on multiple occasions, told people what they believe and turned that against them. You have said that many professed atheists are actually god-haters. It's the very premise of this thread! That is most certainly telling a person what it is they believe and then using that against them to paint them in a bad light, denigrate them, and insult them. I guess it's OK for you since you aren't telling Christians what they believe, though?

In neither case is anyone prevented from believing whatever the hell they want. :D

I agree that I have analyzed what people believe based on their own words and actions. And I suppose you can view that as me using the truth against you, but you should just be more honest and that wouldn't happen, would it? I don't have a problem analyzing what Christians say and do and telling them what they believe, and when I encounter one here who is being dishonest about that, perhaps I will.

And WOW... you end your post with probably the only truth you've posted today! I am impressed, you seem to be learning honesty! There may be hope for your pathetic ass!
Youre wasting your time bruce.

He is ego centric and irrational.

Youre best to join my thread, a thread where we can cordially agree or disagree and also maintain some modicum of adult reasoning.

It's an ego thing.
He makes me feel so much smarter than I probably am.

True, but he becomes tiresome after a while. The illogical circular reasoning that has no basis on reality or indisputable facts cobbled together with a mishmash of pseudo intellectual allegations combine to form the internet version of whack-a-fool!

Dorito Tea! Reduced to posting snarky commentary from the peanut gallery and handing out "thanks" to his butt buddies like the lowly coward he is! Yes, you're fighting the "good fight" ...these dweebs need all the moral support they can get, it's been a rough go! Keep on pushing the "thank" button and leaving your retarded mouth closed, that's what I like to see!
Youre wasting your time bruce.

He is ego centric and irrational.

Youre best to join my thread, a thread where we can cordially agree or disagree and also maintain some modicum of adult reasoning.

Yes Brucey, I agree! Stop posting in my thread and go join G.T.'s thread where you pinheads can cordially agree with each other and slap each other on the back at your profound displays of brilliance. Maintaining some modicum of adult reasoning is going to take all the retard brain cells they can muster, so run along now!
You're going with 'I'm smarter than him!' as a rationale for being able to discuss Christianity while he cannot? :lol:

As good a rationale as any the way I see it. But he's not really discussing Christianity, he's using the Bible to pass judgement on people, like he is God or Jesus and has that authority.

You're right, you didn't say anyone needs to be spiritual. You said they should worship god. I apologize for not getting the minutiae correct. ;)

You still haven't gotten it correct. I never said anyone should worship god. I said it's important and fundamental for humans to worship.

Well frankly, no it's not. I have not told anyone how they should behave and I continue to reject your argument that I have. I don't dictate how individuals should behave because I haven't replaced my spiritual connection with worship of myself and think I am God like you. I understand that people have the free will to behave however they want and I can't control that.

And yes, I realize you didn't directly say, "Worship god Montrovant" or anyone else. You did, however, say it is important and fundamental, that those who don't do it become self-centered, and that if not enough people do it it will lead to the downfall of civilized society.

Yep, that's (almost)what I said. (people TEND TO become) Why didn't you say that to start with? Why is your first reaction always to distort what I've said and take it out of context? Read stuff into it that's just not there, and proceed to lie about it and make a fool of yourself? You could easily avoid this kind of embarrassment by simply quoting me accurately and in context.

And yes, you have, on multiple occasions, told people what they believe and turned that against them. You have said that many professed atheists are actually god-haters. It's the very premise of this thread! That is most certainly telling a person what it is they believe and then using that against them to paint them in a bad light, denigrate them, and insult them. I guess it's OK for you since you aren't telling Christians what they believe, though?

In neither case is anyone prevented from believing whatever the hell they want. :D

I agree that I have analyzed what people believe based on their own words and actions. And I suppose you can view that as me using the truth against you, but you should just be more honest and that wouldn't happen, would it? I don't have a problem analyzing what Christians say and do and telling them what they believe, and when I encounter one here who is being dishonest about that, perhaps I will.

And WOW... you end your post with probably the only truth you've posted today! I am impressed, you seem to be learning honesty! There may be hope for your pathetic ass!

Yes, saying worship of god is important, fundamental, prevents people from becoming overly self-centered and stands in the way of the downfall of civilization is completely different from saying people should worship god. Totally unrelated! :lmao: You continue to try and hide behind 'word salad' and minutiae while complaining about the same from others. Bravo!

And yet, in the very same post, you seem to have decided to change my words and try to argue against what I did not say. Where did I say anything about using truth against someone? Where was that said in your post that I quoted? I don't view your analysis of people's views as truth, and never indicated I do. In fact, I've pretty clearly indicated I think you are basing your analysis on faulty information when you base it on anything at all other than your own imaginings.

Wonderful hypocrisy, saying you have no problem telling Christians what they believe. To use your turn of phrase, who the hell are YOU to tell anyone what they believe? And strange that you don't mind telling people what they believe but are so opposed to telling them how to behave. ;)
To use your turn of phrase, who the hell are YOU to tell anyone what they believe? And strange that you don't mind telling people what they believe but are so opposed to telling them how to behave.

Well, I have a PhD in Psychology and understand how the human mind works. I can pretty much tell what people believe by what they say because I am trained to do so. And I'm not understanding what is so "strange" about two completely different and unrelated things. Analyzing what you believe and telling you how you should behave are as different as night and day.
Yes, saying worship of god is important, fundamental, prevents people from becoming overly self-centered and stands in the way of the downfall of civilization is completely different from saying people should worship god. Totally unrelated!

Yep... thanks for finally acknowledging the truth.
" According to John, the Bible has to be taken as a whole. Parsing out one verse and trying to formulate some argument based on that is useless."

If you see a major distinction, you let us know what that is.
You are the gift that keeps on giving.

Well, I see LOTS of distinctions. First, nothing in that statement says "You must" do anything. Second, that is a true statement, the verse is in Revelations as you well know. Finally, it doesn't say people can't or don't do otherwise. So your claim that I "am saying" is completely wrong on numerous distinctions. What makes that even worse is, it came in response to a follow-up post clarifying what I originally said so you would have no doubt what was meant.

What we see here is you twisting around what was said so that you can argue against what you WISH was said. And I guess some people let you get away with that shit, I don't. I call you a liar for it because that's what you're doing, you're lying. Yes, I am the gift you opened that keeps on giving you that ass on a platter as you run around telling one lie after another trying to spin your way out of the arguments you start.

It doesn't say "must". It says "has to".
You are simply hilarious!
Youre wasting your time bruce.

He is ego centric and irrational.

Youre best to join my thread, a thread where we can cordially agree or disagree and also maintain some modicum of adult reasoning.

Yes Brucey, I agree! Stop posting in my thread and go join G.T.'s thread where you pinheads can cordially agree with each other and slap each other on the back at your profound displays of brilliance. Maintaining some modicum of adult reasoning is going to take all the retard brain cells they can muster, so run along now!
I'm sure you wish I would leave, but...
I like it here!
It is so much fun revealing you as a moron on your own turf.
U. of A. is humiliated. This is what you get from a PhD there?
Confirms all the stereotypes.
You can't even keep agreement within a post. You start by addressing me and switch to addressing...who?...in the middle as you include me in the "they" you refer to and then switch back to addressing me. What a cluster.
Was English not required in the 'Bama doctorate program?
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Yes, saying worship of god is important, fundamental, prevents people from becoming overly self-centered and stands in the way of the downfall of civilization is completely different from saying people should worship god. Totally unrelated!

Yep... thanks for finally acknowledging the truth.

By the way, I meant to compliment you on the new avatar.
You look exactly like the pathetic dude drinking alone, scoping the hot girls on the dance floor...from a distance.

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