Why do we have to conform?


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Serious question. Those of us straight white males, who are straight. Think straight. See things with a straight white eyes. We're not racist. We don't riot, burned down other peoples property or destroy stuff that doesn't belong to us. We don't go out of our way to hurt others or cause a lot of drama. We're not trying to re-write history, to suit some agenda. In fact, we really don't even have an agenda.
We just work, take care of what's ours.

So why TF should we have to start supporting racists groups like BLM. Why should we have to support transgenders in sports? Why should we have to support CRT? And all these other progressives things that are being shoved in our faces by the liberal left.
WE ARE THE MAJORITY, BY GOD!!!!!!!! That should means something.

Seriously, this is like on political party, who's in the majority, allowing the minority party to run roughshod over us. It's getting a little old.

BTW, I'm not a republican. I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm not a party loyalist for any party. I haven't voted for a republican since 2012. And that was for a libertarian with a Republican label. And no, I'm not a Libertarian now a days either.
Serious question. Those of us straight white males, who are straight. Think straight. See things with a straight white eyes. We're not racist. We don't riot, burned down other peoples property or destroy stuff that doesn't belong to us. We don't go out of our way to hurt others or cause a lot of drama. We're not trying to re-write history, to suit some agenda. In fact, we really don't even have an agenda.
We just work, take care of what's ours.

Here are five American cities which rioted after sporting success and defeat

Waco siege | History, Leader, & Facts

I can do this all day.

So why TF should we have to start supporting racists groups like BLM. Why should we have to support transgenders in sports? Why should we have to support CRT? And all these other progressives things that are being shoved in our faces by the liberal left.
WE ARE THE MAJORITY, BY GOD!!!!!!!! That should means something.

Seriously, this is like on political party, who's in the majority, allowing the minority party to run roughshod over us. It's getting a little old.

BTW, I'm not a republican. I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm not a party loyalist for any party. I haven't voted for a republican since 2012. And that was for a libertarian with a Republican label. And no, I'm not a Libertarian now a days either.

No one has ever said you have to support anything. In public life though you are going to have to stop discriminating.
Serious question. Those of us straight white males, who are straight. Think straight. See things with a straight white eyes. We're not racist. We don't riot, burned down other peoples property or destroy stuff that doesn't belong to us. We don't go out of our way to hurt others or cause a lot of drama. We're not trying to re-write history, to suit some agenda. In fact, we really don't even have an agenda.
We just work, take care of what's ours.

So why TF should we have to start supporting racists groups like BLM. Why should we have to support transgenders in sports? Why should we have to support CRT? And all these other progressives things that are being shoved in our faces by the liberal left.
WE ARE THE MAJORITY, BY GOD!!!!!!!! That should means something.

Seriously, this is like on political party, who's in the majority, allowing the minority party to run roughshod over us. It's getting a little old.

BTW, I'm not a republican. I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm not a party loyalist for any party. I haven't voted for a republican since 2012. And that was for a libertarian with a Republican label. And no, I'm not a Libertarian now a days either.
We don't go out of our way to hurt others

But because we are straight, we hurt the mentally ill, by not accepting their immoral lifestyle as normal. It hurts their precious snowflake feelings.

nobody says you hafta 'support' anything or anyone. but to actively deny others their rights cause it makes you feel icky, is the problem.
Serious question. Those of us straight white males, who are straight. Think straight. See things with a straight white eyes. We're not racist. We don't riot, burned down other peoples property or destroy stuff that doesn't belong to us. We don't go out of our way to hurt others or cause a lot of drama.

You have a stilted view of history

Straight White Males have a long history of exerting their social and political power of over those who aren’t straight, white, Christian and male.

History shows that when the power of straight white males was challenged, they did burn, bomb, beat and lynch those who challenged their social and political power.


The terrorism of straight , white males is much worse than BLM ever was
nobody says you hafta 'support' anything or anyone. but to actively deny others their rights cause it makes you feel icky, is the problem.

Deny others their right? WTF!!!!!!!!

What about the rights of real females who are getting beaten in sports by men dressed as women?
What about the innocent victims of BLM and antifa?

Who's standing up for their rights, while you lefties take a big fat dump on those actual victims?
You people call tranny's who come out as hero's, while dis'n police and military.
Serious question. Those of us straight white males, who are straight. Think straight. See things with a straight white eyes. We're not racist. We don't riot, burned down other peoples property or destroy stuff that doesn't belong to us. We don't go out of our way to hurt others or cause a lot of drama. We're not trying to re-write history, to suit some agenda. In fact, we really don't even have an agenda.
We just work, take care of what's ours.

So why TF should we have to start supporting racists groups like BLM. Why should we have to support transgenders in sports? Why should we have to support CRT? And all these other progressives things that are being shoved in our faces by the liberal left.
WE ARE THE MAJORITY, BY GOD!!!!!!!! That should means something.

Seriously, this is like on political party, who's in the majority, allowing the minority party to run roughshod over us. It's getting a little old.

BTW, I'm not a republican. I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm not a party loyalist for any party. I haven't voted for a republican since 2012. And that was for a libertarian with a Republican label. And no, I'm not a Libertarian now a days either.

"To get along one has to go along." That is just how the cookie crumbles.

So if you are a Caucasian male (or female), you are expected to play the game. You are expected to give the politically correct answers in public: "Oh, yes. I support BLM. It's dreadful how the cops pick on young sweet Black gentlemen" and "Oh, yes. Transgender women should have the same rights as other women" and "Oh, yes. CRT is necessary. Our kids must know how cruel and vicious White people have treated our angelic Black brothers and sisters throughout history" and "Oh, yes. I am sending a donation this very day to the Democratic Party."

Then you can keep your job.

You will not be canceled.


If you think things are bad now, you ain't seen nothing yet!

Can you imagine what kind of country your great-grandchildren will be living in?
You have a stilted view of history

Straight White Males have a long history of exerting their social and political power of over those who aren’t straight, white, Christian and male.

History shows that when the power of straight white males was challenged, they did burn, bomb, beat and lynch those who challenged their social and political power.

View attachment 558136

The terrorism of straight , white males is much worse than BLM ever was

I'm going going to even try to justify the violent BS straight white males have put people through in the past. There was horrible HORRIBLE things they did.
But you can't keep bringing the past up like it was earlier this morning.

Most white people supported BLM until they got so violent. What the white did in the 60's wasn't right. And neither is what BLM are doing today. It's the same "Got dayum" thing.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
And the people alive today, have nothing to do with what happened in the 60's and before. So why make victims out of them? To teach dead people that it's wrong? WTF is wrong with you people?
Getting personally insulted by the world is a useless waste of energy. You are not special or more deserving of anything. You are just a human living on a world that owes you nothing.
I'm going going to even try to justify the violent BS straight white males have put people through in the past. There was horrible HORRIBLE things they did.
But you can't keep bringing the past up like it was earlier this morning.

Most white people supported BLM until they got so violent. What the white did in the 60's wasn't right. And neither is what BLM are doing today. It's the same "Got dayum" thing.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
And the people alive today, have nothing to do with what happened in the 60's and before. So why make victims out of them? To teach dead people that it's wrong? WTF is wrong with you people?

If they were supported there would have been no reason to get violent. Remember Trump called on those peacefully kneeling to be fired.
Serious question. Those of us straight white males, who are straight. Think straight. See things with a straight white eyes. We're not racist. We don't riot, burned down other peoples property or destroy stuff that doesn't belong to us. We don't go out of our way to hurt others or cause a lot of drama. We're not trying to re-write history, to suit some agenda. In fact, we really don't even have an agenda.
We just work, take care of what's ours.

So why TF should we have to start supporting racists groups like BLM. Why should we have to support transgenders in sports? Why should we have to support CRT? And all these other progressives things that are being shoved in our faces by the liberal left.
WE ARE THE MAJORITY, BY GOD!!!!!!!! That should means something.

Seriously, this is like on political party, who's in the majority, allowing the minority party to run roughshod over us. It's getting a little old.

BTW, I'm not a republican. I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm not a party loyalist for any party. I haven't voted for a republican since 2012. And that was for a libertarian with a Republican label. And no, I'm not a Libertarian now a days either.

Conformity only suppresses ill feelings about other cultures. That's why liberals, progressives, and Democrats are so unhappy. Does anyone really believe the politically-correct and woke people of this world are actually free of feelings of racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia,, etc?

No way. You know damned well they're just as disgusted as anyone else. They just prefer to stuff their own feelings down inside and pretend they don't exist. That's why the left is such a neurotic, unstable, and miserable bunch.
If they were supported there would have been no reason to get violent. Remember Trump called on those peacefully kneeling to be fired.

There was no reason to get violent. I agree. Holy hell dude, a LOT of the rioters in Kenosha were white. The three POS's who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse was white.
Blacks and white alike were burning and destroying property, killing & injuring people. So don't give this crap about how only whites weren't supporting BLM.
I'm going going to even try to justify the violent BS straight white males have put people through in the past. There was horrible HORRIBLE things they did.
But you can't keep bringing the past up like it was earlier this morning.

Most white people supported BLM until they got so violent. What the white did in the 60's wasn't right. And neither is what BLM are doing today. It's the same "Got dayum" thing.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
And the people alive today, have nothing to do with what happened in the 60's and before. So why make victims out of them? To teach dead people that it's wrong? WTF is wrong with you people?
Rioting, burning and vandalism is never right
But just like you are embarrassed by the actions of straight, white, males fifty years ago, BLM does not embrace violence either.

BLM has a legitimate reason to protest.
Straight, white males during Civil Rights didn’t.
There was no reason to get violent. I agree. Holy hell dude, a LOT of the rioters in Kenosha were white. The three POS's who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse was white.
Blacks and white alike were burning and destroying property, killing & injuring people. So don't give this crap about how only whites weren't supporting BLM.

I don't recall stating anything you said. Take a deep breath and if you want to reply to what I actually said, great. If you just want to rant, whatever.
Conformity only suppresses ill feelings about other cultures. That's why liberals, progressives, and Democrats are so unhappy. Does anyone really believe the politically-correct and woke people of this world are actually free of feelings of racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia,, etc?

No way. You know damned well they're just as disgusted as anyone else. They just prefer to stuff their own feelings down inside and pretend they don't exist. That's why the left is such a neurotic, unstable, and miserable bunch.

Around where I live, there's several democrats. And I don't know a one of them that supports any of this BS the progressives are pushing on the national stage.
That sort of makes me believe that it's just a few loud mouths who are getting a lot of attention. But most democrats would rather those loud mouths just STFU.
Even the parents of Blake called for peace. But BLM didn't listen. They got violent and destructive anyways. As if to say "To hell with the family, we're gonna tear some sht up."
It's the same way with MLK that BLM loves to quote (out of context) They spout off a lot of MLKs quotes. Except for the non violent quotes.

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