Why do we have to conform?

Straight, White, Males protesting when they don‘t win elections



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Those of us straight white males, who are straight. Think straight. See things with a straight white eyes. We're not racist. We don't riot, burned down other peoples property or destroy stuff that doesn't belong to us. We don't go out of our way to hurt others or cause a lot of drama. We're not trying to re-write history, to suit some agenda. In fact, we really don't even have an agenda.
We just work, take care of what's ours.
Hi, I'm a good person. I swear. But just look at those other fucking people.. Them troublemakers over there.. They keep complaining and imposing their will upon me.. Why should I have to pay taxes or obey speed limits?
Rioting, burning and vandalism is never right
But just like you are embarrassed by the actions of straight, white, males fifty years ago, BLM does not embrace violence either.

BLM has a legitimate reason to protest.
Straight, white males during Civil Rights didn’t.

If BLM doesn't support violence, why are they not as vocal about it as they are about black people who get killed by cops? You have to dig to find quotes from BLM being against violence. You have to dig to find the publicly opposing the violence. You have to dig through pages of articles and video's of many of their protests calling for more violence. Hell, even Maxine Waters herself, a BLM supporter, calling on violence for people that support Trump.
So you can't just claim BLM doesn't support violence, when so many BLM supporters are calling for more violence.
Remember the interviews of BLM supporters just prior to the verdict? The national guard was ready and waiting, for a reason.

Stop trying to deny this crap. BLM supporters were planning on making a LOT of new victims had the verdict been not guilty.

Why? Was creating a lot of new victims going to legitimatize BLM and their violence? And WTF are you trying to tie the peaceful BLM supporters in with the violent ones. I'm talking about the violent ones.
As a SWM, I don't support the violent BLM members/supporters anymore than I support the violent members/supporters of the proud boys. I think they're both sick in the head.
Kaepernick wasn't taking a knee for George Floyd in 2016. He was doing that to disrespect the National Anthem.

BS, it was in protest of police brutality amongst blacks. It may not have seen that way to some. But that's why he took a knee.
Which IMO he was racist for mostly protesting for blacks. He rarely said anything about police brutality towards whites.
In fact, you never see BLM marching or protesting for whites who get abused or killed by police.
Around where I live, there's several democrats. And I don't know a one of them that supports any of this BS the progressives are pushing on the national stage.
That sort of makes me believe that it's just a few loud mouths who are getting a lot of attention. But most democrats would rather those loud mouths just STFU.
Even the parents of Blake called for peace. But BLM didn't listen. They got violent and destructive anyways. As if to say "To hell with the family, we're gonna tear some sht up."
It's the same way with MLK that BLM loves to quote (out of context) They spout off a lot of MLKs quotes. Except for the non violent quotes.
You're probably the kind of guy no one wants to provoke into another impotent gripefest on how everything is going to shit. When all you can do is to angrily go off bitching and griping about politics no one is going to honestly tell you what they think more than once.
BS, it was in protest of police brutality amongst blacks. It may not have seen that way to some. But that's why he took a knee.
Which IMO he was racist for mostly protesting for blacks. He rarely said anything about police brutality towards whites.
In fact, you never see BLM marching or protesting for whites who get abused or killed by police.

You only see what you want to see.

They spoke too soon. Any doubts about the diverse nature of the groups rallying around Damond’s case were answered on Friday, during a media conference Minneapolis mayor Betsy Hodges held to explain her decision to ask for the resignation of police chief Janeé Harteau in the wake of the Damond shooting.

Hodges was only a few sentences in when protesters began streaming in the door. One of them, John Thompson, a friend of Philando Castile who has become a fixture at protests after Castile’s death, quickly interrupted her, asking her to resign. Soon afterward he and another community activist, Chauntyll Allen, were leading the now crowded room in chants of “If Justine don’t get it, shut it down”, echoing a similar cry used during the protests against Castile’s shooting.

'Never been about race': black activists on how Minneapolis reacted to Damond shooting
Some here can point their fingers at the white people who are now protesting. But all they're doing is protesting white people, not the violence. If they were actually against violence, they would've been pointing their fingers at BLM not 1 year after they got famous. BLM and antifa are by far THE most violent groups in the USA.
So you lefties can just suck it. When you start stop supporting the violence from your side, then you can point the fingers at the other side.
In fact, I can guarantee you that if BLM and antifa were to stop destroying stuff and creating victims, you'd rarely see any of the proud boys, white supremacist's get violent.

Why? Because most people, especially us whites, don't get caught up in a lot of that drama. We don't usually start anything. In fact, when a white person gets killed by a cop, you don't see whites rioting about it. We never have. It's not that we're pussy's about it. But most times, especially when a white thug gets killed by a cop, we get this idea that they should've been a better person. They shouldn't have been a thug. They should've kept their nose clean.
On the other hand, when a violent black thug gets killed by a cop, all hell breaks loose and destruction of innocent peoples property begins.

And honestly, it makes BLM seem way to violent for most people to support.
You're probably the kind of guy no one wants to provoke into another impotent gripefest on how everything is going to shit. When all you can do is to angrily go off bitching and griping about politics no one is going to honestly tell you what they think more than once.

Everything along these lines are going to shit. For F's sakes dude, like billions of $$$$ in innocent peoples property has been destroyed. Innocent people, who have nothing to do with politics have been injured or killed.
In fact, more people have died from BLM than the innocent black victims of police. Let that sink in.
What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson
Everything along these lines are going to shit. For F's sakes dude, like billions of $$$$ in innocent peoples property has been destroyed. Innocent people, who have nothing to do with politics have been injured or killed.
In fact, more people have died from BLM than the innocent black victims of police. Let that sink in.
I get that you are angry about how the world is, what you going to do about it?
You only see what you want to see.

They spoke too soon. Any doubts about the diverse nature of the groups rallying around Damond’s case were answered on Friday, during a media conference Minneapolis mayor Betsy Hodges held to explain her decision to ask for the resignation of police chief Janeé Harteau in the wake of the Damond shooting.

Hodges was only a few sentences in when protesters began streaming in the door. One of them, John Thompson, a friend of Philando Castile who has become a fixture at protests after Castile’s death, quickly interrupted her, asking her to resign. Soon afterward he and another community activist, Chauntyll Allen, were leading the now crowded room in chants of “If Justine don’t get it, shut it down”, echoing a similar cry used during the protests against Castile’s shooting.

'Never been about race': black activists on how Minneapolis reacted to Damond shooting

Go screw yourself, pal. I've been a HUGE opposer to bad cops for more than a decade now. I've been kicked off of political forums for constantly posting bad cop video's. I was so much involved in exposing bad cops, that when Floyd died, like most people, at first, I didn't bother watching the video close enough to realize that Chauvin was actually raising his hip enough for Floyd to breathe. I didn't notice Chauvin allowing Floyd to twist his hips far enough to get his right shoulder off the ground (which created room for lung expansion)
But at the same time, I'm dead set against druggies. So when those two things were pointed out to me, I looked closer. Then I got to watching a lot of other video's, where cops were put into some real dangers.
And the thought process lead me to believe that both sides of this issue were right. That lead me to looking at the numbers. And come to find out, all these BS protests from BLM, were over just a hand full of blacks who were actually unarmed. But the media was making out like it was systemic racism. That white cops were killing hundreds of unarmed blacks. They were sending thousands upon thousands of innocent blacks to prison.

So when you realize how many lies are going into all this, as well as the transgender movement, IF you're not a party loyalist, you have to take a step back and think more about all this, with an open mind.
Party loyalist aren't allowed to think about this from both sides. I'm not a party loyalist.
There are something I support on the left. Like opposing bad cops, allowing transgender people to go about their day without being adversely affected.
But there are some things that the right supports, that I also support. Like opposing ONLY the bad cops. And opposing transgender people who are adversely affecting the lives of others. As in high school and college sports.
Go screw yourself, pal. I've been a HUGE opposer to bad cops for more than a decade now. I've been kicked off of political forums for constantly posting bad cop video's. I was so much involved in exposing bad cops, that when Floyd died, like most people, at first, I didn't bother watching the video close enough to realize that Chauvin was actually raising his hip enough for Floyd to breathe. I didn't notice Chauvin allowing Floyd to twist his hips far enough to get his right shoulder off the ground (which created room for lung expansion)
But at the same time, I'm dead set against druggies. So when those two things were pointed out to me, I looked closer. Then I got to watching a lot of other video's, where cops were put into some real dangers.
And the thought process lead me to believe that both sides of this issue were right. That lead me to looking at the numbers. And come to find out, all these BS protests from BLM, were over just a hand full of blacks who were actually unarmed. But the media was making out like it was systemic racism. That white cops were killing hundreds of unarmed blacks. They were sending thousands upon thousands of innocent blacks to prison.

So when you realize how many lies are going into all this, as well as the transgender movement, IF you're not a party loyalist, you have to take a step back and think more about all this, with an open mind.
Party loyalist aren't allowed to think about this from both sides. I'm not a party loyalist.
There are something I support on the left. Like opposing bad cops, allowing transgender people to go about their day without being adversely affected.
But there are some things that the right supports, that I also support. Like opposing ONLY the bad cops. And opposing transgender people who are adversely affecting the lives of others. As in high school and college sports.

You said that BLM didn't protest the unjustified killing of a white person. I showed that you were wrong. That has nothing to do with anything you have done in the past.

Again, you can address what I say or post or you can rant. Whatever.
I get that you are angry about how the world is, what you going to do about it?

How the world is? Not exactly. More like "how a few are dictating the many." Like I said, It's like the minority party dictating to the majority party." That's the crazy part.
Like how in the hell did we get to the point that transgender boys were allowed to compete against biological females.
How did we get to the point that it was OK for parents to use chemicals on their 9yr old kids, to block puberty, and NOT call it child abuse? That's insane. Ok, so your 9yr old boy is feminine this week, this month or this year. That should not give them the right to change the natural course of his boy.
Sure, parents have the right to raise their children as they see fit. But that kind of crap crosses the line. And it changes the lives of others because of the interactions he'll be involved in with other kids at school.

We're not in this alone, dude. We're all connected in one way or another. Either directly or indirectly.
You said that BLM didn't protest the unjustified killing of a white person. I showed that you were wrong. That has nothing to do with anything you have done in the past.

Again, you can address what I say or post or you can rant. Whatever.

That's the kind of BLM (4 years ago) we could all support. NOT this BS they've become now. 4 years ago<<< That's important to show how off the chain BLM has gotten.
How the world is? Not exactly. More like "how a few are dictating the many." Like I said, It's like the minority party dictating to the majority party." That's the crazy part.
Like how in the hell did we get to the point that transgender boys were allowed to compete against biological females.
How did we get to the point that it was OK for parents to use chemicals on their 9yr old kids, to block puberty, and NOT call it child abuse? That's insane. Ok, so your 9yr old boy is feminine this week, this month or this year. That should not give them the right to change the natural course of his boy.
Sure, parents have the right to raise their children as they see fit. But that kind of crap crosses the line. And it changes the lives of others because of the interactions he'll be involved in with other kids at school.

We're not in this alone, dude. We're all connected in one way or another. Either directly or indirectly.
How the hell did we get away from living in caves and hunting animals with clubs? The world always changes. Your most treasured ideals were once startling radical new concepts and people like you bitched about them. Nothing ever really changes.
How the hell did we get away from living in caves and hunting animals with clubs? The world always changes. Your most treasured ideals were once startling radical new concepts and people like you bitched about them. Nothing ever really changes.

Oh yeah, because all the victims of BLM and antifa have no right to bitch? The biological females who get beat in sports have to right to bitch?

And don't tell me that because i'm not a BLM victim or a biological female, that I don't have any skin in all this. IF you try that route, I'll simply remind you that 99.9999% of the violent BLM members, the ones who adversely affect the lives of innocent people, aren't the ones out there getting shot by cops. In fact, they don't even actually know the ones the cops shot.

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