Why do the poorest whites score higher than the richest blacks on the SAT?


When people come from families that have been educated for generations, it's expected that they become educated. They exercise their brains from a young age. Especially since the family has had evidence that education is well rewarded.

When people come from families that have never been educated, that have a history of oppression, and have no evidence that education is rewarded, those people tend to by cynical towards education and intellectual development. They do not exercise their brains.

That results in lower IQs.
Amazing the amount of valedictorians among the sons and daughters of Vietnamese rice farmers, eh?

It's amazing the amount of Valedictorians among my sons - two for two. I was never a Valedictorian, nor was my wife. But they were raised in a culture of education. I was raised in a culture of athletes (second rate athletes).

When children are raised to believe that education will result in a rewarding life, they tend to value education.

The same holds true of my Jewish relatives. When met my nephews - they were only about 6 and 8 years old, one said he wanted to be a doctor and the other said he wanted to be a lawyer. Now, one is a surgeon and the other is a financial industry exec.

When I was that age I wanted to be a profession baseball, football or basketball player. I didn't even know what a lawyer was.

How you are raised matters.

When people come from families that have been educated for generations, it's expected that they become educated. They exercise their brains from a young age. Especially since the family has had evidence that education is well rewarded.

When people come from families that have never been educated, that have a history of oppression, and have no evidence that education is rewarded, those people tend to by cynical towards education and intellectual development. They do not exercise their brains.

That results in lower IQs.

Ah the good ol' systemic oppression canard.

If systemic institutional oppression were a real thing, Whites would have the highest levels of income attainment.

However, they don't Asian Americans do. How did they manage to avoid systemic oppression? Did the system just not apply the great injustices of the world to Asians?

White Americans - Wikipedia

When were Asians slaves in the USA?

While, for the most part, blacks are no longer suffer from extreme oppression, the oppression suffered by their ancestors was very real and very severe. It's only very recently that there has been any real equality or opportunity for blacks in the US. This has a huge effect on black culture.

To Asians the US has been a land of opportunity, to blacks it has been, historically, a land of slavery and oppression.

Slavery only counts if it happens in the USA?

History of slavery in Asia - Wikipedia

Using your logic, Hispanic Americans should be outperforming everybody because they didn't really start immigrating to the USA until 1965. Let's look at the data:

Income attainment in the United States - Wikipedia

Oops, they perform worse than blacks. There goes that line of argument.
Slavery only counts if it happens in the USA?

History of slavery in Asia - Wikipedia

Using your logic, Hispanic Americans should be outperforming everybody because they didn't really start immigrating to the USA until 1965. Let's look at the data:

Income attainment in the United States - Wikipedia

Oops, they perform worse than blacks. There goes that line of argument.

Living in the land that your ancestors were slaves and were continuously oppressed is very different than living in a new land where you have no such history and have only opportunity.

When you show me a black kids that study as hard as Asians and still score low on IQ tests, I'll believe you.

Those that exercise their brains are smarter.
Slavery only counts if it happens in the USA?

History of slavery in Asia - Wikipedia

Using your logic, Hispanic Americans should be outperforming everybody because they didn't really start immigrating to the USA until 1965. Let's look at the data:

Income attainment in the United States - Wikipedia

Oops, they perform worse than blacks. There goes that line of argument.

Living in the land that your ancestors were slaves and were continuously oppressed is very different than living in a new land where you have no such history and have only opportunity.

When you show me a black kids that study as hard as Asians and still score low on IQ tests, I'll believe you.

Those that exercise their brains are smarter.

You're right. Black Americans should be thankful that their ancestors were enslaved. The alternative would be that their modern day descendents would be living in Africa right now, complete with an average IQ of 70 and about 300% poorer on average.

Slavery was the best thing to happen to African Americans.
If the argument against genetic determinism of IQ is that economics and wealth matters, why does the intelligence gap persist when controlled for economic status?

B Students Jealous of A Students Deny the Bell Curve

Blacks and Whites evolved at different rates. Even though our decadent society treats High IQs as freaks and losers, and actually drive them into acting that way, intelligence is the main distinction between productive civilization and destructive savagery. What's more, we recover quickly from self-destructive wars, so that is not a sign of civilization's own savagery.

When people come from families that have been educated for generations, it's expected that they become educated. They exercise their brains from a young age. Especially since the family has had evidence that education is well rewarded.

When people come from families that have never been educated, that have a history of oppression, and have no evidence that education is rewarded, those people tend to by cynical towards education and intellectual development. They do not exercise their brains.

That results in lower IQs.
Amazing the amount of valedictorians among the sons and daughters of Vietnamese rice farmers, eh?

It's amazing the amount of Valedictorians among my sons - two for two. I was never a Valedictorian, nor was my wife. But they were raised in a culture of education. I was raised in a culture of athletes (second rate athletes).

When children are raised to believe that education will result in a rewarding life, they tend to value education.

The same holds true of my Jewish relatives. When met my nephews - they were only about 6 and 8 years old, one said he wanted to be a doctor and the other said he wanted to be a lawyer. Now, one is a surgeon and the other is a financial industry exec.

When I was that age I wanted to be a profession baseball, football or basketball player. I didn't even know what a lawyer was.

How you are raised matters.
No one is arguing how you are raised doesn't matter. Valuing education is important and itself a strong indicator of intellect. The part about oppression is utter bullshit. Ashkenazi Jews were probably the most oppressed people in the West, often even moreso than the Roma, yet they have IQs higher than even East-Asians.

You are trying to fuse a legitimate dynamic with politically-correct ding bat platitudes. don't give yourself too much credit on your intellect.
You say "blacks " as if it's a factual distinction. "Black" is a social label . I'd say most "blacks" have white, Hispanic , Asian , native blood mixed in genetically. And vice verse .
You say "blacks " as if it's a factual distinction. "Black" is a social label . I'd say most "blacks" have white, Hispanic , Asian , native blood mixed in genetically. And vice verse .
What a useless and dubious observation.
The real question is why is a black baskeball player making 50 million dollars a year in Los Angeles feel oppressed by a white child who lives in a wooden shack in Appalachia? Yet, that sports figure will put down the $100 bill he's using to snort up $500.00 worth of coke and tell the would about that child's white privilege.
Since I appreciate facts, reason and evidence, I'm well aware that Whites score below both East Asians and Jews on IQ measurements.

Why would you assume I dispute those findings?
On the Bell Curve, He Is a Kazoo

Because his own IQ is so flimsy that it makes him jump off it into irrational conclusions that are emotionally motivated.

When people come from families that have been educated for generations, it's expected that they become educated. They exercise their brains from a young age. Especially since the family has had evidence that education is well rewarded.

When people come from families that have never been educated, that have a history of oppression, and have no evidence that education is rewarded, those people tend to by cynical towards education and intellectual development. They do not exercise their brains.

That results in lower IQs.
Amazing the amount of valedictorians among the sons and daughters of Vietnamese rice farmers, eh?

It's amazing the amount of Valedictorians among my sons - two for two. I was never a Valedictorian, nor was my wife. But they were raised in a culture of education. I was raised in a culture of athletes (second rate athletes).

When children are raised to believe that education will result in a rewarding life, they tend to value education.

The same holds true of my Jewish relatives. When met my nephews - they were only about 6 and 8 years old, one said he wanted to be a doctor and the other said he wanted to be a lawyer. Now, one is a surgeon and the other is a financial industry exec.

When I was that age I wanted to be a profession baseball, football or basketball player. I didn't even know what a lawyer was.

How you are raised matters.

It does matter but none the less studies have shown intelligence is also an inherited trait. We have identical twins, their IQs were measured at almost precisely the same level and studies on identical twins reveal the same results, fraternal twins wasn't the case.

I believe it was Penn St study I can't find it again
You say "blacks " as if it's a factual distinction. "Black" is a social label . I'd say most "blacks" have white, Hispanic , Asian , native blood mixed in genetically. And vice verse .

Wrong. Race is real and it matters:
Black lives matter is OK, but all lives matter is not. Go figure.

If leftists didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.
The fact that you don't comprehend how anecdote is not the plural of data reveals your lack of intelligence on the topic. How ironic!
Couch Potatoes Get Their Brains Peeled

Data is a plural; its singular is datum. Listening to the backward English drooled on the media (singular medium) will lower your IQ.
You say "blacks " as if it's a factual distinction. "Black" is a social label . I'd say most "blacks" have white, Hispanic , Asian , native blood mixed in genetically. And vice verse .

Wrong. Race is real and it matters:
Black lives matter is OK, but all lives matter is not. Go figure.

Originally is was "black lives matter too" . So you get all upset over veterans groups too ? "Hey , suicide effects all people! Not just vets !"
The fact that you don't comprehend how anecdote is not the plural of data reveals your lack of intelligence on the topic. How ironic!
Couch Potatoes Get Their Brains Peeled

Data is a plural; its singular is datum. Listening to the backward English drooled on the media (singular medium) will lower your IQ.
No, "data" is uncountable, like knowledge and information. You cannot have a data or two datas.

Timmy...shut up.
You say "blacks " as if it's a factual distinction. "Black" is a social label . I'd say most "blacks" have white, Hispanic , Asian , native blood mixed in genetically. And vice verse .

Wrong. Race is real and it matters:
Black lives matter is OK, but all lives matter is not. Go figure.

Originally is was "black lives matter too" . So you get all upset over veterans groups too ? "Hey , suicide effects all people! Not just vets !"

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