Why do you consider Obama a successful president?

The only success he had was in firing up the race war.

His election certainly enraged the White Nationalist and brought out many closet racist across the nation.

His biggest success, pardon me if I steal this from another poster, Obamagas. It was some awesome stuff.
With the election of a black president, we thought it signaled an end to America’s racist past

Instead, the racists came out of the woodwork

I live in the south. I never thought that. It could be heard nearly everywhere there was a secluded clutch of non-mixed race people of a certain color, or lack thereof, "I can't believe we elected a ----------".

My mother. My mother, who washed my mouth out with soap for using that term, was heard uttering it once after the 2012 election. "Mom, get the soap......"

I lived in Florida at the time, and I never heard that. People don't use the N-word in public, even in the South.

You're obviously lying.
They tell n*****r jokes, just like they do here. And discriminate when they get the chance.
The only success he had was in firing up the race war.

His election certainly enraged the White Nationalist and brought out many closet racist across the nation.

His biggest success, pardon me if I steal this from another poster, Obamagas. It was some awesome stuff.
With the election of a black president, we thought it signaled an end to America’s racist past

Instead, the racists came out of the woodwork

I live in the south. I never thought that. It could be heard nearly everywhere there was a secluded clutch of non-mixed race people of a certain color, or lack thereof, "I can't believe we elected a ----------".

My mother. My mother, who washed my mouth out with soap for using that term, was heard uttering it once after the 2012 election. "Mom, get the soap......"

I lived in Florida at the time, and I never heard that. People don't use the N-word in public, even in the South.

You're obviously lying.
Oh please! The only people who use the "N" word are the "N" people.

Shit, my grandfather used it in every other sentence. They were trying to persuade us not to use it, those growing up in the South, in the 60's, from using it. Hence, my mother brutally washing my mouth out with soap. Decent people don't use it in public. But if you think it doesn't get used in private you're living a fantasy.
Reagan gained over a million jobs in one month, and you are proud of 11.6 million in 96 months?

Sure the UER went down. It's what happens when people give up looking for work and the only jobs people are getting are minimum wage.

reagan also sanctioned and paid for the rape and murder of 4 american catholic nuns, and dealt drugs to pay for the missiles he traded for hostages in iran.

be proud, trumpling
And Obama reopened the slave markets in Libya and have terrorists billions in hard cash!

are they late sending out the talking points today?
Thread is about Obama, dufus.

History will remember Obama for reopening the slave markets in Libya and giving terrorists billions in hard cash.
Actually giving Libya its freedom, or at least saving Freedom Fighters from Massacre. It just so happens they love tribal militias. You dupes still think Isis runs the place LOL!
Libya’s economic transition away from QADHAFI’s notionally socialist model has completely stalled as political chaos persists and security continues to deteriorate. Libya’s leaders have hindered economic development by failing to use its financial resources to invest in national infrastructure. The country suffers from widespread power outages in its largest cities, caused by shortages of fuel for power generation. Living conditions, including access to clean drinking water, medical services, and safe housing, have all declined as the civil war has forced more people to become internally displaced, further straining local resources.

Extremists affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) attacked Libyan oilfields in the first half of 2015; ISIL has a presence in many cities across Libya including near oil infrastructure, threatening future government revenues from oil and gas.

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

Praise be Obama!
LOL, because the President of the United States has ZERO influence on the lives of American citizens, right, libtard?

I guess for losers like you, you need someone to show you the way because obviously, you’re far too stupid to do it on your own.
Anyone who looks to a president to make his life better is looking in the wrong place.

LOL, because the President of the United States has ZERO influence on the lives of American citizens, right, libtard?
Ask the 10 million people who now get Medicaid. The GOP only helps the rich d u h. And block a living wage, cheap training, Healthcare, good daycare, good vacations Etc. Thanks, silly Dupes!
The only success he had was in firing up the race war.

His election certainly enraged the White Nationalist and brought out many closet racist across the nation.

His biggest success, pardon me if I steal this from another poster, Obamagas. It was some awesome stuff.
With the election of a black president, we thought it signaled an end to America’s racist past

Instead, the racists came out of the woodwork

I live in the south. I never thought that. It could be heard nearly everywhere there was a secluded clutch of non-mixed race people of a certain color, or lack thereof, "I can't believe we elected a ----------".

My mother. My mother, who washed my mouth out with soap for using that term, was heard uttering it once after the 2012 election. "Mom, get the soap......"

I lived in Florida at the time, and I never heard that. People don't use the N-word in public, even in the South.

You're obviously lying.
They tell n*****r jokes, just like they do here. And discriminate when they get the chance.
I never heard one the whole time I lived there. You're talking out your ass.
he was successful at hating whites/America/police
he didn't denounce CRIMINALS--but sympathized with them
Michael Brown was the big one
instead of denouncing this black jackass thug, Obama sent his AG --the AG!!--to comfort the jackass thug's family after he stole, attacked a clerk, then attacked a white cop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited:
reagan also sanctioned and paid for the rape and murder of 4 american catholic nuns, and dealt drugs to pay for the missiles he traded for hostages in iran.

be proud, trumpling
And Obama reopened the slave markets in Libya and have terrorists billions in hard cash!

are they late sending out the talking points today?
Thread is about Obama, dufus.

History will remember Obama for reopening the slave markets in Libya and giving terrorists billions in hard cash.
Actually giving Libya its freedom, or at least saving Freedom Fighters from Massacre. It just so happens they love tribal militias. You dupes still think Isis runs the place LOL!
Libya’s economic transition away from QADHAFI’s notionally socialist model has completely stalled as political chaos persists and security continues to deteriorate. Libya’s leaders have hindered economic development by failing to use its financial resources to invest in national infrastructure. The country suffers from widespread power outages in its largest cities, caused by shortages of fuel for power generation. Living conditions, including access to clean drinking water, medical services, and safe housing, have all declined as the civil war has forced more people to become internally displaced, further straining local resources.

Extremists affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) attacked Libyan oilfields in the first half of 2015; ISIL has a presence in many cities across Libya including near oil infrastructure, threatening future government revenues from oil and gas.

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

Praise be Obama!
Actually Isis is in the desert, powerless dingbat. Kadafi was a nightmare.
His election certainly enraged the White Nationalist...

Obama was the most racist and most race-driven president in modern history. He certainly encouraged race riots and the murder of police. But, yea, he was a great fucking humanitarian.
His election certainly enraged the White Nationalist and brought out many closet racist across the nation.

His biggest success, pardon me if I steal this from another poster, Obamagas. It was some awesome stuff.
With the election of a black president, we thought it signaled an end to America’s racist past

Instead, the racists came out of the woodwork

I live in the south. I never thought that. It could be heard nearly everywhere there was a secluded clutch of non-mixed race people of a certain color, or lack thereof, "I can't believe we elected a ----------".

My mother. My mother, who washed my mouth out with soap for using that term, was heard uttering it once after the 2012 election. "Mom, get the soap......"

I lived in Florida at the time, and I never heard that. People don't use the N-word in public, even in the South.

You're obviously lying.
Oh please! The only people who use the "N" word are the "N" people.

Shit, my grandfather used it in every other sentence. They were trying to persuade us not to use it, those growing up in the South, in the 60's, from using it. Hence, my mother brutally washing my mouth out with soap. Decent people don't use it in public. But if you think it doesn't get used in private you're living a fantasy.

So you never hear it, but you just know people are using it when you're not around?
Lest we forget.....the Great Obama winning a Nobel Peace Prize

Shit, my grandfather used it in every other sentence. They were trying to persuade us not to use it, those growing up in the South, in the 60's, from using it. Hence, my mother brutally washing my mouth out with soap. Decent people don't use it in public. But if you think it doesn't get used in private you're living a fantasy.
I am not in the PC police. I don't give a rat's ass what people say in private and neither should you. What i'm saying is that the only ones to use the 'N"word in public are the "N" people.
Your link has nothing to do with the surveys and polls being discussed here. As usual, you are full of crap.
Camp, look at RWers link asshole. The same institution which rated Obama at 8 rated was the only one that rated Trump...at 44 - APSA.

You're out of you league sister!
You are arguing about which poll or survey to recognize to establish whether Obama ranks number 8 or 11 and Trump is rated in as the worst, 2nd or 3rd worse. OK, I concede. Obama may only rank number 11 best and Trump may not be the absolute worse. There may be some past President worse than Trump
Camp, you were the one who stated that Ukraine's leaders stole $ 77 billion from Ukraine's coffers in a country that has an $86 billion GDP. You are in no position to challenge the legitimacy of you betters.
Link? When did I say such a thing?
Now, in addition to being a garden-variety asshole, you're a garden-variety liar.

You probably don't care anyway. I get that.
Can you articulate the lie? I asked you for a link. You failed to provide the link. Maybe one of your comrades can help you find the link.
Kadafi was a nightmare.

Kadafi had really come around. After W invaded Iraq, he abandoned his WMD program. Libya really went down the toilet after the amateur overthrow him.
Anyone who looks to a president to make his life better is looking in the wrong place.

LOL, because the President of the United States has ZERO influence on the lives of American citizens, right, libtard?
Ask the 10 million people who now get Medicaid. The GOP only helps the rich d u h. And block a living wage, cheap training, Healthcare, good daycare, good vacations Etc. Thanks, silly Dupes!
The GOP only helps the rich

Obama gets $500,000 for a 30 minute speech.
Why is he keeping it all for himself?

Why does Joe Biden give $381 to charity over an entire year?

Oh yeah, the left do nothing for the poor.
reagan also sanctioned and paid for the rape and murder of 4 american catholic nuns, and dealt drugs to pay for the missiles he traded for hostages in iran.

be proud, trumpling
And Obama reopened the slave markets in Libya and have terrorists billions in hard cash!

are they late sending out the talking points today?
Thread is about Obama, dufus.

History will remember Obama for reopening the slave markets in Libya and giving terrorists billions in hard cash.
Actually giving Libya its freedom, or at least saving Freedom Fighters from Massacre. It just so happens they love tribal militias. You dupes still think Isis runs the place LOL!
Libya’s economic transition away from QADHAFI’s notionally socialist model has completely stalled as political chaos persists and security continues to deteriorate. Libya’s leaders have hindered economic development by failing to use its financial resources to invest in national infrastructure. The country suffers from widespread power outages in its largest cities, caused by shortages of fuel for power generation. Living conditions, including access to clean drinking water, medical services, and safe housing, have all declined as the civil war has forced more people to become internally displaced, further straining local resources.

Extremists affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) attacked Libyan oilfields in the first half of 2015; ISIL has a presence in many cities across Libya including near oil infrastructure, threatening future government revenues from oil and gas.

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

Praise be Obama!

Hey Franco, take Obama's cock out of your mouth for a minute and read this. You're welcome.
And Obama reopened the slave markets in Libya and have terrorists billions in hard cash!

are they late sending out the talking points today?
Thread is about Obama, dufus.

History will remember Obama for reopening the slave markets in Libya and giving terrorists billions in hard cash.
Actually giving Libya its freedom, or at least saving Freedom Fighters from Massacre. It just so happens they love tribal militias. You dupes still think Isis runs the place LOL!
Libya’s economic transition away from QADHAFI’s notionally socialist model has completely stalled as political chaos persists and security continues to deteriorate. Libya’s leaders have hindered economic development by failing to use its financial resources to invest in national infrastructure. The country suffers from widespread power outages in its largest cities, caused by shortages of fuel for power generation. Living conditions, including access to clean drinking water, medical services, and safe housing, have all declined as the civil war has forced more people to become internally displaced, further straining local resources.

Extremists affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) attacked Libyan oilfields in the first half of 2015; ISIL has a presence in many cities across Libya including near oil infrastructure, threatening future government revenues from oil and gas.

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

Praise be Obama!
Actually Isis is in the desert, powerless dingbat. Kadafi was a nightmare.
Kadafi surrendered all his WMD's to Bush and was being a quite boy running a stable nation.

Obama made it so Libyans get sold into slavery, can't find clean water to drink and are starving to death and ISIS controls key economic infrastructure.

Praise be Obama!

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