why do you get upset?

when a dangerous, jackass criminal gets shot?
let's say some thug robbed some old ladies and pushed them to the ground
and then a cop shot the thug in the back
I would feel glad/relieved/etc
how would you feel?
First of all how do you know a person is a dangerous, jackass criminal? 50 some years ago i was framed by a police man and spent some time in San Quentin only to be cleared of any wrong doing and my record destroyed.
Next is thug? What makes someone a thug? Because he is a white boy wh racist ties? I would not feel good until a court made an informed decision.
o--I forgot ----MORE proof!
...you unwittingly prove yourself to be a bigot/racist/etc = why--why o why do you bring up race??!!??
I never mentioned or referred to race in any way/shape/form
this proves you are so obsessed with race, it is warping your mind
you must eat/shit/dream/sleep/etc race race race RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thug = race

the definition of thug

  1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.
  2. (sometimes initial capital letter) one of a former group of professional robbers and murderers in India who strangled their victims.
Maybe 20 years ago but the right uses the term alternatively for a black man.
when a dangerous, jackass criminal gets shot?
let's say some thug robbed some old ladies and pushed them to the ground
and then a cop shot the thug in the back
I would feel glad/relieved/etc
how would you feel?
First of all how do you know a person is a dangerous, jackass criminal? 50 some years ago i was framed by a police man and spent some time in San Quentin only to be cleared of any wrong doing and my record destroyed.
Next is thug? What makes someone a thug? Because he is a white boy wh racist ties? I would not feel good until a court made an informed decision.
o--I forgot ----MORE proof!
...you unwittingly prove yourself to be a bigot/racist/etc = why--why o why do you bring up race??!!??
I never mentioned or referred to race in any way/shape/form
this proves you are so obsessed with race, it is warping your mind
you must eat/shit/dream/sleep/etc race race race RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thug = race

the definition of thug

  1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.
  2. (sometimes initial capital letter) one of a former group of professional robbers and murderers in India who strangled their victims.
The Racially Charged Meaning Behind The Word 'Thug'
^^^ At the end of the day, a person's intention is what it all comes down to. People who rob and attack, what else could they have on their minds when doing such things?

God bless you always!!!

By NOT Killing, who they rob, means killing was not on their minds or their intention....

in this example, the kid pushed them and ran....

it happened to my grandmother on the Subway in NYC....pushed her down and grabbed her handbag as the subway doors were shutting to take off.

No one in my family wanted the thug DEAD, Shot in the back, because he robbed my grandmother...

charged, convicted, put in prison.... yes, but not killed!

in fact, we thanked God the thief, was not a murderer....!
What you don't seem to consider is the fact that a thief can go ahead and blow away their victim anyway so that the victim is not able to identify the shooter. That right there is the reason why self defense is so important. We never know how far a perpetrator is willing to go especially when they do have something severe enough in their possession.

God bless you always!!!

But that was not the example given in the op,Holly....... at least that is not how I interpreted it. the robber pushed the old ladies down and ran and a cop shot him in the back when running away.... the whole story is not really likely, since I doubt a guy would rob two old ladies by pushing them down with law enforcement standing right there, but i am taking the story or scenario as it was given....

I was taught in Sunday school...
When the Bible teaches with the commandment of:

''An eye for an eye''

It was to curb them from their over punishment....my understanding is they were punishing people by killing them or giving them severe punishment for every crime instead of punishing them with sentences or punishment, accordingly and equally to, their crime....even in compensation for a crime committed against another could not be greater than the crime itself... so God gave them this commandment in this sense...


An eye for an eye,


a tooth for a tooth....


a life for a life.

In the op story, the robber simply pushed the old ladies down.... so taking it upon yourself, or the cop, to simply shoot this person in the back, is over punishment, and a sin.... it was NOT self defense.
If the person was ordered to stop running and did not do as they were ordered to, how bad should we feel about what is done to them in return? What was done is what kept that person on the run from adding to their list of wrong doings, like car jacking and attacking/killing the car owner as a way of trying to get even further away for example.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ At the end of the day, a person's intention is what it all comes down to. People who rob and attack, what else could they have on their minds when doing such things?

God bless you always!!!

By NOT Killing, who they rob, means killing was not on their minds or their intention....

in this example, the kid pushed them and ran....

it happened to my grandmother on the Subway in NYC....pushed her down and grabbed her handbag as the subway doors were shutting to take off.

No one in my family wanted the thug DEAD, Shot in the back, because he robbed my grandmother...

charged, convicted, put in prison.... yes, but not killed!

in fact, we thanked God the thief, was not a murderer....!

I have two problems with that.

1. Have you lived in an area where there was mass theft?

I have. It's like living in a prison, that doesn't have bars or walls. You constantly are looking over your shoulder, constantly having to lock your stuff up, constantly living with this "what's that noise?" mindset.

Living in a society which doesn't deal effectively with crime, is one of the most horrifying experience of my life. Easy for you to say that, when you go back to your nifty white-bread existence. For the rest of us who can't afford to live in the upper middle class neighborhoods, we're screwed, because you are not willing to deal effectively on crime.

2. Murderers start off as shoplifters.

Now obviously I don't mean that in a literal sense, like every murderer started by taking bubble gum at the quickie mart.

However it is a known fact, that the vast majority of all career criminals, started off with small crimes. Little criminals, end up being big criminals. They start off taking a pack of gum, or something small, and end up murdering people.

Again, not saying every single person who takes a pack of gum, will end up a murderer... I'm saying that they all start off small. It is extremely rare that you have some guy in his 30s and 40s, that wakes up after an afternoon nap, and thinks "Ya know... I just think I will kill the next guy that ticks me off....".

It happens over a years of doing something small, getting away with it, doing something bigger, getting away with it, and bigger and bigger, until you think you can do whatever you want, without consequences.

That guy that pushed your grandmother to the ground, is likely out there doing something much worse today. All because you, and those like you, are more interested in protecting him from police, than society from him. A kid that can attack an old grandmother, is a danger to all of us, and you were happy he got away. He could easily have murdered someone by now.
when a dangerous, jackass criminal gets shot?
let's say some thug robbed some old ladies and pushed them to the ground
and then a cop shot the thug in the back
I would feel glad/relieved/etc
how would you feel?
First of all how do you know a person is a dangerous, jackass criminal? 50 some years ago i was framed by a police man and spent some time in San Quentin only to be cleared of any wrong doing and my record destroyed.
Next is thug? What makes someone a thug? Because he is a white boy wh racist ties? I would not feel good until a court made an informed decision.
o--I forgot ----MORE proof!
...you unwittingly prove yourself to be a bigot/racist/etc = why--why o why do you bring up race??!!??
I never mentioned or referred to race in any way/shape/form
this proves you are so obsessed with race, it is warping your mind
you must eat/shit/dream/sleep/etc race race race RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thug = race

the definition of thug

  1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.
  2. (sometimes initial capital letter) one of a former group of professional robbers and murderers in India who strangled their victims.
The Racially Charged Meaning Behind The Word 'Thug'

Yeah yeah, everyone with a different view is racists. Now go away child, and let the adults talk.
when a dangerous, jackass criminal gets shot?
let's say some thug robbed some old ladies and pushed them to the ground
and then a cop shot the thug in the back
I would feel glad/relieved/etc
how would you feel?
First of all how do you know a person is a dangerous, jackass criminal? 50 some years ago i was framed by a police man and spent some time in San Quentin only to be cleared of any wrong doing and my record destroyed.
Next is thug? What makes someone a thug? Because he is a white boy wh racist ties? I would not feel good until a court made an informed decision.
o--I forgot ----MORE proof!
...you unwittingly prove yourself to be a bigot/racist/etc = why--why o why do you bring up race??!!??
I never mentioned or referred to race in any way/shape/form
this proves you are so obsessed with race, it is warping your mind
you must eat/shit/dream/sleep/etc race race race RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thug = race
there's NOTHING about race in the OP
when a dangerous, jackass criminal gets shot?
let's say some thug robbed some old ladies and pushed them to the ground
and then a cop shot the thug in the back
I would feel glad/relieved/etc
how would you feel?
I don't care as long as I have my weed man...
when a dangerous, jackass criminal gets shot?
let's say some thug robbed some old ladies and pushed them to the ground
and then a cop shot the thug in the back
I would feel glad/relieved/etc
how would you feel?
First of all how do you know a person is a dangerous, jackass criminal? 50 some years ago i was framed by a police man and spent some time in San Quentin only to be cleared of any wrong doing and my record destroyed.
Next is thug? What makes someone a thug? Because he is a white boy wh racist ties? I would not feel good until a court made an informed decision.
o--I forgot ----MORE proof!
...you unwittingly prove yourself to be a bigot/racist/etc = why--why o why do you bring up race??!!??
I never mentioned or referred to race in any way/shape/form
this proves you are so obsessed with race, it is warping your mind
you must eat/shit/dream/sleep/etc race race race RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thug = race

the definition of thug

  1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.
  2. (sometimes initial capital letter) one of a former group of professional robbers and murderers in India who strangled their victims.
Maybe 20 years ago but the right uses the term alternatively for a black man.
The definition is the definition

and the left says the right uses it to mean black man

so until the definition is changed thug means what it always meant
when a dangerous, jackass criminal gets shot?
let's say some thug robbed some old ladies and pushed them to the ground
and then a cop shot the thug in the back
I would feel glad/relieved/etc
how would you feel?
First of all how do you know a person is a dangerous, jackass criminal? 50 some years ago i was framed by a police man and spent some time in San Quentin only to be cleared of any wrong doing and my record destroyed.
Next is thug? What makes someone a thug? Because he is a white boy wh racist ties? I would not feel good until a court made an informed decision.
o--I forgot ----MORE proof!
...you unwittingly prove yourself to be a bigot/racist/etc = why--why o why do you bring up race??!!??
I never mentioned or referred to race in any way/shape/form
this proves you are so obsessed with race, it is warping your mind
you must eat/shit/dream/sleep/etc race race race RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thug = race

the definition of thug

  1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.
  2. (sometimes initial capital letter) one of a former group of professional robbers and murderers in India who strangled their victims.
The Racially Charged Meaning Behind The Word 'Thug'


need I say more?
First of all how do you know a person is a dangerous, jackass criminal? 50 some years ago i was framed by a police man and spent some time in San Quentin only to be cleared of any wrong doing and my record destroyed.
Next is thug? What makes someone a thug? Because he is a white boy wh racist ties? I would not feel good until a court made an informed decision.
o--I forgot ----MORE proof!
...you unwittingly prove yourself to be a bigot/racist/etc = why--why o why do you bring up race??!!??
I never mentioned or referred to race in any way/shape/form
this proves you are so obsessed with race, it is warping your mind
you must eat/shit/dream/sleep/etc race race race RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thug = race

the definition of thug

  1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.
  2. (sometimes initial capital letter) one of a former group of professional robbers and murderers in India who strangled their victims.
Maybe 20 years ago but the right uses the term alternatively for a black man.
The definition is the definition

and the left says the right uses it to mean black man

so until the definition is changed thug means what it always meant
Whenever a rethuglian uses the term it is to con-notate a black man, or as they say a black boy.
First of all how do you know a person is a dangerous, jackass criminal? 50 some years ago i was framed by a police man and spent some time in San Quentin only to be cleared of any wrong doing and my record destroyed.
Next is thug? What makes someone a thug? Because he is a white boy wh racist ties? I would not feel good until a court made an informed decision.
o--I forgot ----MORE proof!
...you unwittingly prove yourself to be a bigot/racist/etc = why--why o why do you bring up race??!!??
I never mentioned or referred to race in any way/shape/form
this proves you are so obsessed with race, it is warping your mind
you must eat/shit/dream/sleep/etc race race race RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thug = race

the definition of thug

  1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.
  2. (sometimes initial capital letter) one of a former group of professional robbers and murderers in India who strangled their victims.
The Racially Charged Meaning Behind The Word 'Thug'


need I say more?
NPR is far better than brietfart
o--I forgot ----MORE proof!
...you unwittingly prove yourself to be a bigot/racist/etc = why--why o why do you bring up race??!!??
I never mentioned or referred to race in any way/shape/form
this proves you are so obsessed with race, it is warping your mind
you must eat/shit/dream/sleep/etc race race race RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thug = race

the definition of thug

  1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.
  2. (sometimes initial capital letter) one of a former group of professional robbers and murderers in India who strangled their victims.
The Racially Charged Meaning Behind The Word 'Thug'


need I say more?
NPR is far better than brietfart
you messed up Taximan
you let it slip that YOU are the racist/bigot/etc
First of all how do you know a person is a dangerous, jackass criminal? 50 some years ago i was framed by a police man and spent some time in San Quentin only to be cleared of any wrong doing and my record destroyed.
Next is thug? What makes someone a thug? Because he is a white boy wh racist ties? I would not feel good until a court made an informed decision.
o--I forgot ----MORE proof!
...you unwittingly prove yourself to be a bigot/racist/etc = why--why o why do you bring up race??!!??
I never mentioned or referred to race in any way/shape/form
this proves you are so obsessed with race, it is warping your mind
you must eat/shit/dream/sleep/etc race race race RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thug = race

the definition of thug

  1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.
  2. (sometimes initial capital letter) one of a former group of professional robbers and murderers in India who strangled their victims.
The Racially Charged Meaning Behind The Word 'Thug'


need I say more?
NPR is anti-white/etc
they would have an anti-white story every week, if not more
....so after not listening to them for a long time, I just popped them on one time and what do you know??--there's an anti-white story on!
....these bastards that try to hack into your bank account-etc SHOULD be shot to death/hanged/etc
..I DEFINITELY would feel HAPPY to see these bastards shot--in the back/head/etc
o--I forgot ----MORE proof!
...you unwittingly prove yourself to be a bigot/racist/etc = why--why o why do you bring up race??!!??
I never mentioned or referred to race in any way/shape/form
this proves you are so obsessed with race, it is warping your mind
you must eat/shit/dream/sleep/etc race race race RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thug = race

the definition of thug

  1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.
  2. (sometimes initial capital letter) one of a former group of professional robbers and murderers in India who strangled their victims.
Maybe 20 years ago but the right uses the term alternatively for a black man.
The definition is the definition

and the left says the right uses it to mean black man

so until the definition is changed thug means what it always meant
Whenever a rethuglian uses the term it is to con-notate a black man, or as they say a black boy.
Says you

and we all know what that's worth
o--I forgot ----MORE proof!
...you unwittingly prove yourself to be a bigot/racist/etc = why--why o why do you bring up race??!!??
I never mentioned or referred to race in any way/shape/form
this proves you are so obsessed with race, it is warping your mind
you must eat/shit/dream/sleep/etc race race race RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thug = race

the definition of thug

  1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.
  2. (sometimes initial capital letter) one of a former group of professional robbers and murderers in India who strangled their victims.
The Racially Charged Meaning Behind The Word 'Thug'


need I say more?
NPR is far better than brietfart
I wouldn't know I don't waste my time with either but you sure seem to
thou shall not kill

robbing is not killing, pushing an old lady is not killing them...

due process
In Florida we have the "Stand your ground" law. If a liberal prick wants to fuck with me, I will gladly send them to hell and let Lucifer sort out the mess.
I would love to go to flooodida and fuck with you just so i could take your gun and shove it up your orifice.
Man alive these keyboard commados talk a rough and tough game. There are two kinds of people those that blow off at the Kisser and those that act. The blowin' off at the kisser bunch sure don't act.
thou shall not kill

robbing is not killing, pushing an old lady is not killing them...

due process
In Florida we have the "Stand your ground" law. If a liberal prick wants to fuck with me, I will gladly send them to hell and let Lucifer sort out the mess.
I would love to go to flooodida and fuck with you just so i could take your gun and shove it up your orifice.
LMAO.....Sure you would.
ah yes, the beloved dream of republican men,

to be judge, jury, and EXECUTIONER ....all wrapped up in to one! :rolleyes:

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