why do you get upset?

how would you feel?
Perp tried to run cop over

bad idea

cop shoots perp (through windshield) and wings him (so much for for center mass)

9mm enters elbow area, flips around and exits clavicular area, limb useless, patient oriented , hemorage minimal, transported in position of comfort w/ ringers TKO, O2 non rebreather, 96-7% PO2, vitals drawn & transmitted to ER w/ GSW and PD escort

With the full cooperation of the criminal conspiracy in the MSM the left manages to put the NRA on the defensive every time one of their fellow nut case criminals opens fire on civilians. That's how the system works.
With the full cooperation of the criminal conspiracy in the MSM the left manages to put the NRA on the defensive every time one of their fellow nut case criminals opens fire on civilians. That's how the system works.
'Eff both MSM & the NRA then

^^^ At the end of the day, a person's intention is what it all comes down to. People who rob and attack, what else could they have on their minds when doing such things?

God bless you always!!!

By NOT Killing, who they rob, means killing was not on their minds or their intention....

in this example, the kid pushed them and ran....

it happened to my grandmother on the Subway in NYC....pushed her down and grabbed her handbag as the subway doors were shutting to take off.

No one in my family wanted the thug DEAD, Shot in the back, because he robbed my grandmother...

charged, convicted, put in prison.... yes, but not killed!

in fact, we thanked God the thief, was not a murderer....!
Too bad you weren't able to thank God he didn't rob and assault her.
Too bad you weren't able to thank God he didn't rob and assault her.
yeah, well... as the saying goes, shit happens.... it's whether you pick yourself up by your bootstraps, and continue onward, that matters....
thou shall not kill

robbing is not killing, pushing an old lady is not killing them...

due process

Actually, the correct interpretation is, Thou shall not murder.

Killing is perfectly fine so long as you are saving a life or punishing wrong doing, as the Hebrew people did.
Too bad you weren't able to thank God he didn't rob and assault her.
Killing another human being is a great burden... it's very hard on our souls, our inner selves.

Humans may talk big, like Andron' above and many others just like him... but when you've actually killed a person, it messes with your mind.

When I was young we lived in Italy, Dad was stationed there USAF, my parents had their American car shipped over there, and they bought a little Fiat for daily use... thank goodness, because most Roads there were tiny and my dad's Coronet 440 took up both lanes, unless in one of their more modern Cities...

anyway, they were in the city near us, with the 440, and a drunk on wine, older man, going back to work after his siesta break, turned in front of them on his scooter, at an intersection, they hit him and two weeks later, he died. There was an Italian traffic cop at the intersection who witnessed the whole thing and dad was not charged with being at fault and was free and clear....

it did help that my mother's natural tongue is Italian so she was able to communicate with the cop and found out who the family of this man that they hit was, and my parents went to visit them, near every day for the next two weeks before this man, a father and grandfather and brother to others,(who loved him greatly) died. My parents sat in this man's hospital Room with his family, and prayed that he would live....

but he didn't. His death stayed with my mom and dad, their whole lives... they were bothered by it... and it was just an accident!!!
Too bad you weren't able to thank God he didn't rob and assault her.
Killing another human being is a great burden... it's very hard on our souls, our inner selves.

Humans may talk big, like Andron' above and many others just like him... but when you've actually killed a person, it messes with your mind.

When I was young we lived in Italy, Dad was stationed there USAF, my parents had their American car shipped over there, and they bought a little Fiat for daily use... thank goodness, because most Roads there were tiny and my dad's Coronet 440 took up both lanes, unless in one of their more modern Cities...

anyway, they were in the city near us, with the 440, and a drunk on wine, older man, going back to work after his siesta break, turned in front of them on his scooter, at an intersection, they hit him and two weeks later, he died. There was an Italian traffic cop at the intersection who witnessed the whole thing and dad was not charged with being at fault and was free and clear....

it did help that my mother's natural tongue is Italian so she was able to communicate with the cop and found out who the family of this man that they hit was, and my parents went to visit them, near every day for the next two weeks before this man, a father and grandfather and brother to others,(who loved him greatly) died. My parents sat in this man's hospital Room with his family, and prayed that he would live....

but he didn't. His death stayed with my mom and dad, their whole lives... they were bothered by it... and it was just an accident!!!
car accident ---huge difference
^^^ At the end of the day, a person's intention is what it all comes down to. People who rob and attack, what else could they have on their minds when doing such things?

God bless you always!!!

By NOT Killing, who they rob, means killing was not on their minds or their intention....

in this example, the kid pushed them and ran....

it happened to my grandmother on the Subway in NYC....pushed her down and grabbed her handbag as the subway doors were shutting to take off.

No one in my family wanted the thug DEAD, Shot in the back, because he robbed my grandmother...

charged, convicted, put in prison.... yes, but not killed!

in fact, we thanked God the thief, was not a murderer....!
What you don't seem to consider is the fact that a thief can go ahead and blow away their victim anyway so that the victim is not able to identify the shooter. That right there is the reason why self defense is so important. We never know how far a perpetrator is willing to go especially when they do have something severe enough in their possession.

God bless you always!!!

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^^^ At the end of the day, a person's intention is what it all comes down to. People who rob and attack, what else could they have on their minds when doing such things?

God bless you always!!!

By NOT Killing, who they rob, means killing was not on their minds or their intention....

in this example, the kid pushed them and ran....

it happened to my grandmother on the Subway in NYC....pushed her down and grabbed her handbag as the subway doors were shutting to take off.

No one in my family wanted the thug DEAD, Shot in the back, because he robbed my grandmother...

charged, convicted, put in prison.... yes, but not killed!

in fact, we thanked God the thief, was not a murderer....!
What you don't seem to consider is the fact that a thief can go ahead and blow away their victim anyway so that the victim is not able to identify the shooter. That right there is the reason why self defense is so important. We never know how far a perpetrator is willing to go especially when they do have something severe enough in their possession.

God bless you always!!!

But that was not the example given in the op,Holly....... at least that is not how I interpreted it. the robber pushed the old ladies down and ran and a cop shot him in the back when running away.... the whole story is not really likely, since I doubt a guy would rob two old ladies by pushing them down with law enforcement standing right there, but i am taking the story or scenario as it was given....

I was taught in Sunday school...
When the Bible teaches with the commandment of:

''An eye for an eye''

It was to curb them from their over punishment....my understanding is they were punishing people by killing them or giving them severe punishment for every crime instead of punishing them with sentences or punishment, accordingly and equally to, their crime....even in compensation for a crime committed against another could not be greater than the crime itself... so God gave them this commandment in this sense...


An eye for an eye,


a tooth for a tooth....


a life for a life.

In the op story, the robber simply pushed the old ladies down.... so taking it upon yourself, or the cop, to simply shoot this person in the back, is over punishment, and a sin.... it was NOT self defense.
^^^ At the end of the day, a person's intention is what it all comes down to. People who rob and attack, what else could they have on their minds when doing such things?

God bless you always!!!

By NOT Killing, who they rob, means killing was not on their minds or their intention....

in this example, the kid pushed them and ran....

it happened to my grandmother on the Subway in NYC....pushed her down and grabbed her handbag as the subway doors were shutting to take off.

No one in my family wanted the thug DEAD, Shot in the back, because he robbed my grandmother...

charged, convicted, put in prison.... yes, but not killed!

in fact, we thanked God the thief, was not a murderer....!
What you don't seem to consider is the fact that a thief can go ahead and blow away their victim anyway so that the victim is not able to identify the shooter. That right there is the reason why self defense is so important. We never know how far a perpetrator is willing to go especially when they do have something severe enough in their possession.

God bless you always!!!

But that was not the example given in the op,Holly....... at least that is not how I interpreted it. the robber pushed the old ladies down and ran and a cop shot him in the back when running away.... the whole story is not really likely, since I doubt a guy would rob two old ladies by pushing them down with law enforcement standing right there, but i am taking the story or scenario as it was given....

I was taught in Sunday school...
When the Bible teaches with the commandment of:

''An eye for an eye''

It was to curb them from their over punishment....my understanding is they were punishing people by killing them or giving them severe punishment for every crime instead of punishing them with sentences or punishment, accordingly and equally to, their crime....even in compensation for a crime committed against another could not be greater than the crime itself... so God gave them this commandment in this sense...


An eye for an eye,


a tooth for a tooth....


a life for a life.

In the op story, the robber simply pushed the old ladies down.... so taking it upon yourself, or the cop, to simply shoot this person in the back, is over punishment, and a sin.... it was NOT self defense.
No it was NOT self defense

It was defense of another

and I'll say again

a piece of shit who will beat old ladies is not a person so no loss if he gets dead
when a dangerous, jackass criminal gets shot?
let's say some thug robbed some old ladies and pushed them to the ground
and then a cop shot the thug in the back
I would feel glad/relieved/etc
how would you feel?
First of all how do you know a person is a dangerous, jackass criminal? 50 some years ago i was framed by a police man and spent some time in San Quentin only to be cleared of any wrong doing and my record destroyed.
Next is thug? What makes someone a thug? Because he is a white boy wh racist ties? I would not feel good until a court made an informed decision.
o--I forgot ----MORE proof!
...you unwittingly prove yourself to be a bigot/racist/etc = why--why o why do you bring up race??!!??
I never mentioned or referred to race in any way/shape/form
this proves you are so obsessed with race, it is warping your mind
you must eat/shit/dream/sleep/etc race race race RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thug = race
when a dangerous, jackass criminal gets shot?
let's say some thug robbed some old ladies and pushed them to the ground
and then a cop shot the thug in the back
I would feel glad/relieved/etc
how would you feel?
First of all how do you know a person is a dangerous, jackass criminal? 50 some years ago i was framed by a police man and spent some time in San Quentin only to be cleared of any wrong doing and my record destroyed.
Next is thug? What makes someone a thug? Because he is a white boy wh racist ties? I would not feel good until a court made an informed decision.
o--I forgot ----MORE proof!
...you unwittingly prove yourself to be a bigot/racist/etc = why--why o why do you bring up race??!!??
I never mentioned or referred to race in any way/shape/form
this proves you are so obsessed with race, it is warping your mind
you must eat/shit/dream/sleep/etc race race race RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thug = race

the definition of thug

  1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.
  2. (sometimes initial capital letter) one of a former group of professional robbers and murderers in India who strangled their victims.

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