why do you get upset?


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
when a dangerous, jackass criminal gets shot?
let's say some thug robbed some old ladies and pushed them to the ground
and then a cop shot the thug in the back
I would feel glad/relieved/etc
how would you feel?
thou shall not kill

robbing is not killing, pushing an old lady is not killing them...

due process
thou shall not kill

robbing is not killing, pushing an old lady is not killing them...

due process
Beg to differ asshole...Thou shall not MURDER....Shame that the liberals got to the Church and continue to PC the bible.
thou shall not kill

robbing is not killing, pushing an old lady is not killing them...

due process
In Florida we have the "Stand your ground" law. If a liberal prick wants to fuck with me, I will gladly send them to hell and let Lucifer sort out the mess.
when a dangerous, jackass criminal gets shot?
let's say some thug robbed some old ladies and pushed them to the ground
and then a cop shot the thug in the back
I would feel glad/relieved/etc
how would you feel?
First of all how do you know a person is a dangerous, jackass criminal? 50 some years ago i was framed by a police man and spent some time in San Quentin only to be cleared of any wrong doing and my record destroyed.
Next is thug? What makes someone a thug? Because he is a white boy with racist ties? I would not feel good until a court made an informed decision.
thou shall not kill

robbing is not killing, pushing an old lady is not killing them...

due process
In Florida we have the "Stand your ground" law. If a liberal prick wants to fuck with me, I will gladly send them to hell and let Lucifer sort out the mess.
I would love to go to flooodida and fuck with you just so i could take your gun and shove it up your orifice.
when a dangerous, jackass criminal gets shot?
let's say some thug robbed some old ladies and pushed them to the ground
and then a cop shot the thug in the back
I would feel glad/relieved/etc
how would you feel?
First of all how do you know a person is a dangerous, jackass criminal? 50 some years ago i was framed by a police man and spent some time in San Quentin only to be cleared of any wrong doing and my record destroyed.
Next is thug? What makes someone a thug? Because he is a white boy with racist ties? I would not feel good until a court made an informed decision.
...most of these protests/riots/etc are for KNOWN jackass criminals--many are career criminals--most are ARMED
etc etc
thou shall not kill

robbing is not killing, pushing an old lady is not killing them...

due process
totally irrelevant to the question
do you get upset when a KNOWN criminal--such as an armed robber/etc--gets shot??
even shot in the back?
thou shall not kill

robbing is not killing, pushing an old lady is not killing them...

due process
What if killing is not the intention in the first place when shooting at someone as a way of trying to stop them from robbing/attacking another person? Not everyone who has been shot died from being shot anyway. Everyone who has been robbed/attacked though has been robbed/attacked.

God bless you always!!!

thou shall not kill

robbing is not killing, pushing an old lady is not killing them...

due process
What if killing is not the intention in the first place when shooting at someone as a way of trying to stop them from robbing/attacking another person? Not everyone who has been shot died from being shot anyway. Everyone who has been robbed/attacked though has been robbed/attacked.

God bless you always!!!

His op post did not include any ''what ifs'' Holly....

That's the problem with these kind of treads/ops...

Nothing is cut and dry, every situation has to be weighed separately....

but that is why our dear Lord, gave us ''reasoning''!

God Bless you too! :)
^^^ At the end of the day, a person's intention is what it all comes down to. People who rob and attack, what else could they have on their minds when doing such things?

God bless you always!!!

when a dangerous, jackass criminal gets shot?
let's say some thug robbed some old ladies and pushed them to the ground
and then a cop shot the thug in the back
I would feel glad/relieved/etc
how would you feel?

I would feel relieved if a dangerous criminal is shot or taken out or neutralized.

"Live by the sword, die by the sword"

I have no problem with that.
when a dangerous, jackass criminal gets shot?
let's say some thug robbed some old ladies and pushed them to the ground
and then a cop shot the thug in the back
I would feel glad/relieved/etc
how would you feel?

I would feel relieved if a dangerous criminal is shot or taken out or neutralized.

"Live by the sword, die by the sword"

I have no problem with that.
Back in the 1800's people who robbed cattle from other people, were publicly hung. It didnt happen that often. They say the "Death Penalty" doesn't stop other crimes, but it sure does one thing....."Repeat offenders" is taken off the judicial system...
when a dangerous, jackass criminal gets shot?
let's say some thug robbed some old ladies and pushed them to the ground
and then a cop shot the thug in the back
I would feel glad/relieved/etc
how would you feel?

I would feel relieved if a dangerous criminal is shot or taken out or neutralized.

"Live by the sword, die by the sword"

I have no problem with that.
Back in the 1800's people who robbed cattle from other people, were publicly hung. It didnt happen that often. They say the "Death Penalty" doesn't stop other crimes, but it sure does one thing....."Repeat offenders" is taken off the judicial system...
if kids were taken to/saw the DP, more kids would not do crimes
when a dangerous, jackass criminal gets shot?
let's say some thug robbed some old ladies and pushed them to the ground
and then a cop shot the thug in the back
I would feel glad/relieved/etc
how would you feel?
First of all how do you know a person is a dangerous, jackass criminal? 50 some years ago i was framed by a police man and spent some time in San Quentin only to be cleared of any wrong doing and my record destroyed.
Next is thug? What makes someone a thug? Because he is a white boy wh racist ties? I would not feel good until a court made an informed decision.
o--I forgot ----MORE proof!
...you unwittingly prove yourself to be a bigot/racist/etc = why--why o why do you bring up race??!!??
I never mentioned or referred to race in any way/shape/form
this proves you are so obsessed with race, it is warping your mind
you must eat/shit/dream/sleep/etc race race race RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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