Why do the God-haters persist?

Your brief experience counts for exactly nothing.

My extensive experience here is that attacks on Christians is encouraged and supported by multiple mods, who allow them to post garbage that is diametrically opposed to the stated rules in particular forums.

The Religion and Ethics forum, for example. Go read the rules, then read the first page of Huggy's "Goul" thread.
your' extensive experience here if for amusement purposes only
People indwelt with the Holy Spirit display these traits, according to Paul in Galatians.

Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.


So I can't be a decent person if I don't believe in a Bronze Age mythologies? Is the reverse also true then, that I can do no evil provided I do believe in those same Bronze Age mythologies?

Stop, you're confusing duhs. She fought over a period of days (and I think WEEKS) declaring that the Bronze Age occurred in the 16th century.

She fought hard and valiantly, but eventually had to give up her idiocy. But right now she's thinking "What mythologies of the 1500s is he talking about?" Because despite everything, I imagine she already has reverted to believing the Bronze Age took place in 1559.

speaking of confused kosher hag is suffering under the delusion that I'm female...
and the incident kosher hag is embellishing the shit out of was one post...in one day...
I made a mistake and admitted it....
kosher hags incessant need to re hash and and falsify it , is all the proof any sane poster would need to know she's mentally unstable..
You are female, you poor pathetic loon.

Now every one of your PERSONALITIES may not be female, but you are, yourself, a female..or at least you once were. Or maybe it's that you are now...but anyway. Female.
Sometimes we can fool ourselves a long time about what sex we should have chosen, or so I've heard from those who claim that people who are confused sexually were born that way....

I think you're confused...but I'm sure you were born that way. So it's okay and there are pills for it, as I'm sure you're well aware.
It is sad that SSI isn't paying out for gender confusion, though. I know that was a big disappointment for you. Give it time and make sure you continue to function at lower and lower levels...in a couple of years they'll realize you mean business...you really ARE that big a loser. And they will cut you your loser check.

And it won't go as far as you think it will.

And your foodstamps will go down.

And then you'll nut out even worse than you do already. Perhaps your goal is to be committed altogether?
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It is sad that SSI isn't paying out for gender confusion, though. I know that was a big disappointment for you. Give it time and make sure you continue to function at lower and lower levels...in a couple of years they'll realize you mean business...you really ARE that big a loser. And they will cut you your loser check.

And it won't go as far as you think it will.

And your foodstamps will go down.

And then you'll nut out even worse than you do already. Perhaps your goal is to be committed altogether?

You are a Christian?
What use do you have of a deity? Does it take a god to allow you to be this low of a human being?
Why would someone that follows Christ behave toward others as you do?
Was Paul totally mistaken about what a person that walked with the Holy Spirit would behave like?
Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
These are the Fruits of the Spirit, the signature of a person that walks with the Spirit.
Why have you given your finger to the Holy Spirit?
Or did He give it to you?
Good grief, can't you come up with a better insult? We all know who the hag, and the hag squad, were and are.

Are you that confused, or is this your way of shifting blame?

And weren't you going to ignore me forever? I think you said you were, after you said you put some sort of hex on me, lol...
Good grief, can't you come up with a better insult? We all know who the hag, and the hag squad, were and are.

Are you that confused, or is this your way of shifting blame?

And weren't you going to ignore me forever? I think you said you were, after you said you put some sort of hex on me, lol...

Brave enough to leave a negative rating but not to confront your hypocrisy.
Enough said.
Your brief experience counts for exactly nothing.

My extensive experience here is that attacks on Christians is encouraged and supported by multiple mods, who allow them to post garbage that is diametrically opposed to the stated rules in particular forums.

The Religion and Ethics forum, for example. Go read the rules, then read the first page of Huggy's "Goul" thread.
your' extensive experience here if for amusement purposes only

Good grief, can't you come up with a better insult? We all know who the hag, and the hag squad, were and are.

Are you that confused, or is this your way of shifting blame?

And weren't you going to ignore me forever? I think you said you were, after you said you put some sort of hex on me, lol...

Brave enough to leave a negative rating but not to confront your hypocrisy.
Enough said.

You think bravery is required to post under an assumed name on an anonymous board?

I'll bet you think it does.

Which says quite a bit more about you than it does about me, lol.
GOD haters are nothing new AND THEY HAVE NEVER WON YET==being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful. =Typical of those that choose to reject GOD!!! AND YOU???
Good grief, can't you come up with a better insult? We all know who the hag, and the hag squad, were and are.

Are you that confused, or is this your way of shifting blame?

And weren't you going to ignore me forever? I think you said you were, after you said you put some sort of hex on me, lol...

I have no idea who the hag squad were and/or are. :(
Good grief, can't you come up with a better insult? We all know who the hag, and the hag squad, were and are.

Are you that confused, or is this your way of shifting blame?

And weren't you going to ignore me forever? I think you said you were, after you said you put some sort of hex on me, lol...

Brave enough to leave a negative rating but not to confront your hypocrisy.
Enough said.

You think bravery is required to post under an assumed name on an anonymous board?

I'll bet you think it does.

Which says quite a bit more about you than it does about me, lol.
Brave being a relative term.
I think it is brave not to avoid a post that was directed at you. I think it is cowardice not to confront the challenge that was presented to you.
Animals do not Worship God, nor do I. ... it is a waste of time.

:clap: Good for you! ...I disagree.

Boss: I don't belong to a religion ...

on what basis do you disagree ?


On the basis that it is important and fundamental for humans to worship God. That's why we do it... or most of us do. We need to maintain fidelity with our spiritual connection. Worshiping God in whatever "manifestation" you believe God is, keeps us spiritually grounded. When we don't do this, we tend to disassociate with our spiritual awareness. I don't know whether that is caused by our vanity or arrogance, being too smart for our own good, or just plain selfish laziness.

When we've lost our spiritual fidelity, we make decisions and take actions that serve only our self interests. The further from our spirituality we get, the more this is apparent. We become too big for our britches. Over time, the lack of spiritual fidelity will cause us to begin worshiping ourselves, thinking we are God and we have the ability to pass judgement on others or dictate what can be acceptable to them. If this condition persists over a broad enough population, given time, it will lead to the downfall of civilized society.

So that is the basis in which I disagree with you. I think humans have to worship something, if not God then self. It's far better for society to worship God and remain in fidelity with our spiritual nature. Now, there are some caveats to that. Religion, while it can serve as a useful platform for our spiritual fidelity, can also lead people astray, away from spirituality itself. It can be very subtle and hard to detect, but through religion, humans sometimes risk losing spiritual connection with God and replace that with worship of the religion instead. It's as misguided as worshiping self, but it does happen.
You are a Christian?
What use do you have of a deity? Does it take a god to allow you to be this low of a human being?
Why would someone that follows Christ behave toward others as you do?
Was Paul totally mistaken about what a person that walked with the Holy Spirit would behave like?
Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
These are the Fruits of the Spirit, the signature of a person that walks with the Spirit.
Why have you given your finger to the Holy Spirit?
Or did He give it to you?

Well if it isn't BruceAlmighty. Fancy meeting you here.

I didn't have a chance to properly give you a reply on the other forum because the Stazi there kept censoring and deleting everything I said to you.

I see you're using the same schtick here as you did there.

Can't you see that a "Kosher" girl cannot be a "Christian" in anything but name only?

Christianity proper is 180 degrees from Judaism. A Christian accepts Christ. A Jew rejects Christ.

Do you always fall back on this "Fruits of the spirit" thingy to attack people?

You come across as though no one except yourself is capable of ever demonstrating any "Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control".

Come now. Do you really believe that?
Do you really think that anyone else does?

It's a common characteristic of human nature to react to deliberate attempts by others to aggravate them with something like annoyance, or even anger.

You are implying that you have some sort of insight into the "Holy Spirit" which only you possess. If that's so then please share it with the rest of us.

If all that consists of is what has been revealed in the scriptures then what is it that you are trying to say?

Are you trying to say that for anyone to be a Christian that it must be impossible for them to be annoyed by a constant pest?

Are you trying to say that a "Christian" is only one who can never be angered by anything or irritated by any kind of monkey shines?

Are you saying that the "Holy Spirit" is something that only lights on people who act like Fairies all the time?

If all that is so, then how do you explain scriptures which say "Be angry but sin not" ?

Do you suppose that Christ was a little bit "pissed" when he overturned the tables of the money changers?

If not, then why do the scriptures tell us that he was in all ways tempted just as we are and that we don't have a mediator who has never experienced what it is like to be here on earth in the flesh?

Besides, if the first thing a Christian does in order to receive salvation is confess his sins, then are you trying to say that there is some sort of magical beam that shines down out of the sky that suddenly makes it impossible for him to ever experience normal human emotions or sin again?

If that's true then why did Christ teach us to pray, "Forgive us our trespasses even as we forgive those who trespass against us" ?

I don't believe for a minute that YOU know a bit more about the "Holy Spirit" than anyone else does or that you are more able to be "perfect" than anyone else.

Do you realize how you sound trying to pretend to be the spokesman for the Holy Ghost?
Frankly, if I took the idea of the Holy Spirit seriously, and believed that it was a real thing I was talking about, I don't think I would be trying to use the name of it as means of getting under someone elses skin.

So, do you really believe in the thing you are mouthing about or not?
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You are a Christian?
What use do you have of a deity? Does it take a god to allow you to be this low of a human being?
Why would someone that follows Christ behave toward others as you do?
Was Paul totally mistaken about what a person that walked with the Holy Spirit would behave like?
Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
These are the Fruits of the Spirit, the signature of a person that walks with the Spirit.
Why have you given your finger to the Holy Spirit?
Or did He give it to you?

Well if it isn't BruceAlmighty. Fancy meeting you here.

I didn't have a chance to properly give you a reply on the other forum because the Stazi there kept censoring and deleting everything I said to you.

I see you're using the same schtick here as you did there.

Can't you see that a "Kosher" girl cannot be a "Christian" in anything but name only?

Christianity proper is 180 degrees from Judaism. A Christian accepts Christ. A Jew rejects Christ.

Do you always fall back on this "Fruits of the spirit" thingy to attack people?

You come across as though no one except yourself is capable of ever demonstrating any "Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control".

Come now. Do you really believe that?
Do you really think that anyone else does?

It's a common characteristic of human nature to react to deliberate attempts by others to aggravate them with something like annoyance, or even anger.

You are implying that you have some sort of insight into the "Holy Spirit" which only you possess. If that's so then please share it with the rest of us.

If all that consists of is what has been revealed in the scriptures then what is it that you are trying to say?

Are you trying to say that for anyone to be a Christian that it must be impossible for them to be annoyed by a constant pest?

Are you trying to say that a "Christian" is only one who can never be angered by anything or irritated by any kind of monkey shines?

Are you saying that the "Holy Spirit" is something that only lights on people who act like Fairies all the time?

If all that is so, then how do you explain scriptures which say "Be angry but sin not" ?

Do you suppose that Christ was a little bit "pissed" when he overturned the tables of the money changers?

If not, then why do the scriptures tell us that he was in all ways tempted just as we are and that we don't have a mediator who has never experienced what it is like to be here on earth in the flesh?

Besides, if the first thing a Christian does in order to receive salvation is confess his sins, then are you trying to say that there is some sort of magical beam that shines down out of the sky that suddenly makes it impossible for him to ever experience normal human emotions or sin again?

If that's true then why did Christ teach us to pray, "Forgive us our trespasses even as we forgive those who trespass against us" ?

I don't believe for a minute that YOU know a bit more about the "Holy Spirit" than anyone else does or that you are more able to be "perfect" than anyone else.

Do you realize how you sound trying to pretend to be the spokesman for the Holy Ghost?
Frankly, if I took the idea of the Holy Spirit seriously, and believed that it was a real thing I was talking about, I don't think I would be trying to use the name of it as means of getting under someone elses skin.

So, do you really believe in the thing you are mouthing about or not?
You made a very long mess of missing the point!
I am not a spokesman for the Holy Spirit. I neither profess to be holier than thou or anyone else, nor do I take it seriously.
But aren't these true believers supposed to?
If there is a very clear description of what the believer should look like if really taken with the HS, and there is, then shouldn't believers aspire to it, and when egregiously denying it try to correct to that standard?
But they never, ever do.
They make excuses. They always simply ramp up their ugliness and get worse, further digging their heels into the hypocrisy of their pretend faith, showing that what they truly worship and are indwelt by is anger and hatred.
I only take the Fruits of the Spirit out of the quiver for the professed Christian posters that cultivate a consistent online persona of nastiness, rudeness and hatefulness. If that is how they perceive the way they are supposed to "witness" for their god, I simply question why they need a god at all, least of all one that has said their behavior is anathema to the revelation of him in man.
What's the point?
You don't need a god to cultivate being an asshole, but it helps to have one if you have higher aspirations.
But believers react to the Fruits the same way you do, thinking it is just schtick and not to be taken seriously.
After all, in the big picture of the faith, who's Paul, right? What did he know? He was asking people to act like "fairies", right?
No one expects Christians to be perfect or not get annoyed, but when confronted with what scripture expects of them, some small measure of correction in their ugliness might be expected if they took the faith and the "inerrant Word" even a bit seriously. All they really do is strip mine scripture for justification of selected hatred and in some cases the pursuit of their fortunes, but if a sacrifice be asked of them, well that simply won't do.
Again, this doesn't apply and isn't used against believers who have seemed to have gleaned that a life of love is being preached and try to follow it and treat others with some respect for their beliefs and feelings. I bear no malice toward them.
But those who hate and are simply nasty people in Jesus name will hear about the Fruits every time.
It is like pouring burning coals on their heads.
But aren't these true believers supposed to?

Who the hell do you think you are to determine what believers are supposed to do?

You supposedly abandoned your faith and now you run around besmirching people of faith by trying to use their faith against them. What a despicable piece of garbage you are.

As a pastor, you lived a lie, freeloading off people who trusted you. Now you live a lie being an intellectual freeloader, preferring to denigrate and judge as opposed to validating your points. And here we discover this ain't your first rodeo, you've been pulling this shtick on other boards too.

What a pathetic example of human garbage.
But aren't these true believers supposed to?

Who the hell do you think you are to determine what believers are supposed to do?

You supposedly abandoned your faith and now you run around besmirching people of faith by trying to use their faith against them. What a despicable piece of garbage you are.

As a pastor, you lived a lie, freeloading off people who trusted you. Now you live a lie being an intellectual freeloader, preferring to denigrate and judge as opposed to validating your points. And here we discover this ain't your first rodeo, you've been pulling this shtick on other boards too.

What a pathetic example of human garbage.

Because you would never denigrate and judge. :rofl:
Brave enough to leave a negative rating but not to confront your hypocrisy.
Enough said.

You think bravery is required to post under an assumed name on an anonymous board?

I'll bet you think it does.

Which says quite a bit more about you than it does about me, lol.
Brave being a relative term.
I think it is brave not to avoid a post that was directed at you. I think it is cowardice not to confront the challenge that was presented to you.

Too bad. I am hounded by lunatics and anti-Christian bigots on this board and always have been. I respond to what I feel like responding to, ignore what I feel like ignoring, and could give two shits how you feel about it, noob.

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