Why do white extremist keep clear of black areas?

When I was in college (1971-1975), I was also a singer in a regionally successful rock band.

Was once invited to a huge party in Anacostia, DC. Black City. Myself, the drummer, our ladies and a friend were the only white people in attendance.

We were treated like kings and queens. Everyone was wonderful.

What happened since?

Nothing has happened since that has led us up to this point except for white nationalist propaganda spewing hate and the people who support them because they have never been off of the farm.

Oh, the good old days! Remember Crazy Horse? Cellar Door? I once had a visitation at my table at Psychodelly with Root Boy Slim, who bummed a few cigs off of me. We used to dance at The Pier. Half Street, SW near M. Supposedly "gay" club. We "real girls" shared the rest rooms with the honorary girls of the evening. Everybody got along fine, just that the honorable-girls-for-an-evening looked better than us RGs did and hogged mirror time.

If you remember the marches against the Vietnam war, I was a marshal. I guarded the Capitol steps, and looking out on a crowd of 250,000 people gave me goose bumps.

This is why I laugh today about people who claim that they represent "American culture" and/or "patriotism."
When I was in college (1971-1975), I was also a singer in a regionally successful rock band.

Was once invited to a huge party in Anacostia, DC. Black City. Myself, the drummer, our ladies and a friend were the only white people in attendance.

We were treated like kings and queens. Everyone was wonderful.

What happened since?

Nothing has happened since that has led us up to this point except for white nationalist propaganda spewing hate and the people who support them because they have never been off of the farm.

Oh, the good old days! Remember Crazy Horse? Cellar Door? I once had a visitation at my table at Psychodelly with Root Boy Slim, who bummed a few cigs off of me. We used to dance at The Pier. Half Street, SW near M. Supposedly "gay" club. We "real girls" shared the rest rooms with the honorary girls of the evening. Everybody got along fine, just that the honorable-girls-for-an-evening looked better than us RGs did and hogged mirror time.

If you remember the marches against the Vietnam war, I was a marshal. I guarded the Capitol steps, and looking out on a crowd of 250,000 people gave me goose bumps.

This is why I laugh today about people who claim that they represent "American culture" and/or "patriotism."
Amazing that you haven't grown up since the 1960s.
It seems that high-income black extremists also keep clear of black areas.

Gotta love these brave gun toting white cowards.....who want to cleanse america of everybody but white people.....why is always jews in church or these fly by night small towns? They never ever ever ever march, like they did back in the day into these sleepy little black areas, hang and terrorize a few negro's than off to the next town.....Gee, I wonder WHY?

Hey brave bastards, come visit my little town...I triple dog dare you!!

Cincy all the way!!

Who the hell are you talking about? There are virtually no white supremacists around- most of the people who are dues paying members are actually working undercover for the FBI to keep an eye on the extremists or imbedded reporters for the media to get the latest scoop from these "important" groups.

The media and the police I guess try to encourage activity, but they are usually just encouraging each other.
Your proof of that is? That's right, you don't have any. You're a liar.
Gotta love these brave gun toting white cowards.....who want to cleanse america of everybody but white people.....why is always jews in church or these fly by night small towns? They never ever ever ever march, like they did back in the day into these sleepy little black areas, hang and terrorize a few negro's than off to the next town.....Gee, I wonder WHY?

Hey brave bastards, come visit my little town...I triple dog dare you!!

Cincy all the way!!

Who the hell are you talking about? There are virtually no white supremacists around- most of the people who are dues paying members are actually working undercover for the FBI to keep an eye on the extremists or imbedded reporters for the media to get the latest scoop from these "important" groups.

The media and the police I guess try to encourage activity, but they are usually just encouraging each other.
Your proof of that is? That's right, you don't have any. You're a liar.

The true story in book and movie version of Gary Rowe, an FBI agent working undercover in the KKK is the proof.

Of course , the government keeps this kind of surveillance on radical groups, and they always have.
Gotta love these brave gun toting white cowards.....who want to cleanse america of everybody but white people.....why is always jews in church or these fly by night small towns? They never ever ever ever march, like they did back in the day into these sleepy little black areas, hang and terrorize a few negro's than off to the next town.....Gee, I wonder WHY?

Hey brave bastards, come visit my little town...I triple dog dare you!!

Cincy all the way!!
Why do black Israelites avoid Boston irish neighborhoods?
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Gotta love these brave gun toting white cowards.....who want to cleanse america of everybody but white people.....why is always jews in church or these fly by night small towns? They never ever ever ever march, like they did back in the day into these sleepy little black areas, hang and terrorize a few negro's than off to the next town.....Gee, I wonder WHY?

Hey brave bastards, come visit my little town...I triple dog dare you!!

Cincy all the way!!
Why do black Israelites avoid Boston irish neighborhoods?

They don't.
Gotta love these brave gun toting white cowards.....who want to cleanse america of everybody but white people.....why is always jews in church or these fly by night small towns? They never ever ever ever march, like they did back in the day into these sleepy little black areas, hang and terrorize a few negro's than off to the next town.....Gee, I wonder WHY?

Hey brave bastards, come visit my little town...I triple dog dare you!!

Cincy all the way!!
Why do black Israelites avoid Boston irish neighborhoods?

They don't.
They do. You rarely see them in Boston, but when you do its in the middle of the city where they are surrounded by cops. They dont go into the irish "hoods".
Gotta love these brave gun toting white cowards.....who want to cleanse america of everybody but white people.....why is always jews in church or these fly by night small towns? They never ever ever ever march, like they did back in the day into these sleepy little black areas, hang and terrorize a few negro's than off to the next town.....Gee, I wonder WHY?

Hey brave bastards, come visit my little town...I triple dog dare you!!

Cincy all the way!!
Why do black Israelites avoid Boston irish neighborhoods?

They don't.
They do. You rarely see them in Boston, but when you do its in the middle of the city where they are surrounded by cops. They dont go into the irish "hoods".

That is complete nonsense. I don't think you've ever been to Boston. Irish neighborhoods in Boston haven't been like that in over 50 years. Hell, there aren't really Irish neighborhoods anymore since they became trendy real estate; it's all pretty mixed.
Gotta love these brave gun toting white cowards.....who want to cleanse america of everybody but white people.....why is always jews in church or these fly by night small towns? They never ever ever ever march, like they did back in the day into these sleepy little black areas, hang and terrorize a few negro's than off to the next town.....Gee, I wonder WHY?

Hey brave bastards, come visit my little town...I triple dog dare you!!

Cincy all the way!!
Why do black Israelites avoid Boston irish neighborhoods?

They don't.
They do. You rarely see them in Boston, but when you do its in the middle of the city where they are surrounded by cops. They dont go into the irish "hoods".
Listen, the days of blacks being afraid of white people ended decades ago, that's why negro men find sheer comfort strolling their white prized mops in your effin faces. A few decades ago, they'd be hung, today, you losers look the other way and hope its not your wife or daughters....LOLOLOL
Gotta love these brave gun toting white cowards.....who want to cleanse america of everybody but white people.....why is always jews in church or these fly by night small towns? They never ever ever ever march, like they did back in the day into these sleepy little black areas, hang and terrorize a few negro's than off to the next town.....Gee, I wonder WHY?

Hey brave bastards, come visit my little town...I triple dog dare you!!

Cincy all the way!!
Why do black Israelites avoid Boston irish neighborhoods?
Uhmmmm, maybe because its perhaps one or two members...I'm so proud you idiots have finally let go of the black panthers gang, now its the black Israelites, with two members at best, maybe 6. Again real bad white extremist who want to do some real damage, need to come to the hoods of America and leave innocent elderly blacks and Jews alone....come big or take your cowardly white ass's home
Why do Black areas where a white man can get killed on sight, even exist in the greatest Country in the world?
First off if a white man is caught in the hood, chances are he either lives there, is looking for his daughter or wife or or or he's there buying drugs, either way, should he end up dead, which they don't cause nigga's only use other nigga's as target practice, let the bullets fall where they may.
Multiculturalism the great failure.

well, on that level I blame whitey for bringing black slaves into the US to pick whitey's crops

See; farming can be lethal .............
LOLOLOL. oh, say now you having remorse....LOLOLOLOL...if only white trash couldn't have picked their own cotten, build their own roads and infastructure, stole huge innovative ideas from blacks, if only that have occured, our white women would still be ours for the taken, woooooo is me, boo fuckin hoo, you redneck pile of poop
Gotta love these brave gun toting white cowards.....who want to cleanse america of everybody but white people.....why is always jews in church or these fly by night small towns? They never ever ever ever march, like they did back in the day into these sleepy little black areas, hang and terrorize a few negro's than off to the next town.....Gee, I wonder WHY?

Hey brave bastards, come visit my little town...I triple dog dare you!!

Cincy all the way!!
Let's hear it for making division even deeper. If Blacks wont help themselves we can't force them to. Stop agitating and put the blame where it belongs.
What the fuck you mean, blacks can't help themselves, motherfucker we just had a single parent black man as President. Stop generalizing all blacks over a few nigga hood rats. Black women are the fasted growing population in terms of wealth, ideology and education in this country. Not a Trump fact, but fact. Black women are gaining grounds is tying with white men when it comes to education and opportunities in this country.....why? Because we're leaving black men in the dust to deal with trashy white women and moving upwards and forward.
Gotta love these brave gun toting white cowards.....who want to cleanse america of everybody but white people.....why is always jews in church or these fly by night small towns? They never ever ever ever march, like they did back in the day into these sleepy little black areas, hang and terrorize a few negro's than off to the next town.....Gee, I wonder WHY?

Hey brave bastards, come visit my little town...I triple dog dare you!!

Cincy all the way!!

Why are blacks segregating themselves to the point they even have "black areas" to begin with?

That comment alone renders you ignorant and unworthy of commentary, bye dumb ass.
A thread since becoming a member, that you morons seem to find time and time again to comment and attack. So who's the stupid one, moron?
Well, you are, of course. Are you saying this thread has been open since 2015 (when you became a member)?
Or that you post the same thread over and over again? Either way it's brainless race baiting you take credit for perpetuating.

And have you considered the counterpart of your dim witted race baiting thread? Why do blacks stay out of areas
filled with white extremists? Seems obvious to me, in either case.
That is plural, by the way, extremists. Not extremist singular, as you so stupidly post over and over again.

Have a nice ignorant race baiting day.

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