CDZ Why do the politicians talk about “House of Cards”?


Active Member
Apr 8, 2015
Obama likes it, Clintons like it, Cruz likes it… More and more big politicians say that “House of Cards” is a brilliant TV series if to talk about the artistic merit. But further their opinions vary, Bill Clinton claims that series is 99% true, Ted Cruz says that it’s all lies and there’s no killers in the Congress. Why do you think they talk about the TV series that discredits the government? To raise their ratings?

I've never watched it

I don't care for fictional political drama in general.

We have enough of the real shit to last a lifetime and then some
Dunno, never watched it. Better question is 'why do they like that, but not "the west wing?'

The latter would have me regstering to vote if real and very political active and supportive. But since reality is no where close to fiction sooner someone nukes DC sooner we can start over and make something that actually works.
well the show clearly shows how degenerate dems are
how they will lie to get someone to support them then turn on them to get support from someone else

it's a really bad show and for any pol to like it means they are seeing themselves in the characters.
Great show

Last season was not as good as the previous two, but it is still must watch TV
I don't own a TV... I guess it would be silly for me to comment on what a waste of time TV is.. So I won't.
House of Cards is an exaggerated version of reality.

The West Wing is fantasy story.

I liked both shows (although the latest season of HOC was bad).

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