Why do white extremist keep clear of black areas?

When I was in college (1971-1975), I was also a singer in a regionally successful rock band.

Was once invited to a huge party in Anacostia, DC. Black City. Myself, the drummer, our ladies and a friend were the only white people in attendance.

We were treated like kings and queens. Everyone was wonderful.

What happened since?

The reign of Obama has sent race relations in America into the toilet. Barry's entire utopian ideology was based up stoking black rage against everything Honky.

I, as well, have partied and drank with blacks plenty back in the day. I'm very fluent in talking jive.
You white morons keep blaming Obama for racist white mf's coming out of the closet and suddenly feeling brave and not that Nazi old orange bastard Trump? If anybody was overly sensitive to white people it was to his stupidity that Obama was. His refusal to check you white mf's back in the day, is the number one reason I become an independent. I got tired of his Uncle Tomming your white mfs'.
The day you moronic idiots find a mirror, will be the day this entire planet and exhale and breath.....the world is tired of white people always blaming fuckin minorities for their plight in life, find a fuckin mirror you idiot and see who's the real problem, YOU!!

When you look in the mirror, do you see a big ole roach?

You hear that?

Sounds like someone dragging a big ole ban hammer this way!

I gotta go...I got warrants!
Gotta love these brave gun toting white cowards.....who want to cleanse america of everybody but white people.....why is always jews in church or these fly by night small towns? They never ever ever ever march, like they did back in the day into these sleepy little black areas, hang and terrorize a few negro's than off to the next town.....Gee, I wonder WHY?

Hey brave bastards, come visit my little town...I triple dog dare you!!

Cincy all the way!!
No thanks, bitch. It’s bad enough that black lives don’t mean shit to other blacks out on the shooting gallery streets of their shithole hoods, so anyone of any other color would be just plain stupid to put their lives in harms way. Only a dipshit from the black killing zones would think otherwise, so welcome to the club, tigger.
Gotta love these brave gun toting white cowards.....who want to cleanse america of everybody but white people.....why is always jews in church or these fly by night small towns? They never ever ever ever march, like they did back in the day into these sleepy little black areas, hang and terrorize a few negro's than off to the next town.....Gee, I wonder WHY?

Hey brave bastards, come visit my little town...I triple dog dare you!!

Cincy all the way!!
Because black people have finally fought and won their constitutional rights -- including the second amendment...

Those good old days of the Jim Crow terror campaigns are over and will always be over....
Gotta love these brave gun toting white cowards.....who want to cleanse america of everybody but white people.....why is always jews in church or these fly by night small towns? They never ever ever ever march, like they did back in the day into these sleepy little black areas, hang and terrorize a few negro's than off to the next town.....Gee, I wonder WHY?

Hey brave bastards, come visit my little town...I triple dog dare you!!

Cincy all the way!!

Who the hell are you talking about? There are virtually no white supremacists around- most of the people who are dues paying members are actually working undercover for the FBI to keep an eye on the extremists or imbedded reporters for the media to get the latest scoop from these "important" groups.

The media and the police I guess try to encourage activity, but they are usually just encouraging each other.
If there are no white supremacists, then how the fuck can they be getting paid to keep an eye on other white supremacists?
Gotta love these brave gun toting white cowards.....who want to cleanse america of everybody but white people.....why is always jews in church or these fly by night small towns? They never ever ever ever march, like they did back in the day into these sleepy little black areas, hang and terrorize a few negro's than off to the next town.....Gee, I wonder WHY?

Hey brave bastards, come visit my little town...I triple dog dare you!!

Cincy all the way!!

I dunno...Who wants to "cleanse America of everybody but white people?"
I’m in the hood now.. black girls give me head all the time
Multiculturalism the great failure.
I know I hate bratwurst...
Me too
Also I know I hate Chinese food, Never ....

Anyone who hates German food and Chinese food has something seriously wrong with them.
German food is too bland, And Chinese food has too many domesticated pets in it... for my taste.

You should get out of the house more often, wonderbread.
Gotta love these brave gun toting white cowards.....who want to cleanse america of everybody but white people.....why is always jews in church or these fly by night small towns? They never ever ever ever march, like they did back in the day into these sleepy little black areas, hang and terrorize a few negro's than off to the next town.....Gee, I wonder WHY?

Hey brave bastards, come visit my little town...I triple dog dare you!!

Cincy all the way!!

Who the hell are you talking about? There are virtually no white supremacists around- most of the people who are dues paying members are actually working undercover for the FBI to keep an eye on the extremists or imbedded reporters for the media to get the latest scoop from these "important" groups.

The media and the police I guess try to encourage activity, but they are usually just encouraging each other.

That's a lie. The number of white supremacist groups are increasing. And then you have white who are supremacists that are not members of a group.

Why do Black areas where a white man can get killed on sight, even exist in the greatest Country in the world?

Why are entire states deemed unsafe for blacks to travel in where a black man/woman/child can get killed on sight, even exist in the greatest Country in the world?
Gotta love these brave gun toting white cowards.....who want to cleanse america of everybody but white people.....why is always jews in church or these fly by night small towns? They never ever ever ever march, like they did back in the day into these sleepy little black areas, hang and terrorize a few negro's than off to the next town.....Gee, I wonder WHY?

Hey brave bastards, come visit my little town...I triple dog dare you!!

Cincy all the way!!

Who the hell are you talking about? There are virtually no white supremacists around- most of the people who are dues paying members are actually working undercover for the FBI to keep an eye on the extremists or imbedded reporters for the media to get the latest scoop from these "important" groups.

The media and the police I guess try to encourage activity, but they are usually just encouraging each other.

That's a lie. The number of white supremacist groups are increasing. And then you have white who are supremacists that are not members of a group.

There is a growing percentage of people who are in white supremacist groups who are actually undercover law enforcement, keeping an eye on the outfits. As well as a growing number of people in white supremacist groups who are working press, doing undercover work.

I don't think that those people, even if they are dues paying members of the Triple K or American National Socialist Party are necessarily white supremacists. Just working joes doing what they have to do to earn a living.
Why do Black areas where a white man can get killed on sight, even exist in the greatest Country in the world?

Why are entire states deemed unsafe for blacks to travel in where a black man/woman/child can get killed on sight, even exist in the greatest Country in the world?

What entire states are unsafe for African Americans to travel to?

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